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You just had an amazing dream involving a Warframe update: What was the update?


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Say you just woke up from the best dream of your life, it was so real you could taste it, and it was about a Warframe update.   What would that update have been?


Go all out, what is the *best* update you can think of?   I'm a fan of sharing ideas and am interested in hearing the opinions of others.


This is a fun topic, try not to take things overtly serious, though for the most part the ideas are genuine; just longshots.  Whatever you can dream of for your fantasy update,  or just a fun comment on a warframe related dream scenario.




My own dream update:



• (New Edit:  Someone else posted this and now it's part of my dream update too:  https://forums.warframe.com/topic/999580-suggestion-rogue-lite-game-mode/ )


Raids.  Obviously, the topic is common.  But raids in any form really need to come back, and the sooner the better and preferably in a way that feels more distinct from normal mission nodes.  Lephantis and the Jordas Golem for example could be worked into Raids rather than nodes,  with a  rework to make their fights more satisfying,  and other raids end in similar large scale enemies,  roughly similar to fighting Orbs or Eidolons.  In a way, Orbs and Eidolons are similar to raid content,  but a Raid boss should be even more grand in scale and mechanics.  Take a page from Shadow of the Colossus for example with large enemies with dynamic weak points we can scale in different ways.


Example idea of a whole new type of raid boss encounter I've not seen in any game:   Phase 1 (3-10 minutes):  A space kraken (roughly similar to Lephantis, but the next tier of threat up from that).   When the phase is completed,  the camera flips upside down, the ceiling becomes the new ground and the frames reorient themselves.    Tentacle threats are now coming from both the ceiling and the ground.  New enemy type:  Gazers.  Large infested floating eyes covered in tendrils with gaping mouths at their backs.  The tendrils are mixes of tentacles, maws, and eye stalks.  Behavior wise they'd be similar to drones so it shouldn't be too much effort, but size wise they'd be around the dimensions of a behemoth with a similar weak spot mechanic involving the eye.   When a gazer is slain they burst in red fog that deals heavy damage,  causing a gazer to explode on a tentacle or causing a tentacle to erupt in an area of fog causes the tentacle to shrivel up, accelerating the end of phase 2 (10-20 minutes (13-30 total)).

Phase 3 (10-20 minutes (23-50 total): causes a shift similar to the ceiling shift, but the shift is towards the side making the players fall horizontally without a camera adjustment as a far wall opens up revealing a creature similar in design to the gazers, scaled up a lot with a multitude of tendrils growing out from the top and bottom up to fan out over the ceiling and floor of this space.   Its back maw spews out gazers every so often and makes high damage bite attacks to players that get too close to that side.    Eye stalks, tentacles, and maw-stalks squirm out from the floor and ceiling in here.  The chamber is lined with platforms to stand on, top and bottom.   Bullet jumping to a platform above you reorients you to that plane.   The core's main eye occasionally charges sweeping beams that will require that you leap up to the opposite plane to avoid them.   In the mean time the maw at the back is wide open taking in energy with a pull effect, but if you stay out of the pull range the open maw is a weak point.  Once the beam ends, the maw closes and the eye becomes a weak point until it closes.   Between beams the eye occasionally opens half way to fire occasional pot shots of smaller beams.    Beyond the core, the array of eye stalks, tentacles, and maw-stalks are still threats keeping you on your toes.


I would include multi-layered health bars, because the smaller the value a single bar is representing the more visible the damage you're dealing becomes, which is more satisfying.

You can also include a Total Damage Dealt statistic displayed in the corner, plus a "My Damage" stat below or above that.   You could also see a Cuphead style progression meter every time you see the respawn UI showing how far into the fight you currently are.

A raid could also be a great excuse for us to fight a full on actual full-sized sentient.  From what I can tell, the sentients were huge.  It could be the penultimate eidolon fight in raid form.

Other concepts include:  Sand Worms on desert territories.  A giant mecha.  A battleship (which for a separate event could be skinned into a pirate ship in a Space Pirates vs Space Ninjas event where you pick a side like invasions)

But generally the point of Raids are to be engaging fight or mission sequences different from normal content, and be both mechanically and visually stimulating, making you more inclined to want to repeat it and make it take longer to tire of it,  combined with relevant and suitable rewards to make it worth the time which adds to the positive experience and desire to repeat. The more value you get out of your time, the more enjoyable that content can be provided it's actually good content as opposed to a chore.  In the example I gave you can imagine how the map design could be laid out to accentuate an epic scale,  while map/camera inversions and the tiered phases provide mechanical intrigue, while also being treated to a new unique enemy type not seen before (Gazers).    After you first beat that raid, you might get random invasions like with enemy syndicates where Gazer(s) can appear in other missions, to add to the game diversity and not just relegate a new enemy type to the one mission/raid, which in squads can also provide an opportunity for people who haven't yet done the raid to see the gazers and get a spark of curiosity to lure them towards doing the raid themselves too. 

