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Coming Soon: Devstream #122!


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Will Limbo's rift-removes-aura bug ever get fixed? That's been a known bug for literal years now and I had to stop playing my favorite frame because it removes Corrosive Projection from other players.

Also Any chance we can get a single piece of Limbo art for orbiter displays? That would be great.

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40 minutes ago, Gene_Freak said:

I guess what I'm asking is, are we in for another eight months of Melee 3.0 being almost finished and just needing a little polish?

Melee 3.0 - starting at this timestamp you can listen to our exact answer from last Devstream. It's long and not interrupted by too much, so it comprehensively answers your curiosity on what's happening. 


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Could we get more data in the worldstate (vendor inventories, cycle times) and potentially something akin to a player profile api, only showing the details already available from "/profile" for programmatic use to developers outside of the game?


See our thread below


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My questions for this DevStream are all about the current handling of loadouts:

- The only thing left that we can't really control between different loadout slots is Kavats and Kubrows. I can use a Smeeta Kavat on my Nekros loadout, but that means I can't use any of the other currently 6 different types of pets in any of my other loadouts. I would love to see an overhaul to the Incubator and handling of our pets so we can use them more smoothly, since their current state feels really awkward and arbitrary.

- Can the number of available loadout slots increase soon? I'd love to have one for each unique Warframe, which is currently impossible.

- Could reordering tools for Mod loadouts and loadout slots be looked into? 


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When next Double Resource Weekend? Last one was more than 1 year ago.

Any news:

  • "Kingpin" system;
  • Thumper Bot from 105 and 106 devstreams;
  • Any chance to PoE grinding changes;
  • Pets 2.0;
  • Cephalon Samodeus lore or something(some fragments across world like kuria with some stories) with it;
  • Companion/pets commands system;
  • Any warframe add in Arbitrations droplist;
  • Old quests replay;
  • Limbo deluxe;
  • Seasonal events (winter event?);
  • Reveal Fortuna items in profile (MOA's still hidden);
  • Wukong rework (or mb not? he's ok).

How about: 

  • New archwing & arch-weapons;
  • Arch-guns Rivens;
  • New Landing Craft ship;
  • New mechanics with Helminth Infirmary room;
    • Infested Kavat;
  • New Kavat type (2 kavats vs 5 kubrows + helminth, unfair);
  • New Venus Kubrow type(Kubrodons);
  • MOA (Venari mb?) mod sets;
  • New MOA unique mods;
  • Chesa Retrieve rework (since Fetch ingame, Chesa useless)
  • Status mods like Rifle Aptitude rework;
  • Sentinels weapons Augments;
  • Unique skins for Login Rewards weapons (Azima, Zenistar...)
  • Clan management system:
    • Fields for "Clan description"(Clan Rules), except for the already available "motd"
    • More information for admins:
      • Player(x) invite Player(y);
      • Curent resources progress (%);
      • Curent research progress (%);
    • More flexible and variable "Hierarchy and Roles" system:
      • Stricter access to the Dojo and Labs (to avoid players who join the clan, buy BP's and leave).
  • New map for Relay's and Dojo (colored with markers) like in PoE or OV;
  • Dojo:
    • Custom Obstacle Course increase decoration limit;
    • Remove/change requirement Hemocyte Cystolith for Plague Star clan trophies;
    • In-room Dojo spawn point(marker);
    • Changeable statues in Temple of Honor;
    • Infested & Corpus statues decorations (now only Grineer);
    • Weapon racks decorations;
    • Infested theme decorations;
    • Orokin Derelict theme decorations;    
    • Factions Storage Containers;
    • Factions Resource Caches;
    • NPC for dojo;
    • Sentient Lab;
    • Syndicate rooms (like in relay);
    • Dojo Hangar (like in relay);
  • Boss reworks:
    • The Sergeant;
    • Hyena Pack;
    • Phorid;
    • Zanuka Hunter.

Basically all this.

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57 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

we’ll be announcing the date of TennoCon 2019

Already!? All the stuff from the last one aren't out yet and you are already doing this!!?

Also, just a reminder...we will be getting to Devstream 122 with this one (yes I can read text, yay me)...meanwhile in Devstream 97 

That was back in 2017...2 years have the people waited for a sawed-off tigris secondary skin...and still they wait. This Devstream came out before the Plains of Eidolon. Personally I suspected we would get the skins from the first time Plague Star came around...nope...

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Well, I guess I want to see...

1. If Steve took a clear answer from the community feedback when he asked on Twitter

2. Since Quests per Warframe seem to be a hassle to do, for better or for worse, have you guys even considered resurrecting those Codex pieces and making them collectibles of sort? One per Warframe given they get added increasingly.

3. (And if I have to choose a single question I want picked please be this one): Have you guys considered adding Prime parts for stuff that will never make the cut through Prime Access to be on Arbitration rewards and other *possible* places? I'm talking about stuff like Nami Prime Solo (Nami & Skyla Prime are in game!), Magistar (Oberon's signature scepter mace!), Imperator Prime + Veritux Prime (Odonata Prime came with Volt!), more Archwings, Magnus pistols, single versions of some stuff (Kama?) etc.

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I see a lot of arcwing  comments and wanting more arcing equipment... With the rise of the Profit Taker, could we get more arcwing  content in general?  I feel like the arcwing  missions are too few.  Having a few per planet, with more mission types would be good.  It would also help with the arcwing mod farming.

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@maddragonmaster that's why said "with clan" not with randoms that come and leave... I want to do something with my clan mates... for may clan mates... Kingpin system on paper seems to fit here perfect, but it has to be worth the effort. It has to reward me and my clan mates with reasonable rewards... like dmg bonus, hp/shield bonus, armor bonus, strength/range/efficiency/duration bonus, anything that will be worth doing that kingpin. I really like the idea of pyramid stages, boss to boss to finally real big boss, the kingpin. But that must give us (clan) some benefits for doing that.

