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Feelings on a Railjack Update?


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Railjack had a super rocky start, but now id argue its a lot more pleasant to play, especially with the Ai crew reducing the need to heavily rely on players who may have no clue what theyre doing (or steal your ship 😑)

I wanted to make a fan concept for an update to railjack, but before i do that, id really like to get a feel for where peoples heads are about Railjack in general

1.) Do you personally enjoy playing it? How would you rate your enjoyment on a scale of 1 to 10?

2.) Do you feel like any changes need to be made to make Railjack better? If so what can you think of that would improve it in your opinion?

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1. I really like Railjack, but they hyped it up too much at the beginning. 7.8/10

2. Every single Grineer mission is Skirmish, while every single Corpus mission is just a normal mission but with a Railjack taxi (except for Volatile) - they need to be more diversifyied and have the Railjack itself play a bigger role. Also, either somehow speed missions up, or have them give more/better rewards - currently they give way too little for the time spent, and often it's much, much more efficient to just play missions in the normal Star Chart.

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1. I enjoy it, but it's held back by a lack of rewards for time investment in a number of places and a lack of diversity in missions. 6/10

2.  Crew should be moddable (maybe not to the extent of a full-on Warframe, but moddable). Liches should be able to be more than just defenders (and should have a variety of other things, like the ability to mod/improve their weapons and self). Missions need to be more diverse. Map sizes should be reduced in places or the Railjack should get a speed bonus.

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1) I enjoy Railjack, but because it's got a small scope, thus repetitive gameplay, I'd stick it at 6/10.

2) Railjack has to become an entirely different game accessed through Warframe. The modes we have now should be treated as a demo of Railjack, a Railjack Lite. I want to be able to "buy in", figuratively or literally, into playing a more detailed or advanced version of Railjack gameplay and content.

Having ranked up gear from Warframe would help with on-foot sections in Railjack, but otherwise Railjack rewards should reward Railjack.

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1) I love railjack, i loved it even more after the rework but it's just not worth playing unless you like wasting your time.

2) there's not enough railjack in railjack. I doubt anyone truly enjoys crawling out of their huge ship like some insect to do the most mundane stuff since this game came out.

I would like to see more gamemodes centered around railjack combat like an endless mission where everyone gets to pilot their own ship with their own crew in it. A space war against either grineer or corpus akin to survival but with railjack combat only, Let us deal with active threats with the railjacks we spent time building. Just don't bunch us up in one spot with like 5 fighters and 1 crewship.

Even one of the animated quest scenes from the prelude to the new war during the old war show multiple railjacks fighting against the sentients.

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I like railjack, originally i geared myself to be a ship  engineer, but now that´s not really helpful, i think archwing is not really well integrated into the game mode, I would prefer if railjack missions had a bit of archwing missions like corpus exterminate, getting in the corpus ships and probably then lead to a on foot mission. As it stands now railjack is more like a complex form of the loadin screen.

I do like the exploratory aspect of it, with the derelict ships appearing on some missions.


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Love to play railjack, is incomparably more enjoyable than the space arching missions, but it really need a redo on the entire thing. The pilot should have the artillery gun. Is a nightmare positioning the ship to a big shoot and a pub just take control and fly away.

Missions should envolve more objectives that you complete with the ship. 

Pilots AI need to learn how to target the external reactors of the bases.

There should be missions with multiple railjacks, thought if i remember correctly is quite impossible given how it works. 

In summary, railjack has an absurd amount of potential, is realy fun, but it needs a rework. 


Also, we need railjack pvp


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I was very hyped with what they first showed when announcing Railjack but they didnt deliver what was promised.

Currently i would rate a 6/10 for Railjack. Playing alone is slow and tedious, playing with friends is ok, playing with randoms is irritating when you have some douchebag that sits on the frontal artillery and does nothing else the whole mission.

Railjack defense missions are mandatorily on that massive Corpus tileset that takes ages for mobs to reach you and therefore takes too long to complete waves.
Railjack Spy are the same old Tilesets we already know.
Orphix Venom is not fun.
Farming Holokeys is disgusting, Wiki says 37.5% chance but its more in the house of 10% as i have gone for over 9 rounds in a row without getting any.

