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Have Prime Warframes lost their value?

(XBOX)Lord ChibiVR

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Have Prime Warframes lost their value? I feel like with every prime access, I'm starting to lose the hype of them.  

It just feels like everyone has them, and the newest prime is suddenly cheap on the market after a couple weeks. 

Like I know they've always just been an upgraded default skin with little stat bonuses, but still. 

Like Wisp Prime for example: I don't really want her that much despite loving Wisp. In fact, if I am to get her, it's so I can subsume Wisp. Maybe it's because I already have good fashion on her?

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Primes have been much cheaper ever since they introduced relics, and prime vault/Resurgence. Nothing is ever as rare anymore. The FOMO isn’t nearly as strong.  People being able to hold vaulted relics, and run them whenever really took away the value of holding onto vaulted sets. It’s really not a bad thing, unless you’re trying to make a bunch o’ plat. 

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The only time I ever feel the need to grind for a prime, is if the grind for the original frame is either horrible or doesn't appeal to me. Occasionally it's for fashion, but if I already have 5 or 6 forma into the original frame, I wouldn't feel the need to get a prime with minor stat boosts. 

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2 hours ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

Have Prime Warframes lost their value? I feel like with every prime access, I'm starting to lose the hype of them.  

Maybe it's because we have more stuffs today that has better value? We have voidshell skins - they are nice if you are into them. Deluxe skins changes your frame appearance without changing your configs. All those stuffs works without invalidating your investment. Of course it's not big deal for higher MR player (e.g. me) but it's not incentivize for me to farm/buy primes.

I've recently bought Xaku deluxe and I'm happy with that (except this: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1332719-cannot-color-corectly-xakus-deluxe-skin-kagura/ ) I will probably farm/buy Xaku prime for more slots but I don't find it necessary to farm those if I don't play given frame. I've stopped to farm those (too much). I'm at ~5 more primes to farm.

2 hours ago, (PSN)c1234567890alvi said:

If you mean market wise on Playstation, the answer is a clear yes. 3 years ago many frames were worth 200-300 Plat, these days people refuse to pay even 150 for actually rather rare frames.

200-300 plat?! That's insane. You could buy frame + slot + potato in the price of ~325 for most frames. No need to build (resources). No waiting. 150 plat should be for something good (not necessary rare).

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vor 26 Minuten schrieb quxier:

Maybe it's because we have more stuffs today that has better value? We have voidshell skins - they are nice if you are into them. Deluxe skins changes your frame appearance without changing your configs. All those stuffs works without invalidating your investment. Of course it's not big deal for higher MR player (e.g. me) but it's not incentivize for me to farm/buy primes.

I've recently bought Xaku deluxe and I'm happy with that (except this: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1332719-cannot-color-corectly-xakus-deluxe-skin-kagura/ ) I will probably farm/buy Xaku prime for more slots but I don't find it necessary to farm those if I don't play given frame. I've stopped to farm those (too much). I'm at ~5 more primes to farm.

200-300 plat?! That's insane. You could buy frame + slot + potato in the price of ~325 for most frames. No need to build (resources). No waiting. 150 plat should be for something good (not necessary rare).

Loki until last year was regularly going for 700p. Any questions?

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33 minutes ago, quxier said:

200-300 plat?! That's insane. You could buy frame + slot + potato in the price of ~325 for most frames. No need to build (resources). No waiting. 150 plat should be for something good (not necessary rare).

Rhino Prime used to be 800p. You could only buy the primes through Prime Access so they had more value. Personally I think rivens drove the prices down. It might seem like a good thing, but the Warframe official market doesn't change it's prices so that's just less you can buy after selling probably more once valuable stuff than before.

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3 hours ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

Have Prime Warframes lost their value?

as more people join the game and more frames get primes, it's obviously going to seem like primes are abundant, but they will always be balanced out by newer frame arrivals. there is also the fact that Prime Resurgence is an active thing now. DE would be happy for everyone to have a primed frame, but obviously they'd prefer if you paid for one, which many people will do.

anyway, the benefits of primes are still by no means massive: one or two polarities helps with modding, but the rest is fairly trivial: death orbs only appear in the Void where people usually only go for Argon Crystals now, the base stat increases are minor, and the appeal of the gilded appearance is subjective, especially when some frames may have Deluxe Skins or Tennogen that looks arguably better than the Prime.

I definitely wouldn't say primes are any sort of "elite" symbol or anything, I would think of it more as the vanilla being like the "trial" version of the frame, since if you like the vanilla frame's kit, you know you're going to like their prime when it comes out. granted, it's not helped by the fact that many primes are much easier to get than their vanilla counterparts but still..


