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Should they keep releasing new Open Worlds or expand the existing ones?

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IMO they should keep expanding. The plains and Orb Vallis is a way for DE to keep getting us content without the need to abandon it all together. Yes, I know the plains remaster was just months ago but they didn't add much apart from visuals, new bosses and new economy… But what about new bounties, new caves, new NPC... Even a new hub camp. Same for Fortuna. Those bounties are getting old tbh. They could even implement fetch bounties involving more NPCs ala "The Fisher needs you to catch 5 Norg because a special festival is coming up. Here have 460 standing + another reward like credits or fish parts". "The Quills want you to infiltrate and assasinate this grineer comander without being seen because yadda yadda yadda".

I don't know if the Planes of Duviri is another open world and I hope it's not. They should just work with the existing ones. If this Tennocon reveals that the Planes of Duviri is another zone for the plains I'll be very happy.


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lets get the new TAU system first that is more complex & more difficult before expanding what we already chewed a few thousand times..i think content wise we could use more places to go in stead going back to the same places

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I am done with open worlds as they are and would rather not focus on a new open map while I'm still trying to wrap up POE and Orb Vallis..I did not have fun with those thanks in part to the animal poop sniffing to the maxed Syndicate mcGuffins and the boss fights hidden behind them...

The only open world I might be okay with is Jupiter and DE pulling a "Sea of Thieves" with the Rail Jack..Where we sail about between floating Corporus docks and refineries in the jovian skies with monsters lurking under the clouds...That I would stomach with another turn on the syndicate chore train...

I would like them to add new Eidolons to POE and expand on any new giant enemies of all the faction and let them loose there simply because I did enjoy the addition of the Tusk Thumpers to some extent...because seriously these open worlds just need giant monsters roaming about more than anything else to make them fun.

Edited by (PS4)FriendSharkey
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1 minute ago, (PS4)FriendSharkey said:

I am done with open worlds. as they are and would rather not focus on a new open map while I'm still trying to wrap up POE and Orb Vallis..I did not have fun with those thanks in part to the animal poop sniffing to the maxed Syndicate mcGuffins and the boss fights hidden behind them...

The only open world I might be okay with is Jupiter and DE pulling a "Sea of Thieves" with the Rail Jack..Where we sail about between floating Corporus docks and refineries in the jovian skies with monsters lurking under the clouds...That I would stomach with another turn on the syndicate chore train...

I would like them to add new Eidolons to POE and expand on any new giant enemies of all the faction and let them loose there simply because I did enjoy the addition of the Tusk Thumpers to some extent...because seriously these open worlds just need giant monsters roaming about more than anything else to make them fun.


There has been little to no difficulty progression with open worlds imho...

New War presents a possible endgame, its going to make or break my 6 year warframe streak.

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Why the flying f?

"Open worlds" are just giant dead spaces with barely something to do, that is completely separated from the rest of the game and where most of the content is irrelevant for the rest of the game. Its also a massive cpu/gpu sink for lower end pcs for no reward - and it subjectively look worse than remastere earth because its still mmo, the density of flora is just not there so why bother then? It looks just "fine". Like literally, its worse things than Lua was - which is mroe interesting and beautiful place. Ive no idea why some are so psyched about "open maps". Its just a big but dead map. Thast all.

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For the open world succes it need to work like any mmorpg, in the way, more mobs around, entrande to dungeon ( mean any  other map, boss, mision  )  random boses  like  teralyst around map, choose dificulty, misions  wich can be taked and completed into same map, alot more items to farm and earn, hard to make new weapons maybe cosmetics, all those are not really hard to make, for sure easier than make a complety new big zone.

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They need to rethink their open worlds because they are simply too empty. They look absolutely amazing, but looks doesnt last without content to go with it. I think they should be more alive and far more dangerous. Factions struggling for control, things where we can intervene etc. Guild Wars 2 had the right idea, which factions taking over certain positions which resulted in zone events where you took back the points and killed a boss at the end.

Something similar could be done with open worlds here but obviously not in the same way because WF doesnt run on dedicated servers.

The open worlds simply need to be more alive and interactive.

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Agreed. I would like to see some more down the road, but step one in my eyes is make the current ones feel more alive.

I'd like to see a world event system, kind of like Destiny's, taking the place of the Incursion system. You can complete activities like hacking vaults, raiding bases, and do enough of some specific stuff in a certain area and Konzu/Eudico will chime in with something of note, with themed rewards, enabling you to target certain items or resources by doing certain things. These could be Open World resources or otherwise. You could also possibly walk into these randomly, decided when you load up the open world without accepting an existing bounty (probably deactivated at PoE night though)



"Hey, uh, Killer? A Quill mentioned something couple days ago that some of the stuff you just found reminded me of. Grineer are apparently about to uncover a stockpile of old Orokin Relics. The Quills don't want them and the Grineer shouldn't have them, so I'm sending you the coordinates of the dig. Maybe you'll get something you can use there?"

Effectively a cache hunt in one of the caves, with many more Grineer than normal.

Rewards: A stash of 3-4 relics, with a mid-ish chance of them being refined to some degree.