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I liked at the beginning, before the Railjack was turned into a expensive taxi for "missions inside missions." Though removing the original Gian Point and adding Plexus (which killed solo affinity farming) ultimately killed my interest in the game mode. 0/10

Remove or change the way Plexus affinity works. Remove "missions inside missions" nodes and replace them with missions that the Railjack can actually take part on.

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Corpus proxima needs a full rework, I'm not going through the trouble of making a building a railjack, crew, lich/sisters, just to play normal missions. To actually answer the questions though...

1) 2/10, in terms of unique gameplay, there is barely anything here.

2) It needs a full rework, i just see the normal star chart with railjack (except for maybe grineer skirmish).

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The problem with Railjack right now is Corpus Taxijack

If I was suffering some sort of drug-addled euphoria that made me want to play Defense missions, I would just play a startchart defense mission. I wouldn't be in the Railjack section.

Grineer Skirmish understood this. Newer, smaller bases that had to be taken down with both ground and space attacks. You had a reason to be in the Railjack

How would I fix this? The cheap and easy solution (read: the realistic one) would be turning all the Corpus missions into Skirmish. Maybe keep the Volatile Sabotage missions in too.

A more in-depth solution (read: an idealized one I know full well won't happen) means we need to square the circle, how can we fight on foot AND in the Railjack at the same time? This isn't a concern in co-op but is mandatory on solo play. So my proposition is to look at what they did in the New War: remember when you and Teshin teamed up to hit a Murex from different angles? What if we could do that in solo mode with our Railjack crews. Tenno in the enemy space station, alternating with player-controlled crewmates piloting the Railjack

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I couldn't even be bothered to farm all the stuff on the current railjack missions so apart from a rework of the drop tables to include everything in them rather than rng loot drops and maybe some purely 'railjack only' missions where I can just stay on my ship I'm not sure there's much that would pull me back into railjack if I'm being honest.

The multiple parts to a mission and the need to jump out of railjacks kind of make it too long winded unless you're in a very good squad that knows what to do and works together, which is not common.

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Railjack needs some content and expansion to the existing systems :

 - Infested theme railjack content , remember lore wise we still have moldy space chicken on the lose ( J3 )

 - Players who own Railjack should be able to call for Railjack orbital strike that is tied to Railjack Abilities and even be able to teleport to Railjack to switch loudouts / gear mid mission .

 - New Railjack equipment , maybe even 4th gear tier ( will given reason to go back grind some more )

 - 11th Rank for Intrinsics ( give reason to do something )

 - New Railjack skin or maybe even a new Railjack interior ( come one , I want some Grineer , Corpus , Infested fashion for my ship )

 - Clan related Railjack content , like support of sorts .

- What ever happened to squad link ? 

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Id really like to see Railjack really look like the way they orgionally showed it off. But here's the list. I wish I played Railjack more then I currently do. I really enjoy it.

- Infested Railjack with Infested Lichs. Id love to see a Massive Infested Gallion that's an actual combatant (Think Massive Infested Ship/Kauji) with Huge Space "Molby-D*&k vides. (I can't believe this is censored)

- Corrupted Railjack, with it's own set of Orokin towers to enter. 

- Sentient Railjack with the Sentient Outposts. 

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I enjoy it, at least conceptually, but so many of the mechanics get in the way of a good experience.

  • Revert the energy economy back to Flux so frames aren't stat-sticks for your ship.
  • Let players host their own matches, and don't dump players back into matchmaking when they travel.
  • Bring Your Own Gun - let players swap from the host's weaponry to their personal weaponry.
  • Let the host mod and pick parts for the ship, let players mod their turrets like weapons.
  • Get rid of the MK and every-manufacturer-makes-everything item system to declutter parts and weapons, and make item acquisition its own activity instead of boring drops.
  • Convert the skins into bespoke ships, and add player-owned Corpus and Grineer crewships.
  • Replace Corpus Taxijack with Grineer-style POIs:
    • Get the required kills and clear out POIs in Exterminate.
    • Move Spy Vaults to POIs in Spy.
    • Defend objectives inside POIs with part of the team on the Railjack shooting dropships to speed things up in Defense.
    • Survive aboard your own ship in Survival.
    • Board the capital ship and destroy it like the original Railjack gameplay reveal in Volatile.
    • Have interior Orphix gamplay across multiple POIs supported by the ship fighting Sentient fighters in Orphix.
  • In general, more dynamic events happening while you play like a Galleon jumping in or an Infested comet flying through.
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I thought the foundry changes made it trivial. There's really no point going back there anymore. 

