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Universal Medallions should apply to conclave

(XBOX)The Neko Otaku

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"Player" vs "Player"

Bots would be great for training or getting a feeling for the mode though, even if they can't move like players.

Also I have never PvP'd in this game, I have considered it but I have this weird performance anxiety thing, hell I don't even pug except with a friend... I can't explain it but PvP rewards should be for PvP, not PvE bots, and I say that as someone who really wants some of those nice cosmetics, which is why I suspect people want those medallions to work in conclave.

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1 hour ago, Lunarez said:

If that logic apply, No one should be able to buy any items sold on standing faction, really. because you can easily flipped between syndicate so just do it yourself. Oh, and arcanes should not be tradable too since they're locked behind nightwaves and eidolon hunting. "You don't earn it"

If you apply their objectively flawed excuse of "honor the grind" to the whole game since conclave is the only thing that gets this special treatment and it's bad. 

Prime access wouldn't exist cause it's "disrespecting" those who farmed from relics

All wraiths and vandals would reappear through baro or invasions cause it "disrespects" those who played the events

You can't buy any fully built weapons or frames cause it "disrespects" those who farmed them

No forma bundles, catalyst or reactors cause it "disrespects" those who went into relics for forma bp and those that bought potato bp in nightwave

No trading items cause it "disrespects" all the farming behind it

Honor the grind is honestly a elitist statement the few who gotten to the max rank and are just trying to latch on something that makes them unique ignoring the customizations that make everyone's frame distinct from one and the other and 200 some weapons meaning someone's loadout will be different from yours.

Conclave is hated for simple reasons warframe's movement system doesn't gell well with pvp, low population (despite those lying about current players) means matchmaking results in a emtpy lobby making you to try again to result in another empty lobby. Few people you meet are some of the most toxic members of the community and they drive so many away from attempting to grind the rep.

If the cosmetics were just buyable with plat with a above average price people wouldn't be mad about the universal medallion not being universal.

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That runs into the same issue as Universal Medallions, specifically gaining PvP progress through PvE activities. Personally, I'm fine with being able to earn Conclave cosmetics through PvE, but it would have to be through some activity which doesn't also reward Conclave standing.

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28 minutes ago, Lunarez said:


it's the grind non-the less

The frames and weapons you use in conclave comes from PvE. being able to use them in PvP is not fair by any mean if you use conclave player's logic.

Alright, now PvP has its own exclusive special weapon and warframe

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1 minute ago, 844448 said:

Alright, now PvP has its own exclusive special weapon and warframe

Yeah, I'd like that instead of doing half/half right now. Just do it the same way like GW2 where PvP and PvE are seperate in every way (Skills, weapons/armors, character levels doesn't effect PvP in anyway, and items that provide stats in PvP is not usable in PvE and vice versa)

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Just now, Lunarez said:

Yeah, I'd like that instead of doing half/half right now. Just do it the same way like GW2 where PvP and PvE are seperate in every way (Skills, weapons/armors, character levels doesn't effect PvP in anyway, and items that provide stats in PvP is not usable in PvE and vice versa)

PvP in warframe has separate stats and mods, nothing in PvE affects PvP so what kind of effect you're talking about?

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Conclave in Warframe is the last dirt. The players are aggressive and unfriendly. The pure opposite of the great gaming experience. The Medalion, it's a good thing. The few Pvplers here have their identities stolen with it. they feel attacked. Hence their aggressive behaviour.

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14 minutes ago, Corvid said:

You still use items from PvE in it.

Everything you can use in conclave you need to buy with conclave standing, that'd be a good start.

You start with Excal/Mag/Volt, weapons you choose in tutorial. If you want new weapons/frames, you buy them with conclave standing.

Every rewards on conclave are conclave exclusive, no more random rare mats, no more weapon stances that can be used outside of the mode. Weapons in conclave are also have separate rank and need to gain affinity only in conclave to rank them up.

You also don't use rare mats, orokin reactor/catalyst from PvE to rank up in standing. But maybe you'll have a mat that'll drop from the mode itself.

Your mastery rank in PvE also won't effect maxed standing gain. You have a conclave-exclusive mastery rank.


If the mode really want conclave to be its own thing, it should have its tie to PvE fully severed.

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Personally, I would like if we could use universal medallions to earn Conclave Standing. This is because I don't do Conclave and would like access to the rewards that doing Conclave would grant me, without having to do Conclave.

That said, I both understand and accept why we can't use these new Medallions for this purpose. DE has listened to the community (which has varied opinions) and sided with those who don't want their PvP reward-achieving undermined by PvE grinding to achieve the same results.

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3 hours ago, Plutocola said:

Conclave in Warframe is the last dirt. The players are aggressive and unfriendly. The pure opposite of the great gaming experience. The Medalion, it's a good thing. The few Pvplers here have their identities stolen with it. they feel attacked. Hence their aggressive behaviour.

