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Dev Workshop: Railjack Revisited Information


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Please, do not Implement these. These are awful and will hurt the game mode in the long run. They will trivialize the game mode and remove the little bit of strategic thinking it has. This much oversimplification will render the mode a complete snooze fest. 

Please, reconsider

2 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

General Changes:

  • Lowered Boost Speed by 75% 
    • Increased the Boost Speed cost of dodge. 
    • Increased Boost Drain (8 - 15)

Ship Combat Changes:

  • Halved the Health and Armour of all Grineer Fighters.

On-Foot Combat Changes:

  • Reduced the Health of all on-foot Grineer Railjack enemies by half.

Pacing Changes:

  • Added Caps for the amount of simultaneous Railjack Hazards (Fire, Electric, and Breaches). Your Railjack can only have 1 of each Hazard active at a time.
  • Drastically decreased the frequency of RJ Hazard types.
  • Increased the amount of Omni Revolite required to remove hazard events

Avionics Changes: 

  • Each Integrated Avionic Type will now only exist with a single Manufacturer rather than three Manufacturer flavors.
  • The ‘retired’ Integrated Avionics will be removed from players inventory via a script.
  • The remaining Integrated Avionic for each Type will take on the values of the previously highest valued Avionic of it’s Type.
  • ALL Dirac used to upgrade Integrated Avionics will be refunded. This applies to both retired and remaining Avionics.
  • ALL remaining Integrated Avionics will have their Upgrades drained.

Battle Avionic Refresh:

Particle Ram

Requires forward velocity to be active

Void Hole

Decreased duration from 25 to 12 secs


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Not in the testing realm for this, but I'm 10/10/10/10 with an effectively maxed Railjack so I feel like I can give some decent input just based on these notes:

Boosting/Drifting is the only thing you upgrade (with contributions from basically every part of the system -- multiple Intrinsics trees, the parts you equip, and both passive and active Avionics) that felt like a meaningful difference. The rest is just sliding the scale of bullet sponginess on yourself or enemies, or an active Avionic that isn't really "upgraded" beyond having it or not.

Speaking of which, there's Intrinsics in the Gunner and Piloting trees that you should either massively buff or just change if you're gonna do this to Drifting. The Piloting capstone and the turret buffs while Drifting.

Part of the reason people used Cryotra and currently use anything BUT the Railjack turrets is that the Gunner reticle is literally useless at leading targets. It's so bad the Gunner capstone is effectively a passive debuff because you need to wait for the snap-to-reticle to wear off every time you zoom so you can actually aim. I think you said you were adding this to Archwing guns at some point? Please make it functional first.

Some of the Intrinsics boosts are not very good. Besides Gunner 10 like I said above, Engineer 9 and Pilot 3/4/9 stand out as terrible. Engineer 10 is currently bad, but I anticipate the changes mentioned to hazards will make it better.

Getting rid of Avionics manufacturers is probably for the best overall, but please make sure you can actually kit out your Railjack to a similar degree that you can currently. I'm currently using some second-best-manufacturer Avionics, and the worst case scenario is that now instead of a choice between picking some second-best Avionics but still getting the Active and Tactical ones I want, I will now have to choose which Integrated Avionics to drop entirely.

Please take a pass at the Wreckage passives. I shouldn't be incentivized to run a Zetki shield worse than the default Sigma because its passive is "when shields are down" and a bad shield is down quicker for longer. Also they're very bimodal in quality; terrible (most of them) or great (intruder armor strip, double invulnerability timer).

The passive Archwing buff avionics should be way stronger and with, if not infinite, multiple kilometer ranges.

Get rid of the Archwing short dodge, it only serves to animation lock you out of blinking if you try to blink too quickly.

Dirac needs something to do. I'm not sure valence transfering is enough?

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2 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Avionics Changes: 

When it comes to Avionics changes, there’s an overarching goal: Simplify Avionic management. 

  • Each Integrated Avionic Type will now only exist with a single Manufacturer rather than three Manufacturer flavors.
  • The ‘retired’ Integrated Avionics will be removed from players inventory via a script.
  • The remaining Integrated Avionic for each Type will take on the values of the previously highest valued Avionic of it’s Type.
  • ALL Dirac used to upgrade Integrated Avionics will be refunded. This applies to both retired and remaining Avionics.
  • ALL remaining Integrated Avionics will have their Upgrades drained.


