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Dev Workshop: Corrupted Holokey Changes


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1 hour ago, Kylo. said:

Seems like whenever some bad new system like this is introduced it's best to not play it, wait a month and then play it, because it's now about 50% easier than it was before.

Helminth and Railjack are perfect examples. However Devs know that people will throw themselves over the "grind cliff" when new content is released. They aren't naive and could always be more aware.

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1 hour ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

In the final Railjack Showdown node for a Sister of Parvos, each Sister will give each squad member 1 Corrupted Holokey at End-of-Mission whether you Vanquish or Convert them! This means a Squad of 4 can leave with 4 Corrupted Holokeys each on Showdown mission complete! 

will a script be run to give these out to everyone who has already gotten all the sister kills they want?  seems like a bit of a slap in the face to people who tackled this when it was new and got so little in the way of reward if not.

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So what about all the people who have gotten all the new weapons and ephemeras already, do you just say "who cares, grind more" to us? because like with grinding out railjack "early" at least we got retroactive rewards for that, but for this we're just being punished. Might just be a better idea to wait 3 more months for you guys to make holo keys 100% drop rate before I grind again.

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I like the guarantee on the Sisters, but I’ve already farmed all the weapons.  That means I have to do void storms which haven’t been my friend.  I did 21 runs last weekend and received two instances of holokeys.  I really feel the drop chance needs changes or add them to the endless missions as a B rotation.  I don’t need a guarantee, but 2 in 21 is discouraging.  

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16 hours ago, Restartmind111 said:

Ignoring early adopters again, unbelievable. All of us that already vanquished or converted sisters before this change get nothing? 

I just can't believe the way you do things DE, simply unbelievable.

Having seen it numerous times before, I can believe it. But I still don't like it.

What really gets me is how inconsistent DE is about this. Remember when they made the railjack acquisition process easier and gave free railjack resources to people who already had their railjacks? I'm not even joking, the amount of stuff they gave away was several times more than what I had managed to farm up, and I had farmed a lot. Some of my resource stockpiles quadrupled from that, especially asterite, which was a giant PITA to farm. So sometimes DE is extremely generous with early adopter compensation. And then some other times, they're just like "lol, screw you".

It reminds me of the way self-damage was handled. They went from "nah, no self-damage" to "lol, enough self-damage to kill yourself several hundred times over" and then back to "whatever, no self-damage" again. It seems DE has no concept of the golden mean.

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I don't often reply to these, but thank you for the update.  Could we also maybe see a retroactive "payment" for those of us who have already completed multiple, or all, of the sister tenet weapons?  Hate to see early adopters punished for jumping in early.

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1 hour ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


Our Sisters of Parvos Update launched earlier this month, and was quickly followed by TennoCon 2021. We Hotfixed a lot of essential things before we held our event, and we’ve had ample time to read feedback, review stats, and see how players are engaging with all things Proxima regions. The feedback has been great, and we intend on making a change to Corrupted Holokeys.  

When it comes to introducing new avenues for gear in Warframe, our intention is always striking a balance of recognizing all players ‘start from 0’ when it comes to new systems. In the case of Tenet Melee weapons and Corrupted Holokeys, there are two things in play - 4 day inventory rotations, and Corrupted Holokey acquisition. Because of the 4 day rotation, we agree that the Corrupted Holokey acquisition can be increased so players have an easier time earning them while they play, and also connect them more to the Sisters of Parvos.

Corrupted Holokey Changes: 

  • In the final Railjack Showdown node for a Sister of Parvos, each Sister will give each squad member 1 Corrupted Holokey at End-of-Mission whether you Vanquish or Convert them! This means a Squad of 4 can leave with 4 Corrupted Holokeys each on Showdown mission complete! 

  • Corrupted Holokey drop amounts have been increased in Void Storms! Void Storms in the Veil Proxima will now drop 10 (vs 6) to make the hardest content the most rewarding. The rest have all had their amounts increased by 1. 


See you in the next few weeks with these changes on all platforms, Tenno!


Can we have it so that it's like 2 Holokeys per Sister? I mean, what about the people who solo Sisters?



Also can you guys fix Yareli please

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What about the option to trade in Sevagoth & Epitath parts for Corrupted holokeys. And what about early adopter like me who has killed allreay 15 sisters and 90% my tenet weapons are at near max elemental bonus i have no reason to hunt sisters again.

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10 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

See you in the next few weeks with these changes on all platforms, Tenno!


so there is absolutely no point in playing those missions right now...

It's quite nice however that Sisters will drop something useful, but why only in the final confrontation?

Liches also drop Kuva every time they are stabbed.
I'd be fine with a rebalance of the numbers required for a weapon; if it took slightly more keys in general, and sisters dropped keys every time, we would at least be making more steady progress towards holokeys when we were dealing with sisters.

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1 hour ago, [DE]Rebecca said:
  • In the final Railjack Showdown node for a Sister of Parvos, each Sister will give each squad member 1 Corrupted Holokey at End-of-Mission whether you Vanquish or Convert them! This means a Squad of 4 can leave with 4 Corrupted Holokeys each on Showdown mission complete! 

