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Nightwave + alerts removal feedback


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9 minutes ago, Test-995 said:

Please don't make this "blank" period ever again.

Yeah this "limbo" time period is also really stressful, with alerts you had multiple nitain opportunities a day, aura and cosmetic ones as well, and a decent chance to see a potato alert or two in any given week.
Now I'm burning through the last of my potatoes, desperate even for an invasion to pop up again.
I was considering putting money in the game back when I hopped in with the Jovian Concord update, but the more time goes by without any remedy to this awkward troubling state, the less inclined I am in doing so.
Still dreading Nightwave Series 2 though, as I doubt they will have done much to the underlying foundational problems it has.

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vor 9 Stunden schrieb Syq111:

1.Blatantly unrelated chores that doesn't have any connection to telled story.(I know putting up good story is maybe hard,but why not sit and think up good lore and quest related to it instead bring this?)

Sadly this is the most accurate thing, we lost Quests for Garuda, Baruuk, Hyldrin and Wisp probably to.

It was stated they dropepd those to put more frames out, yet they got time to put Nightwave and Nora in.

I know Warframe is not that much Quest and Story related but it is there and we clearly like to expand on that universe, Nora does defintly not contribute any to it.

Waste of resoruces and time. I like DE but this almsot made me quit Warframe if not for the variety of the frames and weapons itself at least.

Nightwave season 2 i might do still since it happens nearby, but it is defintly nothing i look forward to and i still not get why alerts couldn't exist alongside it, they were flawed but worked mostly, now in between seasons new players have trouble to get nitaiin at all as example.

Nightwave is a very bad example of a battlepass, stop it DE please, for your own good.

Edited by Marine027
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7 hours ago, Syq111 said:

And yeah once again Nora Night aka miss how sassy and good i am.Seriously if u put up quest to kill Nora i would be first to do so and i would enjoy slowly murder her


You may well be the first, but that would be a mission with an absolute record in attendance. Think of it: For every time you kill nora in that mission, you get one day off from her voicelines and quests.

Holy HEK I would be playing that over and over again. Talk about incentives to play! 

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Soooo I just realized one additional thing. Forget nitain, auras are f****d. Like I have a friend of mine who returned to the game after a long time and today he asked me if I have spare aura... cause you know, we can't get those from alerts anymore + the cost for auras are kinda high for what they are and for how mandatory those are (25 plat for unranked steel charge over at .market atm). 25 plat may sound not much but for people returning without a full pocket of it or even people starting the game... this is busted.

I didn't even thought my opinion about nightwave and current drought can go any lower. But here we are.

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"We would like to add some Ephemeras wich you unlock by doing something special, like an Eidolon Ephemera after capturing 100 Eidolons"

And then, you only have to level up 15 levels of the second nightwave... 

Idk, still is everything free to all, nothing to work for it.

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Please stop with the acts that require you to spend forma for any reason. When I want to forma my equipment I do it, and when I need to guild something I do it. I don't have a backlog of equipment I can just dump forma onto, and I have many other things that I need my very limited amount of forma for. Its not a challenge its just a resource AND time sink. Forcing us to spend resources we don't want to spend on items we don't need to spend them on and then have to re level them again unnecessarily. No one wants to have to wait to do something because they know it'll pop up as an act later and if they do it earlier it'll screw them over. For the cost alone it should count as an elite act instead of a basic one. No other act so far is quite as bad as these ones.

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1 hour ago, SarusMindfury said:

3 Orokin Cells as a price? Cmon guys you can do better. Is almost like a mocking move u.u 

should be 10. get enough to craft a prime at least. just about anyone can get just 3 probably faster than it takes to complete 10,000 standing worth of acts

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Nightwave Standing points not updating problem: Although the challenge is shown as completed immediately, the problem is, the amount of standing points I have will only update when returned to Orbiter. Complete a nightwave challenge while in orbiter like Graffiti, the earned standing will only update by loading into somewhere like Dojo or relay, and go back to Orbiter.

Graffiti: Glyph can be used in Orbiter and it counts, but only by using gear hotkey. Gear wheel itself is all faded out. Why?

Expressive: Play 1 emote. Does not count while in Orbiter. Works and counts while in Dojo. If Glyph counts in Orbiter using gear hotkey, why not Emote?