Lol idk about you but i've seen nothing but positivity from the people who play conclave. We all understand that its hard and its honestly just been fun in matches people talk give tips or props on pulling off cool kills.

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PvP isnt PvE so medallions shouldnt be usable there. If you PvP you get rewarded for PvP, simple as that.

A thing for all the "whaa! whaa! gimme!" people to think about. What if you get your wish through and it becomes an option to use unimeds for conclave standing, then all of a sudden DE adds something that forces you to PvP in order to advance in PvE? Would it really have been worth it to get those few cosmetics without PvPing now that you suddenly are forced into PvP for something PvE related?

I mean it wouldnt be odd if something like that happens, since things usually go both ways. So in the end, it is better to keep the two 100% seperate.

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Also reading some of these post, wow people are petty, taking the separate thing too far and saying people shouldn't be able to show off what they earned. Also calling conclave player aggressive when you guys are the one pushing so hard to screw them over or i've seen people say they have complete hate for them, even though most of you don't play enough conclave to know what they are like in game.

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Besides conclave people aren't really going to use these or go out of their way for them now and a teir 2 medallion that i can find 6 of in a single syndicate mission that has a 5% drop rate on rotation c. Yeah the point of these in hindsight are useless what syndicate are these really meant to be used for? Ventkids? The races give alot standing and are repeatable, 6 races and done.  Simarius? You can particapate in other people target and gwt the repnfor tgem along with your own so no real struggle of gain the rep.

These medallions are just the equivalent of finding a penny amongst quarters, can't remember when you got it and has so little worth you think what's the point of these?

Kinda wish we has those umbra echoes 

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I'm all in for reducing the grind for conclave stuff, but i think that adding a PvE way to get its stuff is just a lazy way to let people get them without even attempting to fix the flaws of the mode first.

1 hour ago, MarrikBroom said:

This is the sort of perception I see crop up time and again when people ask players what is wrong with conclave.

That's a single case where the player in question recognizes to have gone AFK, a lot of people dislikes it when someone goes to a lootcave and goes afk to leech from the gameplay of others but suddenly it's a valid option to get PvP related stuff when the player in question is using the spot of someone else who might actually want to play despite the outcome of the match.

1 hour ago, MarrikBroom said:

Then there are even founders who dislike Conclave as it currently exist, calling it 'the most toxic experiance in the game.'


There are also founders who play conclave, amd have obtained lots of kills in it (feel free to go in game and use "/profile" to check the stats of players like Sky_, Toddworld, Pun-Chee, and even one who likes Lunaro comes to mind (Funki0).

Also, it's really rich to see people talk about conclave as a toxic experience without looking at the amount of toxicity and vitriol from PvE players towards conclave and its playerbase, a unreasonable hate that's also accepted just for being "the big majority" just because of some dumb skins that have no gameplay value other than dress-up frame.

Granted, i have no idea about his experience in conclave, but i haven't seen much toxicity in it unless it's from people on the lower end of the kill count or PvE players flaming everyone else in the lobby for moving too much or a specific player for killing them.

1 hour ago, MarrikBroom said:

Strawpoll on the matter of 'why don't you like conclave' that appeared on reddit:

It Indicated a majority of thos that voted (607) are not into PVP, then 'Didn't like the gameplay,' 'Que times too long.' It should be noted more than one option is allowed when voting so take that as one will.

Well, queue times are obviously gonna be long when the playerbase is small, spread thin across 48 different pools (6 regions × 4 gamemodes × 2 mm "tiers") with nothing but an unreliable RNG matchmaking system that searches in only 1 pool at a time instead of letting people see each other to make finding matches a streamlined experience.

Quick note, if the whole fuss is about something that DE stated they were gonna do but didn't, feel free to check this clip, then take a look at its creation date.

1 hour ago, MarrikBroom said:

DE has even done 'rewards that literally nobody can obtain' too. Give those existing conclave players an existing emblem, or armor, or something they can show off going 'Hey I did conclave THE HARD WAY and you can't get this.'

Wouldn't that just be worse? This whole fuss is about some skins available to anyone who decides to play PvP at any time, but adding a new thing that can't be obtained will make people go nuts over this new cosmetic.

1 hour ago, MarrikBroom said:

Allowing Medallions does not obliviate the grind, as they are a five percent drop chance on rotation C, and even then you would need roughly 360 just to get to max rank (not even actually gaining rep to buy anything, just to get to max rank.) 

In the current state of things yeah, however people tend to forget that DE has stated to have plans to release bigger medallions and perhaps make the already existing ones more common after seeing how does this affects the item economy (if they actually do it or not is a different thing).

