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Opinion; DE should stop releasing new frames, focus on fixing the old ones and find a new main way to monetise the game.


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Disclaimer; this my own personal opinion/critique of how Warframes current development and monetisation is detrimental to the quality of the game, its not a fact by any means.

So as the title says, IMO DE should stop releasing new frames entirely, as the Warframe roster has become very bloated by this point. We now have over fifty Warframes to choose from. That's fifty different flavours of gameplay. In my view, this is more than enough variety/choice in playstyle for one game. However, DE are seemingly continuing on this trend of endlessly thinking up new frames to release to us and I believe that this is having a hugely detrimental quality on both the older and newer content.

In terms of old content, everyone knows DE has a bit of bad habit of not fixing old problems due to their design philosophy of constantly focusing on new content and leaving the old content to gather dust until it becomes a problem or if enough people complain about it. One of these problems are the old Warframes. Reworks are a very popular topic among the warframe community. Ever since they officially became a thing back when Excalibur got the first Warframe rework way back in 2015, people have been requesting reworks left-right-and-centre for a frame they think needs one. However, due to DE's way of designing warframe, frames rarely get a rework unless they are in either or both of the following situations;

  1. They have the lowest use rating in the game.
  2. They are talked about regularly by the majority of community as being boring to play.

IMO this is mainly due to the fact they keep designing and releasing new frames. They do not focus on getting the old ones up to the current state of Warframe because the new ones are taking priority and once they release a frame, on they go onto designing the next one, without pause. They do not stop and take a look back at the older frames who need actual help, such as Hydroid, Frost, Loki and a number of others, either because their abilities are functional but are just are not useful in the current state of the game, or are just plain rubbish. In fact, a few times we have seen a new Warframe release, they happen to have abilities that had been suggested by players in a rework for a different frame entirely.

For example, during talk of Vauban's rework, a lot of people were suggesting he become akin to the TF2 Engineer class who has access to a turret as well as dispenser that provided allies with health energy and ammo. Then Protea gets released, another tech/gadget themed frame who just happens to have a turret and a dispenser. For another example, Hydroid reworks often used to include the suggestion that the Kraken in Tentacle Swarm could be a summonable pet who could double as a K-Drive. Lo and behold; another water themed frame gets released with a sea-creature K-Drive ability in her kit. 

This because one of the ways DE makes money is through Platinum purchases to get the new frame bundles instantly and then their eventual Prime Access when it inevitably releases. Each new frame release means there will be platinum purchases and an eventual Prime Access for it. If they just stopped making frames and platinum purchases would lower and Prime Access sales would lower because eventually, everyone would have all the frames and Prime Access packs you can get. So they constantly release new frames to keep that revenue alive. DE are not releasing new frames because there isn't enough variety or they haven't explored all ways of killing an enemy, it's because this is one of their main ways to make money. 

However, like I said; this monetisation strategy is really starting to bloat the game up and can be blamed for the fact that actual new content i.e; new quests, new areas, gameplay modes etc etc, all takes so long. It can also be blamed for why old content is very rarely updated.

I would suggest a new monetisation path for DE; paid DLCs. I know this is immediately going to set some people off but hear me out; if DE charged for DLCs and felt like they no longer needed to constantly design 3 - 4 new Warframes every single year, they could actually focus entirely on designing new content and fixing the old stuff to bring it back up. Imagine how much better certain previous updates could have been if DE hadn't been so focused on designing new frames constantly. If DE were freed of this obligation to keep designing new frames, they could focus more on bringing the old frames all up to the current state of Warframe and then once that is done, focus entirely on making new expansions for the playerbase, a new addition that you don't simply level up to 30 in under ten minutes and then going back to the same missions we've been playing for ten years.

We could end up getting better quality DLCs because there would now be actual money riding on whether they are received well or not. One DE's shields against their historically buggy releases, is the fact that all the updates are free. That has been both a blessing and a curse in Warframes development because it means DE has had to monetise their game through the Warframe releases, which obviously take up the main focus of design.

In conclusion, I really feel like Digital Extremes should stop releasing new Warframe because it would allow them to just focus on bringing the old content up to the games current state, which only needs to be done once mind you, and then entirely on new expansions, improving upon their quality so they won't release as buggy messes or get DE-layed for years upon years.

