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(PC) Grendel & Masseter Feedback


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I think you need a UI addition that tracks the things consumed and their overall(?) hp.
Especially need a UI to show what buff you will get when you consume. Cause I have no idea, sometimes it doesn't put text on the buff icon when it appears, so I also have no clue what buff I got.

Pulverise doesn't seem very useful for damage, but you don't take much damage in it, so it's a weird survivability and limited crowd control ult.
Maybe giving it a 'spindash' on by holding sprint and releasing on the ground might help turning around at short notice?

He is also very energy hungry. You only want to keep enemies for a few seconds then spit them out to find some new ones. It doesn't seem to mesh with the passive very well.
Since you need to spit out your food so much, you can't keep them ready to refresh the short duration nourish buffs. So I don't really bother with the buffs like I would with Titania.

The best feature is catapulting enemies into each other / over the horizon. And cc by repositioning enemies into a pile to be killed.

I don't see how Grendel and Gauss are super friends. Maybe you needed to add a quest for these new frames.


Grendel missions:

The Grendel missions were great fun. You get to go back to basics and find the cheap stuff with a more limited set of options. Trinity energy regen is now useful again without zenurik and energy pizzas. Frames abilities actually have uniqueness other than being vessels for world ending weapons.
It was also a better demonstration of the melee changes than the special melee alerts, since chain stunning enemies with heavy slam was a viable strategy.
Defence was pretty harsh, I really should have taken frost or something that could defend the capsule. Had to wait for the capsule to regen by stalling waves, it took around 40 minutes.
Not sure if you lose the mission beacon if you fail, but if you do that would be really annoying. Since it takes a few hours to farm.

I think a mode or re-occurring (Tenshin organised) event that only allows conclave mods might be interesting. And it lets you get the conclave mods (since no one plays conclave).
Or the Tenshin event just blocks +damage mods (elemental mods convert damage instead) so we can play some missions with 'intended' damage values to see what the devs think the game should be like.


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Nearly impossible to eat at least someone when playing in public squad, which renders Grendel completely useless, as this frame cannot use any of his other skills without eating someone. Even when you think you are absorbing enemy - next second you see, that he died AFTER you began casting 1, so you hadn't eaten him.


Also incredibly clunky control in ball form and inability to climb even simple small stairs (on hydron, for example) just by movement without rolling back to gain momentum. This is completely not cool. Everything can just normally walk this stairs. Everything in the game. Except ball.


And, i guess, it would be better to add up mana cost to vomit function of 1 and to 3 while reducing or removing mana per second from 1. As i see it, Grendel is supposed to constantly held someone inside of him to be able to use other skills, and mana per second in both practical and psychological way prevents players from keeping something inside.

Edited by Ecclessia
Addition to grendel feedback
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1 hour ago, Ecclessia said:

Nearly impossible to eat at least someone when playing in public squad, which renders Grendel completely useless, as this frame cannot use any of his other skills without eating someone. Even when you think you are absorbing enemy - next second you see, that he died AFTER you began casting 1, so you hadn't eaten him.


Also incredibly clunky control in ball form and inability to climb even simple small stairs (on hydron, for example) just by movement without rolling back to gain momentum. This is completely not cool. Everything can just normally walk this stairs. Everything in the game. Except ball.


And, i guess, it would be better to add up mana cost to vomit function of 1 and to 3 while reducing or removing mana per second from 1. As i see it, Grendel is supposed to constantly held someone inside of him to be able to use other skills, and mana per second in both practical and psychological way prevents players from keeping something inside.

many of us have outlined what he could use to make him better

  • Remove channel from Feast, and give it enemy cap to balance (if they need to balance this).
  • Make Nourish give all buffs when consuming enemies (tribute style buff is bad).
  • Improve Nourish's heal by giving it HoT or making it group wide or both.
  • Remove the vomit all from Feast and make this Regurgitate.
  • Greatly improve Pulverize control.

these are some pretty simple changes if you ask me.

Edited by EinheriarJudith
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The nourish ability buff is difficult to identify  before using it. 

The UI is small, and the duration timer covers 80% of the icons, 

When I consume multiple enemies I can't recollect if I got one of each type or not or if the right ones are still alive. 

Would suggest a (larger) UI indicator to tell which abilities can or cannot be used by graying them out, similar to wisps. 

Meatball is also very clunk and has too much difficulty climbing stairs, 

Would suggest a "rev" Mechanic where holding crouch would charge Grendel and make him go like sonic the hedgehog. 

