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Forum Reactions Simplified


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i dont even see the point of a reputation number?  perhaps its more useful to moderators or other people who often give help and give assistance, the forums arent even used "officially" anyways beyond dumping information when events/etc occur, theres no real interaction that makes the rep system worthwhile and for us plebs it all seems pretty redundant.  The actual reactions themselves were useful tho to gauge opinions on posts more than spamming more replys to those posts just to get your opinion accross quickly, i can quickly see more meme/image posts popping up just to replace the old system.  If i cant quickly click a haha/like/satisfied button Im just going to end up finding an animgif version to slap in a new and eventually spammy reply.

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On 2020-03-05 at 6:49 PM, [DE]Drew said:

Fair point. To avoid abuse, we'll simply have the 'Like' reaction. Any disagreement or contention should be discussed in a post. 

Yeah, sure. Obviously there's no such caveat attached to the 'Like' reaction, even though it also contributes just as little to the discussion. That particular "abuse" is okay, though, because... warm fuzzy feelings, I guess?

I wish you'd just be honest and admit that you're trying to hamper and complicate the disagreement process so no one has to feel bad. This decision reeks of someone who unironically uses words like "coordinated harassment campaign".


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I always though that Only UPVOTE gave Rep?

Legit though all those "haha" and "satisfied" were just for giggles and did not affect anything..... 


I wonder tho....If people dont get to express themselves via "reaction", will they write useless sht instead in attempt to do so, potentially flooding threads with their "haha" written all over?


Personally i would just separate Like button from Reaction buttons. 

"Like" to give Rep.

"React" to quickly express yourself without any mess, typing and unnecessary Rep increases.


Edit:  Would also be nice to have profile counters for each "reaction"....Just to see what kind of emotion certain individuals invoke most efficiently.

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6 hours ago, Kainosh said:

I always though that Only UPVOTE gave Rep?

Legit though all those "haha" and "satisfied" were just for giggles and did not affect anything..... 


I wonder tho....If people dont get to express themselves via "reaction", will they write useless sht instead in attempt to do so, potentially flooding threads with their "haha" written all over?

This has been a concern shared by others, but so far from what I’ve seen it’s been pretty unfounded. Instead of spam posts, I’ve been seeing a lot of thought-out comments (you would not believe the size of the novels I’ve read), even a few arguments that ended amicably. I think most people just want to be heard, and I reckon the small faces were a bit of a crutch to give them the sense that they have been, from the perspective of both the poster and the reader.

I’m still bitter about “Haha” being co-opted to the point where it means both “I found this funny!” and “You’re a @&$@‘n idiot!”, so not sad to see that bit of miscommunication gone

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Makes sense, tbh.

Always seemed like a poor choice back when the other emotes were added.


Also though, not exactly surprised that the little extra hover effect that would display the other emotes is still being displayed considering the other older issues when it comes to CSS. There's even been some posts in this topic that called it out, but again... not surprised.


Though here's a little line that can easily remove that tiny empty menu that pops out:


.ipsReact_types ul[data-role="reactTypes"]{display:none!important;}


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On 2020-03-21 at 3:09 PM, Sean said:

Makes sense, tbh.

Always seemed like a poor choice back when the other emotes were added.


Also though, not exactly surprised that the little extra hover effect that would display the other emotes is still being displayed considering the other older issues when it comes to CSS. There's even been some posts in this topic that called it out, but again... not surprised.


Though here's a little line that can easily remove that tiny empty menu that pops out:


Thanks for letting them know how to do it.
Don't know if they'll actually take that into account as it's probably not important enough.

which circles back to the main issue.

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11 hours ago, IronHair said:

Thanks for letting them know how to do it.
Don't know if they'll actually take that into account as it's probably not important enough.

which circles back to the main issue.

Yeah, odds are that nothing would actually be fixed despite it really taking less than 5min worth of time to do so, and that is regardless of what is going on in the world. I made that linked topic over an entire year ago, and none of it has been fixed, though I did so on my side of things all the way back then. IP Board and CSS are both pretty simple to handle, but..... sigh.

Fun part is that I was even told that they are "oubviously (sic) aware of your feedback", but being aware and actually bothering to fix anything are two vastly different things.


If I had to place a bet on the "why" there was even a change to the reactions at all, I'd say it has less to do with the community and more with someone getting tired of having some of the contextually-negative reactions being added to their posts. Only if something ends up being an annoyance/trigger would it see any change.

