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Universal Medallions should apply to conclave

(XBOX)The Neko Otaku

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2 hours ago, (PS4)Double991 said:

To all the people that cried "Keep your PVP away from my PVE!!!", you got your wish. But for now that goes both ways.

First they have to make all cosmetics in pvp not interact with pve as well, so remove em or lock their display to pvp matches only and then we can talk about true separation.

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I just don't understand why this has to echo back to the Hema Research defense.

Remember how bad the grind the Plains was upon launch? The changes to its economy and grind benefits everyone. There was also how any Void missions will drop Relics as apart of the Unvaultings to applease to people who yearn for the old glory of the Void (though it's not perfect).

Just being one of those few people who says this is "an insult who spent thousands of hours grinding Conclave" is one of the worst reasons of defense. Make it benefit everyone, not the small minority, especially in a place that's deserted as the Conclave.

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2 hours ago, CoolDudeMcCool said:

They gave their reason, they think that PvP stuff shouldn't be something you can complete through PvE. I'm not defending their reason but you're citing other PvE syndicates which doesn't conflict with what they said.

Their reason is: Stuff in Area B (Conclave)  shouldn't be something you can complete through Area A (PvE). 

Using the same logic I could say: Stuff in Area B (Open Worlds)  shouldn't be something you can complete through Area A (Traditional Missions). 

It's just a matter of drawing the line between two areas of the game and then calling them distinctly diffrent, so rewards from one shouldn't work for the other.

I don't find any logical point in DEs reasoning and therefore can't accept it.

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I like Conclave but to be fair it's a ghost town.

Letting people use a rare drop to slowly earn Conclave loot wouldn't make less people play Conclave.

It might even get more people to try it when they realize how much faster it is to gain rep by playing PVP than farming Medallions.

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plz yes, yes plz, plz yes, yes plz

Image result for yes yes yes meme
i honestly prefer to grind for hours to get one universal rep token, than enduring conclave, and i usually like pvp games, but you must admit that conclave its pretty bad designed, (and no its not about the p2p system, that was already fixed with dedicated servers from players)
Edited by Toppien
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42 minutes ago, K4RN4 said:

Their reason is: Stuff in Area B (Conclave)  shouldn't be something you can complete through Area A (PvE). 

Using the same logic I could say: Stuff in Area B (Open Worlds)  shouldn't be something you can complete through Area A (Traditional Missions). 

It's just a matter of drawing the line between two areas of the game and then calling them distinctly diffrent, so rewards from one shouldn't work for the other.

I don't find any logical point in DEs reasoning and therefore can't accept it.

The logic is what you just said. They think PvP and PvE are different enough to keep in two almost entirely separate bubbles. Whether that's the right thing to do or not isn't what I'm arguing, but the logic they're following is easy enough to see.

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4 hours ago, (NSW)Katsuro said:


If Universal Medallions cant be applied to conclave then WHY would it also apply to Fortuna, Cetus and ventkids???

Because Fortuna, Cetus, and the Ventkids are all PvE and conclave is PvP.

it is a plain and simple answer.

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PVP requires you fight another human..That is personal at times and can be frustrating for many players who have died countless times at the hands of better players, lag, and just random luck. All in order to get to place where they stop dying and start killing...They earned those rewards...It should be PVP only... We'll just have to wait and see how Racing plays into this and if players can earn the cosmetics through that venue rather than a PVE farming work around...

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They may want to get the elite armor out of the market if they want proper separation.  As it stands you can purchase the top tier armor cosmetics for 100p.  100p that's not too hard to get from trading prime parts obtained via PvE.  You can't get the syandana, but if you don't like the conclave, you wouldn't want it anyway as its flames only light up if you do the conclave challenges.

Edited by (PS4)Lollybomb
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1 hour ago, (PS4)FriendSharkey said:

PVP requires you fight another human..That is personal at times and can be frustrating for many players who have died countless times at the hands of better players, lag, and just random luck. All in order to get to place where they stop dying and start killing...They earned those rewards...It should be PVP only... We'll just have to wait and see how Racing plays into this and if players can earn the cosmetics through that venue rather than a PVE farming work around...

"Better players, lag or random luck"

Yeah, let's skip the balance that warframe lacks in order to have a working pvp. Why try to be a better player if you can just take wukong and have 3 extra lives? Why go for the strong and precise weapons if you can just spray to win with an ignis wraith or amprex? Why pick any melee other than whips and zaws which cover the whole map and 1-shot everything? Sure, just go ahead and blame it on luck or lag. Amazing.

I normally would agree that PvP and PvE should never mix, but this is an exception, because PvP is plain broken.

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39 minutes ago, DemoniesGaming said:

"Better players, lag or random luck"

Yeah, let's skip the balance that warframe lacks in order to have a working pvp. Why try to be a better player if you can just take wukong and have 3 extra lives? Why go for the strong and precise weapons if you can just spray to win with an ignis wraith or amprex? Why pick any melee other than whips and zaws which cover the whole map and 1-shot everything? Sure, just go ahead and blame it on luck or lag. Amazing.

I normally would agree that PvP and PvE should never mix, but this is an exception, because PvP is plain broken.

Oh for the love of drama and and woe is me...They can farm it like anyone else who went through the "plain broken" experiences, since the PVP player base did it... that means so can you in gutting through all 3 lives of Wukong and riding the lightning by some amprex user...Or simply wait.. Wait till the Racing portion is implemented and see how that translates into Conclave standing...