Projectile vomit also needs bonuses depending on which enemy is being shot out (and means to control which enemy it is)

Currently its too clunky and has more ease of use issues than gameplay issues. 



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Grendals 4th ability is so bad I do not bother using it. 

I think a movement ability is ok, great even, but not this.  For this skill to be remotely useful you need to ditch the forward momentum.  Allow grendal to turn on a dime and increase the speed.  

I can already hop out of body and "teleport" to my next feast, why would I ever choose a very slow uncontrollable boulder that does minimal damage and costs me energy?

To summarize, his 4th ability must be comparable to void dash since everyone to complete grendal will already have access to it:

1. Increase speed

2. Increase manuverability

3. Damage - who cares it we can move fast!

4. Ebergy cost in a good place if ability was useful


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Hi DE, I'd like to post a suggestion that the Grendel Locators which was bought using Vitus Essence to be sellable back to the system either for very small amount ducats or credits, not needing to trade to other players if that is undesirable. I didn't expect to have cleared those missions with some mates without consuming the locators and now they are stuck in my inventory, growing moss and some wild mushrooms on it, unable to do anything at all although it doesn't affect anything in the game play. Cheers. 🙂

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After a while, I've gotten used to grendel and enjoy him quite a bit. But, he's not in a great spot. He drains energy too quick but can't generate energy back even remotely quick enough. He has the highest energy pool of any frame it seems, yet it just gets destroyed so fast at base energy and even with some efficiency. Energy orbs aren't enough because your bonus with good strength is only 60%, rage is good but with his good armor, deleting everyone temporarily within 20-30 meters of him, he doesn't get hit enough for anything outside of the highest level to keep interacting with the frame.

I can understand why you might add ramp up on the energy cost but it ramps up way too quick. It's gotten to the point where I don't even use his first ability for survivability or even use efficiency mods, I just get my buffs and vomit everyone out or immediately curl up into a ball to snapshot my size and jump around to kill everyone but 1-3 so I can actually sustain this thing for more than 10-15 seconds. The usability of pulverize without 8-10 enemies first is really medicore. It's a pretty solid ability if you get to use it for extended time and not in bursts yet the costs and scaling is set up that without a high level heavy eximus or nox inside you, you won't sustain it too long as everyone would die pretty quick.

Nourish armor is quite bad. It does minuscule damage which doesn't scale anywhere near as well as his other abilities. If it staggered it'd be decent but I do think it should add a little bit of defense so it actually sounds like its name. Right now it feels more like "nourished retaliation"

Regurgitate is a redundant ability. I can just spend 25 energy to eat everyone within 30-45 meters if I up my range and then hold down 1 to explode them all at once. that's way more than just firing everyone 1 by 1 for a 5 meter radius. Even waiting for the right opportunity to store up and use it could cost you more than the paltry 25 energy for feast. I don't see the need to eject 1 enemy at a time since the ramp up is so high it would be more logical to just expel everyone and start all over. Also at high levels it's gonna take too much time to kill any grineer with armor so the only stuff your abilities will regularly kill is again, with feast because of the armor strip.

My suggestions overall: if you want to keep regurgitate, make it reduce energy ramp up on energy cost by third or quarter. It'd help put damage out while keeping the momentum up. As a result, slightly increase feasts base drain and slightly decrease the ramp up rate. You can take in more enemies overall if you actively try to fight against the ramp up but because the base is higher you still can't go that far with eating everyone.

Pulverize should not make you bounce off the walls the way it does. Instead just cancel momentum a lot quicker so it's not just wasted time of fumbling about hoping for a straight line.

All these issues combine to make so my general playstyle past level 80 is, feast as much as I can with good range and just keep doing it until everyone gets expelled and dies instantly.  They are basically dead to me the moment they get eaten with few exceptions. Also using energy buff because why not. 

Edited by Annnoth
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I can relate to being an all-consuming bilesack on legs, but...

If I want to use his 1, I have to stand still.

If I want to use his 2, I have to stand still.

If I want to use his 3, I have to stand still.

If I want to use his 4, I have to deal with one the worst vehicle-type controls I've seen in ~30 years of gaming.

Please DE, fix his clunkiness. I really want to have fun with this Warframe.