Raid rewards can be unique items, frames, any random relic made radiant like with ESO, and of course Arcanes with slightly higher odds of higher value arcanes (Quality vs the Quantity of tridolon hunts).  The reward pool can be drawn from multiple times throughout the raid at the completion of milestones, roughly balanced around at least one draw every 5 minutes, and beating the boss gives 4 extra draws. Failing the raid leaves only one in four drops, prioritizing higher value drops.  So losing doesn't feel completely crippling and an incredible waste of time while still heavily rewarding completion.  The result is that doing a Raid respects and values your time, which more games overall really need to do, and Warframe definitely tends not to.

Quests.  The shift away from doing quests is very obvious and has a tangible sense of loss. Whether they're tied to a frame or not, quests are content and provide a convenience space to handle abnormal mission types that aren't necessarily story driven so much as just unique.  Dog Days for example could be a Quest.  Though it could also be a Node in the Rathuum branch, or on Earth revealed after you've completed Rathuum. Stress free modes like dog days would be a welcome addition.   But more appropriately,  missions more in the line of Octavia's Anthem.  Weird, cool, thematic, not something you'd expect out of a node.  Octavia's Anthem, Chains of Harrow.  Great quests that added new experiences not found in nodes while not being overtly cinematic like mainline story quests and presumably less effort.   

And any quest warframe is so, so much more preferable to all the warframes lately that are put behind grindwalls so bad that it's more efficient to grind relics for plat instead of grinding the frame itself, or outright held out of your reach behind standing walls such as Hildryn.  But then again, maybe that's the main reason why we're not getting quest warframes anymore. 

Quests can also be made retroactively to frames, if you want to tie a quest to a frame.   From then on the quest can reward the frame, and if you already have the frame then secondary rewards could still be of interest, not to mention playing for the new content alone.

New Game+ / Node+.  Once you complete star chart and unlock arbitrations,  you unlock an ability to activate a void gate that resets your star chart.  You start with the frame and equipment you had on you when you went through the gate,   all planets are upscaled to a higher level.   You can now find your previous frames and weapons suspended in containers within missions,  and you have operator from the start.  Void Fissures can appear in any of these Node+ missions.   Each time you beat a Node+ for the first time, you get a bundle of random resources which can include Forma, Potatoes, and Radiant Relics along with lumps of standard materials,  and you can choose the old lower level node when you select that node again in the future, choosing between the normal mission or Node+.    These rewards are important, to give a reason to do NG+ and make progressing through the new high level chart feel worth the time and energy and it can serve a very legitimate role in helping players who got to that post-star chart game the necessary help to get them over the hump where there's a new learning curve to doing high level content, but it's not so much a learning curve as a lack of needed resources such as potatoes, forma, and slots as the game now becomes less about star chart and more about optimization and collection.  This can be a barrier to entry that prevents some players from continuing to play.

A better idea would be that you don't reset the star chart so much as unlock the menu to choose between normal and Node+, but node+ options are in sequence like chart progression normally is,  the Node+ progression altering each node to have a golden sheen.   A Node+ might also have improved drop tables, or at least drop chances.  Condition Overload for example could go from a 1/8,000 chance to a 1/2,000... 

Node+ also provides an outlet for the optimized endgame players who like to point out how Star Chart is too easy and I've seen it mentioned how it can be annoying that it takes half an hour to an hour for an Endless mission to get more challenging for them.   So a Node+ endless would alleviate that problem by effectively skipping the first 30-60 minutes they'd normally go through.  With appropriately scaled rewards.


NG+ / Node+ could also relate to the apparent Adult Operator seen in trailers as a form of timeline shenanigans, past and present.  or present and future.

NIGHTWAVE.   Nightwave is a nightmare as it is in its current form.  It actually serves to discourages players if you don't feel like you'll be able to reach the end tier rewards in time, so why bother?   Meanwhile it is also causing rampant burnout.   

