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What have been the things the community reacted the worst to?


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hace 1 minuto, (XB1)BRUHck Obama dijo:

nightwave thing....cant play anymore warframe because im really tired of this voice and we dont know when will end...this is killing the game.

this reminds me of the siren girl in borderlands 3, with an annoying voice that people were happy that private B.E.A.N. was laughing about her diary.

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I actually subsumed Inaros for Desiccation, it combos well with Arcane ultimatetum. It's a cc and you can use it as spam heal. It actually also works on the main target in disruption though they break the stun quickly.

Wasn't my first choice or anything but I find use for that particular ability.

I get your point though and certainly some abilities are hogwash haywire.

Personally I can't stand the planet-grinding and so the helminth system was a double disappointment for me; not just the cost and the grind to unlock it, but way worse how they forced it into a planet-grind.

Though, terrible as it sounds to say, I haven't had my hopes for a video game in a long, long time. Don't remember what year I was postively surprised last.

New content updates, or updates in general is always, okay great what are they going to wreck this time. When are they going to nerf one of the items I use, or straight up bug them out, please for the love of god don't release anything lol.

Lastly I will say, doing anything or buying something in warframe of any kind, you always have to read up on it first. And you have to read every last single line of information.

And it wouldn't hurt you to google "(name) bugs" either.

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The absolute worst I have seen here was December 2019 when Pablo said on a Twich stream that he'd like to rework Saryn and nerf her a little. All hell went loose.

Pablo himself went to the threads to clarify that just because that's what he'd like to do doesn't mean he's going to do it, but he was then attacked because just the fact he thought Saryn needed a nerf was unacceptable, thus the threads got pulled.

I still have the URL for some of them archived:




Here's also one of the few ex-partner videos still available on the subject:


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1. Nightwave Season 1 Extreme FOMO and The Sponge of Saturn Six invading Hydron runs.

2. Loot frame nerf, but got reverted 3 months later.

3. Melee 3.0. Mass hysteria regarding Blood Rush and CO nerf.

4. Kuva Lich version 1.0

5. Railjack being underwhelming on release content wise and full of bugs, DE only fixed like some of them before going into Holidays. The reaction was “That’s it?”. 

6. Scarlet Spear bugfest.



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40 minutes ago, (XB1)BRUHck Obama said:

what happened? i haven't done anything from deimos apart from the quest.

To get the first tier of entrati, you needed 5 son token, 5 daughter and some other minor resources. Son tokens on release could only be obtained via randomly spawned conservation and you needed a lot of tags to even get 1 token. You basically were rolling the dice to even start the progression in deimos, running around not doing bounties looking for animals and hoping when you got back you had enough tags to get a few tokens.

I didn't ever get enough until they removed the son token requirements and then used my first leveled predasite to get 10 tokens for leveling the rest of the faction.

Basically, a mix of RNG at the first stage of deimos mixed with confusion and it being easily 10-100 times longer to get 1 resource than the others before you even could get started elsewhere.

Imagine if to get the first stage of solaris united you needed to hunt 50 -100 seemingly randomly spawning animals.

Oh, and fish resources were originally random if you got anything from them or not, and DE didn't tell anyone this so everyone thought this was a bug and a lot of misinformation and confusion was going around. Yeah, a fish might not have a spine, don't worry about it, and don't worry if it told you you would get it and you don't.

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2 hours ago, Acersecomic said:

I'd say Nightwave.

I still hate Nora more than when I'm sick and can't breathe through my nose.

well, there's a cure for that, it's called- oh, HOLD UP DETECTING GLASS RESONANCE!

I T S C L O S E!

people usually hate nerfs and changes the most, anything that compromises their preferred style of play. god forbid you cant literally nuke everything with one button press.

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35 minutes ago, Jarriaga said:

The absolute worst I have seen here was December 2019 when Pablo said on a Twich stream that he'd like to rework Saryn and nerf her a little. All hell went loose.

Pablo himself went to the threads to clarify that just because that's what he'd like to do doesn't mean he's going to do it, but he was then attacked because just the fact he thought Saryn needed a nerf was unacceptable, thus the threads got pulled.

I still have the URL for some of them archived:




Here's also one of the few ex-partner videos still available on the subject:


To me saryn must be nerfed long time ago...totally anti-game....kills everything miles away....this is what a call cheat-frame.

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The big three are:

1. Railjack: Was released lacking most features they promised (showed it off more than 2 years before it released) and was the most bug ridden update to ever be released. To top it off they released just before Christmas holidays so that they could announce it in the Game Awards. This meant that it wouldn't get fixed because DE went on holiday.

2. Kuva Liches: Like Railjack it was really buggy. By far it was the most grindy update on release. The grind was so bad that it ruined the system and still to this day it is bad (not as bad, but still bad). The system had/has too many problems to list and I am too lazy to type all of them up.

3. Nightwave: This is actually a really good system that the community really liked. The problem was that after the 1st season ended we had a intermission which lasted quite a while. Not too much of an issue. Then after the second season there was another intermission, That one lasted 6 months. The whole point was to replace the old alert system with nightwave seasons that would have only a short intermission and have 3 - 4 seasons throughout the year. Instead of that they fell behind quite a bit with their scheduling which meant that we got nothing new and frequently from it like they had promised we would. The community was begging DE to not bother making anything "big" for them and a little bit of lore/story only is fine because they took too long making the new season. This recent season seems like it's going to drag on quite a bit too.

Edit: the community hated these things and the reaction by the community reflected that as a lot of vets left because of these systems/updates. I don't know if the OP wanted stupid reactions like Chroma mains getting angry after self-damage was removed or actual stuff we had every right to give a poor reaction to.      