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So, I poked around with grendel after his recent change...which was just "If you run out of enemies, his 4 consumes energy instead." Not...what I asked for, because I still NEED an enemy to go into in the first place. The other issues with his power have also not been addressed and have only become more...frustrating to deal with over time.

The per enemy drain on his 1 is...confusing. Why is it so high compared to other frames who do similar things? I mean is it the "taking enemies out of the fight" ? Cause I mean we have, yet again, Hydroid who does this...I go to him as my "go to" because his damage grows exponentially! Sure it's 2% starting from 25 impact damage but it grows quick AND enemies insided hydroids puddle are damaged by hydroids other powers(Much like how Grendel's work) the big difference is Grendel is far more mobile and has his AoE buffing from his 2. Oh an the built in armor stripping his has with his 1 which Hydroid needs an augment to do(Which is still IMO more effective than Grendel's.) Or maybe it's because Grendel is more...mobile? Is that why it costs so much just to have enemies in his guts? Enemies that he needs for the rest of his powers to even be used?

I really want to try and understand the reasoning behind why his 1 has such a high energy drain considering other frames can do what he does for a fraction of the drain and do it better even. Limbo completely locks enemies in place, Hydroid swallows em up much like Grendel and does exponential damage growth, Excal can blind and thus buff melee damage against enemies, Vauban holds large groups of enemies in place AND strips armor off of them. All of these can affect large groups of enemies(in the case of vauban 12 enemies) for a MUCH longer duration than Grendel(Vauban's base bastille duration is 15s with another 15s when it turns into vortex so it holds 12 enemies for 30s, Grendel can't manage that at base and has inferior armor stripping at 5% a second vs Vaubans 10%, and sure the toxin damage he does when he vomits them out is neat and all that it scales but it's toxin...as in affected by armor? he can't hold em long enough to strip armor off of them for toxin to really matter high level enemies(Max level Liches/sortie).

Now on to Nourish...seriously swapping between the options when you consume a group of enemies is a pain, specially if you want all the buffs applied? The counter covers most of the symbol and it's near impossible to tell what it is. On top of that activating nourish again only resets the CHOSEN buff, instead of all the buffs...like, the buffs he provides pretty dang great, a 1.25 mult on all energy gained? That's potent. The other buffs are...okay? But for someone who is a stomach monster I would have thought he would be more corrosive focused because...stomach acid...melting of things? So having a armor buff that does aoe toxin when hit or killing is...meh? I hear "Nourish Armor" I was thinking he gives allies a temporary "Iron skin" like buff. And nourish strike is...a more potent toxic lash. Already of these there is a clear 'not gonna use' and that's Nourish Armor, the damage output it does(250 without mods at max) and that it provides...no defensive benefits? Nah. Nourish strike has it's uses, but the clear winner is Nourish Energy.

So that's the problem, what's the solution? First, and yet again, make this power a gear wheel so we can see what buff we are applying and remove the enemy type restriction. I would swap how grendel's healing from nourish and how nourish energy work, Nourish should give grendel(And nearby allies) some nice HP regeneration and nourish energy should be a flat energy gain using his health formula, Total Energy = Energy Value(10) × (1 + Ability Strength) × (Enemy Level / 15) maybe? Make Nourish Armor function like Mesmer skin, give it some charges, hits to the warframe consume charge but prevent damage/status and does a AoE corrosive damage. Nourish Strike should be a minor damage increase(Right now it's 1.50, I'd bring it down to like...0.25) But have it buff attack speed/status chance/crit chance?
To help balance this out, feel free to reduce the "Damage to enemy in gut" he does.

His 3...yes it scales, but faces the same issue as all things do, Armor. Against higher level enemies it drops off FAST. Nothing like sucking up a level 80 lancer, spitting them at another lancer only to do maybe 1/10th of their HP...Regurgitate needs to do corrosive damage. It needs to A: Apply armor reduction proc to the 'projectile enemy' being spat out and B: apply a second proc to the projectile enemy AND enemies around them upon impact. Also, a charge up mechanic to spit out multiple enemies is GREATLY desired...as well as the option to use this power without consumed enemies to just spit out armor stripping acid at the cost of energy/hp. (Again, i'm pushing for HP draining over energy because hungry stomachs with no food eat themselves.)

His 4 is...honestly his most fun power, I have a honest blast rolling around. It still needs some tweaks, such as allowing it to be used without needing a consumed enemy, bring the base cost per second down to like...5 seconds maybe? And allow Feast to be cast while rolling around(For increased cost maybe?) and...that would be about it.