Majority of the changes look good, but not liking the sounds of that. One of the nice things about Avionics was picking and mixing the best choice of avionic houses to fit your capacity. Zetki was the strongest, but Lavan was often most 'efficient' for capacity usage and Vidar a good middle ground.

e.g. you could go for all Zetki gun avionics but that would cost you 45 capacity. So you might stick to a Lavan/Vidar mix, and then choose Zetki Polar Coil for a heat dependent weapon, or Zetki Predator/Section Density for a higher crit weapon. That frees up capacity for say more armor, or better shields.

Simplifying it I would assume will lead to the weapon / mod system's issues whereby there's only a handful of viable mod builds in the game, and usually 6 of 8 of your mods are "mandatory" with the only real choice being the remaining couple.

This had slightly more depth, which I was enjoying. Not sure how the rest of the community feel on that though.


Other issue - if you're saying the remaining Avionic for each type takes on the highest valued Avionic - does that mean the cost also increases as well, e.g. to the current Zetki costs?

That would be horrible, e.g. I currently use Zetki Hyperstrike, Lavan Predator, Lavan Section Density, Vidar Polar Coil. That uses 22 cap.

If that all goes up to Zetki costs I'm looking at 45 cap.

So now I've got to remove 23 cap of my other Avionics, which will also have higher costs themselves. It's already difficult to fill out the grid even with a max roll reactor, this I believe would make it impossible. Hopefully I'm misunderstanding though.... !


Don't want to be overly negative, so - the other changes do look good 🙂


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flux amounts/crafting/sources should be changed too. very annoying to have 800+ flux but not be able to recraft it during mission in reasonable time.

and overall forges system need to be revised, very odd to see it's related only with revolite when it's actually the least needed craftable resource.


and no single word about the most annoying part of rj gameplay, it's absolutely unusable L tactical menu.

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2 hours ago, Poisonjack said:

Sound really lame on paper. If the Railjack's badly damaged, it should be damaged all over. This doesn't really make a lot of sense from a logical perspective, as a fire shouldn't prevent other fires from occurring, neither from a gameplay perspective, since it trivializes repairing the ship.

Damage could/should scale perhaps...

Full health - full shields: No hazards

  • 0% chance of any hazard

Full health - 99% - 50% damaged shields: 1 electric hazard (max), 1 minor breach hazard (max)

  • 25% chance of electric hazard, rolled every 90 seconds.
  • 1% chance of minor breach, rolled every 90 seconds

Full health - 49% - 0% damaged shields: 2 electric hazard (max), 1 minor breach hazard (max)

  • 50% chance of electric hazard, rolled every 90 seconds.
  • 3% chance of minor breach, rolled every 90 seconds

Full health - no shields: 2 electric hazard (max), 1 fire hazard (max), 1 breach hazard (max)

  • 25% chance of electric hazard, rolled every 90 seconds.
  • 10% chance of minor breach, rolled every 90 seconds, 99% chance of minor, 1% chance of major

99% - 50% health - no shields: 2 electric hazard (max), 2 fire hazard (max), 1 breach hazard (max, minor or major)

  • 50% chance of electric hazard, rolled every 90 seconds.
  • 5% chance of breach, rolled every 90 seconds, 97% chance of minor, 3% chance of major

49% - 10% health - no shields: 2 electric hazard (max), 2 fire hazard (max), 2 breach hazard (max, minor or major)

  • 75% chance of electric hazard, rolled every 90 seconds.
  • 25% chance of minor breach, rolled every 90 seconds, 85% chance of minor, 15% chance of major

9% - 1% health - no shields: 2 electric hazard (max), 2 fire hazard (max), 2 breach hazard (max)

  • 75% chance of electric hazard, rolled every 90 seconds.
  • 50% chance of breach, rolled every 90 seconds, 50% chance of minor, 50% chance of major

Obviously the numbers can change but this type of scaling the worse damaged seems more logical.




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I feel like a lot of these changes were thought up by people who've never played Railjack before.

3 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Added Caps for the amount of simultaneous Railjack Hazards (Fire, Electric, and Breaches). Your Railjack can only have 1 of each Hazard active at a time

Why?? There's a Tactical Avionic called Fire Surpression - it's literally a 1 click solution to this problem. Just lower the CD of it if this is really a problem.