"Sparky? You there? Chek. So, whilst you were doing what you do just now, I overheard some Taxmen chit-chat about 'bringing in heavy firepower' and 'not letting the Tenno get the incoming shipment of clantech resources'. Would be a reaaall shame if someone were to tip you off about both of those right? Heh, well, seems they've got a paira Bek-brand Jackals guarding Detonite, Fieldron and mutagen samples at the spaceport. Don't think I need to tell ya what happens next, do I?"

A boss fight against a pair of OG Jackals bumped up in level in the Spaceport. They'll fight together alongside OV forces, making it a bit more tricky than usual.

Rewards: A cache of Clantech Resources - the small ones, not the full amounts, including Mutagen Samples.

I feel like this might make them feel more tied into the world, and a bit more alive, since not everything just revolves around Bounties - the Grineer and Corpus are actually doing stuff that you're not involved with, not just milling around waiting for you to murder them.

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They need to consider new variables in their open worlds in order to make exploration more interesting, parkour isnt an integral part of traversing those maps, archwing is not needed, the void childs dont open access to anything, etc

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I do not want to see any more new open world areas for a long time. I enjoy them (when they don’t frustrate the hell out of me) but they come with waaay too much of a grind attached, presumably because DE doesn’t want us to blow through something that took them a year to make. I honestly think it was a mistake releasing Fortuna only a year after PoE. For now, I want to see new scenery without a year’s worth of grinding attached to it, so I’m more interested in new tile sets than new open worlds.

But what I really want is quests. Playing through the quests was what got me so into Warframe in the first place. And it feels like they have been forgotten as a concept. It’s been a year since the last actual story quest (Fortuna doesn’t really count). I know TNW is on its way, but I don’t like the idea of waiting a year and a half for a 2 hour story quest and then repeating that cycle.

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8 hours ago, (PS4)poloslash18 said:

IMO they should keep expanding. The plains and Orb Vallis is a way for DE to keep getting us content without the need to abandon it all together. Yes, I know the plains remaster was just months ago but they didn't add much apart from visuals, new bosses and new economy… But what about new bounties, new caves, new NPC... Even a new hub camp. Same for Fortuna. Those bounties are getting old tbh. They could even implement fetch bounties involving more NPCs ala "The Fisher needs you to catch 5 Norg because a special festival is coming up. Here have 460 standing + another reward like credits or fish parts". "The Quills want you to infiltrate and assasinate this grineer comander without being seen because yadda yadda yadda".

I don't know if the Planes of Duviri is another open world and I hope it's not. They should just work with the existing ones. If this Tennocon reveals that the Planes of Duviri is another zone for the plains I'll be very happy.


If I know anything about DE, they'll be working on new content for the existing open worlds and an entirely new one at the same time.

I know how you feel. "Just let me finish these other two open worlds before you come out with a new one, so I can finally catch up!" Even after playing for two and a half years, I'm proud of having completed all the open world content for Orb Vallis and Cetus. There's SO MUCH to do in the game. The task can be daunting, especially for new players (Completing star chart, Completing focus schools, buying all vaulted prime items, getting that perfect riven, endo for all the primed mods, lotus fur pattern for kubrow).All this and then the open worlds each come with another big bag of things to do. The feeling can be overwhelming, I get it. But I do not want to stop DE from creating new content. They want to bring a third open world? Great! Bring it. The constant updates are whats kept this game alive as long it has. Just try to compartmentalize if you can all the extra catching up you still have to do. 

Edited by OminousVortex
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They'll probably do a bit of both, I suspect the primary focus will be on new content but I'd expect things like PoE to get expansions as time goes on because it is pretty limited even just comparing it to Orb Valis

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19 hours ago, -Temp0- said:

Why the flying f?

"Open worlds" are just giant dead spaces with barely something to do, that is completely separated from the rest of the game and where most of the content is irrelevant for the rest of the game. Its also a massive cpu/gpu sink for lower end pcs for no reward - and it subjectively look worse than remastere earth because its still mmo, the density of flora is just not there so why bother then? It looks just "fine". Like literally, its worse things than Lua was - which is mroe interesting and beautiful place. Ive no idea why some are so psyched about "open maps". Its just a big but dead map. Thast all.

I would agree with you until I brought my friends into the game and guided them. I'll have to respectfully disagree with "content is irrelevant for the rest of the game". Ever since carrying new players through the starchart and then the open world content, my perspective on it has changed:

  • Every new players goes to open worlds when they need Focus Lens.
  • Every new players goes to Fortuna when they need Fieldron, Detonites and Mutagen Masses.
  • Plenty of players hunts Eidolons down to work on their Zenurik school.
  • Even more so are there players to hunt Eidolons for Arcanes.
  • It's a long term goal for the best melees and secondaries in the game (Zaws and Kitguns).