All I'm reading these last few hours of Universal Medallion angst is PVE players seeing an ends to a means and getting salty over it with them being taken away for Conclave. Now they want to trample on the minority player base who slugged through all the broken mess for the last few years...and that is not fair nor right...and De knows it...

These PVE player hate PVP period, and even if it was perfectly balanced and pleasure to play they would complain they had to do it...So I have no sympathy for the work around to by-pass someone else's struggle getting tossed out...De did the right thing by them (For Now) and that's it...I mean at least on the PVE side when they got rid of the Trials they stuck the Trials arcanes in the Tridolons instead of in some shop they could be bought in...

"Better players, lag, and random luck" is a general reference to the PVP experience across the board for many games, but I forget the internet has to nerd on specifics and will circle every little nuance it can for a forum argument...so there's your clarification..feel free to write an essay over it...or not...

Edited by (PS4)FriendSharkey
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Just now, DemoniesGaming said:

Yeah, let's skip the balance that warframe lacks in order to have a working pvp. Why try to be a better player if you can just take wukong and have 3 extra lives?


Just now, (PS4)FriendSharkey said:

Oh for the love of drama and and woe is me...They can farm it like anyone else who went through the "plain broken" experiences, since the PVP player base did it... that means so can you in gutting through all 3 lives of Wukong and riding the lightning by some amprex user.

Tmw misinformation is so big that wukong is used as a prime example of PvP's lack of balance despite it being disabled from conclave since the rework.

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15 hours ago, (NSW)Katsuro said:

If Universal Medallions cant be applied to conclave then WHY would it also apply to Fortuna, Cetus and ventkids???

The reasoning behind this action hurts 99% of players that cant find even a single conclave match!!

For the past 10 months that I played on Nintendo switch which is a new platform to warframe - I've only gotten to Whirlwind rank in conclave 😒

If Universal Medallions can be even applied to Ventkids which I already maxed out then I see no reason why it cant be applied to conclave.

does conclave have option to trade in a item for standing?
😮 omg it doesnt so that's why

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15 hours ago, (NSW)Katsuro said:

If Universal Medallions cant be applied to conclave then WHY would it also apply to Fortuna, Cetus and ventkids???

The reasoning behind this action hurts 99% of players that cant find even a single conclave match!!

For the past 10 months that I played on Nintendo switch which is a new platform to warframe - I've only gotten to Whirlwind rank in conclave 😒

If Universal Medallions can be even applied to Ventkids which I already maxed out then I see no reason why it cant be applied to conclave.

Because conclave is a different gamemode then pve a different environment etc. dude if you guys want the cosmetics so bad just play the gamemode lobby for PvP to get reworked and made more interesting. 

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17 hours ago, (NSW)Katsuro said:

If Universal Medallions cant be applied to conclave then WHY would it also apply to Fortuna, Cetus and ventkids???

The reasoning behind this action hurts 99% of players that cant find even a single conclave match!!

For the past 10 months that I played on Nintendo switch which is a new platform to warframe - I've only gotten to Whirlwind rank in conclave 😒

If Universal Medallions can be even applied to Ventkids which I already maxed out then I see no reason why it cant be applied to conclave.

I understand your post, but it's likely gonna be a No.

Conclave is dead and it will be dead forever, any changes, fixes and attempts to make it better will likely fail. The fact that they declined this choice to allow us to give it to the conclave just proves my point. NO ONE but PvP fanatics likes Conclave.

TBH I rather have it not apply to VentKids, cuz alot of players spent alot of time trying to grind out (heh-heh) on that and there was only 2 ways to get Ventkid Rep: Races and Well, grinding. Same logic apply to Simairis, you can only get standing with him, if you do his targets and pray no one kills your targets. etc.


But don't expect them to change it, cuz I mean one single person made a post on tweeter and that changed their minds. See it for yourself.



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1 minute ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

Likely no, Conclave is dead and it will be dead forever, any changes, fixes and attempts to make it better will likely fail. The fact that they declined this choice to allow us to give it to the conclave just proves my point. NO ONE but PvP fanatics likes Conclave.

TBH I rather have it not apply to VentKids, cuz alot of players spent alot of time trying to grind out (heh-heh) on that and there was only 2 ways to get Ventkid Rep: Races and Well, grinding. Same logic apply to Simairis, you can only get standing with him, if you do his targets and pray no one kills your targets. etc.


But don't expect them to change it


Question. Would you even be remotely interested in conclave if De went and said our decision is final about the standing situation but with that being said we are working to make conclave a better experience for everyone?

or do you just firmly believe that warframe shouldn’t have pvp

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You guys hate the Warframe PvP, say is pointless, garbage, unbalanced or w/e and are crying about the cosmetics from it that show you achieved a rank on it, Logic.

I really thought all this drama was about maybe mods, or weapons from the sindicate (seems there is none), and it is all about cosmetic, all about not having the mini-skirt with roses and pink color to put in your Warframe that don't PvP anyways.

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15 hours ago, Toppien said:

but conclave is awful, only a handful of people like to play that thing

But the people who play still get standing vs people who don’t and just use Universal Medallions.

They should be rewarded for their work vs some one who does not do anything.

15 hours ago, Duality52 said:

But still not a good reason since Standing gains in either of those Syndicates are far easier and faster than grinding Universal Medallions.

PvP is work, PvE is easy/almost godmode.

It is a great reason for the Universal medallions not too work for conclave.

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