Edited by Hixlysss
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I tried Grendel again a bit ago and I really like him, although he has issues. Some notes:

  • I only just noticed that Nourish's icon changes to reflect which buff you're currently going for and that you can rotate through them similarly to Minelayer. Part of this is my own idiocy, but I play on a flatscreen TV with the HUD enlarged a bit for better clarity and I still didn't see this.
  • For once, I agree with the community that a frame's energy costs are too harsh. I'm running Zenurik, Energy Siphon, and maxed efficiency and I still find myself constantly running out of energy due to Feast draining energy very quickly while blocking most forms of regeneration (incidentally blocking most of Nourished Energy's utility). Grendel's passive armor buff is moot right now because eating enough enemies to get significant damage reduction will very quickly drain all of your energy and leave you helpless.
  • Regurgitate is kind of bad. At close range, Vomit generally does more damage at a pop in a larger radius (8m, albeit directional) and has the bonus of immediately ejecting everything in your stomach to conserve energy. At long range, the projectile is very slow and has a mediocre blast radius, as well as disappointing damage. It does (afaik) do more damage per enemy ejected but unless you only have a couple enemies ingested the inferior DPS makes it not worth it over vomiting.
  • On the other side of the coin, Vomit is absurdly strong if you have enough enemies loaded in. I'm not sure if I'd call it overpowered because of the hard limit on its reach (trust me, I have an Atlas pfp) and the time taken to ingest enemies, but it does make Regurgitate look even worse in comparison.
  • Nourish's heal is bizarre and the tooltip doesn't clarify how it scales (by level of swallowed enemy, fyi). Also the size of the heal feels insufficient, and I often find myself just using Life Strike instead.
  • Pulverise would be a good ability but ingesting enough enemies to make it actually useful gives you about 4 seconds of rolling time before you run out of energy and get dizzy. Also even if this was fixed I'm not convinced that just eating all the enemies and vomiting them out wouldn't be better. It's definitely a really fun and unique ability conceptually but I can't actually use it enough to fully enjoy it.

Grendel seems to primarily be an experiment with having abilities scale directly off of target level, and at that I'd say he passes with flying colors, and while having abilities be objectively stronger against higher level enemies and vice versa creates some oddities it's still much more elegant and balanced than the other solutions DE has attempted for scaling damage abilities lookin at you saryn.

Lowering energy drain from ingested enemies and/or not blocking energy regeneration for the duration (I think there's precedent for this but I can't remember off the top of my head) would fix a lot of Grendel's problems by itself, I think.

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Grendel is fun frame and love playing with him but he suffers from many things and there are issues should be fixed such as ;

  • Feast drains too much energy.
  • Enemies can be killed by allies while in Feast's swallow animation ( Thanos Snap effects ) , therefore Grendel suffers in public play.
  • Sometimes enemies can't be eaten by Feast if they are under stun / blind / radiation status etc.
  • Nourish is irritating to cycle in middle of fight with no way of knowing if correct enemy is in belly other than staring at buff bar and keep cycling.
  • Regurgitate doesn't do much as its just raw damage ( and cheesy kill ) ability with no utility.
  • Meatball ( yes, I will use that name ) is fun but ;
  • It does have terrible manuverability and affected by physics too much , its so hard to climb up ladders and go uphill.
  • Gets stuck to / blocked by terrain and can't pass through some of the doors.
  • Drains too much energy just like Feast.
  • Meatball gets stuck after moving through ledges and can't be deactivated until Grendel runs out of energy. Same thing happens to Revenant's Danse Macabre too.


My proposed changes ;

Shields are removed , they have no reason to be there. He is fully health based frame now.

Passive : 

  • No longer provides armor, this bonus became an addition to Feast as it should be.
  • ( New ) Glutton - Grendel heals by 25 whenever he picks up loot. ( He likes eating stuff , what can I say ? )

Feast :

  • Drains energy IF Grendel has more than 3 enemies in his belly.
  • Drains 2 Energy / sec for each swallowed enemy.
  • Energy drain no longer ramps up.
  • Grendel can eat maximum of 25 enemies.
  • Grendel gains 50 armor for each enemy in his belly.
  • Bile deals corrosive damage to nearby enemies.