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I do agree DE can explore new way to make income especially the current NW, which is essentially the battle pass of Warframe is a boring grind fest for the most part and the reward is what I would describe as "pretty disappointing". It's also evident that DE is not that motivated to invest too much on NW because it costs money and doesn't make income. So a premium battle pass can help I guess?

The "stop making new warframes and start rework" part didn't really worked out for DE few years ago though.

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Threads like that always sound like some sort of bargaining to me. "Implement my idea and you'll make money."

What DE (and players) should focus on is how to make the game better, not how to monetize it in different ways. When you focus on monetization first, you get games such as Marvel's Avengers.

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13 minutes ago, Marvelous_A said:

I do agree DE can explore new way to make income especially the current NW, which is essentially is the battle pass of Warframe is a boring grind fest for the most part and the reward is what I would describe as "pretty disappointing". It's also evident that DE is not that motivated to invest too much on NW because it costs money and doesn't make income. So a premium battle pass can help I guess?

Exactly. DE have zero motivation to focus on expansions and their accompanying systems because that isn't what makes them money. It the reason why I think they should start charging for them because that would very quickly provide motivation to do the expansions well. 

13 minutes ago, Marvelous_A said:

The "stop making new warframes and start rework" part didn't really worked out for DE few years ago though.

DE have never once fully stopped or have taken a break from designing Warframes every single year from the games inception. 

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This would just incentivize DE to not only ignore old content more, but also nerf old gear that preforms even remotely well to incentivize players to purchase the dlcs.

They'd probably continue to make new warframes and actively nerf older ones that preform well to push the dlcs even harder.

I wouldn't be surprised if the game's player numbers dropped by over 4/5ths in a month, and completely died or become an absolute abominable dumpster fire like destiny2 within 2-3 years of that decision happening.

I agree DE could stand to absolutely slow tf down on making new frames. But paid dlc is not a great thing to replace that with. The biggest things Warframe has going for it to draw new players in, is it's totally free to play model and the good will of it's existing players. It would be a self destruct button.

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6 minutes ago, Genitive said:

What DE (and players) should focus on is how to make the game better, not how to monetize it in different ways.

In Warframes release these two are very much related. DE are also not Square-NFT-Enix so I really do not think Marvels Avengers has any relevance here.

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6 minutes ago, PollexMessier said:

They'd probably continue to make new warframes and actively nerf older ones that preform well to push the dlcs even harder.

How did you arrive at this conclusion? Why would DE be making new frames if they knew they didn't have to financially rely on it anymore. Like I said; its not as if we are lacking for choice. Also if DE shoved new frames into the DLCs and nerfed all the old ones to sell the new ones, then people would get very angry and would leave the game. It'd be a stupid business decision. DE are also not greedy, as can be seen by the fact that they once removed a slot-machine type mechanic in the game after seeing one person spend stupid amounts of money on it. Plus they also asked players how much they wanted to pay for old Prime Access packs.

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I doubt they would want to , 

Why try to create a new process which has no guarantee of success when the existing one works well enough? And if the new option did work well enough they will probably want to do both.

This is of course purely from a business standpoint.

I personally would love some polish and paint (so to speak) on some of the content that is showing its age.

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Taking one of the best f2p models in the industry and sh*tting all over that is a guaranteed way to kill a game. At that point you definitely wont get any frame reworks.

And even if they stopped releasing new frames and reworked all the existing ones, as soon as other changes like new mods, enemies, mission types, mechanics, or balance changes happen that incentivize some frames over others suddenly we're back to demanding reworks. Because the fact is that none of the current frames actually warrant a rework when compared to the actual content the game offers. Players only see them as needing reworks because they're comparing them to other frames.


Also it doesn't matter if DE was actually taking rework ideas for new frame concepts when the suggestions make for awful reworks. You can't just give Vauban turrets or a Dispenser while keeping Vauban, as none of that is what Vauban does. Nor can you just design Hydroid around a K-Drive, because that's not what Hydroid was designed for.

At that point you aren't reworking frames, you're deleting them and replacing them with entirely new ones.

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13 minutes ago, trst said:

Because the fact is that none of the current frames actually warrant a rework when compared to the actual content the game offers. Players only see them as needing reworks because they're comparing them to other frames.

