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Dev Workshop: Corpus Proxima & The New Railjack


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53 minutes ago, KitMellow said:

So no Tether nerfs? Really?

I guess they still think how exactly to nerf it.  (Neither the original post, nor vid, nor answers posted afterwards really went into the kind of details like nerfs/buffs to specific items, mods and so on, except with intrinsics where we were warned that those numbers aren't written in stone yet and may be different on release...)

I would be very surprised if it's not nerfed at all. 

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On 2021-03-11 at 8:21 AM, TwinDrags said:

When can we get a clarification if Sigma MKI-III counts for the wreckage milestone? Several players have now brought up the confusion about 6 wreckage, one for each slot, when rocket launcher doesn't have one!

That wouldn't be Wreckage since anything from the Dry Dock Research is built from scratch; Wreckage are the House variants (Lavan, Vidar, and Zetki) of the Components and Armaments you obtain in missions, which you need to repair. Hence the name "Wreckage".

EDIT: Rebecca herself confirmed yesterday that the Dry Dock Research will count towards the "Wreckage Count". She specify that as long as the base Sigma Components and Armaments slots have been replaced with something you've built (Dry Dock Research or actual Wreckage), that will qualify.

On 2021-03-11 at 6:47 AM, Diedact said:

I can guarantee right now that Zenurik (Energy Dash). Energy Siphon, and mostly Hildryn will become the undisputed meta of this. What I have not considered in making this is whether we will still be able to craft 'Flux Energy' in the engineering bay of the Railjack, which I am not sure of due to the multiple references to Flux Energy being removed. 

This is where I'm advocating for a cooldown system similar to Lavos. This does decrease the frequency of ability usage, but players should use them wisely. Furthermore, this decouples the reliance on any Energy Restores, Zenurik's Energizing Dash, any abilities that generate Energy (i.e Protea's Dispensary), and high energy Warframes:

  • Volt Prime
  • Saryn Prime
  • Chroma Prime
  • Baruuk
  • Wisp
  • Ivara Prime
  • Any other frames at 175 Energy or near that range.
  • Hildryn

The cooldown system would balance the usage between your Railjack's Armaments and Battle Avionics, not forcing one side to be completely dominant for gameplay. Tactical Avionics are doing the same thing, even though they are considered more of a bonus ability.

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3 hours ago, Vaml77 said:

Totally agree.


When DE serves casual / youtuber staff, it is only destroying the game itself. Warframe needs to be more challenging, stimulating and more appealing to players who like to feel challenged. The DE needs to stop thinking about casual players because they are the ones who demand the easy things and tomorrow they will be the same ones that tomorrow did not play anymore. If these changes go live, the warframe will lose relevance and respect for me. Stop making the game worse for god's sake!

This is a weird take.  Casual players =/= content creators. I want to tackle this thinking and how it seems on it's face like your are trying to say something meaningful.  But to anyone familiar with this game and it's content creators the quoted shouldn't make any sense. This move is less about catering to casual players and content creators by making the game easier.  It's much more about a game mode the developers worked hard on and want to make a part of the core game.  They're doing their best to make railjack something a majority of their player base wants to play. 

It's understandable that changes will frustrate people that liked things in their current state or worked hard only to realize they may need to re-earn things.  What do you expect DE to do? If everything they see on their end (Like real statistical stuff not youtube videos which they have often stated they rarely watch.) shows that railjack is not achieving what they designed it do.


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45 minutes ago, nebfab said:

I guess they still think how exactly to nerf it.  (Neither the original post, nor vid, nor answers posted afterwards really went into the kind of details like nerfs/buffs to specific items, mods and so on, except with intrinsics where we were warned that those numbers aren't written in stone yet and may be different on release...)

I would be very surprised if it's not nerfed at all. 

Same here.

It was not brought up in the video but i think they are definitely going to be nerfing it. DE sometimes stealth nerfs stuff and i am not going to be surprised if we see that happening here. 

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I have a suggestion for the void storms... what if we can have the chance to crack EVERY TYPE OF RELIC, i mean, is a void storm right?, a massive void energy that we encounter in middle of our railjack journey, and would be nice to encounter the void storm in middle play or something and then can just crack a Lith relic, or choose an Axi relic instead, or a Meso one... that would be PERFECT to encourage the void storm play, i mean, in normal void fissure mode, we have the void missions sorted by era and difficulty...but what if we can just crack every type of relics that we have in our inventory in that type of mission? i guess that would be a nice touch. What do you think everyone?

