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Social Anxieties


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... Hey... I... don't talk much to others in M.M.O.s that much. I tend to avoid clans, clubs, or other gatherings. I have so. for years. That being said I wish to apologize to everyone I've played with over the past thirty days, I was the one who didn't talk back in the chat box and left as soon as the mission was over. I'm sorry. 

I want to change. Not just so I can talk about the cool abilities or the way this game makes you feel, no. I... just want to be able to talk about random things, not just the game... to anyone. But as I stand there in the Orbiter stareing out at the vast expance of space I feel... alone. Ya'know? 

I do this irl too... right now I'm escaping into a game to avoid talking to anyone, and even then I don't talk there either! 

I know what's wrong with me, I know I have insecurities and that it's effecting me socially. I don't even know why I'm making this post... 

Maybe... maybe... I'm just trying to reach out...

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Games help us escape the pressures of real work but friends are those that will extend a helping hand whenever we need it.

Dont push your self, make friends slowly and get to know your fellow Tennos in your own pace. Slowly they will help you get over your anxieties and you will probably be helping them too.

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30 minutes ago, Kiheiji said:

... Hey... I... don't talk much to others in M.M.O.s that much. I tend to avoid clans, clubs, or other gatherings. I have so. for years. That being said I wish to apologize to everyone I've played with over the past thirty days, I was the one who didn't talk back in the chat box and left as soon as the mission was over. I'm sorry. 

I want to change. Not just so I can talk about the cool abilities or the way this game makes you feel, no. I... just want to be able to talk about random things, not just the game... to anyone. But as I stand there in the Orbiter stareing out at the vast expance of space I feel... alone. Ya'know? 

I do this irl too... right now I'm escaping into a game to avoid talking to anyone, and even then I don't talk there either! 

I know what's wrong with me, I know I have insecurities and that it's effecting me socially. I don't even know why I'm making this post... 

Maybe... maybe... I'm just trying to reach out...

You shouldn't feel bad about this kind of behaviour in this game at all. This is not a "proper MMO". Missions in this game require little to no communication whatsoever, and they end so fast sometimes I can't even reply "Hey!" in the chat if someone greets other players at the start. And I think the majority of the players know this as well, so they won't be mad at you if you don't reply to them even if it's a pm. Read the chat in missions especially if you're a new player, but you don't have to reply.

On an other note: if you really want to change, find yourself a small (and preferably active) clan with 10 or 30 ppl max. They tend to be friendly and the less people are in it, the more attention can an individual get, so you won't feel ignored when you don't want to. I think the best way to socialize in this game if you don't have friends to play with is to find someone who is roughly on the same level/progression as you are and get/farm the things you both need. It can be a good starting point. 🙂

Edited by TBone142
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A huge thanks for posting your thoughts!

No need to be sorry for not using chat or voice comms ingame, it isn't a requirement. Take your time and look around, I wish you'll find something that suits you and your pace. The community is generally very nice, but don't forget not to take everything close to heart. 


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Honestly, I think this is a reason why I play solo. I always play it off as wanting a challenge or whatever, but I'm just scared of interaction. Which seems odd when I post on a forum, however it's not like instant communication. In person, I avoid people.This carries over to every game that has co-op. Don't even have an idea how to play in a group, I'm so used to rushing missions just to finish it and trying to complete things such as the Teralyst as fast as I can. 

I've queued up with it set to public (didn't know all settings reset including matchmaking settings when I changed my IGN) once... had a mini panic moment and never have I aborted a mission so fast before. 

I should probably join a clan again, I like reading clan chat more than participating though. Been waiting for a specific clan to open up so I could apply. Biggest issue with clans I see in the sub forum, a lot of clans are requiring voice chat and that nonsense. Not being in a clan would be better than having to speak to other people. 

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52 minutes ago, --Brandt-- said:

Honestly, I think this is a reason why I play solo. I always play it off as wanting a challenge or whatever, but I'm just scared of interaction. Which seems odd when I post on a forum, however it's not like instant communication. In person, I avoid people.This carries over to every game that has co-op. Don't even have an idea how to play in a group, I'm so used to rushing missions just to finish it and trying to complete things such as the Teralyst as fast as I can. 