3 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Doubled Affinity-to-Intrinsic Point conversion. You will now gain Intrinsics 2x faster

Why?? Just introduce missions spawning lvl 100 enemies. Y'know what ScarSpear was fantastic for? Intrinsic Farming. Within 2 weeks I went from 8/8/8/8 to 10/8/8/10. Keep those Intrinsics Flowing with lvl 100 Grineer Fighters. They're not particularly difficult to destroy either.

3 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

When it comes to Avionics changes, there’s an overarching goal: Simplify Avionic management. 

  • Each Integrated Avionic Type will now only exist with a single Manufacturer rather than three Manufacturer flavors.
  • The ‘retired’ Integrated Avionics will be removed from players inventory via a script.
  • The remaining Integrated Avionic for each Type will take on the values of the previously highest valued Avionic of it’s Type.
  • ALL Dirac used to upgrade Integrated Avionics will be refunded. This applies to both retired and remaining Avionics.
  • ALL remaining Integrated Avionics will have their Upgrades drained.

All of these changes scream Extreme Easy Mode. I liked that the current Avionics System actually required some actual thought to be put in when it came to building your ship. Do you choose to sacrifice some power for a weaker Avionic, knowing that 9 times out of 10, that weaker Avionic was still more efficient than the stronger Avionic? What you should do instead of ALL of this, is do a full Integrated Avionics pass and buff any "weaker" version of an Avionic to at least be stronger than the same drain version of a stronger Avionic.

For Example: Vidar Bulkhead vs Zetki Bulkhead - whilst Vidar Bulkhead is an overall "weaker" Avionic, for a 10 Drain it is actually stronger than the 10 Drain (ie non-upgraded) Zetki Bulkhead. 10 Drain Vidar gives +160% Hull whereas 10 Drain Zetki on the same slot gives only +46% Hull. 
That is a good example to use when fixing up other Avionics like Forward Artillery - where 10 Drain Vidar FA gives +27.5% more Artillery Damage whereas 10 Drain Zetki FA gives +42.5% extra Artillery Damage. Buff Vidar to give +50% at 10 drain. Make it so that people have to actually weigh their options for a change, actually think a little further than "uggggggh I'll just use this and this and this and this and DONE".

There are like several other things that I'm surprised didn't make this list, I hope there are more changes coming. A bit example is: Will Archwing finally lose its 95% damage reduction in Railjack? Is that what the Archwing Gun Normalisation Note actually means? Find out next time on Dragonball Z!

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3 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Just under 500 Tenno will be playing these changes over the weekend for practical feedback. 

Hmmm...a weekend...seems like a bit of a small window. Of course everyone picked to test knew they had to clear the weekend to play the game for testing...not like people have lives...even during this trying times.

How long should a test window be? Depends on the content being tested...but 2-3 days seems a bit short...is this a really small update on content on Railjack?

IMO the test window should be a week (7 days)...minimum. But with Warframe maybe no content update requires more than two days of testing.

It just seems a small window to evaluate the content but if these updates are meant to be 'figured out' in hours then fine...a weekend.


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The heat changes and ground health/ground damage normalization are all good progress.  RJ should be about space, not about equipping meta that is overkill for the rest of the game to simply survive the super space marines.

Halving health and armor of all fliers seem like a short term solution to the problem of how RJ weapons scale and do damage.  RJ damage doesn't really ramp in the way a modded weapon will and that is going to plague RJ enemy design when we get into ludicrous scaling and RJ endless missions, unless you plan for it.  Maybe the heat, and avionics changes will help balance that out.  We won't really know until people start playing hard RJ missions that are not Murex5.  (I cannot wait for more/better integrated RJ missions.)

I am concerned that having fewer breaches/fries is going to effect RJ durability, especially with the changes to boost cost.  A piloted RJ in the current game should simply not die because of its ability to dodge and run away from everything. 

3 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Changing the pacing and general feel of all Railjack Piloting and movement to be less reliant on the optimal strategy of “Single strafe Boost then Repeat”: 

  • Doubled the Railjack’s base Speed. 
  • Lowered Boost Speed by 75% 


I think that boost nerf is overkill because of the cost increase.  Remember this is WF and fast is fun.  Boost should be 50% now so top speed is not changed, unless you want to nerf bat it. 

Curiously absent is changing Boost Drift to Launch in the direction it started and not just forward.  It always has to lurch forward uncontrollably and there is no way to cancel it, even when its drifting in reverse.  New Intrinsic? 

3 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Avionics Changes: 

When it comes to Avionics changes, there’s an overarching goal: Simplify Avionic management. 