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4 minutes ago, Wephrix said:

I have a suggestion for the void storms... what if we can have the chance to crack EVERY TYPE OF RELIC, i mean, is a void storm right?, a massive void energy that we encounter in middle of our railjack journey, and would be nice to encounter the void storm in middle play or something and then can just crack a Lith relic, or choose an Axi relic instead, or a Meso one... that would be PERFECT to encourage the void storm play, i mean, in normal void fissure mode, we have the void missions sorted by era and difficulty...but what if we can just crack every type of relics that we have in our inventory in that type of mission? i guess that would be a nice touch. What do you think everyone?

Not a bad idea but it isnt really consistent with current relic mechanics so i will be surprised if this is what they implement. 

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On 2021-03-09 at 3:09 PM, (PSN)Vexx757 said:


·       The squad should work in the same way as in Mass Effect where you can command them to do certain things by using the gear wheel e.g. attack, stay, summon, send back to ship etc.

I'd like to bring good news, one of the command intrinsic unlocks that I saw in the video is that you CAN give commands to your crew. You just gotta invest in the command intrinsic.

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And another thing i am not understanding here, what if a low lvl player wants to pilot my railjack? the railjack stats will downgrade instantly? or the shields and health, and armor stats will depend on the railjack's host as always? i mean, taking your railjack abilities and mods with you indepently is a nice addition, and if you see the perspective from being a low lvl host, and then a high lvl player comes to piloting, would be a buff that can help in missions and blahblahblah, BUT, what will happen the other way around? i do not want to see my railjack downgraded, i mean IS MY SPACESHIP, and neither in the video nor the dev workshop notes i see some kind of full explanation of what will happen... i hope that the host's health, armor and shield hold the stats.

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1 hour ago, Kitty1709 said:

It would be nice to start (host) a railjack mission from my orbiter instead of having to go to my dojo or relay everytime I want to do a mission. I'm in a clan that has a massive dojo that drops my fps a few decent notches. I hope this feature is added in the railjack streamlining as in general it's just kinda unnecessary to have to go to a specific spot to launch your railjack when it's even shown to be directly behind your orbiter. 

You can do it in the backside of your orbiter. Between helminth and Tenno room. There is a circular platform there.


Also, DE have talk about starting the mission from console in the next update.

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42 minutes ago, Wephrix said:

And another thing i am not understanding here, what if a low lvl player wants to pilot my railjack? the railjack stats will downgrade instantly? or the shields and health, and armor stats will depend on the railjack's host as always? i mean, taking your railjack abilities and mods with you indepently is a nice addition, and if you see the perspective from being a low lvl host, and then a high lvl player comes to piloting, would be a buff that can help in missions and blahblahblah, BUT, what will happen the other way around? i do not want to see my railjack downgraded, i mean IS MY SPACESHIP, and neither in the video nor the dev workshop notes i see some kind of full explanation of what will happen... i hope that the host's health, armor and shield hold the stats.

They are adding aother part to the railjack equipement: the hull. It will affect HP, shield and armor.

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Suggestion: Make nodes' game modes unknown before travelling there to facilitate a feeling of exploration and to an extent create a sense of space in, well, space. People can easily find out about the nodes' gametypes through a simple search, but for those who just wish to find out themselves there'd always be a choice. 

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For those of us who already maxed our individual Avionics (not to be confused with the grid) Will we be receiving mods of the same level?

For example if a player already maxed out the Seeker Volley avionic will the Seeker Volley Mod they receive already be upgraded to its max value to replace the avionic they lost?


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Thanks for the updated changes.


I like how syndicate rep changes the price of crew, however, why can't I purchase crew directly from my syndicates with my rep, sort of like I do with weapons today?

Current Example: Ticker sells "New Loka Crew" for 150k credits for New Loka Tenno vs 250k credits for not-New Loka Tenno.
Suggested Example: Tickers sells "New Loka Crew" for 125k New Loka Rep for New Loka Tenno vs 250k credits for not-New Loka Tenno.

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6 hours ago, RAZORLIGHT said:

Well, then nobody can get the Tier 3 rewards becuase ordnance isn't wreckage as well.

