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Best Dual Wielded Secondaries 2021


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Just wanted to know what the community's opinion was on these types of secondary weapons. I just got back in the game after a few years and I always see the single handed ones, like the Kuva Nukor and Pyranna Prime, as the "best" ones in the tier lists but not much love has been shown to the dual wielded ones. Yeah sure there are the obvious ones like the Staticor and what not. Tbh I'm just overwhelmed by the number of new weapons there are now and I just cant seem to choose which are worth my time.

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it's mainly down to preference I reckon, since there are a lot of strong dual pistols. my personal favourites:

Twin Grakatas and Kuva Tin Stubbas for automatics. Grakatas are fun, but few machine pistols have fun that can last due to small ammo pools. the fabled Dubba Stubba manages to provide enough dakka whilst still holding enough ammo in reserve for prolonged use. AkStiletto and AkSomati are arguably more practical, but I like that cheap- MAC10/ Uzi style of the stubbas.

AkLex and AkVasto Primes for semi-automatics. myself and a few others pined constantly for these lovely prime pistols to be rightfully dual wielded, and they don't disappoint. AkVasto Prime looks amazing on Mesa Prime, AkLex Primes have always been my go to for quests, and are my favourites overall. here's hoping for AkMagnus Prime next at some point!

Twin Kohmaks for secondary Shotguns, though there isn't all that much choice for Dual Shotguns. another reason why I want AkTigris Sawn-off Shotguns to become a thing.

still waiting on a true handcannon revolver, hoping maybe the Sisters of Parvos have a Plinx Variant, or Dual Plinx.



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Anything not AOE, is right out the airlock.

I personally like staticor a lot, especially it not being a hit-scan weapon or whatever, you can actually time and aim a good shot.

Currently working on building an Aklex Prime, just laughing at how bad it is, firering one single shot at a time, slowly, then take maybe 20% health of.

By that time I have half the map covered in staticor explosions. Even if like 40x speed singleshot weapons just make me laugh.

I was thinking I might give Spira Prime a go, using Consealed Explosives, thanks to high riven disposition, but I am definitely stay far away, from any single target weapons, as far as it being useful.


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I build the "best" weapons but at some point I stopped using them
Maybe because of preference but I think there are better options

e.g. KuvaNukor, farmed two 60% ones, but except for modding, I ve never used them
As prime for CO? Who needs that?
as weapon too much hassle to kill large groups of enemies
Overall no fun to use
But oh well preference, but for me overhyped weapon

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Pyrana Prime counts right?

If not i would put my weight behind akjagara prime, its style baby!

Maybe the akvasto (not prime) for the classic feel , the akvasto prime feels too ... pew pew for a rugged six shooter feel.

Finally the Aklex prime cause desert eagles with a donkeys kick.

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I really have trouble fathoming why people love (kickb)Aklex Prime other than for fashion and feels.  Even with Steady Hands, between the recoil and the accuracy I can't make consistent headshots with those things outside of knife fight range. 🤪 

Anyway, Twin Kohmak, Dubba Stubba for me.  If I want dual Hand Cannons, I suppose Twin Rogga. 

(edit: But Dual Euphona Prime would make for a very happy tiltskillet.)

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