  • Each Integrated Avionic Type will now only exist with a single Manufacturer rather than three Manufacturer flavors.
  • The ‘retired’ Integrated Avionics will be removed from players inventory via a script.
  • The remaining Integrated Avionic for each Type will take on the values of the previously highest valued Avionic of it’s Type.
  • ALL Dirac used to upgrade Integrated Avionics will be refunded. This applies to both retired and remaining Avionics.
  • ALL remaining Integrated Avionics will have their Upgrades drained.

Wait. Stop. Slow down.  The Avionics system is perhaps the best part of RJ and this is a proposal for gutting it. 

The selection of different Avionics to get 50, 70, 100% of the best available effect for 20% 50% 100% of the cost of the best available effect was interesting.  The decision making along the efficiency curve was fun as it allows the tuning of the vehicle to preference.  "do I need a full Polar Coil or should I transfer some of that power to speed?" 
Did it need to be better communicated? Yes
Did it cause a lot of salt because of acquisition rates of the variants? Yes.
Did it need to have all the higher cost for lower performance Avionics removed/rebalenced? Yes.  Those existed in the weapon mods for years!
Did it need to be redone to be just like mods?  I don't think so but your show.

What really bothers me is losing what the lower cost Avionics enabled in terms of performance.  Will my ship stats tank because the rank 0 versions of the new avionics are more expensive/less powerful then the Rank 1/1 versions of the current avionics? (necessitating a re-balance of stats when the ship is inevitably rebuilt?)

Load-out slots?


Yay, no more super space marines and better turret experience
New boost fuel economy, but not sure about overall speed nerf thou.
Tuning Avionics by their make was fun.  Sad to see it go.  Am worried what the new generic base costs are going to be since partially ranking Avionics is going to be the new normal.



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Removing lesser houses of avionics seems like all you're doing is bringing a meta into place, in stead of adding diversity. People will only run X mods for best performance.

Some avionics are "useless" to begin with; take Forward Artillery for example (increases artillery damage) but how much does it increase when you can't see the base stats. Does it do 10k damage or 200k? 

The randomized amount of fighters better go hand in hand with the random variety of fighter types. Too many times I've been trying to farm a specific avionic/s and only to have 2 of that fighter show up each mission (I'm talking void hole obviously 😆) where the drop chance is only 0.15% to begin with. 

Good changes otherwise it looks like.

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Avionics Changes: 

When it comes to Avionics changes, there’s an overarching goal: Simplify Avionic management. 

  • Each Integrated Avionic Type will now only exist with a single Manufacturer rather than three Manufacturer flavors.
  • The ‘retired’ Integrated Avionics will be removed from players inventory via a script.
  • The remaining Integrated Avionic for each Type will take on the values of the previously highest valued Avionic of it’s Type.
  • ALL Dirac used to upgrade Integrated Avionics will be refunded. This applies to both retired and remaining Avionics.
  • ALL remaining Integrated Avionics will have their Upgrades drained.

Unless initial costs and avionic benefits per level are further changed, won't this be actually detrimental to the avionics system in practice?

Consider the following scenario: suppose you only have 10 avionics capacity left for your Railjack and for some reason you still need to fit in either armor/health avionics. I'm using this as an example because both are currently considered as essential parts of Railjack.

If you can only use the highest tier avionic (in this case, Zetki) you can only get either a 46% health or 115% armor. 

If you use the second tier avionic (Vidar), with the same avionic capacity you can get 160% health or 135% armor.

In practice, most players will fit in these avionics first. But because of how the avionics benefit per level are currently arranged, the same benefit vs capacity cost consideration applies to most integrated avionics.

At maximum level, yes, the highest tier avionics will always be better than the lower tiers. But in practice, there isn't  a single reactor out there that can house all those avionics. Not even the fabled god-roll reactors is able to do that. You don't work with infinite reactor capacities.

I get the goal of simplifying avionics. I've been seeing a lot of players asking for that recently too. But what seems to be missed by a lot of players (and by the devs too for that matter, based on this workshop note) is that alternative tiers for integrated avionics allows for flexibility in cost-performance balancing. It allows you to access straight-up better railjack builds that is impossible in a single manufacturer system.

Additionally, you currently have those avionics on sale in your in-game market. What happens to players who bought them should this planned changes be implemented in the future? 

