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Would you be okay if every planet was open world?


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Not exactly sure what the long term plan of Warframe is, Im hoping for many years to come because even though there are so many hiccups when new things are launched into the game, it still is one of the best games Ive ever played.

From what it seems with Squad Link, the most comprehensive way to play would be with open worlds maps. I find it hard doing mission and not being able to know what is happening to my team on the Railjack. With open world maps at least you can keep an eye on the Railjack and so can your party on board keeping an eye on you below also. Other than that I think it might feel awkward trying to monitor both when Im on a node.

Change nodes to missions on open world you have to unlock like many games. I like how all the open world mission work already with random mission types.

Also with Squad Link, I can for see possible servers in the near future? No more host Migration. Host Migration on RailJack right now is no fun and not even sure but I know its not my ship Im flying around on afterwards. lol

All in all Im excited to see what this mainline update will be like.

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Yeah i would be ok.

I like openworlds as I like exploring.

There are a lot of potential too. Uranus could be an underwater openworld, eris could be an infested openworld. Infact, one of the devstreams showed a concept art of a infested openworld by DE.

This mainline update will be mostly revisions though, so that less things break when doing operation scarlet spear.

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I rather they have 1 for each faction and if they intend on adding stuff they can just add more to the landmass. For eg. Cetus being the hub but add Cetus II or name it something else where it opens up to more areas. POE is nice but i'd love to have an open world area based on the forest tileset though the resource required would be ridiculous ish. Maybe go for an underground world for Fortuna to an Orokin underground open world kinda thing like some of the caves. 


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If there was a reason for them to each exist on their own then sure. But if say Ceres was more or less just a more hostile Plains with no considerable gameplay additions to justify an open world on the planet instead of having it anywhere else then why bother.

Though an argument could also be made for sticking to one for each faction and having them expanded upon to be more than individual islands.

Really it's a quantity vs quality type argument.

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I don't know that Warframe really has the framework or the resources behind it to really pull it off successfully. 

Like sort of the thing with an open world setup is that it takes a tremendous amount of work to make it really effective. It's really easy to make a huge map, and then fill it with not nearly enough to do. The problem that the open worlds run into in their current state is a combination of a) the aforementioned problem and b) the things that we do have to do are really repetitive. 

Even having one open world that's sufficiently dynamic and engaging and has enough exploration, missions, and radiant events to do is a massive undertaking. Warframe already has two, with one more eventually on the way, and the two we have are pretty thin on content. 

I don't want to sound cynical, but I don't think it would work out great given what we know about 2020 Warframe. 

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13 minutes ago, Rawbeard said:

considering we already have 2 unused "open worlds" I really don't see the point, but sure, whatever.

That is the reason why no one plays the open world because of the rewards are locked behind nodes. The point is to get ride of planet node and go 100% open world. Therefore Squad Lind is always active in game use and not only on Fortuna or Plaines. Or we have 3 or possible 4 different game modes "nodes, open world, Railjack and not Squad link" missions. They need to place them all into one mission type.


11 minutes ago, --C--Nehra said:

What's the point? Getting 20 different syndicates to grind? Big Fat NOPE. 

Just because there is an open world doesn't mean there has to be a syndicate. Its just so Squad Link is active all the time. Or do you still want to play Railjack outside of  all your other Warframe content? This idea is to bring two game modes to one like DE wanted.

Edited by kwlingo
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I personally wouldn't have a problem with all the maps being open world. But I also know there are a lot of players to either A: don't like the open worlds, B: can't handle the open worlds, or C :  can't run the open worlds, and I'd rather not see them screwed over.

Yes to new open worlds. No to getting rid of any other option. 

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Well yeah I would love to have an open world on every planet.

I would also love a couple million bucks delivered at my bouse before next month...

No but for real, I doubt this would ever happen before the game dies. I'm not at all from the "DE lazy, game's dying" crowd, but 3-4 years from now, who knows if the game will still be holding people's attention... And no way DE is pumping out that many OW in at least 6 years, and those would be much more empty/small than Fortuna and Cetus to satisfy this time window.


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i think it's more realistic to have one for each faction.

Grineer = Plains of Eidolon,

Corpus = Orb Vallis,

Orokin = Planes of Duviri

Infested = Eris open world

Sentients = maybe a trip to Tau one day?

there's also the need to integrate railjack into these open worlds. I'm hoping they will add squad link bounties to the Plains/Vallis as I think they could breathe new life into those missions by having objectives for both. as an example, a new bounty could be to destroy an Air base on the plains: ground team goes in and disables it's defenses, railjack crew uses artillery on it to destroy the place in one fell swoop.

either way, Scarlet Spear needs to come out, then we'll be seeing what the future of warframe looks like...


probably a lot of arguing about who is ground team and who takes the railjack, one squad being AFK or inept and holding up the mission progress, etc. but that's me being cynical, maybe it won't be so bad... hopefully.


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