Nourish : 

  • No longer requires cycling ( holding button ) , instead Grendel & allies gain ALL BUFFS as long as he has required enemies in his belly.
    • Nourish Armor - Grants Status Immunity , reflects 250% of incoming damage as toxin damage and staggers attackers. ( Requires Melee Units )
    • Nourish Strike - Provides Grendel & allies additional toxin damage on weapons and abilities by 1.2x / 1.3x / 1.4x / 1.5x. ( Requires Heavy Units )
    • Nourish Energy - Energy gain increased by 1.1x / 1.15x / 1.2x / 1.25x. ( Requires Ranged Units )
    • ( New ) Nourish Heal - Healing effects on self & allies are increased by 1.1x / 1.15x / 1.2x / 1.25x. ( Requires Summoned Units or Flying Units )

Regurgitate :

  • Costs 25 energy to cast.
  • Expelled enemies create puddles with radius of 4 / 5 / 6 / 8 meters on ground which deals toxin damage and slows enemies.

Meatball :

  • Energy drain no longer ramps up.
  • Meatball deals increased damage and moves faster for 10 seconds if passes through any Regurgitate puddle.
  • Pressing Fire Button propels Grendel toward to aim reticule.
Edited by Aeon94
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I really like Grendel, but I personally would like to see the following (if possible)

  1. Much bigger - physically - I mean if ur going to make a fat-boy frame, then go all in, or all out rather. This is really just a personal wish of mine, so obviously disregard.
  2. The energy drain is reduced considerably - as it is now, it discourages me from swallowing any enemies


I wish Grendel's 4th ability handled more like Wrecking Ball from Overwatch (If You don' know what I'm referring to, you can youtube it and see). It isn't fun to struggle rolling up stairs or hills. I consider it a hassle at this point as one needs a lot of built up momentum to overcome hills and slopes, making it very tedious - not to mention ur doing this with the constant energy drain.


Additionally, I feel like Grendel is missing something in terms of offensive abilities. I mean, I get it - I can swallow enemies, and digest them, but what do they do besides buff me? I feel like he needs something that will give his offensive abilities a little more kick!

Idea/Suggestion: Perhaps when he regurgitates, or when he digests/consumes an enemy, if you hold down his second ability (or first), he releases a belch/burp in a cone which procs toxic damage. That way, there is actually a direct damage dealing ability, and it fits nicely with his design, being that he eats a lot, and burps a lot. Just an idea


It also would be nice to not need an enemy swallowed b4 you can activate his 4th ability - that seems a bit odd to me to require him ingest an enemy first, but thats just me

Edited by Rammone-X
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I agree with what many others have said. The missions to obtain Grendel are not fun and definitely not fun in a challenging way.

I like the idea of restricting and forcing us to think about what you bring in regards to which frame and what gear, but these missions are impossible to solo or small squads.

I would like to see something along the lines of perhaps limiting how many mods you can bring, maybe just one or two and each being 50% power. Maybe even allow us to bring our pets but allow them to be at full power or even increased power. Having a kubrow who's shield actually serves a purpose to revive squad mates could be cool, but not sure if it would actually be enough to win.

DE please consider making these missions a bit more balanced.

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Personally, I think Grendel is a really fun frame and I enjoy using him. However I'm going to get right into the abilities and problems that I have with them and some possible solutions.

Passive: Not a worthwhile passive on its own. The buff is not good enough to forgo modding for armor. Maybe bump it up to 75 or even 100 armor per enemy in Grendel's belly. I believe this would be a meaningful passive that allows for the player to choose whether they wish to mod for armor for upfront tankiness or mod for efficiency to keep enemies in Grendel's gut to maintain their armor and survivability. 

Feast: Honestly, this is fine as is. Just a minor personal gripe that teammates sometimes kill the enemies during the animation before they are swallowed into Grendel's gut. Maybe some kind of short invulnerability phase during the animation that prevents them from dying, similar to Inaros' Devour. Strips armor nicely and the damage on the hold feature is actually pretty good.

Nourish: I have noticed the same general annoyances with this that many others have reported. The ability icon is too small and is easily covered by the duration counter. Its difficult to see what buffs are currently active and the duration is just not long enough and not really worth modding for. Myself and many others use this primarily as a heal. As for the buffs. Nourished energy: it's hard to tell if this buff is doing anything really. When you pick up an energy orb it still shows the original amount of the orb at the bottom of the screen, not how much energy was actually restored. Maybe include a UI indicator that shows how much additional energy the ability generated so players feel like it's worth casting. Nourished Strike: added toxin damage is fine as is and does it's job as a damage buff nicely. Nourished Armor: again, it's hard to tell if this buff is actually helping much. The additional armor is nice for teammates, but the armor for Grendel doesn't feel impactful. Damage from the toxin cloud is miniscule and the energy effects are hardly noticeable (if there are any at all).