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From the notes alone here is my feedback:

1) Don't decrease the boost speed

The railjack Boost(Pilot lvl 1) speed even with Conic Nozzle and Ion Burn avionics feels just "okay". You only really seem to feel the speed when you activate the Drift Maneuver(Pilot lvl 5). One of your concerns with the railjack speed was that gunners couldn't aim but Phantom Eye(Gunnery lvl 2), alleviates that in most cases. Also making it easier to kill the enemies helps with not needing your aim on target for as long. If the railjack becomes slower than archwings with these changes then many players may opt to just hop out of the railjack now that their archguns will also be more effective. 

2) If you're going to remove 2 of the 3 manufacturers on the Integrated Avionics then either increase the max avionics capacity available or allow a way to reduce the cost of slotted avionics

Even with a Vidar MK3 reactor that gives +100 avionics capacity you can't fully mod out your railjack which forces you to either leave slots blank or use lower costing avionics from another manufacturer that have a lesser effect. Removing the alternative manufacturers that have lower costs on their avionics only makes this more of a problem. Now you could partially rank up the 1 type of avionic that you have to make it fit but it usually has a lesser effect than just using the lower costing avionic from another manufacturer. It would be nice if we could further upgrade our slots by spending even more dirac to reduce the cost of the avionics that are equipped in them.

3) Allow the "Winged" avionics series to affect the railjack like they did before

Call it a bug turned feature if you have to. With the way most railjack missions are played the range on these avionics needs to be at least tripled or more from the current 1000m and even then it's questionable if they are worth it. Making them apply to the railjack too would bump their usage up considerably.

Additional notes:

I don't really like the nerfs to Particle Ram and Void Hole but that's just because I use them. Most of the other changes you listed are pretty good.

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4 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Made scale a factor in damage reduction and bonuses. This means Archwings and their weapons will do more damage to ships, while also taking less damage from them.

Just quickly checking, does this break Titania? 

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1 hour ago, Emperrier said:

Please take a pass at the Wreckage passives. I shouldn't be incentivized to run a Zetki shield worse than the default Sigma because its passive is "when shields are down" and a bad shield is down quicker for longer. Also they're very bimodal in quality; terrible (most of them) or great (intruder armor strip, double invulnerability timer).

that is something I actually like and had a good synergy with one or two other parts for speed, damage, etc. Shields are usually going to be down around enemies anyway.

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These movement speed/boost changes sound bad, the base movement speed should at least be tripled and the speed added by Mk3 engines also tripled

5 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Randomized the amount of Fighters required to be killed during the Extermination portion of the Skirmish mission so it’s not always the same. 

RIP my one reason to play rail-jack, challenging myself to see how fast I can do a specific node will be pointless praying to RNG now

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I don't think the "only one hazard of each type" is a good thing imo, Say what you want but I say, Imagine being shot at for like 5 minutes straight and you come out, seeing a piece of paper on fire, a single misplaced wire and and tiny dent on the wall....

Are you saying we're not going to get punished for being shot at constantly?? We're only gonna get ONE SINGLE hullbreach that decreases our RJ's health from 6060 to a WHOPPING 6000 HP!?? It's just an exaggeration but you get what i mean. If you're in a team you have no worry of having multiple hull breaches


Enemies nerfed, FIghters nerfed. Those I kinda get at least but that should've been IT! Reducing the amount of hazards to only ONE each type is rather....unrealistic and just robs away all the rush you'd feel fighting. 

I want to be able to actually have to be forced to MOVE and fix stuff, to not suffer the consequences of standing still and pressing a few buttons....that's exactly what Railjack is going to become and I'm not sure I like it.

God everything is so easy now what am I supposed to do as a long time player...I get that it'd be better for new players but EVEN I WAS ABLE TO SURVIVE when Railjack was introduced, like everyone who started out with Railjack. 

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I suggest battle tactics skills need to be implemented by decrease the % cool down of the skill and also letting every tenno able to press on number key instead of pressing tactic info then pressing the desired tactic. 

For example, if I want to use battle forge or void cloak during combat its not feel so friendly to use the skill so normally I won't even put any tactics in my railjack during proxima mission because i can put more avionics with bringing more offensive/defensive instead of selecting tactical avionics for those not attracting skills. 

Its good to know that generally it bring into most positive in this changes. Thank you and give those fully modded railjack feels still have something to do and I really eager to see this upcoming updates! 

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Can we get multiple config slots for Railjack? Warframes have 3 at base which can be increased to 6.
Railjack, it's very own game mode with 1 ship, has 1 config slot so to speak. Please consider multiple config slots, I would like to experiment with builds as well as have multiple builds ready to go for different mission types (e.g. Uber build for Murex and a more balanced build for Veil Proxima nodes).