Yes because other frames simply outclass others in the same category. There is no reason to use those frames. 


Also it doesn't matter if DE was actually taking rework ideas for new frame concepts when the suggestions make for awful reworks. You can't just give Vauban turrets or a Dispenser while keeping Vauban, as none of that is what Vauban does. Nor can you just design Hydroid around a K-Drive, because that's not what Hydroid was designed for

Vauban is a gadget/tactician themed frame. That sort of theme covers deployable turrets and dispensers. Hydroid also has a summonable Kraken monster, that could very easily be made to have been a K-Drive type of ability.

I have no idea what you are talking about when you say its "not what they are designed for". A frame is designed around its theme. Vauban and Hydroid's themes are broad and have multiple avenues of exploration. A turret Vauban and a K-Drive Hydroid is not at all outside of their designs.

This is a terrible take.

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so then, the Question that has to be answered, is where/how is Revenue made from spending time on an existing Warframe.
what is going to be sold to pay for it.

no, Cosmetics isn't an answer. if you don't know why, well, you're missing a lot of common knowledge about Video Games.
no, "People will Buy the Warframe" isn't really an answer. by ratio the majority of the Players that were going to get the Warframe, already have it.

so, the most likely avenue for Revenue would be.... making the Warframe 'OP', so that as many Players as possible then invest into that most recently touched Warframe. and repeat around in a circle forever.
if that's not what you want, gotta be something else that can take its place and actually make enough. it's not about having "a way" to Monetize, it's about having enough actual Monetizing.



if you answered that already in your Post, i didn't see it, because while you did use Line Breaks, you evenly spaced out roughly a Dozen of the same sized Paragraphs, which has the same visual function as a Wall of Text. it's just a giant Wall of Words, most aren't going to Read it.

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1 hour ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

For example, during talk of Vauban's rework, a lot of people were suggesting he become akin to the TF2 Engineer class who has access to a turret as well as dispenser that provided allies with health energy and ammo. Then Protea gets released, another tech/gadget themed frame who just happens to have a turret and a dispenser. For another example, Hydroid reworks often used to include the suggestion that the Kraken in Tentacle Swarm could be a summonable pet who could double as a K-Drive. Lo and behold; another water themed frame gets released with a sea-creature K-Drive ability in her kit. 

It's as Pablo said in the uhm 2021 tennocon panel regarding changing modes and also mentioned regarding augments at one point, they dont want to remove things that players may already enjoy, they dont want to fundamentally alter something that may remove how something felt. Which is why we get alternate modes of old ones and completely new frames with ideas that have been mentioned for others, just as augments getting only buffs with the classic alteration intact. Like how we got the new Lua survival and will soon get a defense with a twist. Or how many of the zariman modes are similar to what we already have but with enough changes to make them unique. They could have surely reworked old modes into being the new ones, but people would end up missing those old modes at the same time.

1 hour ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

In conclusion, I really feel like Digital Extremes should stop releasing new Warframe because it would allow them to just focus on bringing the old content up to the games current state, which only needs to be done once mind you, and then entirely on new expansions, improving upon their quality so they won't release as buggy messes or get DE-layed for years upon years.

While I wouldnt mind old frames or modes getting more focus, stopping the production of new frames simply wouldnt work. And this is something that comes up as suggestions in plenty of games "stop doing this so you can focus on that", and it just isnt viable. Different people work on different things, frames are just a small part of it and if you start to focus on reworking old frames, many of the people currently working on different parts of frame design would have nothing to do. 

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1 hour ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

I would suggest a new monetisation path for DE; paid DLCs. I know this is immediately going to set some people off but hear me out; if DE charged for DLCs and felt like they no longer needed to constantly design 3 - 4 new Warframes every single year, they could actually focus entirely on designing new content and fixing the old stuff to bring it back up. Imagine how much better certain previous updates could have been if DE hadn't been so focused on designing new frames constantly. If DE were freed of this obligation to keep designing new frames, they could focus more on bringing the old frames all up to the current state of Warframe and then once that is done, focus entirely on making new expansions for the playerbase, a new addition that you don't simply level up to 30 in under ten minutes and then going back to the same missions we've been playing for ten years.

So basically you want to kill this game as fast as absolutely possible....right?  Because that is what you're suggesting here.

