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well.. i just played destiny 2..


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15 minutes ago, Agnostus said:

First off, i must admit, WF has ruined movement in every other game for me. The fluidity of movement in WF is just unmatched, truly.

Now, on to the bad things. I cant help myself but be so disappointed by how much WF is lacking in comparison to Destiny 2. I accidentally started out by running dungeons (the equivalent of that in Destiny 2 at least) and O.M.F.G. At least 5-6 different 20-minute expeditions with voice narration and differentiation in areas. And as ive read more, this is just the tip of the iceberg! There is a HUGE amount of original content in the game comparable more to an mmo (and probably a well polished one) than a shooter.

Then i continued to the "main quest line" and the open world... Just amazed. So many different things happening all at once, people running around, public events, quests and side quests all happening at the same time.

The game features PvP and PvPvE but honestly im not even comparing this because i believe PvP is hard to implement in WF.

What strikes me though as such an unfair deal we're getting with WF is the true lack of content. Every 3 months DE offers a 45-125 euro pack for 5 cosmetic items (accessories and a prime wf thats basically the same wf with a bit of an upgrade in stats and better looks). Truly disappointing. 

DE will say that they want to keep all real content free. I respect that to some extend but there could be a compromise. Make the frame obtainable in game, but the cosmetics obtainable through a quest that you gotta pay real money (or plat maybe?) to unlock. This will make people that do enjoy the game probably more keen on actually buying the packs. Or actually create some original content, raids, dungeons, timed events that need something more than plain zombie-mode grinding, PvEvP, anything for crying out loud! 

Liches are a lovely addition as a concept, yet just a more spongy enemy to put bullets in. Empyrian, albeit a new game mode, yet with a lackluster execution. Fortuna, copy of PoE with snow. The best actual content WF offered were Eidolons! An amazing boss fight, with skill, team effort and gear required to complete within a time frame to get the maximum loot! And that was 3 years ago!

I believe all my words are a lost cause, DE had 7 years now to provide us with actual content and they never did, it just pains me to see a game that ive spent more than 2k hours in, just stay stagnant and not achieve its full potential even after all those years.

Those were my 50 cents. Thank you for reading this far.

Not to really counter any of your points, I think most are fair observations. However I'm not sure that the comparison of Destiny to Warframe is really a fair one. People seem to forget that Warframe was and remains to be an independent game that had no major game publishers backing it up. You really need to look at the logistics of everything when comparing the two.


Destiny as a series on the other hand, in the same span of years as Warframe, has had over 500 million invested in it by major publisher Activision, on top of having 2 full priced games that sold ridiculously well. Not to mention they have name brand recognition in the name of Bungie and Activision. Warframe is backed by a small studio (and admittedly a chinese chicken company which has nowhere near the financial power of the aforementioned companies), in short, Warframe's small team (roughly 300 employees versus Bungie's 600+) coupled with the revenue (reportedly less than half of what Destiny 2 made in 2019) just can't compete with that, and it shows.



Warframe compared to Bungie has:

-half the team

-half the money

-half the name brand

It can only be expected that it falls short compared to another studio that started off much better than DE did.

Edited by Lion
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If you found a game that suits you better than the one you're playing now - good for you. My opinion is - you shouldn't feel some guilt in liking a new game more than the one you,ve been playing for a long time.

As for Destiny, well, I can understand why you and a lot of other people may like it more. For me however it lacks much in comparison to Warframe, those are personal preferences. For me Warframe has a lot more variety in gameplay options, enemy factions are more distinct, weapons here are exponentially more creative, Warframe has deeper and more meaningful lore, and better characters. You can compare them more in depth, but I don't want to go into too much detail about it.

The moral is, one mans trash is another mans treasure.