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Warframe primes don't differ much from normal ones....the difference is essentially cosmetic. Some attributes are greater but nothing that is life or death. I still use my normal loki instead of the prime version....it's just a matter of mastery and collection. I don't even do raids anymore to get prime versions....in fact they've lost relevance and I play the rifts very casually and I'm getting the prime versions without worrying.

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18 minutes ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

it's not helped by the fact that many primes are much easier to get than their vanilla counterparts but still..


4 minutes ago, (PSN)jaggerwanderer said:

It's easier to get a Prime warframe than actually going through the missions to get the normal version. Like Baruuk for example. 

This is a good point. I had to do a lot of farming to get all the frames for Helminth. The only frame I didn't have to farm back up and re-experience the original frame's farm was Octavia since the prime was just coming out.


You think that'd make them more valuable though, and the price dropped before resurgence was a thing.

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4 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:

Possibly just a symptom of the game no longer being new to you?  I feel that's my explanation for my declining excitement in primes.

It doesn't help when the surprise of weapon choice is more often than not predictable due to many new Warframes having signatures.

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4 hours ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

It just feels like everyone has them, and the newest prime is suddenly cheap on the market after a couple weeks. 

It is because farming for relics is super easy nowdays. 2 Void caps for Lith/Neo/Meso. Lua Disruption for Axi. Not to mention other sources like syndicate rep, Steel essence and stuff.

Back in the day you had to do Xini Interception for a chance of Axi relic on rot C.

If someone is willing to put in the time to farm for relics and traces they can get all 3 items within first day (considering there are so many premades going on),

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20 minutes ago, (PSN)c1234567890alvi said:
47 minutes ago, quxier said:


Loki until last year was regularly going for 700p. Any questions?

We can set arbitrary price. That doesn't mean that people will buy it. Even there is person that buy such overpriced stuffs it happens. If you are rich you do what you want.

22 minutes ago, SpicyDinosaur said:
57 minutes ago, quxier said:

200-300 plat?! That's insane. You could buy frame + slot + potato in the price of ~325 for most frames. No need to build (resources). No waiting. 150 plat should be for something good (not necessary rare).

Rhino Prime used to be 800p. You could only buy the primes through Prime Access so they had more value. Personally I think rivens drove the prices down. It might seem like a good thing, but the Warframe official market doesn't change it's prices so that's just less you can buy after selling probably more once valuable stuff than before.

What, people from consoles don't have fissures or what?

Even with stuffs that has been vaulted for years (Loki) it doesn't mean you should prize it few times of similar item. Sure, it's all that "value is subjective" but if guys trade for such ridiculously prize then don't expect DE to do business differently. Look at Archon shards. Heavily time gated, (very) small stat boosts, boring bosses with stat raised. And yet some people like that stuffs. At least there are updates like Lua where it's less fair, people like it and DE SEES IT!

ps. it ended me ranting about Shard system... I guess it's went little off topic so if you want discuss PM or create new thread.

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I get more excited for newly released frames than primes. I know how a prime frame will play because I'm already familiar with it. I lime testing builds so new frames give me something to do. 

With that being said, I don't get really hyped for new frames very often either. It's pretty easy to figure out some builds, test and know what they are capable of. Xaku was the last frame I really enjoyed.

I used to farm new primes at release and stack plat but I get burned out speed running relics. 

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10 minutes ago, quxier said:

We can set arbitrary price. That doesn't mean that people will buy it. Even there is person that buy such overpriced stuffs it happens. If you are rich you do what you want.

What, people from consoles don't have fissures or what?

Even with stuffs that has been vaulted for years (Loki) it doesn't mean you should prize it few times of similar item. Sure, it's all that "value is subjective" but if guys trade for such ridiculously prize then don't expect DE to do business differently. Look at Archon shards. Heavily time gated, (very) small stat boosts, boring bosses with stat raised. And yet some people like that stuffs. At least there are updates like Lua where it's less fair, people like it and DE SEES IT!

ps. it ended me ranting about Shard system... I guess it's went little off topic so if you want discuss PM or create new thread.

Any given thing in the game is worth what people will pay. It's like how much Primed Chamber was going for right before it was reintroduced via Baro. You don't have to feel the price is fair, but that doesn't mean people won't pay that price. Is it responsible to sell at that price? I don't know. I bought the rhino prime bp for 600p when the whole set was going for 800p because the bp was the expensive part, and made 200p from it and felt it was fair. Now, it's not worth that much now and I wouldn't feel right charging someone that much.


the frustration for me atm is struggling to get enough plat for any given updates new toys, because they don't go down in price. I still make do though. When I'm really desperate, auras sell for 20p or thereabouts and that adds up.