They really phrased it badly by referring to filled slots when as we've all noted wreckage isn't a thing for 1 of the 6 slots, but it's clear enough from @[DE]Rebecca's Twitch clarification (linked elsewhere) that you need 6 repaired wreckage (NOPE! Apparently building anything other than default is all that matters, Sigma counts: https://www.twitch.tv/warframe/clip/VastHealthyCobraSoBayed-Bf1cA8uAWFt23aicplus maxed grid. 

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12 minutes ago, -Augustus- said:

They really phrased it badly by referring to filled slots when as we've all noted wreckage isn't a thing for 1 of the 6 slots, but it's clear enough from @[DE]Rebecca's Twitch clarification (linked elsewhere) that you need 6 repaired wreckage plus maxed grid. 

"6 wreckage build (i.e. something you've built in any slot)"
Well, guess we need a Q&A for the Q&A... *facepalm*

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On 2021-03-08 at 3:03 PM, [DE]Rebecca said:


Why Make The Railjack Available on the Market?
The answer comes down to ease of access. When more people engage with an in-game system, the overall quality of matchmaking, mission success and player population in these areas dramatically increases. We want the new Railjack experience to be one that not only newer, casual or trade-savvy players can enjoy, but also benefit the longer-term investors in Railjack by having more public groups to engage with and better opportunities to find items you may need.

Warframe has many items that can be acquired through the Market to give an option to bypass the waiting, and in some cases, players may have felt excluded from new and emergent game features without that same access (this was true of Necramechs). Adding the Railjack to the Market allows those users to also enjoy this content in their own timeframe, while not taking away the ability to earn the same item for free in-game. The more people playing, the more diverse your Railjack experience!

Does the Plexus Need Forma?
While the new Plexus can indeed be upgraded with additional Forma (much like any other equipment you may use), it does come with 3 Base Polarities already. There’s also more Mod Points available without Forma due to the Aura Slot - which gives Modding Capacity like on Warframes! While it is possible to add additional Forma later, the amount of items you will be able to slot from the get-go are quite generous. You can also add an Orokin Reactor to double your Modification points, much like a Warframe.

How Will the Plexus Work With Mastery Rank?
As with all Moddable items, the Plexus gains strength from, as well as contributes to your Mastery Rank. When modifying your Plexus, you will have a starting pool of Mod Points equal to your Mastery Rank (double if an Orokin Reactor is installed), and mastering the Plexus will contribute 6000 Affinity towards your Mastery Rank. 

Do you lose Competency Points if you End a Crew Contract?
You gain Competency points through the Command Intrinsic. When you unlock certain ranks within the Command tree, those points can be applied to any member of the Crew you hire. For example, if you have unlocked 3 Competency points, you can spend them on each Crew member. If you then retire that Crew Member and hire another, you will be able to apply 3 Competency points to them immediately. Simply put, they are not consumed / exclusive per Crew member! 

Warframe Energy, Round 2 FAQ. 
Warframe Energy continues to be a big conversation in threads and posts about The New Railjack. We are indeed changing a lot, and this part of the FAQ outlines deeper connections between all these changes. 

Energy Generation

- The Battle Forge can make Warframe Energy now! This means that in addition to existing player strategies, the Forge itself will be regularly outputting large pools of Warframe energy with Player use.  

Battle Avionics 

With every player using their own Energy pool and bringing their own powers to the ship, we’re effectively potentially tripling the total amount of Battle Mods used on the ship. More options are great in theory but there is an Elephant-in-the-Orbiter: Tether. 

Tether trivialized a lot of the Railjack gameplay flow with how lethal it was toward Fighter units in one-size-fits-all bursts. We want to justify the changes to Tether in the scope of adding new content. Tether would continue to trivialize all phases of Railjack fighter content, so we have made changes to focus its lethality on those Tethered while still rewarding tactical placement. 

Tether Battle Mod (previously Avionic) has been balanced for new gameplay:
No longer shoot to destroy.
Tethered enemies that die will explode, dealing damage to those around them. 
Tethered enemies take additional damage from Railjack weapons.

Obviously changes like this shouldn’t be a one-way street, so we’ve also reviewed the other Battle Mods. Some of the more notable changes you can look forward to:
Blackout Pulse: Additional pulses occur based on how many enemies were hit by the first pulse
Fiery Phoenix: Railjack weapons gain additional Heat damage when this ability is active

We should also note: We have also buffed Railjack guns significantly across the board, which will be detailed in our Update Notes. 

So while Tether has changed, so too has most of Railjack. All things in balance, Tenno. 

More FAQ! 

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