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Glaive Revisit Workshop


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Thanks, [DE]Connor. It's great that you all have decided to update the glaive mechanics, and these changes look excellent. However, I would like to make a few additional suggestions. I created a thread on the weapon feedback forum a few months ago (see here) discussing some of these ideas at greater length, but in brief:

  • Please change glaives to not use a hold-to-throw pattern for aerial attacks; instead, allow us to throw the glaive by aim-gliding and pressing the melee button. This pattern is faster to execute than the hold-to-throw pattern which glaives currently use, and is consequently more accurate and easier to use. There are already melee weapons in the game which use this pattern (e.g. Vitrica, zaws with Exodia Contagion) so I hope it would be easy to apply that pattern to glaives as well.
    • While we're on the subject: every melee weapon in the game which has a ranged attack should should use the same action to activate that ranged attack. With the throwable shields (Cobra & Crane, Sigma & Octantis) throwing the shield is the default aerial melee attack. With the Vitrica and Exodia Contagion, you make a ranged attack by aim-gliding and pressing the melee button. For glaives, you hold the melee button. For gunblades and the Wolf Sledge, you can't make a ranged aerial attack at all. There should be one pattern for all of these weapons. I think the pattern which makes the most sense and gets in the way of other things the least is aim glide + melee - it's quick and intuitive, and aim-gliding naturally gives you a couple more moments mid-air to aim your attack accurately. While you're changing the glaives, it's a good time to standardize these other weapons as well.
  • Please change glaives to not use a hold-to-throw pattern when on the ground; instead, make the block + attack and block + forward + attack combos just throw the glaive. The glaive stances tend to blend short- and long-range attacks together, which makes it difficult to get the weapon to attack at the range you want when you want it. As I mentioned above, hold-to-throw is slow, and therefore harder to use accurately. If you just replace the block + attack and block + forward + attack combos with throwing attacks, it becomes very quick and easy to make thrown attacks. If you also make the change I suggested for aerial throws, then the buttons you press to make thrown attacks on the ground are the same as the ones you use in mid-air, and similar to what you do to aim and shoot a weapon. This would be much more intuitive than the current pattern(s), and would facilitate a much more fluid melee-to-ranged-and-back playstyle.
    • While you're at it, please consider doing this for gunblades too. Their stances have the same short-vs-long range problem that the glaive stances do, and are more jerky. They would be much easier to use if the normal and hold-forward attacks were never gunshots and the block and block-hold-forward attacks were always gunshots.
  • Please change glaives to only bounce when thrown as a heavy attack. A single-hit out-and-back throw is much quicker, and fits better within Warframe's fast-paced combat. I shouldn't need to spend a mod slot on Quick Return; that should be a built-in feature.
    • Also, please change the heavy-attack throw so that it has strong homing and bounces one time per combo count level. This would provide a fun mechanical benefit for building up a high combo count.
  • As you update the glaives, please remember that several of them have unique properties, and ensure that these properties are preserved. I'm particularly thinking of the Orvius. When I first got it, I very much enjoyed using its seeking levitation attack, but that attack has become increasingly obscure and difficult to use with the melee changes in the last year. Without that special feature, the weapon is simply inferior to most of the other glaives - which is a shame, since it features significantly in That One Awesome Quest, and getting it is a bit more work than most other glaives, and it has a fun design. I would love to see that feature fixed, so that there is more of an incentive to use it. The Pathocyst is in a similar position - it is statistically inferior, the only thing it has going for it is its special effect, and that special effect isn't very good.
    • If you use my previous idea for differentiating quick throw and heavy-attack throw, then heavy-attack throw would also be a good place to put special effects such as the Orvius' levitation attack, allowing them to naturally scale with combo count.

Thanks for continuing to improve this wonderful game, and for reaching out to your community for feedback on pending changes.

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8 hours ago, Sintag said:

Not really.  Combo Fury/Killer can make this mode relevant, plus the added boon of having something constantly ready is a nice plus.

Now uh, DE?  When is 1H-Melee + Gun coming?

Probably never. Quick melee made the need for dual weilding pretty much irrelevant. Frankly I'm surprised at this point they just didn't remove it all together. 

