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Dev Workshop: Corpus Proxima & The New Railjack


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On 2021-03-08 at 9:03 PM, [DE]Rebecca said:

Simply put, yet again, less Grind


On 2021-03-08 at 9:03 PM, [DE]Rebecca said:

Does the Plexus Need Forma?
While the new Plexus can indeed be upgraded with additional Forma (much like any other equipment you may use), it does come with 3 Base Polarities already. There’s also more Mod Points available without Forma due to the Aura Slot - which gives Modding Capacity like on Warframes! While it is possible to add additional Forma later, the amount of items you will be able to slot from the get-go are quite generous. You can also add an Orokin Reactor to double your Modification points, much like a Warframe.


haha, nice try 💩

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2 minutes ago, -Augustus- said:

didn't require a /s tag. 

I don't know what that (/s) means.

2 minutes ago, -Augustus- said:


You were exaggerating? Okay. My bad. You sounded kinda grumpy for a few of your recent posts so I thought you were serious. Sorry.

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The updated information on the changes just makes me even less enthused.
A solid half of these proposals (which are almost certainly going to go ahead without any change whatsoever until months down the line) are a massive step backwards in so many ways.

To reiterate upon what I have said elsewhere:

Seconding what Averthane said about the Grid and Dirac:
Using the same modding system as the rest of the game is a step backwards. The Grid upgrades and how they interacted with Avionics was much more open to switching up builds and priorities as needed, and lacked so many of the irritating restrictions of the Forma and Polarity systems.
You are also asking players to spend even more resources and repeatedly grind just to replace what they had already earned, only now they have an abundance of drawbacks on top.

The Early Adopter tiering is still bizarre.
Players who have already spent resources to reach the previous requirement are now left with wasted resources that could have been used to reach the new requirement?

Likewise (again) the commentary on Flux Energy: all that was required there is the same step taken with the other Railjack resources, make it an individualised pool instead of shared.
There was a lot of talk about Warframe's sense of flow: tying Flux Energy to Warframe energy actively impairs the flow between the two.

Addendum: I would also raise concerns for how (under the new system) crew players new to Railjack risk being dead weight or even detrimental, instead of (under the current system) an experienced Captain's parts and Avionics allow anyone to contribute.
Also: If I am captaining a Railjack, I want my ship's statistics to fit my intended design, and not to be messed with due to other crew having different ideas for how to build.

New Addendum: I would sooner see the entire game adopt the Grid system (reducing capacity cost rather than adding free points) than have to ever deal with irritating Forma grinding or building a gilded cage of polarities ever again.

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5 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

More FAQ! 

Can you then add an Ultra Forma blueprint to market for plat only that costs 2 forma to build that gives universal polarity like aura forma, and doesn't reset level, you would both make a killing in plat sales, and all of us who already maxed rj wouldn't hate this change as much.


Reason? Most of us don't feel it's right to make us spend the time to re-rank it 11 times to get it back to where it was after investing a goofy amount of time since day one and many of us have stuck around since closed beta like me, and hate everything about that grind.

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5 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


Is/Are the Aura mod(s) dropping from enemies? If so, will they be like.. 0.01% drop rate that require lots of grinding to get them?


5 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Energy Generation

To be in-line with other things you said planned them to be, then enemies should also drop energy orbs in space too... right?

Does Arcane Energize work with Railjack?


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On 2021-03-08 at 3:03 PM, [DE]Rebecca said:

Does the Plexus Need Forma?
While the new Plexus can indeed be upgraded with additional Forma (much like any other equipment you may use), it does come with 3 Base Polarities already. There’s also more Mod Points available without Forma due to the Aura Slot - which gives Modding Capacity like on Warframes! While it is possible to add additional Forma later, the amount of items you will be able to slot from the get-go are quite generous. You can also add an Orokin Reactor to double your Modification points, much like a Warframe.=

NOTE: This will come pre-installed, no player Orokin Reactors required.


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9 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


I'm not going to be thankful the status quo is being preserved in this regard, but it's a smart choice on DE's part. Now, what about the question of whether forma will be required to replicate the power of what's currently a maxed RJ reactor/grid/avionics set?