However... there is an Easy solution...  Abandon the concept of Nightwave being a timed exclusive.  ALL nightwaves should be accessible at ANY time.  In quests, have a second tab for Nightwave, in there you'll see a tile for Wolf of Saturn.  Season 1 Break for the intermission nightwave between Wolf of Saturn and the next,  and so on.  Timed exclusives are pretty horrible in almost any case.  Of you feel the need to discourage overlap, you can select a Nightwave to be "Active", and progress goes towards that.

Boom, pow, just like that the Nightwave is no longer something people feel the need to burn themselves out on,  and nobody is turned off of the game because they missed a season for any reason or missed too much of the season that when they started playing a gain they feel like there is no point in trying, or being discouraged to the point of not returning in general.

This also means returning players at any time will be able to access the backlog of Nightwaves through the quest tab and have a host of content to work on!  AND it means that work put into the nightwave is enjoyed by *everyone* at any time, new or returning without missing out.

Another point of contention:  I fail to see any reason what so ever that Nightwave has to replace Alerts.   Alerts and Nightwave coincide like peanut butter and jelly,  where Alerts are random missions players can do for random rewards, while Cred earned in Nightwave is spent in the cred shop for specific items.   Nightwave is also a much more toxic experience to new "young" (sub-"endgame" / non-veteran) players who need to be spending cred on critical aura mods, not leaving spare cred for other important things like nitain, or just fun things like the weapon skins or helmets.  Alerts provide the opportunity to snag aura mods or helmets they wouldn't otherwise get,  while Nightwave is there to work for specific things more reliably.

A random system vs a reliable system.  They work together.


General playability:

Nullifiers do not purge buffs or active abilities, but put them on pause.  The drone on the bubble is centered above the bubble and has an actual hit box instead of things seeming to phase right through it.  The bubble has flat health so certain weapons don't feel useless against it.  Weird that the Corpus have such widely available tech capable of neutralizing space demigods in the first place, but that train came and went long ago I guess.

Leech and Parasitic units fire a physical tether at the player in order to function.  Tether can miss like any other projectile.   Alternatively,  it just has a tether visual, and requires line of sight.

Visible bubbles showing the area of effect of Scrambus and Comba type units.  Also with fire eximus units when they use their burst,  I still can never quite tell if I'm safe or not because the effect is so huge and erratic.

Replace most immunities with resistances.  Instead of an enemy being immune to a stun, downgrade it to a slow instead, or half the time they're stunned.  Instead of being killed outright by an effect, just apply an amount of damage as though attacked normally.  Instead of being immune to Peacemaker for example,  they could have an Adaptation like effect that resets after 5-10 seconds.  Show a floating text stating "Resisted" when such a downgrade occurs,  or "Immune" in the hopefully few cases that remain after such an update.

Reasoning: This is *Warframe* the game should be more about the warframes, not making most frames feel like  garbage in higher level content where frames get shut down constantly forcing you to use meta frames and meta weapons.  In what world is that good satisfying game design, it's a direct roadblock to player fun and core gameplay elements.  It feels like it robs us of agency, and is a shallow excuse for "difficulty"- it's not difficulty, it's just a slap in the face.   These tweaks keep the spirit of the original intentions while making them feel way better to play against.

Similarly, remove the missiles that instantly pop you out of archwing, what was anyone even thinking adding in a feature like that?  Then again, you could ask the same about the above too.  Big surprise when the only reason anyone uses archwing is to travel, so the only archwing that's specifically good at that is the only one people use.

Augment slot.   Frames really need to make use of all their slots, most frames just don't have room for anything put in just for fun or convenience with all the mandatory mods there are.   That would leave an opening for 1 more extra place in the UI to put an additional slot of some sort, if any.  Perhaps just two Exilus slots, Aura, and Augment.   Addiing an Augment slot wouldn't even effect balance very much, since augment slots don't directly contribute to base statistics.  Augments are basically just bandaids for frame abilities anyway, making bad abilities more usable in many cases, or feeling like it was a core part of an ability that should have been there from the start (Such as directing Octavia's resonator.  Tap to direct, hold to recast).  Meanwhile the extra exilus slot would similarly minimally effect balance since exilus mods are crazy niche and any useful benefits are small such as 15% range,  DE does seem to want people to use the weirdo mods such as jump height, they added a whole extra suit of them for whatever reason.  So give us another exilus slot to make use of them.   Seriously, what's the worse that can happen in this PvE game?  Any power creep would be minimal, while greatly increasing usability and engagement, something that if current warframe youtubers are anything to go by... is  lacking.