I've queued up with it set to public (didn't know all settings reset including matchmaking settings when I changed my IGN) once... had a mini panic moment and never have I aborted a mission so fast before. 

I should probably join a clan again, I like reading clan chat more than participating though. Been waiting for a specific clan to open up so I could apply. Biggest issue with clans I see in the sub forum, a lot of clans are requiring voice chat and that nonsense. Not being in a clan would be better than having to speak to other people. 

I guess your use of that glyph is appropriate then 😛

Clans requiring voice chat sounds pretty silly if you ask me, unless it's a competitive clan. I've never made voice chat a requirement to join a clan, and I've never even been in a clan that made it a hard rule - nor would I want to be, I don't think.


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I am a similar type of person because I don't go to societies and not socializing so much. Almost all of my attempt is happens in my job but other than that I just going to home, go play or work on my hobbies-jobs at home or just relaxing-self train myself.

In games however I like to chat with persons whom want to do. If you ask me in this game mostly some clans and few individuals are capable to socializing the rest just rush and play silently. This happens in most of the gamer communities and your progress is mostly depend on your effort and on the rest whom you want to socialize with.

So don't worry about that because I know that feeling and basically I am still that kind of guy.

Also expressing yourself is not a bad thing and if someone replies maybe they are in the same boat so that's not a problem. Try to forget that stereotype if a male/female expressing the feelings is a weakness because it is not.




@cubic clem - Welcome other lonewolf.

Edited by Sziklamester
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Probably many people are in the same shoes.

I often play when I get tired of and fed up with people around me and often am not very sociably ingame, unless if a close friend is playing.
But I can tell you, the more time you "force" yourself into doing something sociable with people irl, not ingame, the more you will enjoy being social. Just find people you can relate to and have more comfortable time with, find hobbies you enjoy and can do together with people.

8 hours ago, Kiheiji said:

I don't even know why I'm making this post... 

 Because you are lonely and crave for attention from people. But this attention you get here is fake and will never be as fulfilling as real world interactions.

Edited by Mr.SpookSpook
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If someone tries to make you feel like you owe them an apology, chances are they are the least worthy of an apology and it makes no sense for you to apologize for something like this, if anything it's counterproductive.

Don't put yourself below others, i don't think that's healthy. (i know it's not the point here, but just don't)

Slightly more on topic, i also suffer from a certain type of anxiety disorder and yeah while those affected are a really small minority, you're definitely not alone with this, at least with the behavior, like already said most people in game act like you described.

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8 hours ago, Kiheiji said:

... Hey... I... don't talk much to others in M.M.O.s that much. I tend to avoid clans, clubs, or other gatherings. I have so. for years. That being said I wish to apologize to everyone I've played with over the past thirty days, I was the one who didn't talk back in the chat box and left as soon as the mission was over. I'm sorry. 

I want to change. Not just so I can talk about the cool abilities or the way this game makes you feel, no. I... just want to be able to talk about random things, not just the game... to anyone. But as I stand there in the Orbiter stareing out at the vast expance of space I feel... alone. Ya'know? 

I do this irl too... right now I'm escaping into a game to avoid talking to anyone, and even then I don't talk there either! 

I know what's wrong with me, I know I have insecurities and that it's effecting me socially. I don't even know why I'm making this post... 

Maybe... maybe... I'm just trying to reach out...

Video games are a great way to work on your anxiety.  It's helped me become the annoying, mercurial, pain that the Warframe community gets to endure. 

When I started gaming as a teenager, I landed in with a group of psychos back in City of Heroes and through constant joking, pranks, deep conversations and genuine effort from all members, I became comfortable with who I was online.  Now, through many of the same people interacting with me outside of game, I'm just as comfortable with who I am IRL. (Spoiler alert, not much difference)

It'll take years, you'll feel like you're failing, it'll be euphoric and then depressing but stay with it.  Because who you find yourself to be, is going to be someone amazing. 

And if half the responses here are any indicater, you've got a good community willing to help you along the way. 

