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Please lower the Bullet Jump requirement for Nightwave


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3 minutes ago, (PS4)deathwolfclaw666 said:

Which that?


6 hours ago, (PS4)deathwolfclaw666 said:

That moment when you're doing that for 10 minutes while also... doing something else with your other hand that involves a PC only to find out that you've not been bullet jumping properly and have to spend another 10 minutes doing the same thing. 😉


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8 hours ago, DoTengri said:

Actually... I hope its not a joke.

I, too, think that 150 jumps is way over the top and a most annoying chore. The last few times this came up I was always doing the bunny-hop for extra 10 or 15 boring minutes to get rid of it.

Yeah, yeah, I know... play the game "properly" and you get it done.

No, I will not get it down that way. I hardly bullet jump, only if it is required to jump over a gap - which might happen once, twice, maybe three times on average per mission. I know, you are supposed to speed rush through missions, flashing past enemies without engaging everyone and stuff, never stop to loot boxes or smell the roses... and frankly I hate this. Everyone is always in a hurry in warframe and gets most annoyed if you dont arrive at extraction 30s after starting a mission... just slow down, you are not get paid per the minute here...


Yeah, it should be "Kill 150 enemies with Void damage" instead.

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4 minutes ago, BansheePrime said:

If you don't naturally do at least 150 bullet jumps within the span of 3 days you're playing the game wrong.

"Pick up 150 Toroids in Orb Vallis"

Edited by nslay
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7 minutes ago, nslay said:

"Pick up 150 Toroids in Orb Vallis"

So it is true... ...some men really do just want to see the world burn. Or at least an internet forum.

What should I go grab; the matches or the propane?

Edited by KnossosTNC
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22 minutes ago, S3EK3R said:

Are you for real?


please be a troll

It feels like a troll which is why some people including myself have made joke/troll posts.

Then again I've been around the internet enough to know that sometimes threads like this are serious. On which case it took me one Hydron run playing naturally to do the challenge. 

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This is the absolutely stupidest topic to come out of the forums yet.  As proven by the following statements...

14 hours ago, KnossosTNC said:

Joke thread?


13 hours ago, fantaisie said:

not sure if this is a troll post or actually serious.


13 hours ago, (PS4)Viveeeh said:

Too many people are taking this seriously (it's a joke I think)… but no wonder, people complain so much about NW, it's hard to tell crying from joking.


12 hours ago, _JustSomeone_ said:

People these days want everything handed to them without doing anything 😂


12 hours ago, JackHargreav said:

Rly? First someone complains about interacting with a pet, and now this. We are really scraping the bottom of the barrel. A barrel that's filled with fecal matter.


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i heard someone moaning about this in chat today????!!1

WTF guys - 150 bullet jumps is one mission. Maybe 2. and if its a really bad week then its 3.

Does everyone just pootle around without using any of the parkour advantages for speed?

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Why?, this isn't even what I would begin to call tedious.

I got all those bullet jumps in just getting 50 kills to unlock a riven yesterday, and if I want it done in like two minutes I just spam jump against a wall corner.

I can think of way worse things honestly.

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LOL, this really blew up. It was a semi-serious joke.

If I'm playing Warframe a lot, like I should be (assuming I'm not burned out), 150 bullet jumps happens in half a day!

If, however, I am burned out on Warframe and just trying to do the Nightwaves, it does tend to feel like a chore. I know, it's just a daily.. skip it. I can't. I'm a perfectionist. Maybe lower it to 69 bullet jumps?

But yeah, take it how you will. Like I said, it's a semi-serious joke.

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13 hours ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

3 days. Dozens of missions. Bullet jumping just a few times each, would probably have gotten this done. This particular challenge is a way of rewarding us for doing something we'd normally have done anyway.

If you were doing that for 10 minutes, something was blatantly wrong. 

some quick maths here ...10 minutes is like 600 seconds and if one divide that by 150 it yield 4.

which means one must do a bullet jump every 4 seconds for the challenge to be completed in 10 minutes 🙂

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1 hour ago, SenorClipClop said:

What does that even mean? Were you sincere about this point or not?

This reminds me of "Schrödinger's Jerk", who says something dodgy and waits for the reaction to decide if he was kidding or not.

It means it's a joke that has some standing to be an actual post.

I am serious about it being less than 150, but I'm joking about the method in which I show in the GIF.

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