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Devstream 168 Overview

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welcome to devstream 168 overview 



Tennocon 2023



New tennogen Batches


A variety of tennogen to come with duveri and after in batch sets 
(nekros, gauss, xaku, yareli helm, ect)

New prime


Hildryn Prime + Shade Prime



Duvirei -April  release + 10 year anniversary 





Duveri paradox is a new way to play /start warframe
(can start in paradox or start in normal warframe) 
The paths eventually merge  
(duveri or vors prize for new players)

kO0zF_l8BhiGNY9hRAsMtaVTB9FwXbsF1ZHbrGCmst154cOPb1b9dhhq6pyP6R9esJrBmz9xCn8xBOX_lyFLYpTzPgqU-ApS1a1veu7-gLelQT24jSgAQU1U0wdJS75drdy7rC_OXzTopfRhL_pMoOw iYIXBHRpcha4opybyq0yBOlacOQ1aPg-J69BXRjRewfWOKgbY_vHoobswJtOBhqXYbCZqrgUKuGa9Cihozb-zV1GjM-b8_bRKjcPQ9HLHQIs5EKVvYc2SBVtUs9GgsB8_JN5Aj5QoUXm9GKlXr4KOr4
Daily journey , randomized asets and chosen loadouts prior to runs 


3 different modes of play in duveri , emotional states of dominos thrax change the world state 
(each mood has different sound, audio, ambiance) 
Stalker is unlocked via rank ups 

Each run is different and players must choose builds(loadouts) prior before starting the “run” 


Golden maw fishing mini game


Undercroft - help from beyond 


Cycle game modes, duveri, surv, def, mixup of game modes on rotation 




(clip) demo^ 
30 weapons (incarnon adapters) -steel path 
They transform and gain new attack modes 
Any skana can use skana adapter, any lato can use lato adapter (ect) 




Facial hair




Operator to drifter suits being done in batches 






Void Shell (mesa / limbo) 



Deluxe skin-baruuk



Deluxe Skin -wisp







Sorry this is a bit rushed or unorganized ,i had an anemia incident so im trying to recover but wanted to push out for those who need it 

As always hope it helps, if youd like to get updates on these overviews , links below 

[Discord] - [Twitter]

(best regards -Mako)

Stream team


Pc gamer mag cover and details 



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"This is not Warframe" comments will certainly take an interesting turn now that you can literally start the game without any standard WF gameplay or even Warframes at all.

I am very excited about trying the rogue-like elements and the incarnon system for old weapons. I'll farm them again.

I'm puzzled as to why there was no info on the 10th anniversary celebration though. 

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5 minutes ago, cute_moth.npc said:

Wait, did you say Yareli helm?! 

There's only two on workshop and they're two variations of each other. They're SO CUTE.

IDC which one we are getting, getting one of them at all is magic.

yea is aw it quickly but i didn't geta  chance to screengrab live 


1 minute ago, (XBOX)C11H22O11 said:

DE with this and Wisp Prime later


I believe its wubwub's design iirc , matches their normal style , im a bit low on blood/iron so i could be mistaken 


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8 minutes ago, Jarriaga said:

"This is not Warframe" comments will certainly take an interesting turn now that you can literally start the game without any standard WF gameplay or even Warframes at all.

I am very excited about trying the rogue-like elements and the incarnon system for old weapons. I'll farm them again.

I'm puzzles as to why there was no info on the 10th anniversary celebration though. 

Yeah, I agree I'm excited for all of this as well and DE nailed it this stream imo.

On the second starting choice, I believe its DEs plan to get new players in game not just this content but the game as a whole, I noticed the drifter combat looked a lil slower than regular WF I think thats on purpose to ease people into the game as new folks often get overwhelmed by WFs systems movement, moding and so on.

Thats not a bad thing mind you if it works it works, I just hope its good/fun and for DEs success 👍.    

6 minutes ago, TeaHands said:


Hildryn Prime Concept Art



So... Your saying Hildryn prime is the G.O.A.T.? then 🙃


— — — — — — — — — — — — —


@EternaldrkMakothx for putting this overview together.👍 

p.s. Wut was your fav thing DE had shown this stream?

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Thanks, Mako!  Much appreciated.

One little additional thing they mentioned: Pablo is not doing any reworks at the moment, nor did they hint of any coming.

1 hour ago, (XBOX)EternalDrk Mako said:

Sorry this is a bit rushed or unorganized ,i had an anemia incident so im trying to recover but wanted to push out for those who need it 

Get better soon. :)

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Everything I saw looks great! I like the aesthetic, and the sound and music is top-notch! I'm excited to try all the new systems!

That said, I do have some questions and concerns as to the new player experience.

I am wondering how Quests will work if new players choose to start with Duviri. That's a lot of existing content I'm not sure how to link together with Duviri into a cohesive narrative experience for new players.

