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Warframe Youtubers and their Overhyping "The Best x thing in the game" mentality.


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46 minutes ago, (PSN)jaggerwanderer said:

I find it ironic when youtubers use said "Best Weapon in the game" in Steel Path survival with less than 50% life suport before the 5 minute mark. 

If they can provide me with solid builds, or at least with a template/starting point to make my own, I'm usually willing to give their sensationalism a pass. A lot of the time I like to see what I can do to improve their "best weapon in the game".

Edited by Lionsheart89
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31 minutes ago, Lionsheart89 said:

If they can provide me with solid builds, or at least with a template/starting point to make my own, I'm usually willing to give their sensationalism a pass. A lot of the time I like to see what I can do to improve their "best weapon in the game".

One of the reasons why I like watching warframe content that's meme builds. So much more creativity.

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Most youtubers survive off flashy obnoxious clickbait.

But people are allowed to have their opinions about what they think are the best weapons, frames, etc.

Just because someone is a youtuber you don't have the right to shut down their opinion if it doesn't align with yours.

Don't like it? Don't watch it. Simple.

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You can't take everyone and everything seriously, youtubers often have to dish out content just for the sake of it, some talk about the same subject 6 times, others hide glyph codes in the video so you have to view it multiples times and view the video in full, some do clickbait, some do hate oriented content,.......

They are also a good source for the nerfs that will happen in the future, countless videos and reddit topics are quickly adressed with changes to prevent you from doing exactly what is described/shown

While they can provide some usefull hints, the game is ultimately yours, you have to decide on what's best for you, exploits and harassment incentive videos do exist, following the footsteps of those users is not wise.

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I agree. For warframe, this mentality just doesn't make sense, almost everything in the game can perform just as well as "the best" given the effort. I understand its how youtubers work, its how the algorithm functions, but that mentality is the primary reason i don't watch most warframe youtubers.

Recently i've been watching a guy named "NovaUmbral", his work is interesting. He reviews warframes, their history, how their abilities work, what reworks they've had, etc. He does a lot of review content and doesn't try to oversell videos.

Edited by Joezone619
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14 hours ago, (PSN)Hopper_Orouk said:

I've gotten sick of hearing Youtubers label every item, Warframe, weapon etc as the "Best in the entire game" and Overhype their statement with carefully orchestrated clips and cuts of them using said Warframe/Weapon along with big numbers.

Have we not established already that in this game, there isn't really anything that's the "best"?

there are worse items for sure, but to say for example "This Warframe" is the best in the entire game, is missing the point...

no matter how many tier lists you make, Warframe doesn't have categories...we don't have a Tank, Healer, DPS classes so we obviously don't need to classify Warframes based on metrics that don't exist.

we can have a Warframe that primarily deals damage, or a Warframe that primarily supports, or one in between, or one with a completely different motive...but they don't get shelved each in their own "specific" category.


same things with weapons. yes some weapons are too low level to be considered "the best" but if every weapon is scaled up to a fixed particular level the result would probably be the same with every weapon.


am I making any sense here? I don't know.

You are kind of making sense.

Some youtubers tend to hype things because it gets them views, I guess, but I do understand the frustration when there are claims of a new "best" every week or two.

I'm not sure how far along you are in progression, but you do have to remember that while in Warframe there may not be a 1-to-1 class such as tank, healer, DPS, as found in other games, but there certainly are archetypes with that is specialized in one of the categories, quite adept in another and ok in another, eg Vauban is great a cc, pretty good with scaling damage, but doesn't have great durability, lacks healing and mobility. Banshee has excellent damage potential, some decent cc, but durability and mobility is lacking. Oberon has pretty good healing for himself and teammates, decent cc, but damage and mobility isn't his forte. Only as players enter higher levels of progression, where damage outscales enemy durability greatly and Helminth adds to the homogenization, do the lines in archetypes start getting blurred. Add to that Archon Shards and the lines become even more blurred. Add to that spoiler mode allows for everyone to heal, be immortal and have good mobility available and the archetype role of chosen frame matter even less in with regards to what the player's loadout can accomplish.

Finally, there are certainly "bests", but the best's potential performance often times does not matter, as it is completely unneeded due to massive imbalances in the game eg the Felarx approaches 27 mil burst DPS with 4 damage types on an enemy (assuming CO still applies multiplicative damage, otherwise it will be just under 13 mil I believe). Considering headshot bonus (x3.9 with Deadhead) and full Virus stacks (+325% damage), one is approaching a potential DPS output of 447 mil. No enemy within encouraged content has any sort of EHP to see the value from that type of damage output and the practical performance benefit between that and something like a Tenora Prime, which is a fine weapon, but far weaker, isn't all that much considering how much more damage the Felarx can do. Add to that damage attenuation that screws over some weapons far more than others and being the best just doesn't serve too much of a purpose outside of very specific situations. Samme goes for many other attributes.

