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Heart of Deimos: Hotfix 29.0.6


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Heart of Deimos: Hotfix 29.0.6

In an attempt to keep these notes spoiler free you may notice some less-descriptive language than usual - thank you for your diligent reporting!

Helminth Changes & Fixes:

  • You can now Rush Subsume when hovering over the active Subsume ability with the Helminth.
    • Please note that Rushing a Subsume will not result in a flower until the next time you visit the Orbiter. Please also note we have made this change based on player requests for it, despite it not being in the original design. 
  • Fixed all Subsumed Warframes not creating their own flowers. As reported here.
    • We’re working on a script to find the missing flowers and their respective colors! We’ll update this thread when the script has started - don’t worry, your flowers are not lost! 
    • Flower script has started! We'll update here again when it has finished. Helminth Flower script has finished on all platforms!
  • Fixed Helminth Subsume flower for the currently Subsuming Warframe having default flower colours (pink petals) if the Warframe being Subsumed had default colours.
  • Fixed game breaking bug of the Helminth choosing to not interact with the Carrion Domestik Drone.
  • Fixed Vauban’s Tesla, Tempest Barrage, Blood Altar and Ivara’s Quiver ability not functioning when used by Hildryn via Helminth Subsume.
  • Fixed several Helminth text lines overlapping when Ranking up.

Zymos Changes:

  • Clip size increased from 9 to 17.
  • Ammo pool increased from 27 to 51.


  • Optimized Town, Relay and Dojo server-code.
  • Made a micro-optimization to minimap rendering.


  • Xaku’s Gaze ability has been added to the Railjack Tactical Menu. 
  • Xaku will now hide their Syandana and Armor pieces during their The Vast Untime ability to prevent floating objects.
    • Note: we are about 1 week away from a full Community feedback pass on Xaku’s abilities. Sit tight! 
  • Conservation Animal Tags and Wounded Animal Tags will now appear in the UI popup banner (similar to Argon Crystal) upon collecting an Animal.
  • You can now Fast Travel to the Necraloid Syndicate in the Necralisk after speaking with them.
  • Improvements towards the Necramech Guard Mode Equip and Unequip flow to be cleaner and use Abilities functions better.
  • Added and tweaked many Entrati member VO Transmissions. These tweaks include ensuring some VO Transmissions don’t repeat endlessly.
  • Increased the aggressiveness of Deimos reinforcements. 
  • Tweaked reload sounds of the Trumna.
  • Added descriptions to Helminth Secretions. Yum!
  • Added HUD timers to Vauban’s Minelayer grenades. 

Infested Companion Fixes:

  • Fixed Predasite and Vulpaphyla Companions not granting Mastery Rank.
    • Upon login of this Hotfix, missing Mastery will be given for your respective Gilded Infested Companion.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur when opening the Simulacrum Arsenal in multiplayer Simulacrum with a Vulpaphyla equipped.
  • Fixed Vulpaphyla Companion getting reset to Rank 0 if the Vulpaphyla went into bleedout while you were dying/Reviving. 
  • Fixed Sly Vulpaphyla's Survival Instinct not showing FX for Clients.
  • Fixed a script error when dying while your Pharoh Predasite Companion used Anabolic Pollination.
  • Fixed a script error where Panzer Vulpaphyla died before the Viral Quills projectiles landed.
  • Fixed a script error when a Crescent Vulpaphyla used Crescent Charge on a target that died.