With the changes to avionics it looks like a meta is being pushed, where players are being tasked to collect a few mods and just upgrade them to add to their build. I get the idea of working towards getting stronger, but there are inherent limits here. To me, this looks like it will reduce build diversity in future. At least with Warframes we are forced to use the 4 abilities they come with, we mod for how we want to play the frame. Since we can mix and match our Battle Avionics with RJ, this will cause a meta which will be hard to shift from once it's widely spread on the internet. The loss of houses in mods = a small loss of diversity in builds, and it does not seem like there is anything being added to compensate. Not sure what a good solution would be but please give this some thought, otherwise this will get stale once players have farmed / bought their meta build (as it is currently once you have a Void Hole / Munitions Vortex).

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Will you guys bring back Archgun previous stats? The hidden Archgun nerf that I've read on reddit (and of course tested it) it's kinda unsettling ...

Make them the Railjack guns and Archguns useful and balanced together, not by nerfing one to let the other be used most.

I know that the main focus to damage enemy on Railjack is the Railjack's guns, but please don't nerf the Archgun to the abyss. They're really useless on high level Railjack mission even though with full damage status build.

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I can understand why you might not want Particle Ram active on a ship which is not moving at all - though will echo what others have said about it being valuable for solo players. Maybe something else could be done for that in light of this change, maybe with the Command intrinsic?

But even beyond that, pilots should certainly not be punished for instances where they're actively piloting and need to maneuver in directions other than forward.  We're playing Warframe, not Desert Bus 😉

This seems especially harsh in light of the other changes listed for railjack maneuverability.

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5 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

General Changes:

  • Doubled the Railjack’s innate loot-pickup (Vacuum) Range.
  • Changing the pacing and general feel of all Railjack Piloting and movement to be less reliant on the optimal strategy of “Single strafe Boost then Repeat”: 
    • Doubled the Railjack’s base Speed. 
    • Lowered Boost Speed by 75% 
    • Increased the Boost Speed cost of dodge. 
    • Increased Boost Drain (8 - 15)
  • Made scale a factor in damage reduction and bonuses. This means Archwings and their weapons will do more damage to ships, while also taking less damage from them.
  • Fixed inconsistencies with the sensitivities of the emplacement positions (side turrets now match the pilot turret)
  • Doubled Revolite crafting yield from 50 to 100
  • Tripled values of Titanium and Asterite resource drops

Base speed did need a little more base....   But I love boosting/drifting  this is a downgrade for that....   Please dont reduce Boost/Drift and make it cost more....  

What you should have done is improve Boost/Drift.   Give us more max boost energy.  Make boost MORE effecient.   Make boost energy regenerate faster (and automatically when it runs out).  Drift could be increased a decent amount and then get rid of the jump at the end...    (make pilot instrinsics improve boost/drift stats to)

5 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Ship Combat Changes:

  • Changed all Health, Shield and Armour to use the new Tenno versions introduced in Warframe Revised. 
  • Halved the Health and Armour of all Grineer Fighters.
  • Randomized the amount of Fighters required to be killed during the Extermination portion of the Skirmish mission so it’s not always the same. 
  • Decreased the amount of time between landing the killing shot to the enemy explosion on Fighters (.1 - 1 sec) down from (1-3) seconds. The effect of this will be not only a quicker pace, but also a quicker time to spawn any drops. 
  • Decreased Railjack Shield Recharge delay from 5 to 3 seconds. 
  • Railjack Weapon heat build up changes:
    • Apoc - Sigma/Lavan/Vidar heat build up reduced from 20 to 12. Zekti from 40 to 20
    • Carcinoxx - Sigma/Lavan/Vidar heat build up reduced from 10 to 8. Zekti from 20 to 12
    • Cryophon - Zekti from 400 to 350
    • Photor - Sigma/Lavan/Vidar heat build up reduced from 10 to 8. Zekti from 20 to 12

Awesome stuff....   Photor needs to have a fatter beam to be in the mix of usable weapons...

5 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


On-Foot Combat Changes:

  • Reduced the Health of all on-foot Grineer Railjack enemies by half.