Here's the issues with what you're suggesting here:

  • What would be the monetization that would hold them over until the DLC is released?
    DE a few years ago tried a "Year of quality" and focused largely on reworks and fixes (and yes a few things got released but big shocker: There are multiple teams of people at DE who work on different things, and telling one group "Yeah, just sit there all day doing nothing while we focus on fixes and reworks" isn't a good business strategy....and neither is pulling everyone onto the main team and reworks as too many hands can cause problems with codebases)....and they lost a ton of money because no one bought much because there simply wasn't anything to sell them.
    A reworked frame sounds good....but how is that going to sell anything?  Meanwhile the massive paid DLC is a year or two away so how is DE going to be making money?
    Asking them to essentially "Just don't make money for a year or two until you get this paid DLC out the door" isn't really a feasible option.
  • How would the DLC attract both new and old players back into the game?
    New players most likely wouldn't be interested because they would have to go through hundreds of hours before they can access the new DLC and what it offers....and then would be asked to fork over $20.  That is quite a hard sell to a massive number of people.  The current model works because DE can just go "Hey, here's a new thing that you can access for free!" and free is a much better price-tag to attract new players than $20.  It at least gets the new players in the door and if they become hooked then they could become paying customers, so it at least makes more money than a strategy that could serve to drive away a large swathe of new players.
    Old players would see it and go "Oh, Warframe is now costing money?  Time to move on I guess...." or "I came back, bought the DLC, saw how far behind I was in needing to do everything to catch up.....and then refunded because that is too long until I have access to what I paid for...."
  • What would be the strategy when the next paid DLC hits?
    Would it require that you pay for all of the previous DLC to access the new one?  For example say that "Angels of Zariman" was a paid DLC, and now Duviri Paradox is coming out and....oh yeah it'll require finishing "Angels of Zariman" first in order to play it....meaning now you need to buy "Angels of Zariman" and then you can buy "Duviri Paradox".  This just means that the price for every DLC increases as time goes on for new players and players that aren't keeping themselves on the bleeding edge of the DLCs (which just servers to drive those players away even faster)
    OR would it make the previous DLC part of the base game....meaning people would just sit and wait for the next DLC to come out, and then play the current one for free?  Because I can see large swathes of the playerbase choosing to do that....unless whatever DE released in the DLC was so OP that you just had to buy it in order to compete in any level of content.  Meanwhile you don't make any money at all on the players just sitting and patiently waiting for the next DLC...and if not enough people buy the DLC then again: What is the monetization model that keeps the lights on? 
    Especially because if not enough people immediately buy and play the DLC the players who did will just abandon it and likely not purchase the next one because they would have no one to play with.
  • This would severely hamper/kill prime access.
    This is one of DEs largest money maker....and it requires that new frames get released so that it has more frames that it can prime and sell to the playerbase.
    And you're asking DE "Hey stop making any new frames for a very long time....I know that this is going to kill your monetization but trust me!  Paid DLC will somehow make enough money to make up for years of not releasing new frames even though it'll take a year or two to come out!"

The fact is that reworks don't make DE money.  They tried it one year and ended up losing a ton of money on that gamble.
And DE is a business that needs to make money.  Telling them to "Just don't make money for a few years until you get a massive paid DLC out of the way...." is a non-starter as should be pretty obvious.

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2 hours ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

For another example, Hydroid reworks often used to include the suggestion that the Kraken in Tentacle Swarm could be a summonable pet who could double as a K-Drive. Lo and behold; another water themed frame gets released with a sea-creature K-Drive ability in her kit. 

That's.... Stretch prime. IMHO it was about "k-drive in normal missions" thing.

2 hours ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

I would suggest a new monetisation path for DE; paid DLCs. I know this is immediately going to set some people off but hear me out; if DE charged for DLCs and felt like they no longer needed to constantly design 3 - 4 new Warframes every single year, they could actually focus entirely on designing new content and fixing the old stuff to bring it back up. Imagine how much better certain previous updates could have been if DE hadn't been so focused on designing new frames constantly. If DE were freed of this obligation to keep designing new frames, they could focus more on bringing the old frames all up to the current state of Warframe and then once that is done, focus entirely on making new expansions for the playerbase, a new addition that you don't simply level up to 30 in under ten minutes and then going back to the same missions we've been playing for ten years.

