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The Helminth: Dev Workshop


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vor 2 Minuten schrieb Roble_Viejo:

You know whats the problem buddy? When you invest hours to have a cool loadout then DE breaks the meta and your stuff is useless. 

Then you need to play what everybody is playing or suffer.

I have been playing this game for a long time and I have never been forced to play something just bc it is the meta. Even if DE needed a thing I liked i have never felt like that forced me to play a way I didn't want to. The only place where I really feel I can see this happening is ESO with saryn, but even then the funny thing is that more then one saryn actually makes both of them worse. Anyway outside of that one game mode I never pressured by the meta in anyway, mainly bc the game is so easy to begin with.

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1 hour ago, --Q--Candy said:

This is incorrect. You have stuff like Volt - Shock there. With the Augment this is a crazy Ability to increase dmg. Can we get a limitation there too?

Shuriken + Seekign Shuriken = Remove Armor from all enemies... Now even grineer are a joke like all other factions.
Rest & Rage = Now you can bee your own Sleep Equinox to power level / fokus farm.
Nourish = Extremly strong toxin buff. The quote from above applies here.
Smite + Smite Infusion = Same thing as the Quote applies here and it even has scaling dmg...
Dispensary = Endless Energy for all Warframes.... This doesnt seem broken at all...

This system needs Heavy Nerfs and active maintenance.This has the potential to kill the balance in this game forever. If it will be relased like this and wont get balanced very often you can say goodbye to all sorts of Balance in this game.
I hope that you will do something about this, else we can say goodbye to ever have any challenge in this game.


(Shutout to the comment from --Q--FSK41 a few posts down. This System will kill everything)


1 hour ago, --Q--FSK41 said:

This System is broken and will break the game completely,it shouldn't come into the game so many broken  combinations,for example mesa and eclipse/roar = who the hell thought of this. its completely unbalanced PLEASE DE do NOT put this into the game,since you made enemies paper the game is already quite easy but with this its literally broken

Oh game's too easy for you huh? Well then, get an MK-1 stuff and go for Steel Path, please Tenshin a bit

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Just now, 2ndPersonPlural said:

Can you put a helminth unique ability and a subsumed warframe ability on the same frame?

I believe you can only inject one ability *per configuration.*  So you could put a subsumed ability on Config A, and a Helminth ability on Config B.  But you can't swap out two abilities in the same Config setup.  I could be reading it wrong, but it seems like the game mechanic doesn't see a difference between "Subsumed" and "Helminth," you're just allowed one injected ability at a time.  I could be reading it wrong though, I don't know.

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1 hour ago, --Q--Candy said:

This is incorrect. You have stuff like Volt - Shock there. With the Augment this is a crazy Ability to increase dmg. Can we get a limitation there too?

Shuriken + Seekign Shuriken = Remove Armor from all enemies... Now even grineer are a joke like all other factions.
Rest & Rage = Now you can bee your own Sleep Equinox to power level / fokus farm.
Nourish = Extremly strong toxin buff. The quote from above applies here.
Smite + Smite Infusion = Same thing as the Quote applies here and it even has scaling dmg...
Dispensary = Endless Energy for all Warframes.... This doesnt seem broken at all...

This system needs Heavy Nerfs and active maintenance.This has the potential to kill the balance in this game forever. If it will be relased like this and wont get balanced very often you can say goodbye to all sorts of Balance in this game.
I hope that you will do something about this, else we can say goodbye to ever have any challenge in this game.


(Shutout to the comment from --Q--FSK41 a few posts down. This System will kill everything)

Incredible that the first reply post is the fun police decrying this MR15+ content for being imbalanced. Wait until it's out before you make this snap judgement.

And even if it is a powerful tool, good. I deserve my power fantasy after 3k hours and all frames built 3x over for this (original then Primes then Helminth fodder).

Honestly shaking my head, I just don't get this kind of reply straight OUT THE GATE. 

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I really love the new system, and I really want to praise DE for it from the bottom of my heart...

...but having it being locked at MR 15 is one of the stupidest decision I've seen. It's incredibly frustrating. I'm MR29, but I play with a lot of MR 8-10 friends, and the MR15 lock is just going to make them all quit the game entirely at this point... I'm very disappointed by that.

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1 час назад, --Q--Candy сказал:

-say goodbye to all sorts of Balance in this game.