Frame/Weapon slots.  Earning slots every now and then when you get mastery rank ups would be very helpful to early players.  There's just not enough to go around and hurts new player enjoyment of the game.  I've tried to get around five people to play but none of them stuck around because of reasons like this, and they get put off by the impression of the game being very "Pay to enjoy" one said, citing all the locked colors and slot limitations as things that sapped her interest away.   I'd also recommend unlocking the classic color pallet by default.  It's absurd that the classic pallet isn't even discounted when you own a row of it to start,  and the mental drain of seeing all the locked colors to the sides.  Just unlock the pallet, no need to be stingy over it.

Very optional / pure fantasy:  A blanket improvement to all warframe durations, ranges, and damage scaling.   Abilities that rely on a duration often feel next to unusable without duration mods,  ranges always feel too short without range mods, like you have to maximize that stat for them to feel good to use.  Just a nudge up would help a lot,  and damage abilities are almost always useless (Such as Ballistic Battery, Chroma's breath, Ember's fireball, and similar abilities) unless they can be improved with mods like Exalted abilities (Gara's spear and sword, or actual exalted weapons.),  or scaling abilities (Such as Octavia's mallet).  I'd like to see the aura mod energy siphon removed and made a default feature, which has a small impact on mid to late tier players who have their Zenuriks and accessibility to energy pizzas, or arcane energizes, but helps smooth the experience for newer players out.  Plus general convenience too, it'd just be nice to have and I don't really see any reason why it shouldn't be the case when it'd improve things without taking away from the experience at all.  

New Orbiter Segment: The Auction House, or you could call it Maroo's Bazaar.  Very simple, integrates Warframe Market into Warframe itself with ingame UI and access. If you want to buy something, you can flag it to effectively have an open invite sent.  The other party is notified of the request, and they can accept with a Join Now or Join Later.  Join Now leaves your mission, Join Later joins after your mission.  It forms a squad and takes you both to Maroo's Bazaar or the seller's dojo, and removes the item listing

New Foundry Segment: The Orokin Chronometer.    Consumes [A resource] to speed up crafting timers by 20-50-80%.  Chronometer can be crafted using resources found in the Void and the Derelict.  Fuel resource can be found in Arbitrations, Sorties, and endless missions in the Void.   While the Chronometer is active, Rushing is less expensive.

Also very pure fantasy:  Reoccuring payment option that buys each 30-day booster, plus a bundle of [Chronometer fuel], priced at 9.99 or 14.99.  This should also discount Prime Accessories by the same amount as its value is diminished by this.  But in general a "subscribe for a better experience" would be very welcome,  not everyone can handle the raw grind and lack of respect for people's time, which is a byproduct of being a free to play game.   I think this is a good middle ground while "totally not being a subscription" with the only new addition being the chronometer that is accessible to anyone just like anything else.

Archwing improvements:  Doubled ranges and areas of effect.  Maps made less cluttered and claustrophobic.  Movement less floaty.   All enemies replaced by unique enemies that aren't awkwardly renamed normal enemies,  becoming actual ships and vehicles though one ship type could be a drone carrier that dispenses drones.   I'd rather not feel like I'm swatting at flies instead of being a space demigod attacking a fleet. 

Reduce enemy engagement ranges with hitscan or fast projectiles,  while further enemies use slower projectiles from a distance, though the projectiles are explosive and can be homing (missiles).   An enemy type might include a large forward cannon that creates a long line effect as it warms up to fire,  that's both visual and causes a light scaling DoT until the actual blast goes through.



A way to earn color pallets and instruments in-game.  A New Loka and Cephalon Suda mission type, respectively, seems fitting.  This shouldn't be that much of an ask when we can earn platinum anyway,  it's just a more hands on approach,  instead of time spent getting relics you focus time on specific missions for these instead.  It wouldn't even be more efficient if they're chosen at random, but it'd make you feel like you're more engaged with the game and less forced towards the shop, which creates a better relationship with the game.   Especially with all the content lately that feels designed to strong-arm you into buying things with plat instead of earning them, there's a general sense that DE is balancing things more and more around encouraging purchases becoming a little more EA-like.  Kind of pushing a lot of player's tolerance over the limit, though Nightwave doesn't help that either.

