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Why Do We UI Like We UI: Part II?


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Hello Tenno,

This is Part II of our last UI Dev Workshop. While our last Dev Workshop discussed intent and purpose in designs and showed mockup UI designs, this Workshop will discuss ‘coming changes and why’. All of the philosophical points in Part I remain consistent - Part II mainly highlights some action items we are taking based on feedback. Everyone’s favourite part of a Dev Workshop is the "Ctrl + F Friendly Table of Contents," so here we go:

Table of Contents:

1) Item Labels.
2) ‘Hold to Confirm’ Experiment.
3) Console UI Pass / Improvements
4) Item Details
5) End-of-Mission
6) Mastery Icons
7) Bonus: Forge All! 


Item Labels.
In a near-future Update - Item Labels will be ON by Default. The ‘Need For Information‘ outweighs the concern about ‘Overwhelming’, and since it is indeed optional, we are simply inverting this. Toggle as you see fit, but be assured new players will forevermore be just a little bit more clued in to what they are looking at.

‘Hold to Confirm’ Experiment.
We are removing this experimental interaction in most cases - it’s only staying in real-time combat scenarios to prevent accidental clicking. 

The removal of Hold to Confirm will be implemented first in the Intrinsic and Avionics screens, where places you would normally Hold to Confirm will now simply require a click + Dialog like usual.

The addition of Hold to Confirm is going to be placed in the ‘Abort Mission’ screen (on death) to prevent accidental Mission aborting, as well as remain in the real-time Railjack Payload and Refine management. 

Controller-friendly UI Pass / Improvements
There are several areas we are going to review for better controller usability including: 

  • Refining the base cursor velocity while using a controller.
  • Expanding the options available to customize cursor speed (for example: cursor travel time when using the D-pad). 
  • Making it easier to manually interact with scrollbars using the cursor (vs. scrolling with the right stick) while using a controller:
    • Increasing the detection area to interact with the scrollbar. 
    • Increasing the effect when hovering over the scrollbar to make it more pronounced and obvious that you are using it. 

These should improve a lot of interactions for any controller users on PC or Console! 

Item Details: Detailed Purchase Dialog
This screen actually starts with a story - the day we had our Dev Workshop review meeting, we also released the Kuva Nukor, Kuva Hind, and Kuva Bramma. Players immediately began chat-linking these items to view their details. All Stats are hidden behind a ‘hover’ on About, and thus we had a perfect day to make a decision on the changes for this screen since we could watch in real-time how players interacted with the new content.

As a result, we will be re-tooling this screen to be less hover-dependent and provide stat information at a glance, as seen here in this mockup: 


End of Mission
As we work on the re-design of this screen, we will ensure there is an expanded version of the screen you can access. Once you choose this expanded version, the game will remember it and only present you with this version of the screen for future missions, until you choose to collapse it again. We are still working on mockups for this which will come in a future Workshop or Devstream! 

Mastery Icons:
These are being iterated on and we will have more to show soon. 

Bonus: Forge All! 
Open the spoiler tag to see a Placeholder feature request coming for Railjack - Click to ‘Forge All’ in Dry Dock before you head out on a mission.




The Warframe Story and experience is one told through the sum of its elements - from unique worlds, to distinctly weird characters, we believe our role of storytellers also applies in the UI. However, there is also a role for stat-based prioritization in the UI which we will integrate in a more balanced manner as we review and redesign screens.


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Any word on additional hotkeys for PC UIs. I get the need for submenues for consoles but PC users are needlessly hampered by this when it could be resolved by giving us hotkeys that we can rebind for functions that get frequent use like the arsenal, foundry, mods, decorations etc.

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Just now, xRufus7x said:

Any word on additional hotkeys for PC UIs. I get the need for submenues for consoles but PC users are needlessly hampered by this when it could be resolved by giving us hotkeys that we can rebind for functions that get frequent use like the arsenal, foundry, mods, decorations etc.

There is currently no word on this.

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Nice changes. 😄

Can there be an option though on the "Virtual Cursor", ever since it's inclusion, it makes navigating with the arrow keys in various lists (such as the ESC menu) into an annoyance since then the cursor just hops around the entire screen to different elements.