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1 hour ago, (XB1)BRUHck Obama said:

what happened? i haven't done anything from deimos apart from the quest.

You have to hunt animals to progress in Deimos. Before they were optional and you could get some standing but you didn't need to do them. You need to have son tokens to progress in the Entrati which means you are now forced to hunt if you want any of the good items that they all sell. 

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The time Glen nerfed excavation rewards... I think he acted without enough data, but I think he actually did mean well, and something good came out of it, as it caused a big conversation among DE at the time about the worthfulness of mission rewards in general.

But boy did it get ugly and personal. Some people were just being logical and giving good feedback, there are always some of those, but there were some that kind of mobbed him, and his reaction basically fed right back into it. That was probably the worst one I remember witnessing, just offhand, maybe there is one buried in my memory I wanted to forget that was even worse. I've seen some ugly uproars in the early days on the forums. 

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Wil_Shatner_face said:

Honestly man this is kind of your fault for not doing any research whatsoever. They made it clear from the start that ultimates would not be included and it would just be one power from each frame.

That being said, they are not all useless abilities. There are a few that fall into that category like decoy, but there is a ton of fun to be had with this system if you like to be creative with your builds. Almost all of the abilities can be useful in some situations. The system was meant for utility and not just for more egregious power creep.

To be fair to the guy. Most people don't check the forums or watch the devsteams. DE didn't explain it in-game at all. You and I check forums and watch devstreams but in reality most people who play don't. Most people probably heard about the helminth system from other players. 

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15 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

Liches. It was just a custom boss farm. People acted like DE replaced the entire game with the Lich mechanic. There were absolute meltdowns and insults. To this day i dont understand what the big deal is with people, still. 

DE overpromises and players have fallen under the influence causing them to set their expectations too high. When the first revision got released it is not what has been told at Tennocon, thus massive amount of disappointment went through.

Railjack and Liches really teached the community on how to set their expectations.

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*cracks knuckles* In somewhat chronological order, and I know I'm missing a few:

- Viver, which people already explained
- Rivens in general/ TWW launching in the middle of the night and being full of bugs
- Riven Dispo changes
- Hema
- Defection
- Cetus economy on launch
- The Vacuum Within, particularly after the innate vacuum "buff" that was so small it couldn't be noticed was snuck into the game, which was then brought up as a reason to not implement a proper uni-vac. Continued in Railjack and now Necramechs as well.
- Fortuna economy on launch
- Attempting to nerf Arcanes
- Catchmoon, kind of
- The AoE rework
- Melee 3.0, most of which was an overreaction, except for exalted weapons
- Even suggesting that Saryn might be nerfed
- Liches, particularly murmur farming and repeat weapons
- Chat mod debacle
- Railjack, in general
- Scarlet Spear, particularly nerfing Limbo and something that's literally in Khora's tooltips over a one-off event
- realizing that the "making Arcanes more available" after the Arcane changes was a lie
- Pre-Nerfing Helminth abilities
- Deimos economy on launch
- MfD nerfs
-  The "What if every ability was good" Devstream

Does the community over-react on a lot of things? Absolutely. Could DE have prevented a lot of these if they would plan things better, if they paid attention to the feedback more than clickbait YT videos, and used actual playtesting for balancing instead of relying on numbers and charts? Yes. Particularly when the manner in which they interpret those figures is severely lacking in context due to said lack of playtesting and ignoring feedback. People don't bail on this game because of a lack of new content, they bail because of a build up of all the issues with existing content, and the manner in which those issues are handled or outright ignored. 

Most recently, the MfD nerf got the reaction it did not because of MfD itself, but because it was a crystallization of the repeating pattern of DE saying that they want us to have a variety of things to use, while simultaneously obliterating anything that even seems like it might provide a new option. The Devstream that followed really didn't help either. In general, there's a repeating pattern of poorly balanced economies, refusal to budge on basic QoL improvements without an uproar, and the fact that knee-jerk nerfing things at random only promotes the very meta DE is trying to counter due to limiting our choices.

I've said it before and I'll keep saying it; if DE would clean up what already exists, they wouldn't need to chase the new shiny thing to draw players back in as hard as they do, because less people would bail due to sheer annoyance with general gameplay issues. In turn, that would give DE more time to make that new shiny thing at a higher level of quality and release it in a better state of balance. As is, all of the recent updates have been rushed and have caused the same old problems to crop up over and over again. Hopefully they realize they're only creating more issues than they're solving with the current mentality they apply to the game and give something different a fair shot. Otherwise the cycles just going to keep repeating.

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1 hour ago, (XB1)BRUHck Obama said:

kind of feel that if in the last act of the glassmaker Nora dies people would be having a party.

And i'm just here, waiting for the feature that would allow us to feed Nora instead of Helminth so that she could annoy people more.

100 Nano Spores-*Trollminth Nora unlocked*

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2 hours ago, Loza03 said:

With respect, there were plenty of resources available, which did indeed include the patch notes:



Once ready, there are 2 key things this System offers:

– You can replace 1 Ability per Warframe.
– Every Warframe can be Subsumed to permanently provide 1 specific Ability to Helminth.


Even that wording is still vague though. It says "1 specific ability" without mentioning that the ability had been 'pre-selected.' With that wording, I assumed that I would have to choose one ability per Warframe and I could only use that ability on other Warframes. (I.E: I can subsume a Trinity but when I do I have to pick between Well of Life, Energy Vampire and Link. I only get that one ability and I can't subsume more Trinities to unlock the others.) And even then, that would have been acceptable. But no. They chose every warframe's weakest ability. Waste of time, waste of effort. Pure unadulterated waste.

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