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4 hours ago, (PSN)digitalgabeg said:

Thanks, [DE]Connor. It's great that you all have decided to update the glaive mechanics, and these changes look excellent. However, I would like to make a few additional suggestions. I created a thread on the weapon feedback forum a few months ago (see here) discussing some of these ideas at greater length, but in brief:

  • Please change glaives to not use a hold-to-throw pattern for aerial attacks; instead, allow us to throw the glaive by aim-gliding and pressing the melee button. This pattern is faster to execute than the hold-to-throw pattern which glaives currently use, and is consequently more accurate and easier to use. There are already melee weapons in the game which use this pattern (e.g. Vitrica, zaws with Exodia Contagion) so I hope it would be easy to apply that pattern to glaives as well.
    • While we're on the subject: every melee weapon in the game which has a ranged attack should should use the same action to activate that ranged attack. With the throwable shields (Cobra & Crane, Sigma & Octantis) throwing the shield is the default aerial melee attack. With the Vitrica and Exodia Contagion, you make a ranged attack by aim-gliding and pressing the melee button. For glaives, you hold the melee button. For gunblades and the Wolf Sledge, you can't make a ranged aerial attack at all. There should be one pattern for all of these weapons. I think the pattern which makes the most sense and gets in the way of other things the least is aim glide + melee - it's quick and intuitive, and aim-gliding naturally gives you a couple more moments mid-air to aim your attack accurately. While you're changing the glaives, it's a good time to standardize these other weapons as well.
  • Please change glaives to not use a hold-to-throw pattern when on the ground; instead, make the block + attack and block + forward + attack combos just throw the glaive. The glaive stances tend to blend short- and long-range attacks together, which makes it difficult to get the weapon to attack at the range you want when you want it. As I mentioned above, hold-to-throw is slow, and therefore harder to use accurately. If you just replace the block + attack and block + forward + attack combos with throwing attacks, it becomes very quick and easy to make thrown attacks. If you also make the change I suggested for aerial throws, then the buttons you press to make thrown attacks on the ground are the same as the ones you use in mid-air, and similar to what you do to aim and shoot a weapon. This would be much more intuitive than the current pattern(s), and would facilitate a much more fluid melee-to-ranged-and-back playstyle.
    • While you're at it, please consider doing this for gunblades too. Their stances have the same short-vs-long range problem that the glaive stances do, and are more jerky. They would be much easier to use if the normal and hold-forward attacks were never gunshots and the block and block-hold-forward attacks were always gunshots.
  • Please change glaives to only bounce when thrown as a heavy attack. A single-hit out-and-back throw is much quicker, and fits better within Warframe's fast-paced combat. I shouldn't need to spend a mod slot on Quick Return; that should be a built-in feature.
    • Also, please change the heavy-attack throw so that it has strong homing and bounces one time per combo count level. This would provide a fun mechanical benefit for building up a high combo count.
  • As you update the glaives, please remember that several of them have unique properties, and ensure that these properties are preserved. I'm particularly thinking of the Orvius. When I first got it, I very much enjoyed using its seeking levitation attack, but that attack has become increasingly obscure and difficult to use with the melee changes in the last year. Without that special feature, the weapon is simply inferior to most of the other glaives - which is a shame, since it features significantly in That One Awesome Quest, and getting it is a bit more work than most other glaives, and it has a fun design. I would love to see that feature fixed, so that there is more of an incentive to use it. The Pathocyst is in a similar position - it is statistically inferior, the only thing it has going for it is its special effect, and that special effect isn't very good.
    • If you use my previous idea for differentiating quick throw and heavy-attack throw, then heavy-attack throw would also be a good place to put special effects such as the Orvius' levitation attack, allowing them to naturally scale with combo count.

Thanks for continuing to improve this wonderful game, and for reaching out to your community for feedback on pending changes.

Please DE: DO NOT listen to most of the feedback in the above quotations. 

