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Quantiny Vs Quality (is cutting some content ok?)


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This game has a vast amount of content to be explored by new players. I completed the star chart and quests in about a month or two. For endgame we currently have fissures, conclave, eso, plains, liches and the railjack map. All grind content, imo, but still served as fun mini-games of sort.

Today I looked around my stats and inventory.

I have 3599hrs play time. MR 28 only zenith missing

( i potatoed all my frames and weapons and formaed some to see how they played and feel like when i leveled them )

( using this catagories cause those have the most varaity, other i found were more or less similar and using this 4 is simpler)

Warframe - 50% usage on limbo prime , 23.5% saryn prime, 5.5% on volt, 3.9% oberon, 2.3% mesa prime, 1.2%  nekros and nova. Others less than 1%, half of them 0.0%

Primary - 30% ignis wraith, 7.6% rubico prime, 7.5% opticor vandal, 7.2% vectis prime, 6.8% soma prime, 6.6% vectis, 6.1% kuva ogris, Then the others  less that 5%

Secondary - 26.2% catchmoon, 26.1% pyrana prime, 6.9% kuva twin stubbas, 4.4% hikou, 3.2% Afuris, 3.1% tombfinger. The others less than 3%

Melee - 38.1% plague keewar, 11.1% nami skyla, 8.8% broken war, 7.7% ninkondi prime, 5% sepfhan, 2.6% skiajati and zenistar. The other less than 2%

Currently using saryn, soma, kuva nuko,nami skyla for lich hunt and railjack. Others situation wise, i have 15 loadouts for eidolon, profit taker, eso, defense, spy, etc.

I also viewd some of my firends and clan mates profile to see their usage. From my sample i found that i was the only one with 50% on limbo, there is one i found who has 74.9% on redeemer. Most start from 35-30%.

We have our favourites, however, the trend is very similar. Apart from our favourite top 2-3 items the rest have less than 5% usage most are near 0%.

I see that we have way too many items/junk. When I started on 2017 the game was around 20Gb (unsure) now its 38.6GB on steam.

Well we have our own taste and individuality, so i think that the devs should consolidate some weapons and frames.

Such as combine nekros and hydroid - i only use them for farming. Combine srayn and mesa - they are my tops dps frames

And such.

We have too many weapons, make types like that of Tomb Raider (2013) - had 4 types pistol, rifle/granade, shotgun, bow

may be make the prime version as prime type variant upgrade like make the prime type rifle a snipe or rocket launcher. Same with wraith or vandal versions or just remove them if suites better or use some new mechanism.

Some might prefer to have loads of weapons to choose from, gives a sense of progression. (just look at my collectoin)

It might be my burnout from this game, i think i would like the devs to remove some or most of items and basically introduce a new game.

I know DE Steve has his vision of warframe which he has been building for the past decade or so.

I just wonder whether a drastic change is possible now and pull a diablo 4 or path of exile 2?

Is the community ok with removing some of the items they paid for? Its f2p anyway






Edited by Tayef
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So basically you want them to remove a huge number of frames and weapons (even ones that people bought with PA) just because you think we have too many?
I mean what would it really achieve in the end?

Say DE did cut down the number of frames to say 15...what would that realistically achieve?  What benefit would players get out of it?
I mean it wouldn't really improve anything, it would just cut down on choice for no real reason.
And even your examples of frames to remove/combine don't make much sense..

23 minutes ago, Tayef said:

Such as combine nekros and hydroid - i only use them for farming

By the logic of that then Khora should be tossed into that because of her dome loot augment...maybe even atlas as well with his ore gaze (after all Hydroid is only a farm frame with an augment as well)
And you completely ignore how those two frames play very differently.

Hydroid can be much more defensive, and have more area denial, than Nekros could ever hope to achieve with his puddle, wave, and tentacles all doing a good job of keeping enemies utterly helpless.
Meanwhile Nekros has single target CC, wider looting, and the ability to call in enemies he's killed for some confusion but no real CC.  Sure he has terrify but that is a soft CC vs hydroids hard CC.

