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Would anyone like to have explorable cities?

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Just a thought. What if we could explore cities made by corpus, grineer, derelict orokin cities, and maybe more?

I think it would be really cool, although that's a ton of work for the Dev Team. And I'd happily offer my hand to help create something like this, even if it's just me doing it alone. I could make concept art too.

Does anyone else think this would be neat?

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10 minutes ago, IllogicalLogic420 said:

If I can crash a giant crewship into a planet I'll be extremely happy

If I can steal a crewship and crash it into the Gas City to eventually make a whole 'dot' disappear off of Jupiter's starchart and kill a load of Corpus in the process, steal a billion credits then Omni back to my railjack just as the flames lick my feet, I'd be happier than you. 😄

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This'd be nice. Have something similar to a day/night cycle where corpus are more dominate and then youd see some grineer come in and fight some corpus just walking around and vice versa. And then  have events of infested come in and take over the city and its our job to cleanse the city. As we cleanse it we would have grineer and corpus come in however theyd be our allies in the fight, similar to crossfire only for both factions vs infested. And I would LOVE to see some kind of cutscene that actually shows the infestation process for some of the enemies.

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7 minutes ago, (XB1)Primus Patronum said:

If I can steal a crewship and crash it into the Gas City to eventually make a whole 'dot' disappear off of Jupiter's starchart and kill a load of Corpus in the process, steal a billion credits then Omni back to my railjack just as the flames lick my feet, I'd be happier than you. 😄

ahahaha yessss, yes yes yes!


1 minute ago, rawr1254 said:

This'd be nice. Have something similar to a day/night cycle where corpus are more dominate and then youd see some grineer come in and fight some corpus just walking around and vice versa. And then  have events of infested come in and take over the city and its our job to cleanse the city. As we cleanse it we would have grineer and corpus come in however theyd be our allies in the fight, similar to crossfire only for both factions vs infested. And I would LOVE to see some kind of cutscene that actually shows the infestation process for some of the enemies.

you're getting me a bit hype >.>

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Would be pretty cool. Maybe you could even have some kind of an infiltration mission. Because these cities would be heavily defended, you might have to do something a bit different from just bullet-jumping in and gunning everything down. Maybe you need to use stealth to sneak in and extract or rescue a covert operative, and then get out before heavy reinforcements arrive or you're forced to retreat before interceptors come to shoot down your lander. It might be a nice change from your standard... ...wait a minute.

Er. Sorry, I only recently just got back to Warframe after five play-throughs and 300 hours of XCOM 2. Uh. I even still get a bit anxious whenever I kill a Nox; I sorta subconsciously half-expect them to get back up and charge at me.

Edited by KnossosTNC
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Interesting idea. Maybe we can have a city mostly of grineer and the Corpus where there is some gentrification going on by the Corpse lead by Nef Anyo of course. The Tenno could help the grineer riot and destroy parts of the city in an effort to get Nef Anyo to provide better living conditions for the grineer neighborhoods as well as better working conditions.

The people of Fortuna have tried to be sneaky about it but it is time we let Nef Anyo know we won't stand for his oppression anymore!

Imagine the possible new game modes...

  • Protest mode: where the grineer try to control an area of the city for so many rounds aided by the Tenno (a defense type mode)
  • Riot mode: where the Tenno and grineer seek out a key area of the city to destroy to hurt the overall city economy (a variation on the defense game mode)
  • Campaign mode: where the Tenno help the grineer over time (like invasions) to disrupt transportation lines for goods, destroy businesses to prevent the city from collecting taxes, and increase the alert level to the point that the Corpus leave the area letting the grineer take over (a longer term version of invasions that impacts the overall city demographics)
  • Investment mode: where the grineer develop areas in the city acquired through Campaign mode) and the Tenno can invest in these developments (like Index but longer term) and the Tenno gain affinity in the city which leads to the ability to buy mods, gear, etc. (Tenno can help clear some Corpus but must invest credits...this mode would last for weeks and is mostly a passive investment mode not a combat mode. A different take on Nightwave-type game mode...bit of a stretch to call it a Nightwave type mode)
  • Redevelop mode: where the Tenno help the Corpus gentrify parts of the city the grineer have taken over by clearing the grineer out and investing credits. (Again this is mostly a passive investment mode with minimal combat. This is also a longer term game mode where the Tenno gain affinity based on the investment provided...lasting weeks. A different take on Nightwave-type game mode...bit of a stretch to call it a Nightwave type mode)
  • Expansion mode: where the Tenno help the Corpus or grineer expand the size of the city by clearing area just outside the current city of infested
  • Develop mode: where the Tenno invest in the Corpus or grineer efforts to develop the expansion area from the expansion mode (Tenno help keep the infested from regaining the expansion mode area and provide credits for passive affinity gain...another longer term mode. A different take on Nightwave-type game mode...bit of a stretch to call it a Nightwave type mode)