1 hour ago, MarrikBroom said:

This post does not Name Names. I am not arguing in favor of whoever made this post:

Apparently though he is only rank 3 (Tempest) in Conclave. Not even max standing, and he's effectively bragged that 'I went to Steve on twitter and got things done. why are you lot here crying?'

I think his rank doesn't matter, however, i won't deny that the post could have used a better wording. I see him as a young boy eager to do whatever it takes to defend something he likes even if his lack of experience plays against him and then people want to crucify him for his actions (i see no need to do that even further since i've even seen people threatening him on reddit)

1 hour ago, MarrikBroom said:

If One Guy not even max rank whining to Steve can shut down an entire community going 'we like this as an alternative slog' you at DE never intended on actually allowing universal medallions to be truly universal and simply wanted the playerbase to flock to the new game mode, suggesting a lack in confidence by dangling an enticing carrot like that at people.

DE has plenty of times showed to be against people trivializing parts of their content (aka obtaining its loot without playing it) and the amount of players talking about how they would finally be able to get PvP rewards without playing PvP is also player feedback that might have played a role in this decision. But hey! it's always easier to put all the blame on someone else than on our actions.

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vor 5 Minuten schrieb Stormdragon:

This whole fuss is about some skins available to anyone who decides to play PvP at any time, but adding a new thing that can't be obtained will make people go nuts over this new cosmetic.

People who raided before raids were removed only got a small shoulder glyph.
I don't think that anyone would raise a fuzz over this.

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The 1k they give is just too low and they function exactly the same as regular tier 2 medallions. Not worth farming them with their low drop chance.
They need something special that makes them unique from the other medals, being "universal" ain't cutting it.

I would like it that when you give them to any the 6 syndicates, they will ONLY give positive rep to the syndicate + ally, without the negative to the their rivals. 
And they should give 5k, not 1k. I mean I have better odds farming for tier 3 medals in syndicate missions than farming these universal medals, considering the time:effort ratio.

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I'll start with the toxicity aspect of this, Warframe's community is not sunshine and rainbows they are very much a group of people who either go with everything the devs say or complain when something is too hard for them asking for it to be made easier. From my experience in conclave the people for the most part are pretty chill actually and I mean the actual people who play the mode and run around with non aoe weapons to get their kills. I haven't seen people flexing or acting like they are better than another; I have seen people get annoyed when certain weapons join but that is the full extent of the "toxicity" that I've seen in conclave. 

On to why the medallions having a low drop rate is a non factor in the argument for many conclave players. Just because you put in the work for the medallions doesn't mean you put in the right kind of work. You don't give the reward for running a marathon to someone who won a swimming contest, different activities with different rewards, even if the effort put in is equal.

Matchmaking, ill keep this short, there are enough people complaining about matchmaking to go make a group and play together that simple. There are also just peak times in the day where you will actually find people playing conclave if you really need people to play with so badly.

One person didn't change DE's mind a small community of people did.

I want to make an argument for how entitled the community is. Many of the people who are complaining for the most part didn't even think about conclave,they are only on the topic now because they were teased. They have no care for the mode or for the play that goes into getting its items. Warframe for the most part is an easy game with a community that can get what ever they want when ever they want and the moment DE said no we end up with this situation. Many of the people arguing probably don't know what they are arguing for. The skins in conclave are outdated and honestly average looking. While I understand some may find these skins appealing I truly believe it's more so the player bases sense of entitlement to these skins that is pushing them to argue as much as they have been. If it's the syandana people are arguing for many don't understand that it requires conclave challenges to be lit up and is the main item for conclave players to show that they put in the work to even get it the argument that having it lit up is enough is just inconsiderate.  The community has also been extremely petty seeing as they didn't get what they want, many have said the conclave items should not even be visible outside conclave which is basically saying if I cant have it no one can.

If you don't like PVP in Warframe no one is making you play in any way, the mods don't work outside of conclave, the stances don't work, the only things that do work are the syandana, weapon skins, and the regalia. Cosmetics that have been earned by the people who played the mode. If you are arguing for conclave to be improved so that you may find more enjoyment in it i'm all with you but you are not entitled to the items in any way. If you strictly don't like PVP that is a you problem. I dont have an opinion on the grind being made "easier" but I do think it should stay PVP.


Ok you're free to hit this with hate I honestly don't care I've given my opinion.


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6 minutes ago, DarkRuler2500 said:

People who raided before raids were removed only got a small shoulder glyph.
I don't think that anyone would raise a fuzz over this.

Scale is different. Honestly If DE wanna make conclave items obtainable and COMPLETELY lock the syandana I would love to see the communities reaction because if they were gonna give an item to max ranked or mid ranked players that would be the one, giving them some small shoulder glyph would be an insult.

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