23 minutes ago, Tayef said:

combine srayn and mesa - they are my tops dps frames

And again, these frames play very differently from each other.
Mesa is about casting a few buffs, using her peacemakers for a quick wipe, and repeating as needed.
Saryn is about building and maintaining stacks, and while she can get to a higher damage potential over a wider area has a more complex approach since you can't just spam her abilities and expect the best damage (recasting spores does immediately cost 20% of the damage stack for example, meaning that just spamming it won't really get you anywhere in terms of potential damage output).

Further Mesa at base can be tankier than Saryn can, though Saryns augment can help make that up, so even the amount of risks that a player takes while playing those frames can be very different.

23 minutes ago, Tayef said:

Well we have our own taste and individuality, so i think that the devs should consolidate some weapons and frames.

So you see that we have our own taste and individuality...and you want to limit that taste and individuality by just randomly "combining"/dropping frames because you think there are too many?

I mean why not combine Excalibur, Baruuk, Wukong, and Valkyr?  After all they all use exalted melee weapons...and with the examples you give about frames to combine they should all be one frame, and who cares that they all play very differently than each other?
Or why not combine Frost and Vauban?  They are both defensive frames...

(hopefully you can see why this isn't a good idea with the two examples I gave)

Who would decide what frames get combined and which ones stay unique?
I mean you've already shown that you don't think gameplay differences and styles should have any part in making that determination....

23 minutes ago, Tayef said:

I see that we have way too many items/junk. When I started on 2017 the game was around 20Gb (unsure) now its 38.6GB.

And not much of that space would be saved...the largest part of that space is tile assets and enemies and everything else.
So unless you're also advocating that we remove most tile-sets, stop any graphical improvements, and even further limit enemy designs then what you're suggesting won't have much of an impact here.

23 minutes ago, Tayef said:

It might be my burnout from this game, i think i would like the devs to remove some or most of items and basically introduce a new game.

Sounds like you're having a major case of burnout.  I would suggest taking a break from the game and coming back later after a few large updates hit.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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 @ Tsukinoki yes precisely my point. They are stacking over one mode after another, item after item with slight changes. I would be furious if they remove my PA accessories/cosmetics, but weapons and frame i dont mind cause i played the game to get them. Unfortunately quite a lot of ppl buy them. Its DE's source of income.

I know its very unlikely to happen but i do hope for a better game mode than another weapon and frame for MR sake. there is like 4 endgame 10-20min modes ( another 2 unfinished ) which has been there for like 2 yrs now. During that time we got load of cosmetics.

Actually i dont mind if they remove some of my syndanas or skins. I bought them but dont use them the default are fine for me too, so i dont mind. Yes most do mind still i can hope for a better future

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1 hour ago, Tayef said:

It might be my burnout from this game, i think i would like the devs to remove some or most of items and basically introduce a new game.

Your whole post can be summarized in this ^

Your burnout is quite clear (also considering your playtime), so your brain needs a new game but at the same time you're too accostumed to Warframe to switch.

The solution is quite simple my friend, take a break, try new things and come back when and if you will genuinely miss the game.

Nothing is particullary wrong with the game at the moment, the problem is every game has a limit to the entertainment it can give you.  

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19 hours ago, Tayef said:

It might be my burnout from this game, i think i would like the devs to remove some or most of items and basically introduce a new game.

The post could be summarized to this one quote: Burnout.

You wish for DE to make a new game, but at the same time, you don't want to go away from Warframe.

I mean, i can understand that. But to remove stuff such as Warframes, tilesets, enemies, assets, graphics, just because "too many"? I'm sorry, but that doesn't seems like a good idea.

Maybe you should try other games, and then return to Warframe the moment you miss it. Simple as that.

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cutting content means less reasons for player to remain invested. that's the fastest way you could possibly kill off the game.

sometimes I think there should be a tax on objectively bad ideas, like 10p for each silly suggestion. I guarantee people would think more before they post if that were the case..

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18 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

cutting content means less reasons for player to remain invested. that's the fastest way you could possibly kill off the game.

sometimes I think there should be a tax on objectively bad ideas, like 10p for each silly suggestion. I guarantee people would think more before they post if that were the case..

Would be cheaper and more effective if people could down vote to oblivion but we all know how that goes.


