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Nightwave + alerts removal feedback


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1 minute ago, Sylonus said:

What is "necessary" to you is not necessarily "necessary" to the the person right next to you. I'll say fitting the third umbral mod on there (which I didn't do before the umbral forma) felt like it made a bloody huge difference, 10 seconds in the case of eidolon hunts can be the difference between an 4x3 or 5x3, what exactly is "enough" or "amusing" to you, isn't to everyone, again, is my entire point, again, I certainly didn't mind the grind on Nightwave, I do have some gripes about it but, I don't think it feels unreasonable to get the Umbral forma, to me, but at the same time, there's nothing wrong with others saying it feels unreasonable to them.

I'm just stating my opinion here, to me, the Nightwave rewards DO feel important and impactful enough to be "a thing I would be very upset if I didn't obtain", and I personally feel like the grind to get them isn't unreasonable, though I have friends who do.

It's been so long I thought you were one of the guys arguing that umbral forma is "unfairly" locked behind Nightwave lol

I mean, people were doing 5x3 (and 6x3) before the existence of umbral forma.  But if umbral forma "feels" necessary to someone, for sure, the grind is there for them to do.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)corpusbonds said:


 Happened again last night with the arsonist challenge. I thought maybe that was the reason as well, but I had already received my daily when I went to a mission and tried it out. Came back, reset to zero.

Someone else had said that they experienced something similar. 

Maybe you should post about it over in bugs? I honestly can't say that I noticed it happening, but maybe it's one of those weird things that only happens if all the conditions are met in exactly one way? 

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)BenHeisennberg said:

It's been so long I thought you were one of the guys arguing that umbral forma is "unfairly" locked behind Nightwave lol

I mean, people were doing 5x3 (and 6x3) before the existence of umbral forma.  But if umbral forma "feels" necessary to someone, for sure, the grind is there for them to do.

I mean I do sympathize with those people, I have a lot longer to play than many of my friends, even if to me it didn't feel like "too much grind" for me.

5x3 and 6x3 were done, (and I'd imagine still are), but that doesn't mean just everyone can do them, not to mention, the recent hitbox changes to the Eidolons has made everything harder, depending on your players/group etc etc, it may be the difference in your personal performance, etc that makes up the difference between what you could do before, and after.

I'm just mostly trying to point out to people, saying "I feel like X or Y is fair to me, I don't think you should change it."  is great and all, but
"You shouldn't feel like this is unfair." is just silly.

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16 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

Someone else had said that they experienced something similar. 

Maybe you should post about it over in bugs? I honestly can't say that I noticed it happening, but maybe it's one of those weird things that only happens if all the conditions are met in exactly one way? 

Yeah, it’s not terribly annoying since I can just do it again, but it’s enough to warrant an eye roll.

 I’ll probably due that. A bit busy though so hopefully I’ll remember later.

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9 hours ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

And that's the problem, at no point could you "do it at your own pace". You either did what was in front of you, or you skipped it and forego the rewards. 

It also implies that nightwave challenges can't be skipped, which they can. 

It's no pretext if it's true. 

Each alert was a discrete unit. If you didn't do it, you got no reward at all. And since they lasted about an hour, you never had the option to do it at any pace other than the one dictated by DE. Now we have a minimum of 3 days to get it done at "our pace". Anyone being honest with themselves can admit that a window of 3 days is a lot more relaxed than 60 minutes. 

Scroll back a few dozen pages. I've been disagreeing with people who rapidly evolve to personal attacks on people who disagree with them. You can get in trouble for doing that. Nobody gets warnings for putting "likes". Also you'll notice the numbers on most of them remaining fairly constant over time. Last I checked it was in the range of 4-5. Should tell you something. 

Nightwave. The difference between alerts and nightwave. The fact that many people are making blatantly false claims about "not missing out with the old system" despite most admitting that that's because they stopped participating in, and ignored the majority of alerts in old system after a relatively short period of time. Yet they still claim it's a case of "doing them at our own pace" (which meant not at all it seems) and ignoring the limited time we had to do each. 


Nah mate, those are on topic. Good try though. 

Also, most of what you have posted is ad hominem. You haven't spoken to the validity of any of the points in a long time. Why is that? 

Ad hominem. Try addressing points instead of people.

You finally did it. you have me rolling on the floor laughing my ass off. Have a good day sir. I am sure you are a delight to meet in person. Many a person must not have skipped you entirely.

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On 2019-04-20 at 10:21 AM, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

You're "beyond the end", and completed a pretty major grind for an enemy with a low spawn rate that's supposed to increase as time goes by, with several weeks left on the clock! What that suggests to me is that you didn't have to play every week, or burn yourself out. 

Why did you do that to yourself? 

Well, when is the end of this event? Or does no one know about this quite yet? I was assuming it was soon.

Edited by CrystalSpark
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I forward that the Gild and Forma objectives should be removed entirely. These two objectives expect not only time but also resources to complete, resources that you would otherwise not use up unless self motivated to improve your loadout; every other objective only requires time investment and some skill/mechanic knowledge. These two objectives are just resource sinks that demand to build or upgrade things simply for the sake of it.