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have you considered that warframe isn't trying to go in the same direction as destiny? that it's actually wanting to be different and do things that Destiny 2 doesn't do? people keep trying to lump all Looter Shooters together, but in reality each one takes a different creative direction: Destiny focuses more on large setpieces like Raids and PvP, Borderlands is more about the randomized loot, and warframe is about killing armies of enemies with magical space ninjas ( and now battleships in space too). 

each one does somehting the other can't. if you want to go from hoarding insane amounts of loot to focusing more on killing masses of enemies, you stop playing borderlands and you switch to warframe. then if you decide you want bigger and tougher enemy encounters, you go to destiny. trying to make games copy and one up each other is counter-intuitive, when you can potentially be more successful by going in a new direction.

but of course, the gaming industry likes to stick to trends and play them out for as long as it can: case in point with Fortnite and the boom of Battle Royale games.

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I don’t think it’s as Dire as you make it to be. Warframe got to where it is by taking big chances. Lately, the biggest ones like Empyrian aren’t hitting. I wouldn’t call that a complete failure, just some rough times, maybe? 

I’d say it’s just an example of competition being good for the market. Warframe excelled and stole some fire from bigger games like Destiny, and now destiny has responded. I’m still in it to see what happens.

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Been hanging around the Destiny community because... honestly the game fascinates me, even if I don't enjoy playing it anywhere near as much as Warframe. And to be frank? From what I've heard over by there, content is just as much of a problem. Yes, there's technically more of it, but they have the problem of 'all the content is the same' - lots and lots of horde modes and their version bounties (y'know nightwave? That's a good 50% of new D2 content of late from what I've heard) is what I've been hearing about, same in, same out. Say what you will about Warframe, they've been avoiding that problem as much as possible. Yeah, PoE to Fortuna had that problem and an argument could be made for reworks being 'the same' (but that's not really the same beast).

But Disruption? Totally different to other gamemodes. Same for Defection, for better or for worse which I believe was the previously most-recent new gamemode. Bounties at least are fairly different experientially to regular missions due to the randomised objectives. Eidolons to PT to Exploiter are all very different fights. Conservation, mining and fishing are all very different side activities. Kuva Lich hunting might take place on the same tilesets and in 'standard' mission formats, but it's pretty different to the content surrounding it. And of course, Empyrean. Complete paradigm shift in gameplay, despite lacking much of its own game modes at present.

And, most amusingly of all, there's this reddit thread which eerily mirrors the kind of thing you hear over by here




It's a question of picking your poison. Do you want regular, polished, but ultimately repetitive and somewhat meaningless new content? or [DE]layed, rough but hugely ambitious new content? I prefer the latter, and prefer Warframe's overall gameplay, but that's me... and admittedly probably most people here. We are on the Warframe boards after all.

Edited by Loza03
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How many hours have you put into Warframe and Destiny respectively? I ask because new games are always pretty fresh and fun when you start. I have 6300+ hours in Warframe. Destiny 2 might be really fun when I start, but will I still be praising it at 6300 Destiny hours? Maybe. Maybe not. Both games have different development cycles, and I would say Bungie is vastly different than DE. I feel like it's apples to oranges. For example, the massive presence PvP has in Destiny 2.

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3 minutes ago, Voltage said:

How many hours have you put into Warframe and Destiny respectively? I ask because new games are always pretty fresh and fun when you start. I have 6300+ hours in Warframe. Destiny 2 might be really fun when I start, but will I still be praising it at 6300 Destiny hours? Maybe. Maybe not. Both games have different development cycles, and I would say Bungie is vastly different than DE. I feel like it's apples to oranges. For example, the massive presence PvP has in Destiny 2.

This, so much this.

By the sounds of it, you've recently just started playing destiny 2. Comparing how you feel about a game you've played for 2,000 hours to one that you've played for significantly less than 100 will usually be extremely biased off the fact that it's still "new and shiny."

As someone that's played both games for 1,000+ hours, I believe that what you were describing in your opening were Destiny 2's strikes, and to me, the dialogue you praise is the same dialogue over and over for each individual strike, run it once, and you've seen almost all of it. Yes, there is minor variety in them, but really it's just "will there be 4 enemies of type A, or 2 enemies of type B?" or that the enemy faction might be different.