  • Hold-to-throw vs aim-glide & melee attack for aerial throws - Make this a toggle option instead of forcing us to do one or the other. I've played through the "hold right click and press melee to throw" era of Glaive and it does not feel smooth at all, since it involves coordinating both hands for something that should just feel like a flick of the wrist.
  • Hold-to-throw vs block + attack/block + forward + attack combos for ground throws - The latter (using block attacks to throw) literally was in the game and, as I recall, was received negatively due to how unfluid it feels. That's why it was removed.
  • Only bouncing on heavy attack - Glaives immediately return to the user when manually detonated with right-click. This suggestion is pointless. It's faster and more intuitive to right click to recall the glaive, than to initiate a "heavy attack" in order to do your "quicker" single-hit throw.
  • Unique glaive properties - But actually, do remember to do this one. A lot of glaive functions have been forgotten over the years during the melee updates, let alone individual glaives.
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with addressing 'Dual Wield' being mechanically obsolete, does that... come along with allowing you to do Charge Throws irregardless of what Guns you have?
because Melee Instant Switch makes 'Dual Wield' really not have an perceivable advantages over how things are normally handled, and really i don't think there should be.
the mechanics should be consistent no matter what Gun you have. there's no need to visually differentiate them since they are just not any different anymore.
though at the very least, if 'Dual Wield' was 100% feature and mechanical parity with not, and it was simply having the cosmetic appearance reminiscent of Dark Sector, that would be quite acceptable.

this would also allow separating Throws from Heavy Attacks entirely - there could simply be two types of Throws? a normal Throw and the Charge Throw. make only the Charge Throw count as a Heavy Attack, and thusly consume the Hit Counter and Et Cetera. while the normal Throw would not count as a Heavy Attack. but, the normal Throw would still be able to be detonated.

though i'm of very limited excitement of autoblocking being introduced in another place, because autoblocking still stunlocks us. if you get hit by an attack(s) and start autoblocking, if you are trying to swing your Melee Weapon or shoot your Gun, you can be prevented from doing so unless you do something else to put away the Melee Weapon to force you to be unable to autoblock.
fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix. this. we should not be impaired in our capability to press an attack button while autoblocking.


also are the Throws..... going to be able to deal any useful Damage without making a specific Mod Loadout focused around the Hit Counter? you say you're going to be trying to help their Damage, but will it still ultimately be majority hinged on having previously stacked the Hit Counter high in order to be remotely useful in Combat?
because if you're going to continue to force Players to button mash through Enemies for a while to be able to deal any Damage with the Throw, you'll still be castrating Thrown Melee in comparison to how they functioned before any of the Melee changes. where back then they had an excellent flow of Stance Animations + Throws. tools actually being presented as tools, use whichever you choose is best to use in any particular moment in Combat, without any ridiculous restrictions to force you to use your Melee Weapon in a certain order in order to use its mechanics.
Throwing a Thrown Melee, is a core intrinsic part of the identity of the Weapon Category. Gunblades can function competently without building the Hit Counter, and other Melee Weapons don't have to jump through hoops just to use any of their Stance Animations. Thrown Melee shouldn't be required to jump through situational hoops in order to use the defining feature of the Weapon Category.

to that end, it may even be a good idea to give Throws a bonus of some sort if say... you are hitting an Enemy that you previously 'softened up' with either a Gun or the Stance Animations. since that's been the main strong point of Thrown Melee, having such a fluid flow between the Gun and Melee Weapon and them being able to act together in harmony. but without any artificial restrictions that would get in your way of doing what you needed to do to Kill the Enemies before you.


queued up subsequent Throws are Animations which do not impair our capability to move or perform other non interrupting actions, right? i should still be able to keep Parkouring or Sprinting or Jumping or moving in any way that i would be able to with a Gunblade, a Gun, or anything else that is similar to a Thrown Melee.



i'm tentatively hopeful that the flow of Thrown Melee Weapons can be brought back to how they had been for quite a while before any of the Melee changes.
signed, someone that has used Thrown Melee Weapons for 4 digit Hours in total over the lifetime of their existence.






5 hours ago, (PSN)digitalgabeg said:

Please change glaives to not use a hold-to-throw pattern for aerial attacks; instead, allow us to throw the glaive by aim-gliding and pressing the melee button.

Please change glaives to not use a hold-to-throw pattern when on the ground; instead, make the block + attack and block + forward + attack combos just throw the glaive.