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I can sympathise, but I also agree with some of the other comments in this thread as well. Also you make sense. 

I view this as a general Youtube issue. Also like... can't really get into it too much, since gets too off topic and trends towards political issues, but some people are trying to make a livelihood, and sometimes that means having to follow certain trends to appease the algorithm, which in turn can mean having to make certain compromises. Which isn't limited to just people on Youtube. A lot of people respond strongly to hyperbole, exaggeration, clickbait, controversy and superlatives. There are like a bunch of under 30's on Youtube/Twitch who have done objectively gross unethical things, in their videos/content, like borderline illegal acts, and off camera accusations of some very shady things. Yet they have become multi millionaires, and if anything such controversy has enabled their success. Also to be clear, it may be exploiting a new medium, but such issues aren't new, but there is also something slightly surreal seeing thumbnails of people doing O faces, with inane takes, getting so much attention and financial incentive to keep doing it. 

So in that sense... a few Warframe Youtubers hyping up a new gun isn't so bad... For me personally, if the actual content of the video has more substance, effort and general merit, I won't really mind them trying to use hyperbole or exaggeration in the title or thumbnail. Also depends what you mean. Like, there can be bests in the game, but depends on the criteria established, which may be subjective, but if the creator is being honest and transparent about their criteria.. As in "these are the top five best weapons for killing Archons", like, Kuva Hek should probably be there over the Glaxion. Revenant and Citrine are also good picks for surviving those fights, compared to say Nyx or Vauban (at least as far as advice for people struggling), even if I think Vauban and Nyx are fine/alright Archon killers (occasionally some people don't give me the time to swap after second stage Interception/Excavation). 

I also don't really see many videos like that recommended to me as far as Warframe creators though, because the ones I do subscribe to, are decent and more laid back, transparent and into numbers and context. Plus I have "blocked/hit the don't recommend channel" option on a few channels that are guilty of those tactics AND... also have content I consider vapid, reactionary etc. 

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15 hours ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

I guess. Though it’s not like players can’t be uninterested in exploring for thousands of hours if not the entirety of their playtime. And if they start imparting their knowledge to newbies, and if their knowledge consists entirely of what Youtube videos say because they have no alternative experience, the knowledge imparted is similarly limited. And thus does representation and diversity of build/loadout/playstyles get simplified and die, since it’s not like the newbie has any particular reason to question common wisdom as long as what’s offered can get the job done even if it’s not what they’re looking for or would enjoy using

If players are uninterested in exploring, then that's fine.  That's a valid way to play the game, and not a problem.  That's part of the beauty of Warframe: there are a lot of different ways to engage with it.

Though with respect, I think your worries can only exist in an oversimplified reality.  Watching a YouTube video is not going to make a player who is interested in exploring not explore.  In fact, I would hazard that it's more likely that such YouTube videos would get such players closer to the point where they dig in and explore.  Because these videos give newbie players new ideas and information to grapple with, and for some that will be a catalyst that leaves them curious and hungry to know more.  You hear Brozime say there's a wiki, now you know there's a wiki.  One day you hear him talking about Slash and you don't really understand how it works.  So you go to the wiki to try to find out.  And you read about it and learn more.  Then you scroll down to the comments where people are discussing and debating different aspects of it, and it's unclear who's correct.  They're talking about doing tests.  You realize you can do your own tests.  And then someday, maybe you do.

And that's not a hypothetical story: that's my story.  And I'm sure it's thousands of players' story as well.

Finally, in regards to people finding solutions that can get the job done that they don't enjoy: thankfully, humans are already built to overcome these difficulties.  When we're dissatisfied, we look for solutions; it's in our nature.  I don't think newbie players are in an way as helpless as your words seem to suggest they are.

It very well may be that the way the broader Warframe community plays the game is more homogenous than you'd like, but I would be very surprised if that was because YouTube videos are turning them into complacent sheep.  Rather, I would guess that it's because these players are genuinely satisfied with a way of playing the game that is different than the way you prefer to play the game.  To which I would simply say: let them.  There are still plenty of players like you and I who enjoy the buildcraft, the theorycraft, and the exploration of playing with all these varied toys.  There's room for both.