Warframe has also been a solo-published game by DE, while Destiny started off with a very large publisher, as well as significant fame from the company that made Halo. Destiny 2 is also that, 2, this is the second game in the franchise, a fresh start separate from the first game which no longer gets any updates.

Destiny and Warframe are also widely different games that most certainly have different ambitions and desires for which direction to go in.

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I hate to do this, but let's dissect it

1 hour ago, Agnostus said:

Now, on to the bad things. I cant help myself but be so disappointed by how much WF is lacking in comparison to Destiny 2. I accidentally started out by running dungeons (the equivalent of that in Destiny 2 at least) and O.M.F.G. At least 5-6 different 20-minute expeditions with voice narration and differentiation in areas. And as ive read more, this is just the tip of the iceberg! There is a HUGE amount of original content in the game comparable more to an mmo (and probably a well polished one) than a shooter.

While there are 5 - 6 different 20-minute expeditions with voice narration and differentiation in areas, they are the only thing you will do over and over and there's no random element in the areas, if by expeditions you mean strikes, you will visit that same area, through the same route and fight the same boss over and over again

Huge? I doubt it

1 hour ago, Agnostus said:

Then i continued to the "main quest line" and the open world... Just amazed. So many different things happening all at once, people running around, public events, quests and side quests all happening at the same time.

But how many that will happen with you? Public events are hardly useful unless you like running around for a minuscule amount of resources that you will hardly need. Quests and side quests are hardly interesting to me and they hardly have anything useful other than weapon quests where mostly you get emblem that you can only equip one. Correct me if I'm wrong

1 hour ago, Agnostus said:

The game features PvP and PvPvE but honestly im not even comparing this because i believe PvP is hard to implement in WF.

Hard to implement? I don't think so, DE had their own share in developing Unreal Tournament and warframe movement is really fast if you can keep up your aim with it. I think warframe PvP has similar style to Unreal Tournament

1 hour ago, Agnostus said:

What strikes me though as such an unfair deal we're getting with WF is the true lack of content. Every 3 months DE offers a 45-125 euro pack for 5 cosmetic items (accessories and a prime wf thats basically the same wf with a bit of an upgrade in stats and better looks). Truly disappointing. 

Yeah, let's forget the free content they give us every 3 months from U1 - U28 where you get content such as story from Vor's Prize to Erra, New places from Plains of Eidolon, Fortuna to tileset reworks, Tenno reinforcement for new weapons, etc when Destiny makes you pay for those content

1 hour ago, Agnostus said:

DE will say that they want to keep all real content free. I respect that to some extend but there could be a compromise. Make the frame obtainable in game, but the cosmetics obtainable through a quest that you gotta pay real money (or plat maybe?) to unlock. This will make people that do enjoy the game probably more keen on actually buying the packs. Or actually create some original content, raids, dungeons, timed events that need something more than plain zombie-mode grinding, PvEvP, anything for crying out loud! 

What's the difference with the market then where you get cosmetics from paying platinum? And now

Raids? What kind of raid are you talking about here?

Dungeon? What kind of dungeon do you want?

Timed events? Events like Plague Star, Ghoul Purge and Nightwave?

1 hour ago, Agnostus said:

Liches are a lovely addition as a concept, yet just a more spongy enemy to put bullets in. Empyrian, albeit a new game mode, yet with a lackluster execution. Fortuna, copy of PoE with snow. The best actual content WF offered were Eidolons! An amazing boss fight, with skill, team effort and gear required to complete within a time frame to get the maximum loot! And that was 3 years ago!

