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Dev Workshop: Riven Disposition Changes


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This is why Rivens are cancer. I don't do rivens much at all because they are such a bad element in the game and they never should have been added in the first place. But here we are, I finally broke down and rolled up a few Rivens for weapons I use. Supra has become my main weapon. It's not OP compared to a number of weapons in the game, but now the riven I rolled up isn't as good (while say Tiberon is still a 5 disp?).

This just feels bad. Constant rebalancing of mods you had to grind Kuva to roll, get insanely lucky to roll anything good, and then boom, those rolls are gone. It's not about power, or being OP or any of that, it's about time investment and how it feels. The entire system is basically set up so that you will always feel bad. You will feel bad when you don't get the Rivens for the weapon you want (in a game with this many weapons). You will feel bad when you don't get the stats you want or even stats that are remotely good. (with what it is 35,000 combinations of stats). Then if you DO get lucky and roll a great riven for your favorite weapon. The disposition hammer comes down and you feel bad that you no longer have that roll.


All this so that people will use "other weapons" than the ones they have fun using. It now seems like the goal of DE is not that players have fun, but that players use the game items they spent time creating. If players don't want to use those items DE is going to make you use them. Dispositions needed to be changed on some weapons but they need to be locked. Freefloating changes to disposition just makes the entire system into a "why bother - it will all change next update anyway" kind of feeling. I can't imagine primed mods changing their stats every update (this month Primed continuity does less, next month it might be more... ).

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1 hour ago, [DE]Connor said:

On another relevant note separate from these Disposition changes, we have removed Sentinel weapons from the Riven generation pool. Those that own Sentinel weapon Rivens will still own them in their Inventories. Unveiling a Sentinel weapon Riven was simply lackluster compared to more applicable weapons.

Even though they are lackluster, they still have uses. I've been using a +toxin/+multishot Deth Machine Rifle riven for a long time now - it's no powerhouse, but it has been a great assistant in standard missions (e.g. PoE Bounties, Void Fissures).

If unveiling them is a problem, maybe another way to get them could be added? For example, mixing a Riven with Kuva/some other resources to "transmute" it into a Sentinel Riven, either of a chosen sentinel weapon, or unveiled into one of the sentinel rivens at random.

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1 minute ago, Shockwave- said:

This is why Rivens are cancer. I don't do rivens much at all because they are such a bad element in the game and they never should have been added in the first place. But here we are, I finally broke down and rolled up a few Rivens for weapons I use. Supra has become my main weapon. It's not OP compared to a number of weapons in the game, but now the riven I rolled up isn't as good (while say Tiberon is still a 5 disp?).

This just feels bad. Constant rebalancing of mods you had to grind Kuva to roll, get insanely lucky to roll anything good, and then boom, those rolls are gone. It's not about power, or being OP or any of that, it's about time investment and how it feels. The entire system is basically set up so that you will always feel bad. You will feel bad when you don't get the Rivens for the weapon you want (in a game with this many weapons). You will feel bad when you don't get the stats you want or even stats that are remotely good. (with what it is 35,000 combinations of stats). Then if you DO get lucky and roll a great riven for your favorite weapon. The disposition hammer comes down and you feel bad that you no longer have that roll.


All this so that people will use "other weapons" than the ones they have fun using. It now seems like the goal of DE is not that players have fun, but that players use the game items they spent time creating. If players don't want to use those items DE is going to make you use them. Dispositions needed to be changed on some weapons but they need to be locked. Freefloating changes to disposition just makes the entire system into a "why bother - it will all change next update anyway" kind of feeling. I can't imagine primed mods changing their stats every update (this month Primed continuity does less, next month it might be more... ).

THANK YOU, my feels exactly.

Screw the Riven Roll System.

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picking out individual weapons won't amount to much if you're selfishly defending a single weapon.

The point I want to make is that this game is not a PvP game. This PvP rebalancing style makes no sense! Would you play Diablo and acquire all the god tier items if you knew that being good weapons, they will nerf it? And trash beginner items getting buffed will also imply that eventually all weapons are converging to equivalence. Not to mention most of these rivens are aftermarket player 2 player transactions. There's not only a barrier to entry (courtesy of RNG) as well as these stronger weapons being harder to acquire, there is no need to acquire stronger weapons if the easier to acquire lower MR weapons do the same.

Lastly, it's smarter to just fix all riven dispositions to a solid number, then tweak base stats accordingly rather than run some next level monthly multivariable calculus to interpret where a weapon class should fall in terms of performance/popularity/damagePotential/exclusivity/playerMarketPrice.

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Not seeing much good coming out of the listed changes as is, as it neither goes the full gutting that some called for or the boosts for weapons no longer considered worth using for those that wanted rivens to serve their originally stated purpose of encouraging weapons that are less used by the community. Still, I appreciate that my laughable but still commonly used by myself Gorgon series doesn't seem to be mentioned. Small mercy when changes so often these represent contrary directions, but a mercy none-the-less.

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So if the purpose is to balance power through Riven dispositions (which is still many layers of RNG to acquire and roll), why are all variants of a weapon sharing the same disposition?

i.e. Braton has four variants: MK1, Base, Vandal, and Prime. The base version is by all means the "baseline" model. The MK1 is objectively inferior and the Vandal and Prime are objectively superior, albeit the latter two being more of sidegrades to each other. Yet they all share the same disposition which results in only ever making the Prime and Vandal viable whilst the MK1 and base versions are objectively inferior.

As things are right now, dispositions only make strong weapons stronger and weak weapons more acceptably meh.

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So, as a basic note for DE to learn from....You don't take the weapons that people love and nerf their rivens (that some people paid good plat to get) from overusage. What you should do is simply buff unused weapon rivens to better even the playing field.  You've literally lost some people from my clan today that have over 1000 hours in the game.  I absolutely hate to see this.  

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Some people use vasto because it has been buffed multiple times and they have sweet rivens for it like myself.  This change will result in numbers going from, at minimum raw damage of 374.2 to 342.4.  That is not significant.  If you have a good riven for vasto it is one of the best pistols in the game because it can make a lot of slash procs happen being one of the few slash based pistols with decent status chance at base.  Still a fantastic crit status hybrid.  

I'm super happy they didn't touch kohm disposition, it would make getting 120 status chance on a 3 positive 1 negative kohm roll likely impossible.  

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I think the removal of Sentinel Rivens is a terrible idea.

Those that have em are just going to hold onto them until they can make a killing. And if they aren't farmable anymore you may as well just take them from our inventories as well.
Have to wait and see how this one turns out.

Excited to try the update out when I'm done downloading.

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