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I think I saw Titania prime being down to 27 plat on PC, at one point.

But sure, the more people mine the game, the more copies are created. Then every year is new frames on a conveyor belt.


To me I am not a completionist, I play pragmatically. So it made sense to get a frame for the different required jobs, for instance spy or speedrunning. But past that, grinding out 5 tiers of a timegated faction, for shotgun number 200? No thanks.

I have a little over 100 items in my foundry unclaimed right now, mostly weapons and frames I never played with. It's just more work that doesn't make me able to do something I am not already able to.

Don't know if they nerfed the exp for leveling at some point but last time I tried it felt so sluggish, further reducing the incentive.

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Primes kind of lost their value to me once I figured out that their order is a coin toss or guaranteed. I know that the next prime will be between Wisp and Hildryn (I think it's Wisp this time), and I know the frame that isn't picked will be right after. In a world with signature weapons, I largely know which weapons will be primed, so I'm only really excited to see what the frame looks like, and the trailer if they get one.

Additionally, most prime weapons got power crept hard, mainly by the Kuva/Tenet weapons. It's hard to get excited for shiny weapons that'll be just alright.

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vor 12 Stunden schrieb Tiltskillet:

Possibly just a symptom of the game no longer being new to you?  I feel that's my explanation for my declining excitement in primes.

I feel like this is the biggest reason. The Prime Release is an Event of sorts, and the basic principle never changes.


Compare it to Events like your Birthday, Christmas, annual sports events or whatever you are interested in. You might always be excited or at least looking forward to it, but most likely you will never be as excited as the first times - you simply know what to expect at some point.


The question is, is this a Problem?


Sure, DE could try to address this and try to keep the excitement even for players who have gone through dozens of instances of Prime Releases through new additions to a prime release.


But would this be better? For me as a long time player i "enjoy" the loss of excitement or urgency to different systems of the game because it allows me to just do it at my pace. The game is so old and bloated, not every System needs to stay exciting and super meaningful all the time.


And i guess for a new player it could be too much if there was even more incentive to engage with primes while also having to focus on lots of other things.

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When dealing with different player presumptions, perspectives, evaluations, such ideas will always be a bit subjective. I still roughly realise my own surprise, when I was figuring out Warframes pricing system and its idiosyncrasies. So there was this thing called Prime Access and you could buy a character for about the price of a new game, and they came with some guns and stuff... Except you didn't have to buy them, you could earn them for free. Neat. Though... if you did buy them, you would get a bunch of Platinum too... Also... with the amount of Platinum, you could trade with other fans, and get like... 10 characters... Also the "superior Prime" characters you could get much cheaper from trading with players, than buying the "normal" versions of said character from the in game market? 

Also the Primed versions weren't really more powerful or anything, they just had generally sleeker, elegant designs, usually. 

Like initially Warframes whole monetisation with Priming was so odd to me, however when you start to get use to it and understand, at least for myself, started to make more sense. That being said, in that sense, Prime versions never had an untouchable lustre of specialness about them, but they did seem like a really really cool and aesthetically pleasant make over. 

So for myself, the value and specialness of Primed Warframes still exists, even though its been a few years now. Seeing the new designs and colour choices and how they work with Tennogen etc is something I still look forward to. I can understand why it loses novelty or value for others though. 

Such feelings around value are not exclusive to Prime Warframes after all, many experience this with... just about everything. Games in general, favourite characters or hobbies, or various activities. Most people tend to need to bounce around with certain stimuli and many stimuli lose value with repetition/familiarity. 

Your personality can influence this too, like I have never actually given thought to idea that I see too many other people with Primed Warframes? For some people though, thats an important variable to them. I also generally prefer Primes being cheaper on the Market. I usually sell cheap as well. I kind of like such Warframes being more accessible to most people, rather than out of reach. 

TL;DR Still hyped for Primes, especially Gauss Prime, Wisp Prime, and also Protea Prime, who isn't relatively that far out either. Not just them either, but their weapons too. Primed Acceltra? Primed Fulmin? Primed Akarius? Too sweet. 

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8 hours ago, Voltage said:

It doesn't help when the surprise of weapon choice is more often than not predictable due to many new Warframes having signatures.

I agree, I'm pretty sure DE cottoned onto this after Gara because apart from Gauss most warframes only release with 1 signature weapon giving them that free mystery slot.

While people were disappointed with Afuris Prime I liked them. I do hope we eventually get another round of filling in old Primes that should exist like the solo Furis Prime, Bolto Prime etc., the primes that are part of an existing akimbo or solo weapon and could easily be added with no need for prime access like Akvasto and Aklex were.

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