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Waverider Challenge doesn't seem to work



The first page of the new waverider quest has you doing five 50x5 grindies. However, despite me doing that routinely, none of them are popping...then I randomly get one when not doing anything of the sort. Is this challenge broken? Do I have to hit EXACTLY 50 when at a x5 multiplier? What's going on with this challenge? All the others were easy, but this one seems busted.

Also, this post is tagged "warframes" because there's no tag for k-drive, and I can't have no tags.

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What in the ....

Ok, I'm now doing page 5 and this thread has been a big help.

So, I just noticed that the tricks are "understood" by the game only if I press FIRST the keyboard button and THEN the mouse button.

Was doing the MouseLB+S, Space -thing. 
If I press down MouseLB, then press S (wframe takes the grab) and then press space, I do not get anything.

If I press down S, then I press down MouseLB, and then press space, I get the trick completed by the game. 
The movement and the grab is the same, but the game only accepts it one way. I noticed this already in few tricks before this, but now I really checked it and it was 100% repro. 

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Ahh the true spirit of warframe..!

players gathering to solve unnecessary problems that devs created.


I think that what differentiates veterans and rookies. Veterans who already accepted warframe for what it is try to work around the issues, while rookies makes thread in general discussion about how stupid the issues are and they need to be fixed.

Cheers to all of you!

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3 hours ago, gbjbaanb said:

I jumped off the tall spire just outside Fortuna, on the way down press A+LMB and then press RMB whilst holding them all and the animation plays. Do it twice as you fall, 50 points easily.

I seem to get backside clutch instead. Was not holding them all,. thanks 

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18 hours ago, EinsteinAndAGun said:

The first page of the new waverider quest has you doing five 50x5 grindies. However, despite me doing that routinely, none of them are popping...then I randomly get one when not doing anything of the sort. Is this challenge broken? Do I have to hit EXACTLY 50 when at a x5 multiplier? What's going on with this challenge? All the others were easy, but this one seems busted.

Also, this post is tagged "warframes" because there's no tag for k-drive, and I can't have no tags.

This is my first time attempting much of anything K-Drive related (as board sports ain't my thing), and honestly the tricks has me hung up. Relevantly to your post, the way Grindy was capitalized led me to assume it was a specific trick's name; much to my frustration, the wiki said nothing of a trick by that name, but someone said it was just a regular rail grind (trick class). This then raises the issue of the command (hold L1, X). I dont know what trick that's supposed to do, but as my L1 is custom-mapped with Aim, I'm just seeing the Mario jump from pressing X. I'm not sure if there's no accounting for custom layout, or there is and I'm just missing something.

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The moves were easy, remember to hit Esc and look at the requirements, it also shows you which key and how to execute the move.

Though I did a bit of cheating seeing I'm old with a crap memory, I took a screenshot and moved it to my second computer. SeMz4.gif




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21 hours ago, Blackister said:

For me its the Challenge "Do 3000 pts in a race" but every race i do is capped to 2669 i don't know why. Trigger me a lot because i hate K-drive, and now iam stuck because of that..
If each "chapter" demands more pts each race, i won't do that stupid quest.

For me its doing a 1000 point combo...i barely managed to get over 500 from the top of that coolant reservoir. Hope someone makes a k-drive guide

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8 minutes ago, (NSW)Filgaia said:

For me its doing a 1000 point combo...i barely managed to get over 500 from the top of that coolant reservoir. Hope someone makes a k-drive guide

Grind the big pipe outside of Fortuna, you can do backflips sideflips all sorts of crazy moves back and forth along the pipe.

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11 hours ago, Slayer-. said:

The moves were easy, remember to hit Esc and look at the requirements, it also shows you which key and how to execute the move.

Though I did a bit of cheating seeing I'm old with a crap memory, I took a screenshot and moved it to my second computer. SeMz4.gif

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Haha, that's exactly what I did!  Took a screenshot for each page, and had it up on a second monitor...  😆

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Il y a 3 heures, R0AHN a dit :

Simple solution I found for the Slam Shockwave kills: pobbers.

Three show up in one hunt and if you're quick you can slam them all. I seriously don't know what DE was thinking with an "attack" that does 8 points of damage at most (as far as I've seen). It's more than enough to squash some mice, though, and they count towards the goal.

Another trick for this one : go on Deimos, find a mom ( near any obelisk ) :

Pin on warframe

then smash the kids  

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On 2021-07-07 at 2:46 PM, (NSW)Filgaia said:

For me its doing a 1000 point combo

Page 5 is 2000 points.

I did it by grinding the big pipe outside Fortuna. Start at Fortuna end, jump and get on the pipe pressing ctrl to grind. Grind along it until you get near the end then hold space to get a high jump. In the air turn around and land back on the pipe, (pressing ctrl as you come down) so you continue your grind. Repeat back and forth a few times. Once you get the knack of it, its easier, still annoying though. But it works. It helps a ton to install the mod that gives you a trick combo multiplier from the start (Inertia Dampeners I think, and also Air Time that makes you fall slower so you have longer to reposition back on the pipe)

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My biggest issue is that none of the race comes up when I mount the kdrive in Orb Vallis and it's just a horrid to race in cambion drift with all the little jagged pointed edges that stick out to stop you in your tracks. This is like trying to finish the deadlock protocol and get the parts to build protea. Or like having to go into the "railjack" system, that not many are playing, for kuva/corpus lich weapons. All in all, the k-drive mechanic just isn't fun and difficult to handle when you're using a controller.

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Am 6.7.2021 um 18:11 schrieb Blackister:

For me its the Challenge "Do 3000 pts in a race" but every race i do is capped to 2669 i don't know why. Trigger me a lot because i hate K-drive, and now iam stuck because of that..
If each "chapter" demands more pts each race, i won't do that stupid quest.

the race behind spaceport works throughout the quest .

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I completed all the challenges for stage one.  All 5 have ticks next to them.  But in my Orbiter it says I haven't finished the challenges for Stage One, so nothing happens.

Game over.

What do I do now?

(Figured it out.  A new magical interface appeared on top of my messy desk.)

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3 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

This tripped me up a bit but the key is to hold Grind and jump and land after the jump while still holding Grind. 

The Lotus herself has answered my question. Thanks! So a "grindy" is different from a grind--good to know.

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"Both"? There should be more races than that. The score you can get on the race is determined by how many gates there are. Do a race with more gates, and it has a higher possible score. Do you know how to find the races on the map? Just gotta hop in your k-drive then hold M to bring up the advanced map. Mark the race furthest north, which is still available right now. It is an easy 3.3k points.

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