We could end up getting better quality DLCs because there would now be actual money riding on whether they are received well or not. One DE's shields against their historically buggy releases, is the fact that all the updates are free. That has been both a blessing and a curse in Warframes development because it means DE has had to monetise their game through the Warframe releases, which obviously take up the main focus of design.

In conclusion, I really feel like Digital Extremes should stop releasing new Warframe because it would allow them to just focus on bringing the old content up to the games current state, which only needs to be done once mind you, and then entirely on new expansions, improving upon their quality so they won't release as buggy messes or get DE-layed for years upon years.

I doubt that paid DLC would be good. It's huge gamble. If it's sell well then you get lot of money. Otherwise you are wasting lot of time for almost nothing.

1 hour ago, TheGodofWiFi said:
1 hour ago, PollexMessier said:

They'd probably continue to make new warframes and actively nerf older ones that preform well to push the dlcs even harder.

How did you arrive at this conclusion? Why would DE be making new frames if they knew they didn't have to financially rely on it anymore. Like I said; its not as if we are lacking for choice. Also if DE shoved new frames into the DLCs and nerfed all the old ones to sell the new ones, then people would get very angry and would leave the game. It'd be a stupid business decision.

It's already happening. New weapons with new power. Then we have content that requires more power (Archons)

1 hour ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

DE are also not greedy, as can be seen by the fact that they once removed a slot-machine type mechanic in the game after seeing one person spend stupid amounts of money on it. Plus they also asked players how much they wanted to pay for old Prime Access packs.

I disagree with you. For the price of ~3 frames/weapons from the market (1000 plat - 45% euro) I can buy whole game(s).

53 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

I have no idea what you are talking about when you say its "not what they are designed for". A frame is designed around its theme. Vauban and Hydroid's themes are broad and have multiple avenues of exploration. A turret Vauban and a K-Drive Hydroid is not at all outside of their designs.

Frame is not designed around mere "theme". They have something that they want frame to have certain feature(s). Like Hydroid being little stealthy (hides in the puddle) and causes chaos (Kraken - 4th) is something different than riding quickly on K-drive.

32 minutes ago, ShogunGunshow said:

It'll also help DE when they stop investing tons of resources into insane experiments like Duviri Paradox Railjack whose scope very much extends beyond their reach.

Fixed that for you.

What do you expect them to do? New colors for frames? They have to do stuffs like that from time to time. And it's "in their reach".


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Can this stupid suggestion just stop. Also paid dlcs? I have words for you that would get me banned off these fourm, but the day they go down the money burning path of destiny is the day i stop playing. Giant appeal of the game is That it's FREE. I don't have to worry about putting money aside for giant update, ican just hop on release and enjoy new content with having to bust open my wallet

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15 minutes ago, Skoomaseller said:

I would not mind paid dlcs IF DE can show consistency (good content drops back to back) for at minimum the next 3 to 5 years

I'd be out the door if they'd add payed DLCs. Not only because it would change the foundation of WF monetization, which is pay if you like something or want to support DE when you can. It would also make massive alarm bells ring in my head due to the game taking such a drastic change. Since when a game takes such drastic turns something must be wrong on the other side of the curtain. And I just wouldnt place my money in such a thing.

But I dont think we need to worry about such a thing, since DE doesnt even charge for their "battle pass".

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1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

I'd be out the door if they'd add payed DLCs. Not only because it would change the foundation of WF monetization, which is pay if you like something or want to support DE when you can. It would also make massive alarm bells ring in my head due to the game taking such a drastic change. Since when a game takes such drastic turns something must be wrong on the other side of the curtain. And I just wouldnt place my money in such a thing.

But I dont think we need to worry about such a thing, since DE doesnt even charge for their "battle pass".


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Disclaimer about being personal opinion/critique based acknowledged. My own disclaimer. Such conversations, I tend to find a bit hard to engage in. There are many things, whilst I might have a rough understanding of how they are made, the processes behind them, there are many I do not. There are also many things that have quite complicated steps, and processes I am completely oblivious to, or ignorant of. I know some, but not a lot as far as video games and a game like Warframe. 