Hands-on control over superfluous frame aspects.   Such as Octavia's head fringe, Ember's mohawk,  Excalibur Umbra's hobo scarf, Wisp's scarf,  Mesa Prime's flappy legs,  coat tails, Trinity's insect thorax/butt,  and so on.   They seem to be handled separately from the frame anyway, considering the past week I keep noticing, very often, that they glitch out and wont disappear or are the only things that appear when looking at different skins.   

Give us the ability to selectively toggle these features on or off,  and I would highly recommend full customization similar to weapon sheath placement and regalia sizing.    Don't like Octavia's fringe?  Turn it off,  or resize it,  tilt it back,  turn it on a diagonal, anything.     This would be a HUGE improvement to fashionframing and general convenience as well, as these features often make it feel impossible to use syandanas effectively as they get in the way of things,  sometimes they just look bad and ruin a look,  sometimes they're just really annoying in how they clip awkwardly through things, even through the frame itself,  or some people are just put off by the physics.

Don't like Warframes that have particularly saintly posteriors?  Resize or add a modesty patch or scarf.  Don't like a random dangle that gets in the way of the same?  Resize it out of the way or turn it off,  the choice is all yours!  No more Wisp Battle for the Booty psuedo-controversy again!  

Resizing and adjusting armor pieces would also be greatly appreciated. 

Related to that:  We should be able to select Equinox's default form in the appearance tab, so we walk around as that form in our ship or relays, and start the mission in that form.

Orbiter Decoration class:  Pets.  Baby stage kavats or Kubrows,  plus tamed variants of wildlife critters.  Up to 3 pets can be placed at a time and they wander.




Testing Grounds / Player & Dev Tweaks.   Let players tweak warframes in various ways, like creating game modes.   Somewhat similar to in Overwatch custom game options where you can tweak heroes.   Let players share tweaks with a featured tweaks and a highest rated tweaks.  While playing with tweaks on you can't get rewards or play in public squads, or any squad with people who aren't using the same tweaks.  Even then, still no rewards.    Devs can release their own tweak sets, likely with custom changes not available to general players.  Effectively it would be similar to having a Private Test server,  and devs could see what the highest used/rated tweaks are and use that to inform their own opinions on potential updates,  as well as test upcoming changes to any frames (Dev Tweaks can be rated just like other tweaks could be).   New frames or weapons could also be released on Dev Tweaks to allow people to rate and talk about their kit ahead of time.

Edited by Kingsmount
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There I was, wrecked and broken in despair in Tau. Surrounded by trillions of sentients. Lost all frames, all weapons are broken, all pets dead. It was the end.

But then, in a flash, all enemies died. Instantly, just like that. I could not believe my tired and hopeless eyes. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up. There was an intense glow of magnificence, so much that I could only see a vague silhouette. I felt its presence, I knew it was him, at long last. And it was there, looking at me. Saving me...




Edited by (PS4)Hikuro-93
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Nightwave is removed, Rivens are removed, The Infested get a huge raid (that doesn't have player number limitations, so I can play it solo) akin to Operation Cherry Blossom from Muv-Luv Alternative (and traits to make them just as terrifying and powerful as the BETA, and if you know what I'm talking about, much love to you and hope Chomp hasn't scarred you too much), and for when we're tired of that, a rogue-lite mode.

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Rivens are replaced with Amalgamods that are actually really useful instead of garbage...

All frames receive 4 mod slots meant for powers like in year one so the player can use their syndicate mods if they want...But only works for those mods..period...

Conclave has a Indiana Jones Race mode where a giant Grineer Rollerball tries to kill you while chasing after eight players....

Conclave also has a Alien Isolation mode where one player controls a monstrous Infested unit that can chase after the other players all trying to crack spy vaults in order to escape...This same Infested monster unit is the actual Infested Assassin unit that can pull marked players into a PVE attack in the PVE portion of the game...


I would install a Void capture node where players can farm Axi relics...THE END...


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16 minutes ago, Gabbynaru said:


Now that right there I can get behind!  I love it.    It could be a form of Endless Mission where you start as Operator and can press and hold your Transference button to suit up with frames you find (Tap to just cycle to the next).   Perhaps even have a duration and time limit on the frames before they go on cooldown to really emphasis that it's an operator game mode where the operator essentially has abilities, each ability being a transformation / suit up into a different warframes you found in your run.  Though that idea (duration/cooldown) is optional. 