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This type of change really feels disingenuous in regards to actually making the forums relevant, but that's more of a problem with DE rendering other alternatives superior in comparison when they actively respond to posts on Reddit, Twitter & Youtube more often than they do here. We do, in some capacity, need a like/dislike system for the sake of honoring Thanos & balance. Not everyone has the patience, time or desire to lay out paragraphs concerning the problems they have with Warframe in general, so why are we cutting those people out of the equation? Opinions are meant to be challenged, so...Upside-down Lotus symbol when?

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17 minutes ago, (PS4)IndianChiefJeff said:

This type of change really feels disingenuous in regards to actually making the forums relevant, but that's more of a problem with DE rendering other alternatives superior in comparison when they actively respond to posts on Reddit, Twitter & Youtube more often than they do here. We do, in some capacity, need a like/dislike system for the sake of honoring Thanos & balance. Not everyone has the patience, time or desire to lay out paragraphs concerning the problems they have with Warframe in general, so why are we cutting those people out of the equation? Opinions are meant to be challenged, so...Upside-down Lotus symbol when?

They don't, you just have to write a degrading comment instead of the "haha" emote. It can be even "no" or "are you #*!%ing kidding me" or whatever floats your boat, because this is the way now.

I too started to write out negative comments as reactions, because I can't just "haha" emote the ridiculous stuff.

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It's hard to say whether I'm for or against this decision. On the one hand I don't appreciate any kind of censure no matter the intention of this. On the other hand, this particular change will force some people to express their honest opinion on a given matter in case they are in opposition. And this is rather a good thing, since some people on this forum are particularly lazy and all they are able to is simply click on a "haha" button.

Considering all the aforementioned, I express my partial approval of this change.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2020-03-06 at 5:49 AM, [DE]Drew said:

To avoid abuse, we'll simply have the 'Like' reaction. Any disagreement or contention should be discussed in a post. 

So basically you tell "You can like us, if you disagree or dislike something you still can only give a like!".

I guess you are trying this way to avoid real reaction to your actions by letting it go out as messages without counting and not seeing it in one place.

I would prefer you give us a proper way to react.

Also i do not remember you ever asking people which way they want to see the game and what changes do they like or dislike.

Would be nice if under changelog we could rate the changes separately and maybe pick an option to change(polls should be re-votable so people can change their opinion).

Sure there will be some posts proposing changes that aren't in poll but if you cover well the options you will have concentrated feedback in one place so everyone can see it without reading hundreds of topics.

I'm sure that way you will see that some changes aren't good and will be able to reconsider them without getting a storm of posts from users that dislike them.

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On 2020-03-06 at 2:49 AM, [DE]Drew said:

Fair point. To avoid abuse, we'll simply have the 'Like' reaction. Any disagreement or contention should be discussed in a post. 

Wouldn't that be just a little counterproductive to simplifying the forums as now instead of leaving a react that can show your opinion you have go type out a buncha stuff to show it. 

At the same time by the same logic why leave a like reaction around, why not also remove the like reaction and have people discuss any agreement.

At a glance it would be difficult with this measure to see how many people might disagree with something whereas before you could just look at the emote reactions to get a little bit of a gauge because now that you have to go through the comments, you are going to have to sort through the comments in agreement with the statement as well. 

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On 2020-04-16 at 7:47 AM, YandereWaifu said:

At a glance it would be difficult with this measure to see how many people might disagree with something whereas before you could just look at the emote reactions to get a little bit of a gauge because now that you have to go through the comments, you are going to have to sort through the comments in agreement with the statement as well. 

Perhaps people are worth more than a glance 🤔 If you’re expecting to sum up complex feelings in a small emoji, I can see where you’re coming from

I’ve been enjoying the conversations I’ve been seeing. I’m left wondering how many of these conversations would exist if people felt like their message was conveyed within a small face. The impression I’ve formed of this forum is that the people posting on it aren’t stupid, and most of that impression has to do with the fact that when people speak, they’re very often giving points from their perspective or experiences, and they’re very often understandable and intelligent.

What the forum goers think of each other is a different matter 😛 But I think no amount of little icons would solve that

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On 2020-03-05 at 8:49 PM, [DE]Drew said:

Fair point. To avoid abuse, we'll simply have the 'Like' reaction. Any disagreement or contention should be discussed in a post. 

Well...if you want to bury comments under "I don't like this" posts it sure is a good plan.

Providing a "like" or "dislike" would seem to allow people to express how they feel without filling the thread is just "I dislike this" posts.

It is true people can try to "abuse" a 'dislike' button...like always disliking posts by a certain poster but that should be balanced by the others that vote on how they feel about the post.

Give people like/dislike as the options...then use those numbers AND the text of those posts in the thread to consider the threads merit. It would fall in line with the whole usage stats drive changes in Warframe thinking...