Polarized: "Not in simulacrum", why is this restriction still here? Does it also not work while in Captura? (Arsenal, warframe appearance, bottom right "Captura")

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6 hours ago, PollexMessier said:

Please stop with the acts that require you to spend forma for any reason. When I want to forma my equipment I do it, and when I need to guild something I do it. I don't have a backlog of equipment I can just dump forma onto, and I have many other things that I need my very limited amount of forma for. Its not a challenge its just a resource AND time sink. Forcing us to spend resources we don't want to spend on items we don't need to spend them on and then have to re level them again unnecessarily. No one wants to have to wait to do something because they know it'll pop up as an act later and if they do it earlier it'll screw them over. For the cost alone it should count as an elite act instead of a basic one. No other act so far is quite as bad as these ones.

Cannot agree more. Three forma too, forcing players to use the very resources you get rewarded in Nightwave... and the guilding? Eh... these just need to go. This is not a way to go about teaching players to use systems. Also not fond of the future transmutation act. Really should focus more on missions and in-mission systems than forcing the use of resources.

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WASTING 3 formas on things i probably use once a year to get 3 Orokin Cells... thanks, but no thanks. 

But to be honest, THIS Nightwave looks like a kind of "placeholder" Nightwave, something so people dont keep asking for the nightwave. 

Just activate the dmn meteorite thing so i have something different to do at least y.y 

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4 hours ago, marelooke said:

Guess DE didn't get what was wrong with this idea the first time around. Oh well, more tedious chores.

Buuuut, we have much less chores...

Oh, and much less choices!

Edited by Test-995
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On 2019-06-14 at 11:49 AM, Darth_Predator said:

It doesn't look like. It is a placeholder, just that as DE stated.



But it's supposed to have all the "improvements" to Nightwave that are supposed to go into the next season. I mean, having less of it is definitely an improvement, but when having less of something is an improvement that says a lot about that something, right?

In the end it's still foisting a bunch of chores on us, that many (if not most) only put up with because of the rewards. Given the recurring nature of Nightwave  that seems like a very good way to burn people out.

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Lowering the open world bounty act requirement was really nice. But forcing us to do different bounties, instead of being able to do the same one repeatedly is not. Seriously if you're gonna force us to play a game mode we don't want to, at least let us farm ether the fastest one to get it over with, or one that gives us drops that we want. This is a particularly annoying change right now during plaguestar. When everyone would be wanting to run the event bounty, but are forced to do other ones to complete the act. Its also unfair to new players (as most of nightwave is), who might not be able to clear the higher level ones. They ether have to get carried or wait the 2 hours for the bounties to reset. Everything about forcing us to do different bounties is terrible, and makes doing the 5 worse than the 8 it was previously.

Edited by PollexMessier
minor clarification
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I have a dream! A dream that one day, alerts will be back, and we will once more get mission rewards for doing missions!

Seriously, we said it when Borewave came out, and we will keep saying it for as long as Chorewave exists: Why did this replace alerts at all?

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Here are a few changes I feel nightwave really needs (now that I'm playing the intermission):

1. I feel nightwave needs to rework all the challenges to be daily challenges - short daily challenges. No more weeklys. Weekly challenges feel they put more undo pressure to ensure folks complete challenges causing the burn out effect. They should create short dailies ( I.e. kill x amount enemies, complete 1 sortie, etc ) these dailies could reset daily. For this to work an adjustment of reputation requirements.

2. Many will disagree but why didn't DE integrate conclave and archwing missions into nightwave? Those modes need more incentive to play or try out, besides needing retooling themselves.

3. Nightwave store should add a common resource bundle purchase: 100 salvage, nano spores, etc. One of the things I enjoyed about old alerts was the periodic resource alerts when I needed them in a pinch. The package could sell a resource bundle at random or via players choice. If conclave challenges were added to nightwave then I feel more players would play conclave as they have a way to farm while in pvp. One reason I dont like conclave is because I dont gain resources.

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Hey, not sure if this is the best place for this but here goes:

So far I've been enjoying Nightwave. I of course have preferences as to what challenges to do but so far I'm enjoying the variety and actually having a challenge from some of the Elites. I get that we're currently in an intermission between stories but the one thing I feel inclined to say something about is the lack of a decorative bauble to buy with the Nora Credit. I like collecting decorative stuff for my Orbiter. Something simple would more than do it. Maybe a Nora/Nightwave themed bauble that reads the number of Intermissions you've bought the bauble in using roman numerals. So Intermission 1 it'd be a Nora/Nightwave themed bauble showing I, then next time if someone bought it both times it'd read II, then III, then IV, then V, and so on as the Tenno grabs it each Intermission.

Other than that I'm so far happy with Nightwave. Good job.

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