You could play it from the operator menu,  call it Orokin Trials or something, or Dreamspace.   Playing the roguelike mode could provide you with focus outside of that mode based on how far you get, as a reason to play it besides the infinite replayability and new content.  Possibly credits or relics too, but generally the mode is its own thing. 

I'd play a ton of that.  I love roguelikes.

It doesn't seem like it'd be a huge amount of work to implement either.

I mean, even Prey has a roguelike mode that's pretty neat, but Warframe really has all the tools it needs to make a good roguelike game mode.  It's literally right there at the fingertips,  like a bunch of puzzle pieces just waiting to be arranged together.

Man, I can never unsee how good that idea, in my opinion.  It's not like it'd detract from anyone else either, they could just ignore it like everyone ignores conclave if they're not into it. But even if they aren't big on roguelikes it'd still be another way to play the game if they're growing bored,  and potentially a good way to earn focus.

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All the frames managed to get balanced in such a way that they remained fun to play and a power trip whilst not being able to completely trivialise everything with a touch of a button - you had to actually put in gameplay to utterly curbstomp your foe, even though curbstomp you still did (like... Harrow or Gauss level of effort, not talking Dark Souls here).

Enemies got rebalanced to match so non-telegraphed oneshots and CC-to-death combos were out of the picture alongside rebalanced armour scaling and any ability resistance was on a logical, per ability and per enemy basis (like, Blunts/Vector Shields draw aggro and block Peacemaker) or tied clearly and distinctly to a Bursa-rarity (and power) Nullifier units.

Open Worlds get more stuff to do in them that isn't a big boss or a regular mission wrapped up as a bounty or bounty stage - instead small, repeatable world events (like D2's world events) using different enemy layouts or enemies from to, and the same for Railjack - being all smoothly connected.

Leverian had a lot more stuff in it. Like not just frames, 'exhibits' about all sorts of elements.

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De has fixed underwater gameplay making it a part of several other maps not just Uranus. They've released mermaid frame.

They've released dual gas guns. They've added prime effects to all prime accessories. They've released all tennogen on console. And they've also released dual great swords and a slow agile stance to boot!


Edited by (PS4)i7081277
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A complete remake of all integral systems responsible for the lack of proper balance, so that an actual endgame can finally exist.

And I am not gonna go into detail, because the chances of that happening are most likely in the negative.

18 hours ago, Kingsmount said:

This is a fun topic, try not to take things overtly serious.

Ok, ok I still have something.



cough Tis be simple thou see. Ya make it so that holding the jump button, makes you run on walls and tapping - makes you hop. Put a little switch in the Options menu for those people who would want it in reverse. Alternatively, hold sprint.
Now this is important for a few reasons.

  1. Being able to do the parkour challenges in Void and Deralict the way you were meant to. Because sometimes you just want to do that.
  2. It's cooler.
  3. The feel of it.
  4. It's cooler.
  5. I can't pretend to be playing ''Prince of Persia: The Sands of Space'' without proper wall running.
  7. (Wall Attack) Remember these <---? Have you tried doing one since Parkour 2.0? Well allow me to inform you. They don't work anymore. You can still do them from a wall latch, but they have no momentum. You LITERALLY just fall to the ground while doing an air attack! I wish I was joking...
  8. Spoiler

    IT'S COOLER!!!

  9. Hear me out on this one, what if we incorporated Aim Glide mechanics into it. You know, that pseudo time slow-down. So that you actually have time to aim without needing anime powers. 





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After killing the last boss on the star chart we end up in realistic set up of the present time with only one side arm and one one quest maker on the map. After walking through the streets, we arrive at a an opera where a symphonic opera is about to play. Space Mom shows up in a nice evening gown and we start talking about whether the past game or this new place was the reality all along.

Space mom draws her Lex Prime, you draw your Lex. You seem to both have fired at the same time but she is the only one hurt, and badly. She is now persuaded how this place is the reality because of the pain she can feel. She dies.

You turn around, the symphony is over, everybody is gone. You walk toward the scene and the man in wall appears, just smiling at you from few yards away. His head moves down as an approbation. You shoot once. Black screen. End title is playing.

(Reference is the last scene from Avalon by Mamoru Oshii)

Edited by elmetnuter
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15 minutes ago, SlamH said:

A redisign of the loot system. I really love the Destiny 2 loot system with power level and item rarities and I think it is the one thing i would change

I can imagine an RPG-like loot system pretty well.