Please change glaives to only bounce when thrown as a heavy attack. A single-hit out-and-back throw is much quicker, and fits better within Warframe's fast-paced combat. I shouldn't need to spend a mod slot on Quick Return; that should be a built-in feature.

those two requests would literally take away functionality from Thrown Melee Weapons.
you would add complication of using Air Melee and Ground Smashes while in the air, by adding Aimgliding into the states for that. 
and you would make Throwing on the ground just much more complicated than it currently is while also taking away two of the Stance Animations.
how is that an improvement?


there is no need to change how Thrown Melee handles after it is thrown - you can literally recall the Thrown Melee at any time by pressing the Melee button again. that will cancel its flight pattern and return to you.
i'm not keen on taking away smooth functionality that Thrown Melee was so excellently designed with previously. there's no need to.

less harmful to the Weapon Category overall to adjust their mechanics to have both a normal and a Charge/Heavy Throw.

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14 hours ago, [DE]Connor said:

“Hold throw” mechanics now apply in Equipped Melee mode! When we added the ability to wield a Glaive alongside any one-handed secondary, we introduced a new system for throwing Glaives that was quicker and more intuitive.

"Introduced a new system" completely wrong. Charge attacks were in this game immediately upon release, were activated by holding down the melee button and were extremely popular in the days of Damage 1.0. The glaive was only special because its charge attack was a throw. They stayed in the game even through Melee 2.0's release, with the addition of the Redeemer (whose charge attack was special because it was a shotgun blast) until some point at which you guys actively started hampering them. Firstly by forcing the weapon to swing before charging (which not only slowed down all attacks, but prevented you from zooming in with a weapon simultaneously to tighten the spread of the Redeemer's shot), and then later on making it even worse with the current system (which is thankfully going away) which both required a normal swing and then a separate button press for heavy attacks.

While this change is indeed a good thing, you ought to phrase it differently: "returning to the old ways of fluidity" or something like that. This melee input system is not new - I distinctly remember using it myself way back when the game came out in 2013.


14 hours ago, [DE]Connor said:

Throw melee inputs can be “queued up”, one after the other! Also known as “buffering”, this means if you are holding a melee input as the Glaive returns to your hand, you will start charging another throw as soon as possible. With this change, a smooth gameflow emerges: throw a Glaive, hold melee as it returns, catch, release, repeat. 

The input queue. Some time ago, very shortly after Melee 3.0's release, a change was made to the input queue logic which completely ruined polearms when you had a high attack speed:

If you're going to be looking at the input queue, now is an excellent time to fix this year-old bug.

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43 minutes ago, Abdelrhman2607 said:

Does this mean orvius is finally getting a fix for the attack speed bug/rework in general ?

I'm hoping they're looking at the charged throws having almost no window for the timing when a random Volt or Wisp gives you a speed buff. It makes it nearly impossible to do the timed throws with glaives, and especially kills glaives like the Orvius where it needs that to function. What ends up happening is the timing gets so sped up, you have to hold e for a half second and get the timing mechanic done BEFORE the visual indicator even shows up, and even then the window is smaller it seems on top of that.

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I use a couple of glaive weapons with my frames,  they are kind of sub-par weapons since their most important mods require you to sacrifice normal mod space.  +bounce, +punch through.  Would be nice if those were just default glaive stats.  But anyways im slightly excited for any changes to glaives.

MY ISSUE:  While DE is tackling glaive+gun combos and what not, now would be the perfect time for DE to also address carrying stuff and weapon switching.  There is some horrible mechanics here.......

-If you have a primary equipped and your carrying a Data Mass or Key and you aim or aim glide........you drop the damn data mass/key.  Even if you were using Melee at the time you will switch to primary causing you to drop them.  If you have a secondary though the game switches you to that and prevents you from dropping unless you purposefully switch to primary.  

Data Mass/Keys should not be physically carried in your hands, Your warframe should attach them to their hip/back to let their hands be free. 

-Another weapon switching issue is open worlds and archwings.   If you dont have certain weapon types equipped, then if you summon an archwing it will change wat you have equipped, and when you exit archwing, it will again change your equipment.   

For example im on the ground with my tranq gun out, I mark some poop, jump in my archwing.... now I suddenly have a primary equipped (if you dont have a secondary equipped.  If you do have a secondary equipped in arsenal then everything works ???).  So I fly to the poop and ground slam out of AW and I still do not have my tranq rifle equipped....   