Wait until you see enemies in Destiny 2 where they're all bullet sponges to shove all your bullets in and if you say Fortuna is a copy of PoE with snow, we can also say that Mars is copy of Mercury but bigger with snow, Nessus is Io but with red trees, and so on

1 hour ago, Agnostus said:

I believe all my words are a lost cause, DE had 7 years now to provide us with actual content and they never did, it just pains me to see a game that ive spent more than 2k hours in, just stay stagnant and not achieve its full potential even after all those years.

You're jaded from that 2k and define "actual content"

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Apples to Oranges


But you know what I dislike about Destiny 2?

That PVE and PVP have to collide with each other so that your abilities and weapons might get nerfed because they're doing do well in PVP and vice versa.

Also being "forced" to do PVP content for Exotic (really rare* weapons in D2). Maybe not a huge deal but there are PVE players that absolutely hate PVP content.

Those amazing public events? One person can screw you over if you want to make them into a heroic event thus if you're needing a heroic event you could get boned because of one person.

Weapon "god roles". Imagine the kuva lich system but instead of confining it to a small handful of weapons, EVERY weapon has this system attached to it. Again it all comes down to lovely RNG, it is what looter shooters are after all.

Weapon/gear levels aka light level. This was a huge thorn that I hated about D2. If you want to level up you need to do it "efficiently" because you were limited per WEEK in gear that you could get that was a good boost to your light level, sure you could grind content to try and nudge your level up some more but after your powerful gear drops were used up you were pretty much stuck at your current light level, really hated the weekly system restricting your progression from simply wanting to level up.

Oh yeah and you know those powerful drops of gear you got that could increase your level? Well you need to have materials if you want to fuse them into other gear. A more veteran friendly system but still dumb that there would be another "gate" in how you increased your level.

Also D2 has cosmetics that you pay for as well! But guess what! RNG is behind those cosmetics! So not only are you paying real money but you might not even get what you want! WOW!

I could go on about all the flaws that D2 has had, has gone through and has made changes to but again these are two widely different games and everyone will have something that they feel they enjoy more.


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2 minutes ago, ty91 said:

If warfarme can't find a way to bridge the gap with new players and vets like in destiny 2's new light they are never going to become more popular or accessible

If bridging the gap with new players and vets in destiny 2 means toning down your power where your power goes down to make your efforts worthless when you play on lower level area, that's easy to do

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Destiny was the crown jewel of the “spunk gargle wee wee” game, to quote Yahtzee Croshaw.

Halo, CoD, gears of war, etc. games that weren’t designed to achieve any artistic goal or to make a statement, games that weren’t designed to be thematically unique or brave. No intention to be unique, their only concern was pushing the graphics ahead of the competition.

Warframe aligns more closely with Diablo, Path of exile even Devil May cry. A “spectacle shooter.”

They game has some straight forward but extremely clean and functional mechanics that we as players can express ourselves with.

Comparing Destiny and Warframe is the same as comparing Halo and Devil May cry, final fantasy and the last of us, super Mario and Detroit become human.

Utterly pointless.

Edited by (PS4)Mono-Pop
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From someone who plays both warframe and destiny 2, I honestly prefer warframe.


Destiny 2 has major problems that ruin the game for me:

1. Too much emphasis on pvp. Exotics and quests locked behind pvp, top weapons also locked behind pvp, even content (season pass content) locked behind pvp.

2. RNG on top of RNG. Warframe RNG is bad, but in destiny 2 it can sometimes be even worse. Not just talking about drop chances, but the weapons themselves, they have a perk system which means you can come with a weapon with perk A and B or perk C and D so on and on (you have as many as 20 perks per type of weapon!) but the "god roll" which is the strongest perk combination is extremely hard to find. You either get lucky, or you can be sure to spend a few weeks trying to get that perfect roll.

3. Repetiveness. Sure, destiny 2 is "shiny" and oh so pretty, but once you've been to every place (and trust me, it doesn't take that long), it just doesn't feel fun anymore.

4. Strikes and raids over and over and over again. You'll reach a point where before the npc starts talking you already know the phrase, you're so tired of hearing that exact same line and fight the same enemies.