Grey -> Blue -> Green -> Yellow -> Orange -> Red -> Purple -> Magenta,  ect.    Each 5-20% greater than the last.  Just flat improvements to the weapons base statistics.  Throw in some extra modifiers.  "- of Burning".  "- of Shocking".  "- of Freezing", that add base elemental damage.   Prefixes like "Accurate" (Bonus accuracy)  "Keen" (Bonus Crit)  "Scourging" (Bonus status).   Cursed items with a penalty in exchange for a stronger prefix.  Perhaps even unique effects on "Elite" variants that have a certain extra boon similar to syndicate weapons having an extra effect, or certain weapons having gimmick effects.  

Wouldn't have to change any systems, just an added system.   And it's not power creep as much as a deliberate power rebalancing.  It's not like it'd make the star chart any easier than it is, it'd just make more weapons more viable and already powerful weapons a little better.  So you can go for an hour and ten extra minutes instead of just an hour on your endless run,  not like you can't go all day with certain builds anyway, the biggest problem with power creep is just new weapons outclassing the old.   This would just make old weapons more fun and usable while adding more replayable content as you hunt for different rarities. 

Would also provide an actual benefit to long-haul endless runs,  since you could increase the odds of higher rarities the longer you go.


Obviously crazy outlandish but hey, this thread is for dreams after all, things that we think will greatly improve the game no matter how unlikely they'd ever see the light of day.

Edited by Kingsmount
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The Orbiter had a bathroom and Umbra was using it while reading a newspaper and Helminth was feeding him pudding and coffee while the Operator was nearby doing handstands with Wally dressed as Ronald McDonald sat on his feet.

Then I woke up, looked around and thought back on it and said "Wtf was that?" then my cat started to lick my nose.

Dreams dont usually make sense. But I think it was an Orbiter, Helminth and Umbra expansion...

I really want Umbra walking around the ship.

Edited by Kaotyke
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It ends with me rich and powerful beyond measure but as an old and dying and feeble-minded Tenno.

In my last moments I think back to my early days of Warframe, full of wonder and innocence with my Kubrow ROSEBUD at my side...

I  break into a smile and look off into the distance as if waking from a dream and utter  two fateful words with my last breath...

”...on time”.

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Just make warframe 2:

1- Having a true endgame with good quality multiplayer and RAIDS.

2- have empyrean imbued into the exploration with everspace style flight

3- Propper rework of archwing and propper incorporation of archwing in misions and maps beyong being just a way of transport but more a experience compliment.

4- Propper design and rework of focus schools and tenno powers in a way that have a synergy between operator and warframe.

5- Make primes an actual part of the endgame, to obtain primes you have to grind them from endgame stuff only, that way having a prime would mean something.

6- Change the whole gameplay aspect less musou (not that I dont enjoy it) but make it more dynamic and challenging without being just crazy scaling and over spamming from the enemies I would enjoy to just fight 6 to 10 interesting figths than just deathbrain kill 500 enemies with E.

7- make a ingame market and scrap/rework the whole riven system.

8- More lore from direct sources.

9- rework of mod system that allow all or at least most/more of the weapons to be end game viable.

10- More incorporation of the "commoner" into the game if you pay attention to cetus they say there are lots of human clades in the palins every time the grineer release their ghoulds they mention that hundreds of them died because of that, it would be goo to actually see that. Also relays should be reworked into something else, maybe public colonies that give you an unique look of the part of the system that you're visting at the moment, example mercure whre dark sectors are, have a bunch of survivors from other locations all trying to get by while bein alert from any possible outbreak from the ship/colony the are in.

10- Include other star systems not only centaury but can use the local cluster maybe explore the possibility of alien contact pass the sentient threat.

those are my 5 cent about what I think would make warframe better. Just as I say its my opinion.

Edited by prodi1600
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Cimpletely seamless integration of Railjacks into the rest of the game. The whole game becomes one giant open world, with the space between missions being traversed with your mount: the Railjack. I genuinely think it would be great for the game, bring the overall experience a bit closer to a traditional mmo but keep the core gameplay as similar as possible to what it is before you get a railjack. Litter the space between planets with cosmetics, weapons, and other loot and I might never have to play anything else ever again. 


Basically turn Warframe into an open world space game with the old mission setup, and I'll be really happy. 

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