It's been part of the game progression since two years ago, and removing that would remove even more incentives to play the game than it already is. There's another glaring issue with the main content of the game that I found when I was handholding them across the starchart: a worse realization. A realization that: Starchart is just as, if not even more dead than open world was. Seriously, there is nothing to do there. Hydron, Index and Fissures are the only relevant nodes. Everything else was dead. Kuva Fortress is on life support. Lua is borderline dying. Void is absolutely forgotten. Arbitration is a walking corpse. There was just nothing.

I would argue: there's a bigger problem when the rest of the game is so dead, that it had to hinge on Open Worlds to give the game a long-term goal like Focus and Arcanes.

Edited by NaoEthelia
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I'm gonna go with "neither", on this one. I really hate both of them, and cannot see them being changed in a way that makes them interesting at all. Finish up the third orb spider, I guess, and move on. They have been massive hogs on development resources for way too long.

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11 hours ago, Loza03 said:

Agreed. I would like to see some more down the road, but step one in my eyes is make the current ones feel more alive.

Meanwhile, we get the occasional complaint how Grineer patrol squads somehow spot you 100m away and harass you as you fish! Same with Corpus in Orb Vallis while you fish or capture animals! And the Vomvalysts are really bad for newer players who are just trying to fish! PoE and Orb Vallis are definitely alive with lots of annoying stuff everywhere! Oh yeah... I love getting hit by random Corpus sentry towers mounted on roofs of Corpus structures in Orb Vallis (some of them hit really hard!). Sometimes they notice you, sometimes they don't.

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14 hours ago, -Temp0- said:

Why the flying f?

"Open worlds" are just giant dead spaces with barely something to do, that is completely separated from the rest of the game and where most of the content is irrelevant for the rest of the game. Its also a massive cpu/gpu sink for lower end pcs for no reward - and it subjectively look worse than remastere earth because its still mmo, the density of flora is just not there so why bother then? It looks just "fine". Like literally, its worse things than Lua was - which is mroe interesting and beautiful place. Ive no idea why some are so psyched about "open maps". Its just a big but dead map. Thast all.

I played a lot of open world mmos. And all of them are empty huge maps with enemies in it. So you're not saying anything. This isn't GTA or Witcher 3. 

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Neither. Fixing the gameplay, rewards, frames, bugs would be better imo. Another open world at this point would just be plains of grindolon with time gate all over again with added chorewave on top.

 New "content" so far this year has just been... Meh... without something to keep people coming back, DE can shine and polish a tileset all they want but if the rewards suck, there's little to no reason to go there and play it. *Cough* the new gas city mode and boss *Cough*...

I feel Railjack will just be another plains of grindolon but in space. It will be cool for a bit then the grind and burnout will set in fast. Unless they pull some sort of miracle. 

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Il y a 14 heures, SneakyErvin a dit :

They need to rethink their open worlds because they are simply too empty. They look absolutely amazing, but looks doesnt last without content to go with it. I think they should be more alive and far more dangerous. Factions struggling for control, things where we can intervene etc. Guild Wars 2 had the right idea, which factions taking over certain positions which resulted in zone events where you took back the points and killed a boss at the end.

Something similar could be done with open worlds here but obviously not in the same way because WF doesnt run on dedicated servers.

The open worlds simply need to be more alive and interactive.

Ye, i agree. They tried to give the option to generate combat bubbles with Fortuna alert system which was a good idea BUT it's been left dusting since its inception.

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11 minutes ago, Firetempest said:

Games flawed at it's core, so it doesn't really matter. I'll do what I've done for the past almost 7 years. Blow stuff up for a new gun to blow stuff up.


15 minutes ago, Dr.Pepper23 said:

Neither. Fixing the gameplay, rewards, frames, bugs would be better imo. Another open world at this point would just be plains of grindolon with time gate all over again with added chorewave on top.

 New "content" so far this year has just been... Meh... without something to keep people coming back, DE can shine and polish a tileset all they want but if the rewards suck, there's little to no reason to go there and play it. *Cough* the new gas city mode and boss *Cough*...

I feel Railjack will just be another plains of grindolon but in space. It will be cool for a bit then the grind and burnout will set in fast. Unless they pull some sort of miracle. 

I have to agree with this. Well, maybe not Railjack - Steve's tweeted and said in Devstreams that he's planning on trialling some new damage system ideas there so that may be a used as a jumping-off point for larger-scale reworks at last.  That said, jury's out if that's still going on as of Devstream 128.


With that in mind, I feel like it's the core combat loop that's the main problem. After all, Monster Hunter manages to see people through pretty similar grinds off how fun it is to beat up on giant monsters. For example, if the core combat is more engaging, it's more intrinsically rewarding, so the extrinsic rewards of any individual mode become less important. 

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16 hours ago, (PS4)poloslash18 said:

I don't know if the Planes of Duviri is another open world and I hope it's not.

I rather it be a openworld-ish faction, with new story, progression, activities, but without the openworld part, these maps take too much effort to make and is the least interesting part of both openworld expansions, tbh aside from how non-interactive the maps are, the traversal is already dragging the gameplay down. The visuals are great (if u're not on a potato like me), but they only work the first time, unless DE want to dedicate even more time into openworlds, it's simply lacking too many openworld elements that makes openworld what they are.

Edited by Showerwalker
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