Edited by MagPrime
Im not awake enough for this typing nonsense, read my mind already!
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I realise it's not much, but if you ever need someone to chat with, be it about something that's bothering you, or simply a desire to ramble, my inbox is always open. Don't worry if I don't respond right away, it just means I'm not at the computer, and will respond as soon as I get back.

I'm always willing to accept a new friend.

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8 hours ago, Kiheiji said:

I know what's wrong with me, I know I have insecurities and that it's effecting me socially. I don't even know why I'm making this post... 

Don't worry, you're far from the only one. Social Anxiety is something that affects a massive number of people, myself included. of course, there's probably even more than you think, since many sufferers are not able to admit they have anxiety, because well... it makes them anxious! generally I play solo a lot, and while I will respond in Squad Chat, I never start a convo and only mention stuff like if the mission glitches or something along those lines. it's easier with a group of close-knit friends that know what you're like, but I'd definitely be slightly nervous talking to somebody I don't know.

you don't owe anybody your words, or have to talk to them unless there's something you feel they should know, and if someone doesn't respond it can be for a number of reasons, they may be AFK, or not speak English, or another reason. I don't think anyone will take it personally if you don't speak to them.


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Welcome home. I might be a much chattier person now than what I used to be 25 years ago, but I'm still not so talkative, and when I do I come as arrogant.

Take your time working your anxiety, most of us know the feeling and often we hold back from social activities as well.

And yes, friends total strangers do help, those who understand will give you your space when needed.

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Meh, join us on the ps4. Almost nobody speaks, and very few people take the time to type in chat other than "20 mins?" and "gg". 

I was actually super surprised the other night to hear someone on the plains say "if you can hear me I already have 2 lures" (at which point I did a 90 degree turn and headed straight to Terry and started blasting shields and voms). 

But really, most people probably don't mind if you're not chatty. Just do you. 

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hace 9 horas, Kiheiji dijo:

... Hey... I... don't talk much to others in M.M.O.s that much. I tend to avoid clans, clubs, or other gatherings. I have so. for years. That being said I wish to apologize to everyone I've played with over the past thirty days, I was the one who didn't talk back in the chat box and left as soon as the mission was over. I'm sorry. 

I want to change. Not just so I can talk about the cool abilities or the way this game makes you feel, no. I... just want to be able to talk about random things, not just the game... to anyone. But as I stand there in the Orbiter stareing out at the vast expance of space I feel... alone. Ya'know? 

I do this irl too... right now I'm escaping into a game to avoid talking to anyone, and even then I don't talk there either! 

I know what's wrong with me, I know I have insecurities and that it's effecting me socially. I don't even know why I'm making this post... 

Maybe... maybe... I'm just trying to reach out...

dont sweat it dude, you are not alone on that, even if people like us tend to be alone XD

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To be honest I turn Mic off on other people when they chat so don't feel bad if you don't talk on mic, or in chat. Most people are pretty cool with you popping in for a game then running off to do your own thing. If you really want to build the courage to talk to others start small with a "GG" at the end of a match. It's a small start and no one is going to mind if you don't say anything. Its nice to hear/read but not required.

If you want to make friends I think the easiest way I have found is to join a small clan with active members, or hang out in relays and just watch the conversations that happen. Heck just wait in a relay long enough and it will eventually turn into a dance party where everyone mostly just uses the various dancing emotes.

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I'm pretty introverted, and I absolutely hate being in conversations, especially with people I do not know. It freaks me out extremely quickly, and within seconds after people noticing me in a chat, either online or irl, I usually shrink away and try to get people to ignore me again.

That being said, Warframe is the first time I have been social with people I don't know in years. This isn't a game where you should ever feel intimidated or scared of talking to other players. They have nothing over you, they're just as human as you. We have all made mistakes, and been dumb, and felt awkward in chats before.

Start slowly. Maybe compliment a person's fashionframe every so often in a relay or mission. Once you feel comfortable enough using the chat for that, try saying something else, like maybe type out your frustration in a sigh when RNGesus screws ya over, lol. You can build it up from there, and eventually, you will feel more comfortable talking to people in chat.

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