I know some changes can have huge risk factors involved. If I personally don't have data or info or context about player retention, what players tend to gravitate towards, which updates see higher numbers, what and where people are spending real money, where they spend their time, where their positive, neutral, negative sentiment comes from and from what sources (polls, surveys, forums, social media), plus other variables, some external like being aware and knowledgeable about other games release periods, popularity, potential overlap with our games etc That understanding and context to myself, gives weight and credibility to potential changes and new ideas. 

To put it another way? Many us of have my jobs, careers, skills, pursuits or interests we may know better than the average person. For various reasons. We may also have experienced people who know far less than ask, not inquire or look for info, but try to explain or tell us how to do something based on their off the cuff random thoughts or intuition. I am not saying that any of us are doing that, to be clear, I only know how much I know about game development, some of you may know much much more. There are some fields though, where people spend a lot of time with a product as a consumer or we are very invested in the product, and strong feelings, ideas etc are developed, but again, often it still lacks important insight and understanding and specific relevant data in order to make, realistic, feasible, credible ideas, changes etc that are meaningful/realistic etc

To a lesser extend we also carry less of a risk than those employed to the game, whose livelihoods are more dependant on the games success. Lets say DE incorporated any of the fan ideas that often pop up in the forums. Then a year from now, the game is literally dead, servers can't run anymore, it all shuts down, Devs have to move elsewhere or be laid off. Forums get 2 months before they are closed. "Well, it was just an idea guys.. jeez, obviously it was just my opinion" - Slightconfuzzled, 2024. Sure, in another timeline, that idea goes on to succeed and give Warframe revitalisation and it becomes as popular as Fortnite and with an influx of massive money, all the bugs cease, and millions of people end up maining Hydroid and Frost but ehhh... 

Thats what I think of, before I even start to consider at depth some of the ideas people will suggest, even if I could potentially agree with them. One issue you also have to face, is when revisiting old content, not everyone ends up happy either. Also what do you mean exactly? Scale wise? Like more focus and resources than what Grendel received? If yes, then to what extent as far as an example? If no, then Grendel was reworked alongside new content? Why not follow that strategy and do new and old at the same time? 

Paid DLC? Its not so much that some people are going to be set off, its more that, potentially thousands of dollars from fans, is going to be spent elsewhere, because those fans won't want to hear you out. The strength and success of the new idea, often needs to be much much greater, than just breaking even or being mildly better or successful, because often, just the cost of change is risky. Sometimes even when the idea is better and makes more sense, its still not worth the risk. Fans, consumers, can be fickle and odd, and cautious around change. Think about Regal Aya, and how that went, and at the time, that was more of an addition to, rather than a drastic sweeping change. Such ideas for change, need a lot of data, explanations, considerations etc you need to account for so much... then project/estimate how viable/feasible it is first... 

To clarify, not against your ideas necessarily, just... if you have to state or clarify that its just "IMO" so much, whilst appreciated for transparency and honesty, its... Its like if you have to write a scientific paper for school. Depending on the nature of it, you do have to give strong evidence, credible fact based views, as a basis to make statements or assertions from. If dealing with a business with employees, millions of dollars, millions of players etc can't really "IMO" it. Forum is full of competing and conflicting "IMO DE should".Not to discourage such thought processes/expression either. 

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3 hours ago, Prexades said:

Prime Access is a very important money maker for DE and in order to keep it going, new frames have to be released.

That is true, but how long will it be true? Will people be as keen to get their 50th prime frame as they are to get their 30th? I think they definitely need to explore different revenue streams in the meanwhile. And I think they know this too. Voidshells are one new thing that might diversify the revenue stream. All of this of course is predicated on the core game not feeling dated which would kick the legs out from under the whole thing.

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12 minutes ago, Sojufueled said:

That is true, but how long will it be true? Will people be as keen to get their 50th prime frame as they are to get their 30th? I think they definitely need to explore different revenue streams in the meanwhile. And I think they know this too. Voidshells are one new thing that might diversify the revenue stream. All of this of course is predicated on the core game not feeling dated which would kick the legs out from under the whole thing.

I think that as long as the Warframes remain interesting they will be keen. Primes aren't only the updated stats, the artistic aspect is very much one of the main points, and as long as they move forward technically (and they are) and Warframes are fun to play it's still going to hit home.

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