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60 minute survivals are goddamned Satan-spawn. They're not challenging, they're boring, and their main challenge comes from hoping that the host's connection doesn't take a S#&$ or that someone is so zombified from the dullness that they auto-pilot trigger a canister. I literally start falling asleep during these nightwave survivals. 


Make it a 20 minute survival where enemies start at 80-100, for the love of god.

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Please DE for the love of the Void please stop with the "with a friend or clanmate" missions. You know damn well I have no friends. Please stop rubbing it in my face xD

Also pretty pretty please stop the "use x resources" challenges. I gilded an amp yesterday, it just discourages people from using those resources outside Nightwave missions.

2 hours ago, CrystalSpark said:

Well, when is the end of this event? Or does no one know about this quite yet? I was assuming it was soon.

Check the dev workshop thread about Wolf spawn rate clarification, they said the earliest end date in there. I believe it was... May 15th? Though they said it may get extended past then depending on how things go.

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2 hours ago, CrystalSpark said:

Well, when is the end of this event? Or does no one know about this quite yet? I was assuming it was soon.

May 15th is the earliest projected end date at this time. Wolf is planned to be making repeat appearances but I don't have any details. 

Even if you counted 10 weeks from the start date you're looking at the 8th of May and we've known that DE doesn't seem to be counting that first partial week for a long time now. 

So.. Like I said, you have gone way past the end, with weeks left on the clock. You never needed to push yourself so hard, or burn yourself out. You could have skipped weeks and still completed the event. Like many other people you seem to have taken an irrational fear and given it way too much power over you. 


So again why did you do that to yourself? 


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23 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

...You never needed to push yourself so hard, or burn yourself out. You could have skipped weeks and still completed the event. Like many other people you seem to have taken an irrational fear and given it way too much power over you. 


So again why did you do that to yourself? 


It's obviously more of a personal private manner, it's the reason why I didn't mention answering it nor challenged your questioning. No reason to bash on it.

Edited by CrystalSpark
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8 minutes ago, CrystalSpark said:

It's obviously more of a personal private manner, the reason why I didn't mention answering it nor challenge your questioning. No reason to bash on it.

That is fine, but you made claims that people aren't able to take a week off, and that you had to play every week. 

Will you at least admit that you got through it with more than enough time to spare for a fortnight on a deserted island without modern conveniences? Or that many people seem to be blaming DE for burning themselves out, despite having time to have gone at a far more leisurely pace? 

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

Will you at least admit that you got through it with more than enough time to spare for a fortnight on a deserted island without modern conveniences? Or that many people seem to be blaming DE for burning themselves out, despite having time to have gone at a far more leisurely pace? 

Well, I have friends complaining that some of the nightwave challenges seem more like chores than fun challenges. However, other than that, I have other friends going at slower leisurely paces, and they are reaching very close to base level 30. So if it matters, yeah you're correct in this aspect.

Sorry, I just don't find it common for others to accept/agree with other people's criticisms online, so I thought I might as well do the same, lol...Most folks just don't respond or go silent in these regards...It's kind of a cultural problem, it seems...

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Warning, I need to rant a lil so pardon my French.

As a warframe veteran that played since it came out (you know the good ol' time when grineers were still walking on corpus tilesets?), I gotta say some of those nightwave objectives are just completely ridiculously "cognitively impaired" if you catch my drift (nowadays we cannot risk damaging some weak minded individuals with the R_tard word so im censoring myself). It's like you expect all of your players to be nolifers that play multiple hours per "sitting" or "gaming session" without ever stretching their legs to go get a glass of water or something. The one hour long survival without using a O2 pod and kuva equivalent are just complete nonsense. They should be at max 30min each.

Also, ATM if you don't have either multiple hydroids and/or a nekro you cannot even dream of reaching the 60min mark. We are forced in using a certain frame to even think of reaching 60min. Just now, in the middle of a round, because we weren't all camping in the corner of his choosing, our lil nekros decided to throw a man-child tantrum and ragequit mid-mission making us a 3men squad and we only had a single hydroid as a mean to increase our O2 drops. We made it to 56min. Needless to say, thank you DE and whoever the incompetent is for making those runs ridiculously long (no I didn't need any kuva). 

Extremely rage inducing.

You say : "Survival Challenges - too long in one sitting."
Yet you haven't f-ing fixed it almost 2months later. GG slow clap. 

Edited by VieuxPappy
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So uh, about this week (and previous appearance)...

Good:  level 140+ enemies.  I like fighting them.

Bad:  1 hour, in a mission where a misplaced button press fails the challenge.

Solution:  half an hour special alert in kuvival, starting at level 100, with capsules that cannot be activated for life support.

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I wasn't planning on skipping any of the nightwave objectives, but I'm prestige 8 and I don't feel like doing hour long survivals. So, I'm going to skip them. Because they're bad. Undecided on the 40 wave defense. Might skip that too. 