The corpus missions drag on way too long. Simply stapling normal missions to it feels like a bandaid fix to the mission structure which I would have preferred been more focused around dogfights like the skirmish modes. 

The ship captain/host should have a lot more control over missions. There is a pointless call system that's only there for show and the helm can easily be taken over by other squad members. 

Weapons and other equipment should show if they're maxed stats in all categories. Fusion takes up a good chunk of time trying to randomly see if I missed upgrading anything. 

The load times are seriously an issue. That should really get priority. And people usually go straight back to the dojo after a mission because of the game breaking glitches. It's barely held together by duct tape and glue. 

So yeah it'd be great if it got an update. 

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Railjack in the beginning had the best configuration interface that was just one screen. The railjack problem at the beginning was not related to the way it was configured...the problem was numerous graphical bugs that happened with the players....we flew in space, we used archwing flying inside the ship, we couldn't finish the mission and etc. . DE with the rework it did simply took out of the game what was correct. The configuration interface which was excellent and the removal of ship power....which linked with the warframes creating meta warframes for these missions. I got tired of writing so much about it that I'm even known by the nickname "return flux energy" to railjack....not to mention the cryophon rework....which was a terrible thing.

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crew with exception of the highest ranked pilot should come with you to parts where the railjack is not available, like, corpus defence or exterminate after doing the side objectives.

to balance it, crew in mission area will revert to thier defult weapons with possibly serration prebuilt into it so you wouldent get to just afk.

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I sort of like the Grineer ones more than the Corpus ones where you end up doing normal stuff, or even landing in that defense mission ><

D.E. knows players sort of really don't like that map, right? ^^;

I would really like Orphix reverted to have wave pacing like in the event, it was a lot more enjoyable and it was possible to get your mech strat tight enough to solo 36 which was fun to practice your way into. Now with the 10-15 minutes of Railjack intro before you can start and the wave pacing it is not very enjoyable.

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4 hours ago, (PSN)Frost_Nephilim said:

1.) Do you personally enjoy playing it? How would you rate your enjoyment on a scale of 1 to 10?

I think Railjack is really fun, so I'd probably give it around an 8/10. 

4 hours ago, (PSN)Frost_Nephilim said:

2.) Do you feel like any changes need to be made to make Railjack better? If so what can you think of that would improve it in your opinion?

Honestly, all I think Railjack needs is an influx of non-Railjack rewards to give players a reason to go there again.  I finally built up my Railjack with all its stuff and mods, so it's ready to go do some missions!  Just give me an excuse. :)

I also think that the ship, guns, etc all being the host-players ship adds needless friction to the game mode, because having a "less-upgraded" host can make things rough for the whole team.  I think the game would be improved if each player brought their own Railjack guns that they personally would use (similar to the Plexus), so that nobody ends up using weapons that aren't their style or that they have trouble with, and that there should be some sort of base statistics for the Railjack itself (maybe even just static statistics that are unchangeable) so that nobody joining into a Railjack mission ever feels like the ship (which is a defense target) is fighting a losing battle from the start.

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would absolutely love a railjack update, with any one of these:

- an actual free roam where we travel between different planets doing random space battles and such. a bit of EVE online or whatever, you know.

- Railjack Invasions: team up with Grineer or Corpus to defeat the other in a massive space battle.

- Sentient Proxima: FFS just let me fight Sentients full time already: Veilbreaker seems promising in this regard but Kahl shouldn't get ALL the fun, I want to dogfight with Sentient fighters again.

- some kind of Space Piracy mode where we board and plunder enemy treasury ships. 

- new cosmetic options for railjack interior, faction themed skins, maybe decorate railjacks too? 

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