-I hope that you will do something about this, else we can say goodbye to ever have any challenge in this game.

 -This System will kill everything

Bwahahahah, too late for that. Rivens are already in the game. 

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1 minute ago, n.ull. said:

I have been playing this game for a long time and I have never been forced to play something just bc it is the meta. Even if DE needed a thing I liked i have never felt like that forced me to play a way I didn't want to. The only place where I really feel I can see this happening is ESO with saryn, but even then the funny thing is that more then one saryn actually makes both of them worse. Anyway outside of that one game mode I never pressured by the meta in anyway, mainly bc the game is so easy to begin with.

You see. That is because, up until this point, DE has done a good job with new updates.

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Just now, EmberStar said:

I'm just curious, but how is this any different than "Every Operator already takes Zenurik or you're doing it wrong?"  Some Warframes will be able to use abilities more often.  In exchange for losing an ability (arguably not a big deal in many cases.)  And also *standing around* for up to 30 seconds at a time waiting for it to spit out energy balls.  Also, nearly anyone who wants energy can just craft, you know, five hundred energy charger consumables already and drop them four or five at a time.  Especially now that we have a version that anyone can get without Syndicate ranking and craft literally a hundred at a time.

Yeah Dispensary doesn't sound like an "a config" ability to me, even though I want to try it on a couple frames. 

If not only the frame, but the mission doesn't call for some decent standing around it's just a waste of an ability slot. 

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1 hour ago, --Q--Candy said:

This is incorrect. You have stuff like Volt - Shock there. With the Augment this is a crazy Ability to increase dmg. Can we get a limitation there too?

Shuriken + Seekign Shuriken = Remove Armor from all enemies... Now even grineer are a joke like all other factions.
Rest & Rage = Now you can bee your own Sleep Equinox to power level / fokus farm.
Nourish = Extremly strong toxin buff. The quote from above applies here.
Smite + Smite Infusion = Same thing as the Quote applies here and it even has scaling dmg...
Dispensary = Endless Energy for all Warframes.... This doesnt seem broken at all...

This system needs Heavy Nerfs and active maintenance.This has the potential to kill the balance in this game forever. If it will be relased like this and wont get balanced very often you can say goodbye to all sorts of Balance in this game.
I hope that you will do something about this, else we can say goodbye to ever have any challenge in this game.


(Shutout to the comment from --Q--FSK41 a few posts down. This System will kill everything)

Wah wah 😭 

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People were speculating and complaining all the subsume abilities would be weak, and that the new system would be useless. You add a handful of good abilities and now suddenly everyone is up in arms about the "balance" of the system. 

 you really can't win, can you? DE

Don't get me wrong: I have my own doubts about the strength of Roar or eclipse on already powerful frames. Perhaps the answer is to just cop-out and pick the weaker abilities, but you can't please everyone and people will say the system is useless. So I look forward to seeing how crazy this new system is. It's gonna be a wild ride. If it doesn't work out, it will be nerfed, no sense worrying about it.

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26 minutes ago, kgabor said:

Considering the replacement abilities, this system wasn't given as much thought as it should have, this will be really broken.

Only 2-3 must haves and some niche abilities worth using, the rest...

And some frames give their straight up best ability...

So poorly thought out.

I wonder why DE do this.... They literaly give us Mirage Eclipse and Rhino Roar like WTF, let's see how broken this 2 skill, Eclipse can be huge damage boost or immunity ( yes its 95% ) but 5% damage from enemy is a joke it Will never touch my health even if i don't use redirection or Vigor. Rhino Roar is also huge damage buff and it works very well on tricap even though without it tricap already fast. They should change mirrage elcipse with her 2nd skill and Rhino Roar change with his 1st skill or maybe his 2nd considering its stack up with armor, not everyone have a lot of armor. But look at this, because this system they force wukong and saryn to give one of their ability and its more broken because every saryn skill only fits for her and they choose molt because its not part of the nuke, but its mean with her augment every frame can get constant regen especially high strength builds. And wukong, they also Fked up because they don't know what to sacrifice with wukong, his 1st means free Spectre which is good but broken if its use with every frame ( u can just afk in mobile defense and excavation with this skill ) his 2nd also work the same like saryn molt but better and they choose his 3rd because its the only NON OP skill from wukong and yes its still op tbh it can give u 1.5k armor. So yeah saryn and wukong is a big deal considering both doesnt have any trash skill to sacrifice for helmint, and they also not picking Mirage and Rhino trash skill, instead they give their damage buff. This night be the end of warframe fun, everyone Will use 1 frame with spesific helminth ability just like every people loadout its a boring Bramma combine with Nukor and a meler either gram, Kronen, pennant , dual keres, paracesis, kripath, dokrahm. Edited because fixing some typo :)

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10 minutes ago, Atalandros said:



Blazing Pillage

Drains 50 Energy instead of 50 Shield. 