  • Fixed Necramech’s not retaining their gained XP if you left the Necramech before you entered the gate/area to return to Town.
  • Fixed Client Necramech’s not retaining their gained XP after mission aborting. We are working on additional edge cases with Client Affinity retention on Necramechs. More to come!
  • Fixed a crash when joining a Cambion Drift mission where a Client player is dead.
  • Fixed a crash when entering the return to Town/Hub area while an encounter triggers in Cambion Drift.
  • Fixed potential crash when casting Titania’s Lantern ability.
  • Fixed Isolation Vault Necramech Damage resistance not applying to Clients.
  • Fixed second Necramech summon having no weapon and inability to shoot for Clients.
  • Fixed Xaku’s Vast Untime ability not always damaging enemies within radius.
  • Fixed failing to Gild an eligible Infested Companion with the Conservation Entrati member if you have a Predasite that is less than Rank 30.
  • Fixed not gaining weapon XP when shooting from a K-Drive or Velocipod.
  • Fixed ability to contribute pending Keratinos Blueprints for Entrati Rank up without warning, which causes them to disappear in the Foundry.
    • Pending Foundry Blueprints won’t be eligible for Syndicate Rank up.
  • Fixed ability to reach the Isolation Vaults without doing an Insolation Bounty.
  • Fixed being able to walk through the blue force-field wall around the Plains of Eidolon as a Necramech. 
  • Fixed ability to collide with allied Necramechs. 
  • Fixed Mods on the lower left side of the Necramech Upgrade screen can't be read.
  • Fixed UI callout for the Necramech dodge/charge tutorial being incorrect.
  • Fixed the Necramech moving in a circular motion while boosting when tilting the controller joystick slightly to the left or right.
  • Fixed Cortege doing incorrect Damage type in Heavy Weapon mode.
  • Fixed the Sepulcrums Alt Fire homing projectiles sometimes endlessly circling low profile targets like the Deimos Carnis enemy. 
  • Fixed Sepulcrum and Trumna local firing sounds playing for Clients.
  • Fixed Energy Siphon on Hildryn resulting in her Pillage Overshields being reverted. 
  • Another fixed towards Wukong Prime's Iron Staff not blocking 100% of Damage as intended.
  • Fixed Phaedra missing its Magazine component. 
  • Fixed Pets/Sentinels always targeting Cryptilex.
  • Fixed Velocipods not displaying max Pistol Ammo when riding - they were only showing Magazine.
  • Fixed Khrusos Syandana textures to react to lighting more naturally and appear less flat.
  • Fixed entering the Mod Bench while in the Necramech Upgrade screen resulting in getting the regular Mod Bench selection with all Mods showing.
  • Fixed missing Trumna Alt Fire animations.
  • Fixed some Otak ambient barks overlapping with other dialog.
  • Fixed missing Mother VO if you skipped the Entrati Rank up reward and then choose to select the reward later.
  • Fixed cases of missing Mother VO when taking a Bounty.
  • Fixed missing goodbye VO for the Weapons Entrati member.
  • Fixed "Melee Combos" for Necramechs showing broken Stance Mods and wrong combos.
  • Fixed cases of missing Wyrm Residue FX.
  • Fixed many missing Deimos Codex entries.
  • Fixed a script error that could occur if a wild Medjay Predasite was charging towards you while using Paralytic Spores and died, which could cause other enemies to not be vulnerable to finishers.
  • Potential fix for a script error when a Host migrates in a Free Roam mission. 
  • Fixed a script error related to Wyrm Residue puddles.
  • Fixed a script error when encountering an Infested Drop Pod.
  • Fixed a script error when selecting a mission from the World State Window. 
  • Fixed a script error when a Necramech deactivated their Guard Mode ability. 
  • Fixed a script error when casting Ash’s Shuriken ability. 
  • Fixed a script error when using the Broken Scepter.
  • Fixed a couple script errors when Feeding Resources to the Helminth.
  • Fixed a script error when being attacked by Deimos Runners.
  • Fixed numerous script errors when being attacked by the Deimos Leaping Thrasher.
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Thank you for the hotfix!