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18 hours ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

If a YouTuber thinks a weapon is the best in the game and wants to tell folks about it, I don't see the problem.  Let them have and share their opinion.  As long as they're not gatekeeping and saying everyone has to use that weapon or they're trash, there's nothing wrong with having a different perspective.

That'd be fine if that's what they were doing. But the truth is they're a bunch of clout chasers that use clickbait to lure in gullible people to artificially generate that sweet ad revenue.

They are disingenuous at best. 

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7 hours ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

If players are uninterested in exploring, then that's fine.  That's a valid way to play the game, and not a problem.  That's part of the beauty of Warframe: there are a lot of different ways to engage with it.

Though with respect, I think your worries can only exist in an oversimplified reality.  Watching a YouTube video is not going to make a player who is interested in exploring not explore.  In fact, I would hazard that it's more likely that such YouTube videos would get such players closer to the point where they dig in and explore.  Because these videos give newbie players new ideas and information to grapple with, and for some that will be a catalyst that leaves them curious and hungry to know more.  You hear Brozime say there's a wiki, now you know there's a wiki.  One day you hear him talking about Slash and you don't really understand how it works.  So you go to the wiki to try to find out.  And you read about it and learn more.  Then you scroll down to the comments where people are discussing and debating different aspects of it, and it's unclear who's correct.  They're talking about doing tests.  You realize you can do your own tests.  And then someday, maybe you do.

And that's not a hypothetical story: that's my story.  And I'm sure it's thousands of players' story as well.

Finally, in regards to people finding solutions that can get the job done that they don't enjoy: thankfully, humans are already built to overcome these difficulties.  When we're dissatisfied, we look for solutions; it's in our nature.  I don't think newbie players are in an way as helpless as your words seem to suggest they are.

It very well may be that the way the broader Warframe community plays the game is more homogenous than you'd like, but I would be very surprised if that was because YouTube videos are turning them into complacent sheep.  Rather, I would guess that it's because these players are genuinely satisfied with a way of playing the game that is different than the way you prefer to play the game.  To which I would simply say: let them.  There are still plenty of players like you and I who enjoy the buildcraft, the theorycraft, and the exploration of playing with all these varied toys.  There's room for both.

There’s room for both, but you realise that once someone’s peaked and has reached the top of the mountain and have their One Size Fits All solutions and have converged everything to a singular point of META, once they get tired of those options and/or want to explore the only way to go is back down to where the rest of the game is, right? And how that’s typically viewed?

The game sits between the modless start and 9999 Steel Path and there’s plenty to explore, but there’s some kind of cutoff point of exploration for your typical player

Edited by (NSW)Greybones
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1 hour ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

There’s room for both, but you realise that once someone’s peaked and has reached the top of the mountain and have their One Size Fits All solutions and have converged everything to a singular point of META, once they get tired of those options and/or want to explore the only way to go is back down to where the rest of the game is, right? And how that’s typically viewed?

If you're talking about finding the actual "best solutions" to the problems the game is throwing at you, then we're no longer talking about problems with YouTubers, but rather are talking about problems with the game itself.  And it's true: Warframe is not a perfectly balanced game, so there will be some solutions to problems that are tangibly more effective than others because they do 20% or 100% more damage, etc. (though to be fair, that's an issue with all but the most impeccably balanced games)

So what happens when you get to the top and still want to explore?  You simply do that: explore.  Because once you truly reach the top, you realize that there is absolutely no content in the game that makes the level of power we have necessary.  You could optimize to the Nth degree, but why would you do that instead of simply using what you enjoy?  So that you can kill enemies with 200% overkill instead of 100% overkill?  If you like big numbers, knock yourself out, but from a game flow perspective there's no payoff.

And again, this isn't just theory: this is my experience.  I have tools that trivialize the entire game, but generally I just use Mag with a tanky build, even though I know for a fact that it's a lot more chill to use my nearly invincible Baruuk.  And the reason I use Mag is simple: Pull has been my favorite ability in the game since I started the game with Mag a half dozen years ago.  Similarly, I use the Kunai Incarnon because it's nostalgic for me and cool, even though I've got a Lex Prime Incarnon that melts things way faster.  The game offers a plentiful suite of tools that are more than good enough, regardless of your tastes, and once you've capped there's no reason not to step off the peak and just have yourself a nice time with your toys.

Which is to say, there's nothing stopping players who want to explore from exploring.  If a player doesn't want to explore, they won't, and if they do, they will.

Edited by (PSN)Unstar
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