Why should players be rewarded less for choosing to kill their Sister of Parvos solo? Killing a single SoP/lich solo is generally more challenging than doing so with a team, so it does not make sense why you would reward those players less if they prefer to take that route. Plus, consider that the amount of time and effort needed to unlock the final encounter is about the same for everybody regardless of whether you do the final encounter solo or not.

Also, host migrations and disconnects can lead to frustrating situations where the remaining players in the squad would have to re-do the mission to get all the possible holokeys.

The showdown missions should just give a fixed amount of Corrupted Holokeys at the end as opposed to being tied to the amount of SoPs in the mission.

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I appreciate what you're trying to do, but not being retroactive to players who've already farmed out a dozen or so liches prior to this gives them little to no incentive yo return to liches to get a palsy maximum of four holokeys is insulting to the time investment.


Upping the maximum holokeys recieved from 6 to 10 is nice, but I also didn't see anything about retroactively rewarding players who already did Veil Voidstorms, and also doesn't solve the issue of their infrequency and/or their lack of duplicate protection.


This is a good start, but you need to do more.

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28 minutes ago, Okayane said:

what a great mentality...  no one force you to play this game dude if you're not happy with how things turns out just don't play it. Don't spoil other people experience ;)

Number 1 rule of game design:

Saying "don't play it if you don't like it" is the easiest way to lose players.

I'm willing to farm stuff if the requirement is reasonable. At current it is not.

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4 minutes ago, HI_IM_PIEZ said:

I appreciate what you're trying to do, but not being retroactive to players who've already farmed out a dozen or so liches prior to this gives them little to no incentive yo return to liches to get a palsy maximum of four holokeys is insulting to the time investment.


Upping the maximum holokeys recieved from 6 to 10 is nice, but I also didn't see anything about retroactively rewarding players who already did Veil Voidstorms, and also doesn't solve the issue of their infrequency and/or their lack of duplicate protection.


This is a good start, but you need to do more.

One "fix" that would probably also piss off a lot of players would be to let us grind excess hounds into holokeys.

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1 hour ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Corrupted Holokey Changes: 

While the addition of Corrupted Holokeys to Sister bossfights is nice, I would like to see:
1: their Hounds drop a Holokey.
2: Derelicts/side-objectives having an opportunity for a 'Holokey jackpot'.
3: The amount of Keys dropped per Sister raised to 4 (in commemoration for the Parazon stabs succeeded, kind of thing), as to put it in line as 'tougher than Veil Proxima' content considering the potential to mess with our missions depending on how they're kitted out and the fact that Necramechs are useless against them aside for the equivalent of Rhino Iron Skin on a more sophisticated level. Having the Keys be 1-per-Sister makes me think they don't get the pay they're supposed to as Sisters of Parvos. Or is Parvos bankrupt?
4: A means to turn in the many spare Hounds collected from beating Sisters for a Holokey per Hound.
5: Alternatively, have a rare chance for Converting a Sister to drop a 'voucher' that discounts a Tenet Melee purchase by 25/50/75% in the mailbox with their message.
6: Speaking of alts, Converted Sisters if they spawn on their own accord should give you and your squad a Corrupted Holokey they found in the mission due to something to do with being a Sister.

The goal I'm trying with this is to whole idea is to make the process of beating a Sister result in being able to afford a Tenet Melee, or at least boost progress towards one.

However, what's already there is a good start; would like it if loot tables gave you the option to pick rewards as a reward itself (i.e: % chance to be able to pick from up to 4 - 1 per squadmate - rewards from the loot table) rather than what we've got currently, so we can better target what we're after.

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I farmed the keys while leveling the new weapons. I found it pretty painless, I think I averaged 40ish keys per hour. More is nice I suppose, I’m assuming they’ll be adding more weapons since they become a useless reward kind of quickly so being able to use them for something instead of becoming a dead resource would be ideal. The loot tables are a little goofy though, especially when it’s littered with material resources, you tend to sometimes gets rewarded with basically nothing of value.

As far as retroactive rewards, DE owes you nothing, 10 keys for a veil drop is already laughably generous. 

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No, this change isn't going to alleviate the problems people actually feel when trying to get the weapons.

You would kind-of be able to farm it through sisters, but that would be slow and tedious. The drops of holokeys should either be tied to drops from special enemies, guaranteed from rotations of relic completions, or reevaluated in weighting for the relics so that you don't go five missions of 0 holokeys which feels awful.

Slow consistent farms > complete dumb luck all or nothing drops.

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Thanks for trying, but you completely missed the the problem. Poor drop rates in an extremely long/boring game mode that has been blasted for being unrewarding from the day it was launched. Please, just make it a guaranteed drop with amounts based on the mission/relic tiers. It is extremely frustrating doing Void Storm missions, and basically getting no reward for trudging through makes it worse. The purposed changes barely help.  Please rework void storms and corpus railjack, they are a terrible experience. 

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I have just finished farming all my sisters, ephemera, hounds and weapons and now they introduce this feature to add holokeys from the sisters showdown? 😒

I am not salty. But I do feel a bit cheated. I hope there is a retrospective gift of at least a one key per sister I've sent to the sweet by and by. Otherwise I too would have waited on completing this and gone after the holokeys  first in stead of the other way around. I do appreciate that DE owes nobody anything and have always been grateful for my free daily log in rewards since they don't have to give us anything! But still I feel sad to have missed out in this way.

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