  • Add an optional Steel Path Isolation Vault bounty that spawns 5 Necramech targets as well as applies the Mod Drop Chance and Resource Drop Chance boosters for farming Necramech Mods, Scintillant, and Necraloid standing. This would be an indirect way to buff Scintillant and Necramech mod drops without handing them to players. Increased levels for increased rewards!
  • Add permanent family token exchange deals (Grandmother too) that are a bit less efficient than the time-gated ones. This would reduce player burnout and reward active players more than non-active, but give players who play less frequently a consistent and solid progression system if they choose to partake in it.
  • Slightly adjust Railjack and similar resources for Helminth to be consistent with other costs given their aquisition (Asterite is an outlier).
  • Add more capacity to Necramechs, reduce some mod costs, and/or remove 2 mod slots. It's really annoying to have 12 mod slots that you will never be able to fully use due to capacity limitations. This was a problem with the launch of Empyrean and how Avionics capacity was more limited than slots.
  • Increase Fish spawns when using bait on hot-spots. They seem to be as low as when Fortuna launched.
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Thanks for the hotfix.

Can you please make the Cambrian Drift map easier to deal with? For example could you show on the map which cave entrances are connected to which cave systems?

Currently trying to get some fish, and it's very frustrating when I go to a cave that turns out to have nothing in it, then go to a different cave that turns out to connect to the exact same cave I was in. Most caves on this map connect to each other and it would be nice to have clear indication which ones belong to which cave system.

Also, can we get a fix for the Necralisk entrance when coming back from Cambrian Drift? 99% of the time flying into the entrance with archwing will result in an awkward stagger that just slows down extraction for no reason.

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Thank you for fixing codex entries.
any chance the vapos condroc dropship entries can get looked at? they have been bugged for over a year now :c

Edit: it seems the codex is unchanged after this patch
none of the wildlife shows up, not any of their call points or poopy
unless the patch was adding the 8 deimos enemies that showed in simulacrum but didn't seem to spawn anywhere

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hace 20 minutos, [DE]Megan dijo:

Added HUD timers to Vauban’s Minelayer grenades. 

Thanks for this! AMAZING QOL change!

Could we have a switch option to keep attachments and Syandana when using Xaku's 4th skill? I love how it looks when all armor is on.

PLEASE fix Exodia Contagion. Or at least give us some acknowledgment to let us know if this is a bug or a nerf as so many are saying for these past hotfixes.

PS: Also please give us a reason to get Entrati to Family rank. Currently there's no meaningful rewards for spending a Seriglass Shard to rank it up.

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Thanks :)
Can you plz decide whether Xaku Ult is a Toggle OR One Cast Ability???
It has a Duration and the base 100 Enbergy Cast cost PLUS a Energy over time Consumption. That Design is horrible. We had it long enough on Ember Ult in the past. Now Xaku? C'mon thought you have learned from your mistakes.

Oh and plz let Fetch work while in Necramech :P

And get rid off of Stamina on the Necramech. We are not in Update 16 anymore where WF had Stamina bars. It's a totally outdated mechanic! Especially in open Worlds where stamina makes a huge impact on your parcour movement. It disrupts the gameplay flow and feels clunky

Oh and the Vome and Fass Residue are still unaffected by Boosters and Charm Buff!!!

I still dislike the Forum Changes :) AGAIN Wasted Space and the topics are sometime hard to read bc of bad spacing visibility


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Remove invulnerability phases for enemies and add actual game mechanics. Borrow ideas from MMORPGs or Dark Souls.
Add custom crosshairs. Sometimes you can't even see the crosshair.
Nightwave UI blocks the settings when trying to tweak them.
Turn the free roam maps into dedicted servers to simulate MMORPG experience.

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DE: People keep rushing our content.

Finally adds something that cant be rushed and make people take their time with the content. There was your 44 days of player retention guaranteed.

Also DE: Now u can rush subsuming.

Scratch that, 1 day of player retention it is.


No changes in the resources either, i guess you guys like the headache, because when lower MR people get their hands on the system you will get one from all the complaints.

Btw, flowers still not fixed: 39c93e91c867830dcc8cb9b3e5bec322.jpg

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