Another example is sawgaws... you call out to one and he shows up... so you summon your archwing so you can get above the mushrooms and rain down death on the sawgaw.... except when you get in Archwing you are switched to primary(if you dont have a secondary).  Now you have to re-switch to tranq rifle.


These issues are waaaay more common than glaive-gun issues.   Since they both kind of deal with weapon switching, what happens when you aim glide and stuff, it feels like a good time to address carrying stuff and conservation to...  

Most of the time I only carry a melee, if I do need a gun I bring a primary.  Except not having a secondary and or only using a primary screws with stuff.

I was doing a disruption the other day with nezha/guandao/some primary and I like using forward block combos for movement.  I kept dropping keys I would pick up,  I would get to the consoles and be like where the $#^& did my key go that I was carrying.....  I was super confused.   Then it dawned on me... LT/block is also aim... so it was equipping my gun when I went to do melee combo's and would drop the key everytime I did a forward block combo.  Which was often.....


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Problem I find with Glaives at the moment are mod slots, Considering you have maybe 1 flex slot on melee builds it is hard to justify fitting many of the Glaive specific mods. Maybe give glaives a couple of extra slots that only take glaive mods or revamp the current mods some so they crossover with some of the staple mods we use on melee builds.

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Now that's a Katana. I mean, it's nice additions.
- Explosions might be worth using. Now they are either bigger or doesn't consume your combos.
- Gun + Glaive combos: I thought it was in already. Well, it's good it will be.
- Glaive only mode: now you can either explode or recall a glaive. I sometimes want recall it but I have to explode. I like this.
-“queued up” inputs: I wonder how good it could be. After releasing a glaive, you either immediately hold the button making you vulnerable to attacks (1) OR you attack/evade attacks and hold the key at the end, just before a glaive retuns (2). In second case it will be harder to do.
  What about speed up after each successful throw? For example you throw at speed 1.0 and after your next catch you throw it with the speed of 1.2. Next throw would be 1.4 then 1.6 and to, for example, 2.0.


19 hours ago, [DE]Connor said:

Melee stance combos are now available in Glaive + Gun mode! Using a weapon combo will no longer restrict your melee options and movement, making Glaives even more deadly.

Is it only for keyboard (default E key)? I'm using keyboard E key for quick attack and mouse: LMB for melee attacks and RMB for blocking.
I assume that after update I will be able to use all the combos with E key (E, forward + E, RMB + E, forward + RMB + E).
What about mouse (LMB + RMB for melee)? Will it be the same case as with quick melee:
1) you equip secondary weapon
2a) you press E and you can use normal (LMB) and forward combo (LMB + forward)
2b) you hold RMB and press E: now you can RMB and RMB + forward combos as well; if you release RMB(you no longer pressing RMB) you can do all combos described in 2a but if you want to do RMB-combos again you need to do RMB+E again.

Or do you plan something even better for mouse users?

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13 часов назад, retruekano сказал:

Can't believe i'm writing here. Never posted on forums but this is just too much.

Do you guys even play your game? Seriously. Steve and Scott grab a controller and finish steel path please. You're just not getting it yet.

Right now -  even with these changes - there's absolutely none reason to use glaives instead of slash proc melee spam or heavy hit gunblades.
The thing is, right now, we don't need glaive changes. 
We need actual systems to make use of the variety of weapons and that means 2 things.

Good job on creating those mods  that will never be used.
Just based on damage calculations putting 2 of these mods to get full benefit would make every glaive subpar to other alternatives, so that's a nope on most content on the game because guess what players like to do -> kill stuff fast. Glorified freesbies don't cut it on this department even with these mods unless those numbers go up so yeah - Powercreep again.

Why would we use glaives if there's no actual need to change our combat strategy? glaives are used for ranged combat but guns do that better. On close quarters we can just whack stuff faster and easier with every other melee. what's the point on this rework again? seriously you guys need to play your game this is a horde shooter we just mow down stuff and do it fast, not fancy.