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Quick math:
As an MR 30 (or just a maxed plexus) the plexus will start with 60 capacity for me. Next, the highest shown capacity cost mods are Conic Nozzle at 12 for Vazarin, Hyper Strike at 12 for Madurai, and Hyperflux at 16 for Naramon. Assuming I put my most capacity intensive avionics mods in the 3 starting polarities I will essentially have a max of 80 (60 reactor boosted with 20 from the half-cost reductions) effective starting capacity before the aura slot. Also assuming the auras follow the standard 7 extra capacity that gives me 87 to start with and 94 if the aura is the proper polarity, but that would require an aura forma and base plexus does not seem to have an assigned polarity for that slot.
With my current RJ reactor I have about 100 capacity for avionics (utmost max of 130), I used Vidar for more flux capacity. Considering all that I am only 11 behind for what I choose to use and 41 for min-maxed capacity without any extra investment. And going by Rebb's initial video the battle and tactical avionics no longer take any capacity to use.
All told we are probably on par for starting capacity than we can get with a maxed build in current RJ. I thought the plexus would be a huge grind to bring myself back to current capacity, but it is really close to T3 Vidar territory. What initially sounded like a slog to recover is actually really close to current power level and even a straight up buff for newer players.

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I still miss some official clarification about the transfer from avionics including ranks to the corresponding mods including corresponding ranks.

I have 53 out of 55 avionics, mostly ranked, and I still fear that they will go into oblivion without proper compensation.

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2 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


This does not even remotely address the problem.

The problem being the Forma and Polarity system is inherently less open and more grindy compared to the Grid system.

You are asking players to grind over and over again just to reach where they already were.
By reverting to Polarity-based bonuses, you are limiting the ability for players to experiment with and adapt their loadouts to their needs.
By making the loadouts of other players essential for optimal Railjack functionality (including affecting health/shield/armour values), you are not only alienating solo players but encouraging people to avoid playing with newbies and/or those whose loadouts do not fit their intents.

Absolutely none of this 'Grid to Mods' shift is a positive change for Railjack.
Please do consider the negative impacts this change has upon both the solo and multiplayer experience.

(And again: please please decouple Flux Energy from Warframe Energy.
It is anti-flow and creates unpleasant incentives for optimisation, limiting build diversity once more.)

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On 2021-03-08 at 12:03 PM, [DE]Rebecca said:

Energy Generation

- The Battle Forge can make Warframe Energy now! This means that in addition to existing player strategies, the Forge itself will be regularly outputting large pools of Warframe energy with Player use.  

Still not good enough.  if I wanted to use a warframe that is built in such a way that it doesn't require flow, my ability to use railjack abilities would get screwed over.  warframe energy pools used for railjack abilities is NOT a solution.  On another note, if the battle forge can generate warframe energy for railjack ability use, then the battle forge can just power the ship itself.  Please set up a system where the railjack supplies its own power, and has nothing to do with which frame or build someone uses.  I do not want any situation where my frame choice and play style are shifted because of the need to hold energy.  That should be modded on its own.  I would much rather flux energy still be a thing, it actually makes sense.  i never had any problems with it, and i see no need to get rid of it.  If being unable to use a railjack ability because some spent the energy is a problem, then giving everyone separate flux energy pools is the solution.  and if mod slots becomes a problem with that, make a separate tab for railjack power mods specifically, or some other means.  I stand firm on my opinion that railjack energy needs to be entirely based on the railjack, and nothing else.  There is no reason to swap to warframe energy, as warframes are not the power source of the railjack, it makes no sense at all.  Please change.

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Energy Generation

- The Battle Forge can make Warframe Energy now! This means that in addition to existing player strategies, the Forge itself will be regularly outputting large pools of Warframe energy with Player use.  


I am giving you guys the benefit of the doubt that you have something planned behind this obsession to make our warframes batteries for the Railjack. This new idea seems you are slipping even further away from what makes tying up energy to warframes a problem. It does not matter how we get energy, it is how potentially overpowered the outcome of this changes will impact an already easy mode,

The logic of powering up a spacefaring vessel should be confined to how I built it not by a russian roulette of passengers anyway.