Aside from that I will gladly perform the requested services for the OP but first I need one piece of content added. A "Delete Target Account" rifle which is usable in game and in the forums.

You just point your cursor at the Account name where you see it and right click and chose the additional option "Delete Target Account" and POOF!

The account and everything associated with it disappears.

Excellent for dealing with those annoying clan beggars, plat beggars in chat, and pesky forum posts.

Edited by Aesthier
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On 2020-03-02 at 3:59 PM, Tayef said:

I just wonder whether a drastic change is possible now and pull a diablo 4 or path of exile 2?

I'm not sure what that actually means.

We dont know if D4 will be good, heck D3 was kinda marvelous in beta and turned into a dumpsterfire on release. Faith in Blizzard died years and years ago.

PoE 2 is just PoE another time around with slight changes and the same boring releveling league after league. The thing that changes is where you level to get to the endgame.

Not sure what a "pull a diablo 4 or path of exile 2" move would be.

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On 2020-03-02 at 3:59 PM, Tayef said:

Is the community ok with removing some of the items they paid for? Its f2p anyway

Read this part again and see if it still makes sense.

To answer the question, no they would not be ok. Just take a break.

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OP, removing things fixes nothing, adding more weapons for mastery is all they know how to do now for "content", so if you dont like that you certainly invested time into the wrong game, if you are that bored just make a new account and start again or play something else for a while.

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8 hours ago, bad4youLT said:

Removing content is never good thing whatever its paid or free .

Look at raids , some folks miss whem , look at Destiny 2 , people complaining about losing content they paid for .


7 hours ago, Test-995 said:

It's not like they can do better by sacrificing something.

yes they removed a game mode and kept on giving weapon after another for MR instead. Thats why the tile "Quantity VS Quality".

yes i want some "items" not game modes to be removed. Thats my opinoin, though ppl tend to focus on that than the actual issue.

Edited by Tayef
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No, never a good idea to remove things that people have paid for, restrict access to further purchases maybe but not outright remove. Raids were a easy bit of content for them to remove as people never owned them merely accessed them (whatever amount of money you spent on making resources used in them was your own loss). While we never actually truly own anything we "buy" in a game there is some fairly (justly) deserved harsh feedback on removing the bought content from play. 

Getting into the more ludicrous side of the opening post, so because YOU only use a frame for farming means that everyone does? I don't play Hydroid often but i don't use him for farming when i do, dont have the mod, never will have the mod for it. And certainly wouldn't want a fun Sea themed frame fused with the Minion Undead one. I have a Themed loadout for when i play Hydroid ~ it has cutlass's, flintlocks and a small cannon.

Yes there is a lot of overlap when it comes to what frames do but that is a good thing, take for example Defense: baseline there used to be Frost and that was all. Frost is very good but how he plays is not to everyone's tastes for what they want in a defensive frame so now we have a number of different frames that do defense in their own ways. In the same vein there are a lot of weapons and for the same reasons as having many frames its a good thing to have gun options. Self limits are what you need, if you have too many options then remove them from YOUR inventory. There are 40+ Frames now and i don't have them all, i don't need them all so i got rid of the chaff. If you can't part with anything once you have it that's a issue you have to manage on your own.


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10 hours ago, Tayef said:


yes they removed a game mode and kept on giving weapon after another for MR instead. Thats why the tile "Quantity VS Quality".

yes i want some "items" not game modes to be removed. Thats my opinoin, though ppl tend to focus on that than the actual issue.

And that will upset or even anger completionists and colectors , founders items are mastery foder , no one uses them other when to brag or show off that you have those.

Its still not good idea to remove any kind of content .

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On 2020-03-02 at 1:10 PM, Cloud said:

Your whole post can be summarized in this ^

Your burnout is quite clear (also considering your playtime), so your brain needs a new game but at the same time you're too accostumed to Warframe to switch.

The solution is quite simple my friend, take a break, try new things and come back when and if you will genuinely miss the game.

Nothing is particullary wrong with the game at the moment, the problem is every game has a limit to the entertainment it can give you.  

9.5k hours of dota 2 i still playing it

2.5k hours in warframe, im afk in my orbiter chatting with you in this forum


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