Pacing Changes:

  • Added Caps for the amount of simultaneous Railjack Hazards (Fire, Electric, and Breaches). Your Railjack can only have 1 of each Hazard active at a time.
  • Drastically decreased the frequency of RJ Hazard types.
  • Made each RJ Hazard type more harmful to the ship.
  • Increased the amount of Omni Revolite required to remove hazard events, but increased the XP gained.
  • Increased the number of fighters in all alert stages.
  • Enemies now spawn much closer to the Railjack vs. 1000+ km away. 
  • Destroying all engines on a Crewship now disables weapons.


On Foot changes = awesome! Although the grineer DPS is what limits peoples choices of frames to take on RJ.   You need super tanky or CC frames for veil because you cant take the beating. 

Pacing changes love...  Excpet making crap spawn within 1k of me....crewships are gonna insta ramsled me ??  Crewships should spawn 5-10k but know exactly where you are and start heading for you.  Their fiighter escort should spawn in close and distract you while the crewship closes distance.   Slingshotting crewships before they get into weapons/ramsled range should have been a thing.   Void Cloak Should have helped with that.   I feel like your favoring artillery. 

Destroying all engines disables the weapons?  You mean on the back of the crewships?  The three engine ports?   How long are they disabled??  It would be awesome if taking out those engine would perma disable everything on a crewship.  The engine, the weapons, the ramsleds.   Then they would be safe to board even by noobs who cant sling or work artillery.  It would be awesome if one artillery blast instantly made a crewship disabled(insta broke all 3 engine ports)..  

5 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Systemic Changes: 

  • The Kuva Lich ‘Valence Transfer’ has been added for built Armaments and Components - players can now Transfer progress and stats to the new better parts, boosting them.
    • Requires Dirac to perform the operation
    • Combining matching tiers gives 10% boost in stats
    • Combining lower tier gives 5% boost in stats.
    • Two tiers removed (Mk3 with Mk1) is 2% boost

WOW!  YES!!!  I dont really get the fusion for RJ weapons... is this just for the bonus things on them like Rate of Fire or Damage?  Whats the caps??

I was NOT expecting fusion for RJ components like reactors!! That is awesome!!!!!!!!!   I never got a 99 reactor lol.  Dont wanna give up my zekti anyways.  I am curious what the caps will be....  The thing I love about zekti reactors are the bonus's but also the massive flux bonus.  

One question.... If it possible to take a bonus of Zekti like +damage when shields are down and transfer it to a Vidar or vice versa??  You showed off being able to choose the bonus but I dont know if it will work between classes. 

5 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Avionics Changes: 

When it comes to Avionics changes, there’s an overarching goal: Simplify Avionic management. 

  • Each Integrated Avionic Type will now only exist with a single Manufacturer rather than three Manufacturer flavors.
  • The ‘retired’ Integrated Avionics will be removed from players inventory via a script.
  • The remaining Integrated Avionic for each Type will take on the values of the previously highest valued Avionic of it’s Type.
  • ALL Dirac used to upgrade Integrated Avionics will be refunded. This applies to both retired and remaining Avionics.
  • ALL remaining Integrated Avionics will have their Upgrades drained.

Whoa whoa whoa...  this seems like a huge over reaction..... this will for sure be awesome for everyone but it destroys a little bit of economy.  Hunting down rare mods and selling them for plat.... people buying plat to buy stuff from other players....   My idea probably wouldnt be much help in that regards either but it would atleast give the illusion of rarity.

First of all you got 3 RJ zones...  You got this massive list of avionic types like hullweave, bulkhead, conic nozzle etc.   Take the entire list and split it into 3 and put each section in one of the 3 RJ zones.   (defense stuff = earth,  offense = saturn,  everything else in = veil). 

Do NOT get rid of the manufacturers....   Just make them drop EVENLY.  33%  Instead of 97% crap, 2% mediocre, 1% rare.   


Lastly.....Void Hole nerf...  =(   I hope weapon fusion increases the stast on guns and then that might not hurt so bad.....  


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Cutting the durability of fighters is a good call, hopefully we can get increased numbers of them spawning down the road.

Taking a wait and see on archgun changes. Ideally, they'd be around as powerful as the railjack's turrets but with significantly shorter optimal ranges in most cases (Velocitus is probably the only archgun whose effective range should be comparable to railjack turrets).

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6 minutes ago, Ozais said:

will there be a chance for the power adjuster like it was shown in tennocon see how the players in the test cluster see if it is worth adding or not?

Good question. Will this be tested and input from the testers taken into account. That's by far the best way to see the effects on players.

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