I'm doing the gild even though I already have every item gilded just because of all the materials given to us by exploiter orb, but I still very much hate the idea of that being a challenge. It's a straight waste of materials and rep for absolutely no benefit. This is also bad. 

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18 minutes ago, (PS4)BenHeisennberg said:

Solution:  half an hour special alert in kuvival, starting at level 100, with capsules that cannot be activated for life support.

Should be 20 or 40 though, if they keep rotation AABC.

If they goes for ABCCCC like arbitration one, then that'll do fine.

Edited by Test-995
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3 minutes ago, Test-995 said:

Should be 20 or 40 though, if they keep rotation AABC.

If they goes for ABCCCC like arbitration one, then that'll do fine.

Fair point.  But yeah, maybe then 20 min starting at 110 or something.  Or, no rotation rewards and throw a 5 relic pack in at the end or something, with it being a higher level alert and all.

Edited by (PS4)BenHeisennberg
A word
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Easy decision to skip most of this week's Acts, for me anyway (rank 30).
Gild - nope (I mean, I could, but, wasted standing since I'm 30 already, and this will likely come back in the next series, so might as well wait until the next series)
1hr Survival/friend - NOPE.
1hr Kuva/no lifesupport - NOPE.
40wave Defense/friend - Nope.
Clem - nope. (I only did his little mission once or twice, no reason to do it - not even this... maybe if it was assassinate clem)
SanctuaryOnslaught - maybe... if my friend wants to get a radiant relic.
10 Perfect Captures on Valis - NOPE. Been there, done that, didn't like that. (note this is one of the PS4 trophies, btw - considered "Ultra Rare" and only 0.2% have it completed, and this was already an Act one week...)

If I was still in dire need of standing, I'd be hating this week so much... I'm just glad I can ignore it.
... but my friend is only at Rank19, the 2nd Kuva reward rank. He certainly doesn't have time for that junk, and needs every point he can get. He's even LESS motivated now, to even TRY to get to the ranks with the good stuff. He MIGHT hit rank 20 this week, and nothing in there is anything he cares about until the syandana/umbraforma/attachments.

I'd have thought with their awareness of the reception of some of those acts (and bugs and griefing), they'd just remove them from this series.

My "For fun" goals do not match up with these at all. (in fact, they're a collection of the very definition of "not fun" things I could be doing in Warframe, and they stop me from doing things I would otherwise do, for efficiency's sake of not wasting materials until it's a required activity by Nightwave)


On the bright side, with the return of Thermia Fractures, it still remembers that I got 5 done in the first batch, so it's remembering progress between its appearances. That's a very nice bit of design that didn't throw my effort away and reset me to zero again. I might do some more this time around, now that I know it's not all for naught if I can't hit 100 during the event's return.


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It would be REALLY nice if for the next 'season' you explicitly state upfront when the hell it's ending. I have at least one friend who gave up on Nightwave because he started late and ended up thinking he had fallen too far behind to get to the end rewards.

Say how dang long it's gonna last, don't just shrug and 'eh' at us next time. It doesn't help anyone. All the other events you've given concrete durations, why was Nightwave different?

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I am SO happy I got past rank 30 last week. Half the challenges this week are just a massive bucket of poop!

  • Conservationist: Not the worst of the bunch, but a lot of people either don't care about this activity, or got burned out at some point. Personally, I don't really enjoy looking for poop and imitating mating calls. Do you have any idea, how hard it is to pry a bolarola in heat off your leg?
  • Gilded: Again? For those of us with the gear we want already gilded, this is just a waste of resources and time.
  • Defense with Friends: The problem with this has already been brought to your attention ad nauseum. So when are you going to do something about it? Next season?
  • Hold your Breath: The fact that you haven't reacted to the vehement negative feedback from last time this was dumped in our laps is astounding. Are you actively trying to piss people off?
  • Survival with Friends: Second "friends" challenge this week. And another endurance run at that.

Luckily I don't have to do any of these, this week or the rest of this season. It is also noticable, that I don't have to stress and worry about doing enough challenges before the end of the season. I enjoy playing now more than after Nightwave got implemented. That should be a red flag to whoever came up with this idea.



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In this case it was DE's attempt to avoid monitoring NW the way they apparently did with Alerts thats causing this little dose of fun, they wanted to get a fire & forget way of setting up monthly & weekly stuff, in so doing, they cant change the code "allegedly" or are unwilling to due to what it may effect, break or so forth.

So "allegedly" this return of the sh!t sandwich buffet was beyond their control to stop, I say Allegedly because I wouldn'tthink folks would be that flippant to not allow SOME ability to alter, change, remove or otherwise modify any aspect of the very product they created.

Still no excuse, but its still just bad decisions or shortsighted thinking & that I can forgive so long as they arent repeated again when the opportunity comes when the previous excuse & due time have given every opportunity to change & prevent the same mistakes from happening.

But if that truly was the case & they DID in fact shoot themselves in the foot with a harpoon gun, it gives great precedent for Skynet to get cracking on the world takeover thing, were good n ripe for it.

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