I have to highly disagree here. Glaives have one fatal problem - they're on Valkyr's level of broken by Melle 3.0..which they fix with this rework. Why would you use Glaives instead of other melee or gunblade? Basicly you got portible grenade laucher with infinite ammo, remote detonation and melee attacks. You can cover the area with status, boost your secondary, suspend the enemy in air...

Two new mods will be useless? I think you fail to see the bigger picture here. Adding explosion to every bounce straigh up increse our AOE for both damage and status plus said explosion won't be affected by damage falloff AND keep our combo meter intact and dus our blood rush.

Also you forget about very important world - fun

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These sounds like great changes and I'm glad Glaives are getting some love! One thing that would really make Glaives more fun is if they would accurately bounce towards enemies within a certain range. For example, bounce towards an enemy within 5m if it hits a surface and within 10m if it hits an enemy. I think the Flacor does this well if my memory is correct, but other Glaives are pretty underwhelming and random on that aspect. I personally find the bouncing aspect of the Glaives more badass than mere explosions.

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Opening disclaimer:
* I played with Loki/Zakti/Glaive P for ages. I think GP is still my most-used melee.
* I play with bare-minimum graphics. Possibly some things I consider an issue wouldn't be at a higher graphics setting.


On 2020-11-06 at 6:48 PM, [DE]Connor said:

the area-of-effect falloff has been removed, meaning max damage no matter what part of the explosion hits an enemy.

This is a big deal.
Between depth-perception fkery, and projectile speed (If you're serious about using a thrown melee, you're using Whirlwind, imo), hitting close targets (and not hitting yourself, though that's less an issue with Whirlwind) can be a problem.
Less than before Heavy Attacks became Glaive throw, but still an issue for dual-wield charge-throws.
Removal of falloff will be a big help in this regard.

(As a tangent, this is the reason I've not bothered with either of Baro's recent Glaive mods - I have no room for them in my build; they're not worth the opportunity cost of a mod slot.)

On 2020-11-06 at 6:48 PM, [DE]Connor said:

Melee stance combos are now available in Glaive + Gun mode!

This is good, but of limited impact.
The problem here is that A) Glaives already require bandaid mods to perform well as a thrown melee, and B) They require different modding depending on whether you're using them as a melee or a thrown (or a Heavy Attack) weapon.
Being required to specialize isn't bad, per se, however, and this gives support to a play style - which is good.

And speaking of specializing:
The Power Attack / Volatile X gives support to different styles, which I like.

A point for your consideration: you might want to take a look at the 'return explosion' of the various glaives.

I'm probably biased here (I use Toxin against Corpus, Slash against everything else).
That said, given the current state of Damage 2.0, status effects, and faction defenses, Glaive P (Slash on explosion) and arguably Cerata (Toxin on throw and I think on explosion but haven't used it in ages) are clear-cut winners.


The other changes I didn't quote look good, no need for comment.
Will have to wait to get my hands on them to see how they actually play, and whether they're worth the effort.

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Will the explosions from the new Volatile mods function identically to Thunderbolt and Concealed explosives? Or will the explosive damage actually be affected by mods and be able to proc status effects based on your elemental selection? If it's the latter, this would make it a good option for using the Deconstructor to apply status, similar to the Helstrum. If it just adds flat AoE damage it'll be forgotten at higher levels like the mods I mentioned and combustion beam.

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6 hours ago, NoLazyShadow said:

I have to highly disagree here. Glaives have one fatal problem - they're on Valkyr's level of broken by Melle 3.0..which they fix with this rework. Why would you use Glaives instead of other melee or gunblade? Basicly you got portible grenade laucher with infinite ammo, remote detonation and melee attacks. You can cover the area with status, boost your secondary, suspend the enemy in air...

Two new mods will be useless? I think you fail to see the bigger picture here. Adding explosion to every bounce straigh up increse our AOE for both damage and status plus said explosion won't be affected by damage falloff AND keep our combo meter intact and dus our blood rush.

Also you forget about very important world - fun

As for now gunblades are better than glaives. Well, that's my opinion. You says you have infinite grenade launcher? Sadly this grenade launcher is slow. Pick Stropha so you can do similar stuff much faster.
Now after the change things will change. I'm not sure if they will be great damage-wise but I'm sure they won't be boring to play. So it's plus for me.

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