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When Are We Getting The Command Intrinsic?


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I dont know when but I do know....

Command 10 = Blow up external radiators.

(lol Thats the only damn thing I want an artificial crew on my ship to do so I can solo every node without having to run back and forth like a $#^%&%*@ idiot inside POI's.  So I KNOW they will require you to max out for that ability)

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My guess?



Knowing DE they'll keep it until after tennocon just to show off 2 nanoseconds of gameplay there and then give us yet another half-assed system to play with.

Heck, I wouldn't even be suprised if they didn't even start with it yet and then later just take the enemy AI, change a few numbers and stick it onto our ship instead, calling it a day.

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I honestly think and hope that it will mostly qol changes, like having a crewman in the cannon so you could shot from the pilot seat, being able to craft stuff from tactical menu and im guessing the engineering 10 repair from tactical menu would be moved to command, plus have lich or crew patrolling killing boarders or perhaps shooting with side turrets. Don't really see what much else they could add perhaps an alternative option instead of using the cannon you send out your lich to board and eventually destroy or hijack enemy crewships.

Like others said Railjack is easy now but it never was hard to begin with, even before nerfs you could go into the highest veil mission with your tanked out 6k hp and tons of armor railjack and void hole + tycho seeker kill everything then finish off the crewships, all they made is nerf fighters and other qol changes which made using the actual guns + archwing more fun now compared to before and you can still cheese with void holes, tethers etc just as before so don't see how people complain that this just started happening after the nerfs perhaps the easier avionic drops made them more common but nothing really changed much if you were using those tactics before.

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3 hours ago, 844448 said:

Grab teammates to play with, what's the difference?

The difference is.

Bot 1, prioritise damage control, *acknowledged* bot 2, on the side guns. *acknowledged*

Compared with.

Mr Bigbanana can you put the fires out please?

Up yours, I'm in the forward artillery wasting your ammo.

Ok, how about Drongothemad? The fires, kind of now?

Naah, I'm out in my archwing.

If this ship had a keel I would keelhaul the pair of you!.

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no idea, but for the love of god DON'T make them rush it: bad AI is actually worse than no AI, case in point with Companions. I'd rather wait another year and get a decent team of AI than have it released next week and they're less efficient than the worst public players. as others have said, Solo is much easier now, at least if you have an upgraded railjack, otherwise the only hard part is constantly running around to tackle different things. 

even when we do get it, don't be expecting Mass Effect levels of depth; they're just gonna be random NPCs who get paid to push buttons on a ship they won't care about. the main thing I would like as well as having Gunner and Forge AI would be having a security squad to repel boarders, or preferably some automated turrets inside the ship. seriously, why this isn't a thing baffles me.

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I was kinda thinking maybe they gave up on it really.  With the more recent railjack changes soloing in your railjack was made to be 100x easier even when your railjack has nothing.  Command intrinsic was meant to help solo players cope with the railjack content so it isn't entirely needed atm imo

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I hope Command Intrinsics come soon.  I think it will come with a railjack content expansion, perhaps when they add Corpus to the mix.  Railjack needs some more content and mission variety asap.  Right now, the only reason to play RJ is because it is the fastest way in the game to rank up gear.   I don't think it will be before the end of the year though.

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I am still waiting for this too. 80% of the time I don't even get a single crewmate in pubs either because no-one is playing, or because I take out too many fighters too fast. Crewships can be a bit annoying to take out solo on high veil so even having a stupid AI just shooting my side guns at it for a damage boost would be helpful enough to make me enjoy soloing.

Personally I think command should have co-op elements, if not be completely co-op friendly too. If all my AI crew vanish the second a single player joins I will probably just play RJ solo. 


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I think it will come somewhere around tenncon.

I assmue we'll get a Railjack "expansion" with tennocon including Command, Corpus proximas, a corpus+grineer proxima and possibly modularwings since they said they didnt wanna show future plans this year and instead show the things we would get in connection to tennocon. And the addition of corpus seems logical since they've reworked the fleet and we've seen a bunch of corpus fighters all over. Maybe we'll get some new mission type aswell hopefully.

I doubt liches will come to RJ any time soon though.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)TrollyThyTrinity said:

That’s what they want. 

That's what they get told to do anytime they highlight a problem with certain parts of the game's design, because telling people to play solo in an advertised co-op game is a great way of deflecting instead of providing actual counter arguments*

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5 hours ago, hippokrene said:

My typical mission time is 20 to 30 minutes. Having my teammates disappear as soon as the game starts and then seeing 3 players waiting at extraction two minutes later suggests strongly that it's better I keep to solo.

They are not disappearing, they have moved so far ahead of you that you can't see them on the map anymore. Be faster. What kind of mission are you typically playing that lasts 30 minutes?

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2 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

I would like as well as having Gunner and Forge AI would be having a security squad to repel boarders, or preferably some automated turrets inside the ship. seriously, why this isn't a thing baffles me.

Because of this

"The Sentients had won. They had turned our weapons, our technology, against us. The more advanced we became, the greater our losses."

the more Hi-Tech your ship is, the more you're screwed

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Still waiting for this too since I have potato pc, I don't want to burden others if I'm host. Would really love for this to be implemented as soon as possible since RJ looks cool (from the outside tho.... I've read it was a harsh grind... as usual)

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Well based on the previous experience, they are probably working hard on the video of what it's never going to end up being...

On a serious note though, at the rate of which Railjack things was/is/keepgetting broken with 'normal' release speed, do you seriously want them to rush this? 

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Definitely as others said, I don't think DE has even started working on it. And I don't think DE can even pull it off with their current dumb AI. Ideally, Railjack would become more like AC Black Flag/AC Odyssey where you have an armed crew that can assist you in boarding crewships and galleons, but that's impossible for DE to make work. So, the Command Intrinsic isn't even something I'm looking forward to, especially if it's just going to be a bunch of Solaris and Ostrons on the ship. I'd rather just continue to mostly ignore the mode. Hope DE proves me wrong, though.

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I hope that the entire idea got scrapped just because it's even more unnecessary than it was on Railjack's release and would just be more mastery behind an intrinsic grind. Even as someone who doesn't agree with the idea that a weapon can be "mastery fodder" yet that is all command would be to me as anything along the lines of ai crew to autofiting guns would range from pointless to detrimental. Especially if it works like every other intrinsic in that the upgrades are turned on forever once unlocked.

Railjack wasn't hard in the first place and it was made even easier. We have no need of an entire upgrade tree and new systems to dumb it down even more.

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