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1 hour ago, CyberneticSusurrus said:

Likewise (again) the commentary on Flux Energy: all that was required there is the same step taken with the other Railjack resources, make it an individualised pool instead of shared.
There was a lot of talk about Warframe's sense of flow: tying Flux Energy to Warframe energy actively impairs the flow between the two.

That is a great way of putting it, and I completely agree and second this opinion.

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4 hours ago, LillyRaccune said:

Now I understand what kind of AI you were talking about. Yes the Devs have never ever tried to add that type of adaptive challenge AI to the game. However that doesn't make it right to just compare all games to that expectation. The flaw in your argument is that you are basically saying, "The dumbest part of this JEEP is that it doesn't have FERRARI leather seats."

It's an apples to oranges situation. If DE did add adaptive challenge AI, I think I might enjoy it.

You are right

I was hoping DE would toy with the idea of adaptive AI with the Corrupted Neural Sentry, or even the Sentients

But nothing has changed

Press a button everything gets nuked

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1 hour ago, CyberneticSusurrus said:

Addendum: I would also raise concerns for how (under the new system) crew players new to Railjack risk being dead weight or even detrimental, instead of (under the current system) an experienced Captain's parts and Avionics allow anyone to contribute.
Also: If I am captaining a Railjack, I want my ship's statistics to fit my intended design, and not to be messed with due to other crew having different ideas for how to build.

There's the flip side of this, which is the problem they're trying to solve: (under the current system) if the captain has a starter ship, there's not a lot you (10/10/9/10) can bring to the table to make much of a difference.

Both situations make public matchmaking unappealing. So it'd be nice if you individually could bring something to the table to boost a ship's abilities (besides taking your OP Archwing out), while at the same time not reaching that goal by shifting the balance too far in this direction and reducing our currently well-built Railjacks to nothing more than fancy taxis. I guess we'll have to wait and see if they succeeded.

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9 hours ago, (PSN)daybreak_7 said:

Not looking forward to formaing my railjack/plexus.

Yes I'm not impressed about that either, it's like DE is forcing me to grind for a second time for my Railjack which is already pimped out to the max, with all the best of the best equipment in place.


6 hours ago, weirdee said:

Another issue I want to bring up is that keeping the turret system the same, even with the nerf to the pilot, will continue to saddle us with an endless series of public games where the host often chooses terrible guns for the side turrets, because they will always reserve the best turret for the front, unless they've gotten enough resources to mount decent side guns. I think this is going to be a big issue later on.

Wouldn't happen on my Railjack, I built two of every gun and they're all at max strength. ;)

3 hours ago, YikersDikers said:

Why do we have to forma the railjack too?


Because new players are too stupid for some reason stated by DE apparently unable to comprehend the old system that we have now and works so they're changing it too something that is the same across Warframe, imo it's a cash grab because players will just buy Forma if they can't get their Railjacks back to the fully pimped out state they were in time.

2 hours ago, TwinDrags said:

Regarding the ordnance launcher, here is a clip from today's stream where they confirm the exact requirements for tier 3 Early Adopter! :D


Already qualified for that a long long time ago just by playing Railjack over and over.

I feel though I may be disadvantaged by the lack of Forma and Potato's, which means my fully pimped out Railjack will be sent back to the Stone age because of needing to go grind Forma and Potatoes to get it back to my comfortable armchair state.

Apart from my Forma & Potato gripe I'm loving the rest of Railjack, I played from the start through all the thick and thin of it all, bugs didn't stop me from flying to the outer depths of space, I also fixed 99% of the bugs by doing every mission solo.

Oh well time will tell how it all turns out.


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10 minutes ago, __jag__ said:

There's the flip side of this, which is the problem they're trying to solve: (under the current system) if the captain has a starter ship, there's not a lot you (10/10/9/10) can bring to the table to make much of a difference.