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In the spirit of talking about UI updated, I do hope that the dojo decorating UI gets an update in the future. There is a really good discussion thread about this here

The Pet UI could use an update as well, but with pets 3.0 coming I am sure you will work on that, so I'll skip that for now. 

Thank you for keeping us in the loop and part of the discussion DE!

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If "hold to confirm" needed to be added anywhere else, it would definitely be to the "force start" option when in public squads. Running radiant relics with public squads means you have about an 80% chance that someone force starts the mission on accident before everyone is ready because they double tapped start (square). 

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The weapon noise level stat: ALARMING or SILENT...

I just learned the other day that Alarming is not a uniform noise level.
Different guns have different distance of audibility.
If I may, I'd like to request this stat be listed.

My thought is it will help make stealth more robust if players understand their limitations for detection.

I went 5+ years never knowing there was a difference.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)slova77 said:

If "hold to confirm" needed to be added anywhere else, it would definitely be to the "force start" option when in public squads. Running radiant relics with public squads means you have about an 80% chance that someone force starts the mission on accident before everyone is ready because they double tap start (square). 

In my experience that happens for two reasons, bad player or new player. The toxic players do that because they only care about themselves, and the new players do it because they don't know better.

I would like to see an updated mission start system that would deal with both issues, but the hold to start would at least help new players I think.

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2 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

There is currently no word on this.

How about making the UI more keyboard friendly then? A while back, before some changes made for controllers ruined everything, you could change things in the UI by using the keyboard. For example, if I hovered my mouse over the Master Volume option and pressed the "right" key on my keyboard, the volume would increase by 5 for every press. Today, pressing the "right" key on my keyboard while hovering my mouse over an option just makes my mouse cursor jump to the toggle arrow. It's really annoying. We need the ability to navigate with keyboard as well as with the mouse, by themselves or in combination, back. We had it before, so it's not like it's impossible.

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A couple thoughts here:

On the topic of Forge All, that's handy! Although I will point out one thing I think needs fixed here if it hasn't been but I don't think it has yet. You know that intrinsic that ups your forge output? It only works in combat zones, if you do it in drydock you're expected to pay regular price. This seems hinky to me, you shouldn't get charged more to use it in drydock imho, this is probably just an oversight and not intentional.

Also minor tangent here, but while we're on the topic of the UI scrolling, I'd like to add that scroll wheel on PC for zooming in and out in the advanced open world map's been broken for a number of months now (or at the very least it doesn't work for me and at least one other friend I know) Gamepads are capable of zooming this dialog properly on PC however. I haven't been able to find any bind in the PC binds that controls this or I would have fixed it myself, it seems to not be something that works like that. But yeah, while this is broken you can't see the map super detailed, and especially in Vallis, can't even get close to seeing the entire map without this function unless you have your UI scaled down quite a lot

Also new market dialog's looking pretty good 👍

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16 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Bonus: Forge All! 
Open the spoiler tag to see a Placeholder feature request coming for Railjack - Click to ‘Forge All’ in Dry Dock before you head out on a mission.

Yes! It was never fun doing these one at a time after going back to the dojo. Thanks for the update!

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When will hosts be able to disable features of their railjack like refining and battle/tactical avionics for their clients? I would actually enjoy to play on public mode and help random people complete nodes and get resources, instead of playing on invite only because of people joining and messing up my gameplay flow by refining in the middle of a run or wasting all of the flux energy

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This is a huge step in the right direction. Hopefully this mindset moves into the UI's that still need the overhaul (Profiles for example).

One piece of feedback:

On items that have more than 1 fire mode, melee with heavy attack stats, etc., can the stats for each version be detailed side by side?


This image is not bad, but it still has three quarters of the screen showcasing your Warframe instead of potentially valuable stats. If I am looking at Kuva Hind, having all three fire modes side by side would be leagues better than a scroll bar as shown in the current preview.

Excuse my terrible art skills, but this is what I am concerned about:



20 hours ago, yarl5000 said:

I'm guessing you want something closer to this:


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Looks good so far, but I'm wondering if it would be possible to add a checkmark by Reforge All, that would automatically reload all your consumables as soon as you enter the Dry Dock. I've found myself occasionally forgetting to manually reload said consumables after breaking down scrap, and kicking myself as soon as a mission loads without any flux ready.

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