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I do hope these Warframes offer something unique, have an identity and theme (Revenant is a mess), and do not have skills that are repurposed versions of previous Warframe powers (Khora's Ensnare is a Larva rip-off). Take your time with each Warframe, polish them and absolutely listen to your community's feedback, hence why Garuda, the most recent frame, was such a success. Additionally, I highly suggest investing more time and resources in revamping and updating the more underwhelming Warframes to bring them up to 2019 standards! :]

Much love,

A console Tenno

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i have some questions.
when we as old players are going to see some content that is for our best equipament? we invested lots of forma and time on weapons and frames but there is really nothing to do with all of that. (zaws and kitguns made almost everything else obsolete).
kingpin system when?
the sentients on the moon, the sentient carrier ships or something like that that was shown on stream almost 3 years ago now. Where are they?
new kavat breeds?
operator room and the helminth room changes and improvements?
more things to do with focus? like an advanced focus tree for those that maxed out everything?
new events and maybe some sentient invasions as a prelude to the new war maybe?

ty for your time. and have a great week. ❤️

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When can we expect better clan management tools? If you are planning on doing more events, then I really think this should be looked at. At the very least, being able to send out a notice using the inbox system would solve many communication problems.

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8 minutes ago, AlphaPHENIX said:

Already!? All the stuff from the last one aren't out yet and you are already doing this!!?

Railjack IS loosely slated for a Q1 release, and compared to what we knew of 'Plains of Venus' this time last year, we know a lot more about it. i.e. we actually know and have seen something significant about it, the base tech's developed and a reasonable chunk of the assets are made (like most of the main deck of the 'Jack). Fortuna required them to make an entirely new landscape creation system after all - that presumably took a big bite of time to make, whereas the equivalent part for Railjack (the space flight systems) seem pretty close to done according to what we've seen. There's also been at least one write-up for the New War and I believe the lack of that held back the Sacrifice a lot... so, again, may be closer than Sacrifice was relative to this time period last year. And they've not got a failed rework of the Damage system holding up frame production either.

So, overall, I think DE are in a much better state than they were last year. At least, as far as I can tell. I don't know what's precisely going on behind the scenes.

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Can we have a "weapon slot" for Beast companions?

Just like Robotic companions, I believe Beasts should also get a separate, moddable "weapon" to mod (Fangs for Kubrows and Helminth Charger? Claws for Kavats?). Here are some of pros and cons from me.

1- Having more room to place and separate mods (Bite, Maul, elemental mods, etc. will go to the weapon slot) encourages further customization in light of the new mods introduced in Fortuna (set mods, dual stats elemental mods, Fetch...). You'll also be able to put all the pet's preceipts more easily.
2- This customization opening will allow DE to put more creative mods that could fit in builds without sacrificing valuable and essential mods like Maul and Link Health/Shields/Armor. 
-- Such example is being able to put different preceipts per race, similar to how the MOA are.

1. Forma and Catalyst needed to mod with more flexibility, but that didn't stop you to make Robotic weapons and ship Exalted weapons, so I don't see why it will be a problem if it means more customization.

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Thoughts on the Railjack ship replacing the Orbiter? Or at least having the option to use the Railjack ship instead of the Orbiter? I think it would be a big improvement; I really like the extra space and the windows.

Also any word on an Ember rework would be appreciated. She should be shoulder to shoulder with a frame like Saryn, but she's statistically inferior across the board. I feel like the flash accelerant augment is the only reason she has a niche, and the ramp up/cost increase mechanic that was added to world on fire is too arbitrary and not fun to play around. She's functional enough to justify her place on your usage metrics, but that does not mean she is in a good place from a design perspective, in my opinion anyway.

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Will there be more syndicate weapons?

Any plans on allowing Archwing Mission to be fissures, so the entire planet of Uranus can be used for fissure missions?

Can Kuva Fortress and Lua be Fissure-viable please?

Will Corrupted Mods get a look at again at some point? Especially since mods like Magnum Force are outclassed heavily by new common mods

Gentleman a short view back to the past. four years ago, Some Guy told us: "Take a trained monkey, place him infront of the computer and he is able to copter through the void." four years later years later some guy told us: "I had to move through the void like a robot. It's very complicated." And some other guy said, err, he pressed during the mission, I don't remember what mission, the wrong button on the keyboard. Question for you two both. Is warframe movement today too complicated with 20 and more buttons on the keyboard for movement, are you too much under effort, under pressure? What are your wishes for the future, concerning movement, errrm, during the race? Less buttons, more? Or less and more communication with your lotus.

Where is single sword + pistol dual wielding?

Are there any plans for allowing dual wield with thrown weapons like the Kunai, Spira (Prime) or Hikou (Prime)?

Will we ever get primary and/or secondary stealth finishers/finishers?

Any news on the (promised) updates to current boss fights. Mainly Phorid, Seargant?

Any plans for new Kavats?

Any plan to buff Kubrows?

Is there a way to see how much xp each Weapon/Frame/Companion got in a mission when they are already level 30?

Is it possible to have us set up the "important" resources that pop up when we pick them up, like Tellurium and Argon Crystals?

Possible to add hours next to Usage in the profile?

And what about Usage in the last 28 Days, 365 Days, maybe that would be neat?

Is it possible to add mouse over for the buffs at the top of the screen?

Can Kuva Survival Life Support Kuva scale? Maybe for every completion we get 1 Kuva more? That sounds fair?

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