Does it really solve this? Since the captain determines the engines/hull/shields/reactor/weapons, if they have starter gear it's still a starter ship with starter capabilities no matter what mods you bring as crew. You're not going to be taking this captain into content their ship isn't ready for. And is this even a problem that needs to be solved? If a player has a starter ship, they ought to be doing starter content with starter enemies balanced for their ship. If a stronger player comes in with a maxed Plexus they're going to faceroll that type of content and make it that much less enjoyable for our new captain. Right now if you join a starter ship you're able to help out as a stronger player by boarding or repairing or being helpful, but the mission still runs at the pace of the newer captain. It's akin to down-leveling in a game like Guild Wars 2 to make sure stronger players can't completely ruin the experience for the newbies.

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10 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

Does it really solve this? Since the captain determines the engines/hull/shields/reactor/weapons, if they have starter gear it's still a starter ship with starter capabilities no matter what mods you bring as crew. You're not going to be taking this captain into content their ship isn't ready for. And is this even a problem that needs to be solved? If a player has a starter ship, they ought to be doing starter content with starter enemies balanced for their ship. If a stronger player comes in with a maxed Plexus they're going to faceroll that type of content and make it that much less enjoyable for our new captain. Right now if you join a starter ship you're able to help out as a stronger player by boarding or repairing or being helpful, but the mission still runs at the pace of the newer captain. It's akin to down-leveling in a game like Guild Wars 2 to make sure stronger players can't completely ruin the experience for the newbies.

So much this. It's change for the sake of change that really does nothing for the issue.

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Still excited for the update....but..forma? As many have said, could this change be looked at a bit? There are quite a lot(an understatement) of forma sinks in the game as it stands. The whole appeal of the grid was how it could add benefits without the capacity cost and to any avionic equipped, current or future. Forma does not have that benefit. At all. If anything, forma is a direct downgrade from grids since it requires re-ranking as well (PLEASE do not have that be a feature of the plexus,).

Energy economy-wise: I don't know about other players, but I keep my frame build in railjack very specifically for the on-foot portions, dont much like the idea of having either space or ground combat be at risk because im not using primed flow. Build diversity and frame choice is a big part of what makes warframe fun, please no more limitations on what has already been quite restricted over time.

All in all, what we want is to be able to take the railjacks we've spent a lot of time kitting out straight to the new content, not having to spend even more time on an unrelated and arguably rather soulkilling grind.
That rant aside, very glad to see you guys are adjusting based on feedback.

Additionally, will corpus proxima armaments take from the existing damage types of current weapons, or will combined elements like magnetic or blast make an appearance?

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On 2021-03-10 at 10:07 PM, (PSN)Zero_029 said:

You must be a newer player. If so...welcome to Warframe!

If not...then...you've forgotten past updates.

I personally dislike the "PC vs Console schism" but I'll be honest...

Console lost all right to complain about updates during The Sacrifice update.

When the UI was updated to be in line across all platforms. DE said this was to provide shorter update windows. (Which it did.)

However it had some bugs. And the console base literally lost its mind and went berserk beyond berserk for over a month.

Next came the Old Blood. Console lost its mind for weeks over bugs.

Then Railjack was the big one...

The Console community went insane. Absolutely insane...proving that it cannot handle the initial bugs that a day 1 launch often contain. Additionally due to the holidays no new builds could be  certified in time. So we were stuck with Vanilla Railjack in its buggy glory for months.

I will GLADLY and EXCITEDLY wait the 1 or 2 months it might take DE to push through the Railjack & Tempestari updates if it means:

1. Not seeing the console crowd act a fool.

2. A much smoother and significantly less buggy experience.

No. I'm not going to point and laugh at the PC base. They are used to the day 1 bugs, and honestly help make the console version a smoother experience.

I want to enjoy the smoothed out patches and updates while we can.

To say console players are the ones who acted a fool on railjack is laughable. That patch was broken and I do remember all the broken railjack videos on YouTube from pc players and console alike. Deimos was also released in a better state then the newly coded game mode of railjack and console players were fine. Don’t blame console players. Also we have different bugs that pc also doesn’t have to worry about unless all console went to keyboard mouse configurations. That is a funny scapegoat to generalize like that. Sure there maybe more six year olds whining on console at times, but these quotes are hilarious like pc players are a different type of human being or something.

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