5. Enemies are bullet sponges. Imagine every enemy in warframe is a kuva lich, that's how destiny 2 is. In "high light level" strikes you'll face annoying enemies that can pretty much one-shot you and take as much as all of your ammo to die.

6. Poor movement mechanics in comparison to warframe. Not saying they're bad, but in no way can they reach warframe's level of epicness

7. Freedom of movement and fighting styles. Destiny 2 has different weapons and "skill trees" you can use, but the variety is so minimal in comparison to warframe, and the way you can transverse the map and fight an enemy is so lacking that you'll reach a point where you'll be missing warframe (i for sure always miss warframe's combat freedom when I play destiny 2).

8, 9, 10.... I could keep going on with destiny 2 flaws. And lets not forget destiny 2 is B2P and has a season pass that you need to pay to access more content while every content in warframe is free (except prime accessories, but I've played warframe for more than 3k hours and I've never felt I had to buy prime accessories, and I never had).

And lets not forget the developers themselves. I for one love DE, I genuinely laugh during prime times and enjoy the devstreams. Destiny 2 doesn't have that, and to socialize with players you need to rely on 3rd party programs (even to find groups!) so you'll feel even more lonely in destiny 2 than in warframe.


Overall, warframe and destiny 2 are games with different art styles, different gameplay goals, different ideas, and comparing the two of them... idk, if you prefer one over the other go ahead, but you can't really properly compare warframe and destiny 2 when the base of the playstyle is so different (1st person vs 3rd person)

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So yeah, I went through this exact same phase last December. I was on a 1 year break from WF, and sunk about 600 hours into D2 with New Light. I participated in two seasons, and decided not to play the current season. I dropped the game cold turkey this month, don't think I'll go back.

D2 has a beautiful, fleshed out world, dungeons, decent pvp, and lots of endgame content. Personally though, I enjoy WF's lore so much more. I hate the Traveller, ghosts, and the game's stupid factions. Although the hubs feels very well connected, the world is just so small.

I also enjoy the game's difficulty and AI. Encounters can actually be really tough, unlike WF. D2 has some of the best shooting on the market.

D2 also has one of the worst f2p economies, a predatory in-game shop, and some of the worst visual customization options I've ever seen in an MMO-lite/rpg. 

In terms of build customization and overall variety, D2 is severely lacking. This is what ultimately got to me - I was just bored of my builds and weapons. Also, the game doesn't have a real melee system.

WF's lore, creativity (RJ, operators, Fortuna, and nemesis system for example), f2p model, build variety, and visual customization options are ultimately what brought be back.

DE can learn a lot from Bungie about endgame and difficulty scaling.

Enjoy the honeymoon phase while it lasts. Mine lasted quite a while (550 hrs) and I got my money's worth. Also know that D2 is being maintained by a skeleton crew that is milking the player base while D3 is being developed.

Edited by Ikyr0
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Usually I don't this, but because you're new into Destiny 2 you'll need the views of those who played much longer. Three I can think of are DattoSay No To Rage, and Darkside Royalty Lore (aka Joker).

One of the reasons why I don't like it when new players join (it's an i-like-and-don't-like situation) is that their first impression can get them carried away. When we get new players introducing themselves in the forums my reaction is the same for them ever single time - welcome and good luck, you're gonna need it. Long-term players in Warframe have to act like "sit down we need to talk" instead of "welcome, let me be your guide", because they know there are things they need to explain way ahead of time instead of explaining it when they get to it. They know it's going to be dreadful if the new players don't know it now. 

Think of the 3 that I listed above as that. While they're not directly addressing it to the new players, what they express is something new players will find useful. Whether it's revealing problems they'll find themselves in sooner or later or critical reviews of the game and plans for it.

Edited by NekroArts
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I hope so much that WF never "fixes" pvp so it can't become required for the full experience like it is in Destiny 2. I love collecting all the different stuff in WF but if i had to spend like half my time in PVP like in Destiny 2, i would quit it immediately.