This idea sounds like it could simply be amazing. Yes, it could be a lot of work but just imagine the possibilities for conflict and control of parts of a city. Clearly, we would want multiple cities on a single planet and could expand to other planets in future updates. Allows for the introduction of other 'bosses' and developing a larger "enemy" organization where the Corpus have more layers of leadership that helps control more "cities" on various planets instead of a single boss for a single faction.

Leads to the expanded player supported role of espionage (a meaningful reason to run spy missions to gather intel on an opposing faction).

Great idea!



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that's a huge undertaking, by any stretch, and people would also complain about it being another "content island" unless they tied it intot he rest of the game, which is even more work, on top of a ridiculous workload. something like this, to be done properly, would take up most of a year.

now ask yourself, do you think he warframe community is willing to go for nearly a whole year with no updates in order to get this? I'm gonna put my money on No.


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2 hours ago, IllogicalLogic420 said:

Just a thought. What if we could explore cities made by corpus, grineer, derelict orokin cities, and maybe more?

I think it would be really cool, although that's a ton of work for the Dev Team. And I'd happily offer my hand to help create something like this, even if it's just me doing it alone. I could make concept art too.

Does anyone else think this would be neat?

Yes please. 

I wish War Frame increase in scale. Would be amazing seeing this game reach a scale of explorable worlds. 


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Yea I would like explore the city too. The same time I felt like it should be like a city mix with the baddies like the thugs on the street wanted your credits or resources, so that players got time to nail down npc like sort of like Assassin Creed game but you got guns and make lots noise that may alert the cops and robbers (Grineer or Corpus).  Maybe someday the dev will do such a thing if it works well but if it doesn't welp I'll be waiting for cyberpunk.

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The odds of this actually happening are pretty much slim to none however my head-cannon would involve the railjack, relays, clan/alliance built solar rails, perhaps a Iron Wake type location on each planet or Node that has a Gas City vibe for each tailored to each planet and group planet and a few new mission types that would involve the interconnected spiel we got at Tennocon but didn't really get.

Think of it like this we can get a mission type that is either mobile on the starchart like the kuva fortress or a quest that has us build a Clan relay where we could get escort missions/transport an NPC from one location to another/ blockade runner missions etc. These would open up as mentioned before Iron Wake cityscape locations styled to different cultures and people. These locations could send out Alerts or requests for aid from the Tenno and a Sortie style mission could occur where the rewards could be resources or gear or something that would be useful.

Just a thought but it would be a way to make the game feel a little more lived in and a chance to introduce more lore and mission types for those that are interested in that sort of thing.

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Wow didn't expect so much wonderful feedback. I'm so proud of this community :')

I understand it would take a lot of time which is why I'm willing to undertake this all by myself. I don't know what DE has planned exactly but I wouldnt want players to wait forever for new content if something like this were to get approved. That's why if DE permitted it, this could be worked on separately from the main game so that way players don't have to wait for the other content. Hell, maybe other people could help too.

I'm loving all of these ideas and it's nice to see someone else posted about this in "fan concepts".

Please, keep it coming, the feedback so far is wonderful! Even if it never get's approved, we can at least fantasize about it! haha

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4 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

that's a huge undertaking, by any stretch, and people would also complain about it being another "content island" unless they tied it intot he rest of the game, which is even more work, on top of a ridiculous workload. something like this, to be done properly, would take up most of a year.

now ask yourself, do you think he warframe community is willing to go for nearly a whole year with no updates in order to get this? I'm gonna put my money on No.


Doom... Doom... Doom...

As per usual 😛

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DE could maybe experiment with procedural generation as tile sets work but for open worlds .




However that is wishfull thinking , this requires quite a lot of work and not to mention hand made points of interests , while I like to see Lua's open world as masive city I doubt DE will take an interest or idea for it .

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