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December 2021 Riven Disposition Updates


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Greetings Tenno!

Harrow Prime brings his awesome power to the Origin System, just in time for The New War. Not going to waste time when there’s Sentients to be fought - here are the latest Riven disposition changes!



Kuva Ogris: 0.85->0.8

Lenz: 0.95->1

Panthera Prime: 1.2->1.25

Shedu: 0.8->0.75

Sporothrix: 1.2->1.25

Stahlta: 0.9->0.95

Tenet Envoy: 0.5->0.6

Tenet Flux Rifle: 0.7->0.8

Tenet Tetra: 0.7->0.85

Tenora Prime: 0.8->0.9



Arca Plasmor: 0.8->0.85

Astilla Prime: 0.8->0.95

Corinth Prime: 0.9->0.95

Kuva Hek: 0.7->0.8



Akstiletto Prime: 0.7->0.75

Catabolyst: 1.1->1.15

Cyanex: 0.85->0.9

Tenet Cycron: 0.65->0.7

Mara Detron: 1.1->1.15
Tenet Detron: 0.65->0.75

Euphona Prime: 0.85->0.9

Kompressa: 0.75->0.9

Pandero Prime: 0.85->0.9

Tenet Diplos: 0.55->0.6

Tenet Spirex: 0.6->0.7

Zakti Prime: 0.95->1

Zymos: 1.1->1.15



Dark Split-Sword: 1.21->1.3

Glaive Prime: 0.8->0.7

Halikar Wraith: 0.85->1

Lesion: 0.7->0.75

Pulmonars: 1.1->1.15

Tenet Agendus: 0.55->0.65

Tenet Exec: 0.6->0.65

Vastilok: 0.7->0.75

Vitrica: 0.9->0.95

Volnus Prime: 0.8->1



Grattler: 1.05->1.1
Kuva Grattler: 0.6->0.7

Larkspur: 0.9->0.95

Morgha: 0.9->0.95

Thanks everyone!

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Tenet Detron going up to 0.75, dang this is the unexpected highlight from these riven dispo changes for profit taker speedrunners. The tenet detron is one of the best weapons to use for profit taker as it hits four elements: innate radiation, lich magnetic, dual element, heat)

Wow a bunch of AOE weapons got hit this time around that is crazy to see. 

And seeing the grattler and kuva grattler on here reminds me of why I don't have a grattler riven since the grattler has more dps than the kuva grattler with a riven, these changes still won't fix that it.

Other notable highlights: Kuva Hek, stahla, Lenz, tenet envoy,  Tenet Cycron, glaive prime, Vatilok, kuva grattler, grattler


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50 minutes ago, Tiltskillet said:

Strun Prime and Magnus Prime still stuck at 0.5?  That looks like an oversight. 

Unless the policy is now going to be that new weapons have to wait even longer until their next review.

This. Magnus Prime has a massive difference in disposition to Magnus without being too different besides the passive.

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55 minutes ago, Tiltskillet said:

Strun Prime and Magnus Prime still stuck at 0.5?  That looks like an oversight. 

Unless the policy is now going to be that new weapons have to wait even longer until their next review.

They wait 6 months to collect usage data before changing the dispo of new weapons.

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59 minutes ago, DarknessNightshade said:

Corinth and Arca Plasmor buffs poggers.

Grattler needed more than just a 0.1 upgrade imo, Mausolon rivens are near useless too unless you get a half decent roll because of the low stats, among other things, idk if DE takes the Mausolon being the default archgun into account, but it's definitely in a bad spot for Rivens.

Reminder, those are the base weapons not the tenet arca plasmor and cornith prime so if you use the base weapons great but there is still the chance the better version I mentioned could be better than the base even with a riven due to the other bump in stats the buffs.

The Kuva grattler/Grattler situation I am conflicted on, on one hand the kuva grattler has better "QOL" features such as mag size and fire rate compared to the grattler but the grattler has more dps with a riven so I don't know if the grattler needs any additional buffs. They are both AOE and deserve a spot as some of the best archguns as a result of this.

So it surprises me that the grattler somehow has less usage than the more "terrible" archguns (and as an extension, archmelees which don't even have rivens or any sort of acknowledgement) that did not get riven dispo buffs if riven dispo buffs are based upon usage.

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On 2021-12-15 at 9:09 AM, (NSW)isoTONER said:

They wait 6 months to collect usage data before changing the dispo of new weapons.

Is this something you heard them say recently?  Because that hasn't been the case.

The Tenet weapons still aren't at 6 months yet, but I'll grant you they're close.   But more importantly, most of them were updated in September, almost exactly 2 months after release.  See also: Kompressa. 

If you're saying it's "6 months for new Prime weapons, not new weapons in general", Astilla Prime and Volnus Prime also had their first disp increases in September, less than 4 months after release.  Going a little further back, Pandero Prime: introduced in February 2021 had its dispo updated 3 months later  in May.    OTOH, Tenora Prime wasn't updated then, which seemed like another big oversight.  Particularly since it got the maximum increase the very next dispo update.

I think this is just a similar mistake.    Perhaps something as simple as forgetting to update a spreadsheet with the weapons that came out in September.  It's pretty suspicious to me that the Ghoulsaw didn't get updated either.



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3 hours ago, Voltage said:

This. Magnus Prime has a massive difference in disposition to Magnus without being too different besides the passive.

idk maybe we aren't supposed to use prime weapons anymore since there apparently shouldn't be a upgrade path through weapons using variants. That's the way it seems to me.

RIP prime access ever having value again beyond a warframe and MR fodder weapons. several year old variants will just always be better it seems and that seems to be here to stay.
0.5 dispo for new variants of very old weapons was a terrible idea when you want money for inferior weapons.

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1 hour ago, -TSA-warramssie said:

do you really think the power level of a glaive prime build is tied to its riven ?

Well, yeah, potentially.  If you mean that a riven for Glaive Prime isn't essential to overpower all relevant content in the game, sure.

But that would be a funny measure for dispo changes.  Might as well buff it to 1.55, lol.

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My biggest disappointment is how it takes weapons that are barely used at all roughly half a year (more than one riven disposition update) to have their disposition buffed. These include weapons like the Tenora Prime (which took 6 months before it got even a slight buff to its disposition), and as of more recently the Strun Prime and Magnus Prime. Rarely ever did I see anyone use these in public missions of any type, and I run pugs nearly all the time.

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5 hours ago, DarknessNightshade said:

idk if DE takes the Mausolon being the default archgun into account, but it's definitely in a bad spot for Rivens.

Mausolon is freaking broken. You could probably give it 1.5 rivens and it would still be stronger without the riven on, Mausolon is just good

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