Here's my priority of fun: WF PvE > Work > Destiny PvE > Rectal exams > PvP

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I can see why you’d like Destiny 2. It definitely does some things right. I hope you enjoy it. 🍻 I know I got my money’s worth out of it, and then plenty more.

That Eriana’s Vow catalyst bounty though... 😐

As someone who’s sunk many hours into Destiny 2, I feel like I have some stake in this conversation, and personally, a lot of people pointing out the good things about Warframe have spoken for me.

One thing that I didn’t notice was the experimental nature of Warframe being acknowledged, so that’s a thing I’m going to bring up.

Warframe is definitely a result of all these bits and bobs tacked on through the years (PoE, Arbitrations, Second Dream, Liches, Railjack, player hubs, dojos, kubrows, MOAs, Fortuna, dragon keys, pretty much everything), and I view the total sum of its parts as a playground filled with different things to do, vaguely tied together by some pretty cool lore, and definitely in need of some streamlined interconnectivity from beginning to end (I know it’s on DE’s mind). And I respect the artistic integrity it takes to go “Here’s a thing we thought was cool, we hope you’ll like it too”, and put it out there. Balanced with a dose of “Looks like you guys didn’t like it as much as we’d hoped. Preference is to change it when we can and make it enjoyable, but we’ll take it out entirely if necessary”

Some here may not believe the pressure to take the Safe Route, and do everything like everyone else because it’s successful. To mix things up or introduce weird experiences takes a certain fatalistic “Well. F’k it, for better or for worse let’s try this thing”, which I greatly respect. In fact, from an artistic point of view, I find it’s kind of the only way to get your creations out there when you don’t know how controversial it’ll be.

Part of that at the moment gives the option to be as Gods, which breaks the game for some while being the reason to play Warframe for others. It’s hardly surprising that it’s such a divisive experience, which is completely fine, to each their own. (co-op definitely needs some work, though. That’s when the gods start spilling over into the plebs. Perhaps there’s something we as players can do about that for now? We are the ones who choose what we are, after all.)

As someone who doesn’t play as a God (thru putting myself on-par with those I fight), I’m finding the experimental content that DE have worked hard to provide quite engaging. I hope to give suggestions (‘cause they listen to those when they can) that will help them further their intent to give us interesting experiences

additional edit: I love the lore of Destiny 2 as well, but no-one’s said anything as cool as Ergo Glast’s “Wealth has no value unless turned against suffering”. Kudos to whoever came up with that line 👍. A shockingly powerful sentiment tucked away in a side quest. Makes me eager to see what other gems are hidden

Edited by (NSW)Greybones
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Funny I'm dropping Destiny 2 this season for good.


what destiny 2 does better is more story content. and strikes are nice and open world is done better and it's fun going around and just shooting things. what it doesn't generally do better is content in general at least if we're discussing price since now it's 10 bucks every few months for some repeatable activity with some weapons. going form the last two seasons it hasn't changed all that much and feels pretty stagnant while still costing money when so far warframe hasn't charged for any expansions.


Being someone who mostly plays solo in warframe and destiny 2 destiny is very very solo unfriendly. the most recent activity that is the focal point of the entire season is trials. which has no matchmaking. so many things in game have no matchmaking for no real reason which honestly sucks pretty hard for doing a lot of things outside of crucible, gambit, and strikes, and even then when you get into nightfalls only the first two difficulties have matchmaking and that's in ordeals. nightfalls in general don't have any.