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On 2020-03-06 at 3:49 AM, [DE]Drew said:

Fair point. To avoid abuse, we'll simply have the 'Like' reaction. Any disagreement or contention should be discussed in a post. 

I honestly think that having a "dislike" button is just as important as having a "like" one ( one post can have 30 likes on paper but 40 dislikes expressed via comments ; are you moderators actually planning to read all 40 of those posts ? Even if they turn out being entire essays ? Are you going to do this for all the various threads on this forum ? Let's be real . Let's also count the people who don't want to bother with writing a post only just to explain how much they agree or disagree with someone else's opinion ) .
Allowing only "likes" to be present on some forum ( which is a place of discussion by definition ) also feels like lowkey censoring negative feedback...which , again...is just as important as positive one .

Either allow both likes and dislikes to co-exist or remove reactions and reputation ( but make sure to get a cup of tea and a seat cause there's gonna be a lot to read ) .


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20 hours ago, Elyann said:

I honestly think that having a "dislike" button is just as important as having a "like" one ( one post can have 30 likes on paper but 40 dislikes expressed via comments ; are you moderators actually planning to read all 40 of those posts ? Even if they turn out being entire essays ? Are you going to do this for all the various threads on this forum ? Let's be real . Let's also count the people who don't want to bother with writing a post only just to explain how much they agree or disagree with someone else's opinion ) .
Allowing only "likes" to be present on some forum ( which is a place of discussion by definition ) also feels like lowkey censoring negative feedback...which , again...is just as important as positive one .

Either allow both likes and dislikes to co-exist or remove reactions and reputation ( but make sure to get a cup of tea and a seat cause there's gonna be a lot to read ) .


I agree with this Tenno-gentleman.

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21 hours ago, Elyann said:

I honestly think that having a "dislike" button is just as important as having a "like" one ( one post can have 30 likes on paper but 40 dislikes expressed via comments ; are you moderators actually planning to read all 40 of those posts ? Even if they turn out being entire essays ? Are you going to do this for all the various threads on this forum ? Let's be real . Let's also count the people who don't want to bother with writing a post only just to explain how much they agree or disagree with someone else's opinion ) .
Allowing only "likes" to be present on some forum ( which is a place of discussion by definition ) also feels like lowkey censoring negative feedback...which , again...is just as important as positive one .

Either allow both likes and dislikes to co-exist or remove reactions and reputation ( but make sure to get a cup of tea and a seat cause there's gonna be a lot to read ) .


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22 hours ago, Elyann said:

I honestly think that having a "dislike" button is just as important as having a "like" one ( one post can have 30 likes on paper but 40 dislikes expressed via comments ; are you moderators actually planning to read all 40 of those posts ? Even if they turn out being entire essays ? Are you going to do this for all the various threads on this forum ? Let's be real . Let's also count the people who don't want to bother with writing a post only just to explain how much they agree or disagree with someone else's opinion ) .
Allowing only "likes" to be present on some forum ( which is a place of discussion by definition ) also feels like lowkey censoring negative feedback...which , again...is just as important as positive one .

Either allow both likes and dislikes to co-exist or remove reactions and reputation ( but make sure to get a cup of tea and a seat cause there's gonna be a lot to read ) .


I dislike this.

Dammit...I forgot to hit the like button and just spammed my "I dislike it" key instead. so now we have an entire post that has nothing meaningful to say (like most of my posts some would say)...


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I am kind of wondering what "reputation" has to do with "likes". One is a feeling and the other sort of infers stuff like knowledge, logic, clarity and comprehension. The divide between these two is not only enormous, in many conceptual frameworks they are considered each other's opposites.

Anyone can "like" anything, and farming "likes" in other media/forums is about the farthest you can get from "reputation". In my book anyway, where "1 million likes on Facebook" is the equivalent to "antireputation" (= "guaranteed extrovert idiot in desperate need of constant positive feedback").

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6 minutes ago, Graavarg said:

I am kind of wondering what "reputation" has to do with "likes". One is a feeling and the other sort of infers stuff like knowledge, logic, clarity and comprehension. The divide between these two is not only enormous, in many conceptual frameworks they are considered each other's opposites.

Anyone can "like" anything, and farming "likes" in other media/forums is about the farthest you can get from "reputation". In my book anyway, where "1 million likes on Facebook" is the equivalent to "antireputation" (= "guaranteed extrovert idiot in desperate need of constant positive feedback").

those green numbers next to your post count. they don't account for anything and are basically useless, but you'd be surprised how many people go for useless things.

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