Perhaps a small heal for allies in the radius would also help Grendel fill a certain niche in a squad. He's supposed to be a "compassionate and generous soul" but that is not displayed in his ability set. I have also seen some suggestions to add a cycling mechanic similar to Ivara's quiver, but I think that a single ability cast should grant the respective buffs for each enemy type in Grendel's gut. For example: if Grendel is holding a single Lancer he gets the energy buff as normal, but if he is holding a butcher in addition to the Lancer then he would get both Nourished Energy and Nourished Armor for a single cast. This would eliminate the need for cycling which can be clunky and disruptive to gameplay. Also a single cast is more fitting imo because all the enemies are in his stomach anyway and they should all theoretically be digested at the same time, right?

Regurgitate: Don't really know what else can be said about this ability that hasn't been said already. I mainly use this as a way of managing the constant energy drain from Feast. Perhaps an additional effect beyond damage like a forced proc or a mechanic similar to the Caustacyst that leaves a gooey trail or area on impact that damages, slows, or strips armor from enemies that walk over it. Would give Grendel some unique zoning tools to manage enemy flow without totally disrupting it.

Meatball, I mean Pulverize: This is a really fun ability, but not the most useful and I'm okay with that. Once you get a hang of rounding corners and parts of maps where you get stuck easily you're good to go. However I have noticed doors tend to have a little lip on the floor and you cannot move over them without first gaining some momentum. It does respectable damage to enemies in his gut and in a decent radius around the impact.

Overall a fun frame.

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Grendel needs a little upgrade!!!!!
The first ability is VERY necessary INVULNERABILITY during the animation of absorption!!! I get killed a lot because of it(((((
The second ability restores too little health

Passive ability to-50 armour a bit small. Maybe 75? Or Supplement this ability, the restoration of health when an enemy dies in your stomach?

P.S. Why is there a third ability?

Edited by Malkavian407
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I don't really enjoy how Grendel is like an extreme version of Nidus where he has a requirement beyond just energy to use his skills.. Grendel has to eat an enemy to use ANY of his powers. It's okay for some of his abilities, but all of them?? If fighting a boss there may not even be enemies to eat available.

Add some alternate uses to his abilities if he's empty or at least have his 4 work nomatter what and eating enemies just buffs it or something. I can't even turn it off and back on to reposition myself when stuck as it is now. He also doesn't even have a Sumo slap; one of the mightiest moves on earth.

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Some more feedback.

Glutton - Total armor gained from stored enemies is retained as long as at least one enemy is in Grendel's gut. Once stomach is emptied, the buff lasts for 10 seconds. Since Glutton is already capped at 1000 armor, it won't go overboard.

Feast - Ability Strength doesn't affect vomit damage properly, please fix. I think the energy costs on Feast should be changed:

Activation: 25 energy

Energy drain per second (flat rate): 1.5 energy, doubled for every 5 enemies stored, no ramp-up over time.

Nourish - on cast, also heals allies in the buffing radius (companions included). All buffs duration can now stack up to 120 seconds on repeated recasts. Nourished Armor changed from Toxin to Viral, now has a 50% chance to proc.

Regurgitate - causes knockdown to enemies hit and procs Corrosive.

Pulverize - energy drain on empty stomach no longer ramps up over time. Regurgitate can be cast.

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I'm sure this has already been said but I'll add my voice to the pile.

Make it more easy to tell which buff we'd be getting from Grendel's 2. Trying to make out that one tiny symbol in the corner of the screen is no way to do that. Also, a way to tell which buffs we can choose from our gullets is also good, I'd like to know if I have only one possible buff or I can cycle - without needing to hold the button and see if the symbol changes.

Continuing the idea of cycling - the mechanic of cycling through the buffs would need to be reworked. The idea of cycling through each individual enemy sounds nice on paper, but we might have a lot of mobs in the gut, mobs that we ate very fast too so we have no realistic way to tell in which order they are stored. So, rather than have us cycle through enemies have us cycle through buff types. I very much doubt that many have the desire and the capacity to keep track of the order in which we ate enemies so we could cycle through them and nom on that one specific grunt over any others. 

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