most content in destiny 2 goes away after some time. they love time limited things. you missed out on 3 season passes with cosmetics and actual guns that just wont' be coming back cause nah #*!% it. earn a title during that season or it's gone forever. buy these cosmetics or they're gone forever, and most recently the most egregious thing is legendary weapons (and pinnacle and ritual weapons) are going to have their progressions stopped so now your guns are going to go away too. to compare it to warframe simply picture that. well Amprex is too strong so we're just going to start taking away mod slots for it after a few months each time. you can still use it. but now it'll only have 4 mod slots cause we "encourage" you to use our new guns. even from a non min maxing standpoint this kills the entire game for me as each legendary has it's own perks and general feel you might like and grow attached to. and even that is going away. nothing has permanence in destiny 2 and I like to keep things I like around you know. there is also talk of doing this for exotic weapons as well. This will also kill basically every matchmade activity from earlier as since the weapons that come from it are locked to lower light levels while they keep raising light level requirements for activities (the nightfall ordeals all had a jump up in about 40 light levels) the game as a whole is essentially decaying with nothing worthwhile to get unless you're doing trials or the new activities. 


Now I don't want to say Destiny is objectively a bad game. but it's so close to being a really good game for me. even with the massive price tag a friend very generously payed for me it's a game where apathy is taking over unless you love going on and staying religiously on that hamster wheel to run it out while for me warframe is much more relaxed and there's no worry of like. oh well i just can never get that gun. also Bungie has a large problem in general with actually knowing if they're listening. While DE is very communicative recently it's boiled down to Luke Smith does what he wants and blogs about it every week. 

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As a person who has at least 1,000 hours in both games I can safely say that they both play extremely differently and have zero relation outside of space sci-fi fantasy shlooter.

I can also say that the two communities tend to understand this because there is a solid chunk of people who do, in fact, play both.

They both have many overlaps in what they do well: story, power progression and general loot loop being appealing, small squads.
But they also do things very differently: Destiny's difficulty scaling is much more based on curated encounters and mob difficulty while Warframe intrinsically runs on hordes of mobs with randomly generated stats and weaponry (in some cases).
Destiny's powers are divided into three classes, each containing three subclasses and then four perks that change your playstyle (not to mention Destiny 1's much more interesting "pick from columns of perks to make a skill tree of your own"). Warframe's powers are four abilities tied to curated stat kits with a deep modular system.

I could go on about how Warframe's loot system revolves around copious amounts of materials being refined into time-gated inventory management and Destiny's is a chance a thrall enemy might drop an item that might give you one possible roll on the weapon you want out of thirteen other weapons, each with at least a dozen variable rolls on each and every one.

For all intents and purposes, Eidolons play like a lot of Destiny's boss encounters which means you'd probably enjoy the Strike list or Heroic Story Missions and that general style of combat.
But Eidolons aren't the main style of Warframe.

Something else that Warframe does well that Destiny does not is breadth of content type. Warframe has been able to mix sci-fi fantasy space ninja shooter looter with open world MMORPG elements AND still have time for projects like Shazwins, Railjack, Prime Warframes, and occasional non-mainline updates. With the addition of Nightwave, we have a decent flow of daily and weekly goal offerings to make up for the fact that DE don't put out regularly scheduled content. They're able to say "this isn't done yet, give us more time" even if that's upsetting, and then are also able to nail down things that stick out quickly.

Destiny does this in a similar way in their bounty system, overall mixing sci-fi fantasy space magic with classic action FPS with a similar open world MMORPG element, focusing more on seasonal content and crafting specific encounters for the players to make their way through. They're held to "we have to be done with X by Y date" due to their seasonal cycle and hence are held back on making sweeping and drastic changes by being prone to seasonal based metas and not as fast to throw "overpowered" out.

To dig deeper would then be to start explaining how the devs operate on different schedules and more...

To wrap it up, they're similar in many ways, different where it counts.

And as far as I'm concerned, I'd prefer it if Bungie didn't charge $20 for some Parazon animations.

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Imagine telling your girlfriend: "Well, I tried another woman. Everyone kept saying how awesome she was so I jumped on the bandwagon and I'm here to tell you that you guys have some similarities, but the new gal is kinda better. Whaddya think?"

Like dude....people play Warframe because they want to. No one is forcing us. 

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