Did you just kill Zenurik? 😲

Maybe, but that's Dispensory. Pillage is doing the same as it does now, but costs Energy on other 'Frames, so it's "just" a defense-stripping shield recharger.

My own take is that Roar is probably not going to be the meta for the simple reason that it's a team buff, so only one person needs it, so why not bring Rhino and stick some other big useful thing on the damage buffer that's virtually immortal? Like Dispensory to make that damage buff actually stick around forever and keep him not dying, while simultaneously giving everyone access to ammo and energy so they can actually make use of the damage buff?

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1 minute ago, Airwolfen said:

And time to fiure out what to replace portal with on Nova. Cause meh at low range portals.

That was my initial thought as well, but I struggle to find anything I'd rather have, since the rest of her kit basically does everything. Even short-range portals can be used to bypass forcefields and laser gates in spy vaults and such, and I enjoy using such shortcuts.

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This looks so freakin fun. Like, I know people are flipping out about "balance" and all that fuss but take a moment to consider if it really matters shall we? So you can give mesa her own damage buff now, well if you regularly play with friends and there is a rhino (or lotus forbid) a ranged buffer Chroma in your party you get the buff anyway and wreck shop. Solo player? Have you considered using a specter? So effectively, this is just cutting out the middle man. I ask, that if you can basically already do it in game, why is it bad that it'll just be easier to now? Plus, if you're already playing solo whats the big deal! This just makes it easier for you to get by on your own, so you already dont have to worry about "detracting" from anyone else's experience since its just yours, and if roar on mesa makes the game more fun to you then you should be allowed to have more fun! 

The system is making it more rewarding to dump that massive pile of resources and dusty frames all of us mr 20+ players have somewhere where they will be useful again and I for one am amazed at the solution DE came up with. This totally provides another kind of grind, but seemingly a MUCH healthier one. ALL of the things you have collected thus far can now help to better your arsenal in an EXTREMELY deep way both in customization and mechanics. It will encourage experimentation and push builds to the absolute limit. As a player who pours hours over build crafting and simulacrum testing this will keep me occupied for a MINIMUM of 40+ days given the time it takes to subsume. To me thats honestly a good thing, a goal I can consistently work towards that impacts how I play the game dramatically. Personally, I can't wait.

THERE IS ONE THING THAT I'M CONCERNED ABOUT THOUGH, AND I'M WRITING IN ALL CAPS SO YOU'LL PAY ATTENTION TO THIS PART MORE THAN ABYTHING ELSE! I think that at least half of the forma you put into a frame should be refunded (and maybe the potato if you had one installed but that might be asking a bit much). Forma is the single most vital resource in this game and you can still only get one per 24 hours. So if a fresh mr15 found the segment to upgrade their orbiter and was finally ready to retire that 2 forma excalibur they've been holding on to since the beginning, they'll at least get a bit of that 2 day investment back. Heck you could even make the mouth thing in the back spit out the forma because it doesn't like eating them or something, it could be funny.   


Tldr; balance doesnt mean jack in todays meta so dont worry about it, system looks super promising but should TOTALLY REFUND AT LEAST FORMA INSTALLED ON A FRAME

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"Eclipse and Roar will break the game" LMAO these are abilities that exist in the game already and can be utilized in combination with other frames through group matchmaking RIGHT NOW. The only part of the game this affects significantly is solo play where Inaros players will actually be able to kill things with a gun. It's little more than a quality of life change for people running public games. Were going to end up in a situation where everyone is running one of these, and players like me will not bother slotting it because we'll just get the buff from everyone else playing that meta.

Overall I see this as a win win scenario. I can run something more interesting to me like Larva/Ensnare, Breach Surge, etc and still benefit from meta beasts running Roar in their range strength Saryn/Ember/Volt build. Essentially Helminth increases the chance you will match with someone who has a buff you want to benefit from. Wow, game breaking I know.

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