Will new players who choose to start with Duviri be able to complete those Quests? If so, how will the narrative flow work after coming into the mainstream Quests from Duviri, rather than from Vor's Prize? Will the Lotus's voice lines change to reflect the player being the Drifter versus being an amnesiac Tenno who thinks they're the Warframe itself? Or perhaps some earlier Quests will be replaced, but maybe Duviri converges with the main questline around The Second Dream so the Operator can be introduced?

And if any Quests are replaced by Duviri, will those Quests' unique rewards be obtainable through Duviri as well so players don't miss out on that part at least? There should be roughly equivalent progression, I would think.

Further, as cool as Duviri looks like it's going to be, I fear some of the magic of the Second Dream's reveal may be lost because of the immediate introduction to the Drifter, as the Operator's alternate self. Discovering the Operator at all was a defining moment for a lot of players that really changed the context of the entire game, which is why the player base has been so admirably adamant about maintaining spoiler warnings.

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I wonder if this update will make the 'Drifter' post TNW actually play as the Drifter, no focus?


I don't know for sure, but it would make sense, since people who start with the Drifter might want that back for their standard sessions?

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6 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

I wonder if this update will make the 'Drifter' post TNW actually play as the Drifter, no focus?

They said Drifter Melee wouldn't be available outside of Duviri, so probably not, at least at launch.

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Honestly... I'm still not looking forward to duviri.... I just don't like operator/drifter/kahl gameplay and drifter melee looked clunky.

Drifter intrinsics.... really, having them in railjack just felt disjointed from the rest of the game...

The fact a newbie an enter into duviri is just wrong imo and in all honesty feels like a money grab from newbies wanting 'instant gratification'....

Incarnon versions of weapons feel like another power creep upgrade which will make balancing weapons even more broken....

Realistically if I'm being completely honest... duviri feels like it should be a different game to warframe....


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I cant say I'm really looking forward to this at all. The drifter section of the new war was terrible in my opinion and this entire mode seems focused on being super weak with the drifter most of the time. I also find the entire khal mode to be the worst addition to the game since i started playing. Almost everything in duviri seems completely focused on the drifter with frames only being available temporarily, and even then you cant even choose which one you bring. That the weapons are also RNG selected is even worse since something like 90% of all weapons in the game are just outright bad.

Of course they are also going to make it near mandatory to farm that weekly steel path thing for the adapters as i have no doubt that some extremely powerful weapons will come out of that. With any luck the adapters will be tradable.

I only hope that the intrinsics can be farmed in the endless mode and that said mode lets us choose the frame we bring rather than having it be RNG. I also hope that we aren't stuck with the awful pea shooter amp that is the sirocco.

So pretty much it looks and sounds good as usual with the art and world. I am however expecting to barely stand playing it, especially if it ends up being hard. If i wanted to go back to extreme weaksauce tier id remove my mods.

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thanks as always @(XBOX)EternalDrk Mako hope your anemia gets better, get some iron in your body!!

- Hildryn Prime.. ehhhh. I don't like the helmet at all, looks like an upside down coat-hanger. the actual body is great though, she's every bit as much of an absolute unit as I could have hoped for! Larkspur Prime looks great too, not that bothered about shade because Sentinels as a whole feel like MR fodder with our companion system tbh.

- Duviri looks pretty good, and I can't believe how many options there are for playing it, even goign as far as to make it an alternate beginning to the game! this is not what I expected at all and it seems this might be where a lot of that development time has gone. I'm VERY glad to hear we'll be fighting the Void Dragon and even playing as Stalker; I think the roguelite mode deserves a chance, it could be a lot of fun!. 

- VERY stoked to see that the Incarnon system appears to be getting expanded to existing Tenno weapons: this is excellent news as a lot of these weapons are underappreciated. I also hope this may lay down further groundwork for Infested Lich weapons, and I'm also curious if maybe further down the line, tenno weapons that were added after the originals will also get the Incarnon treatment. it could even become a thign where every update adds an Incarnon mode for one or two more weapons! that doesn't sound too difficult for DE to pull off either, especially if they can add as many as 30 in one go lol.

- Baruuk's deluxe is looking pretty good, but he already has so many great skins IMO, gonna be a while before I can justify picking it up, though I love the Hindu Mythology aspects. Wisps looks like something out of JJBA, but not in a bad way I guess; I still like her Dex skin best.

overall i think Duviri has a chance to be a VERY interesting update overall, and I'm gonna try for every one of those Incarnon weapon forms!

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41 minutes ago, Vahenir said:

Almost everything in duviri seems completely focused on the drifter with frames only being available temporarily, and even then you cant even choose which one you bring. That the weapons are also RNG selected is even worse since something like 90% of all weapons in the game are just outright bad.

Never even thought about the rng side of things...did they say rng from our own collections or rng from stock weapons/frames, ie no upgrades...  if it's our own frames/weapons then not so bad as they'll at least be levelled, albeit possibly in the wrong build... actually no what am I thinking.... rng for what we use is going to be a complete nightmare, especially if you end up with a 'beginner' weapon in steel path (assuming it still has rng).  I can see 'quit/fail' rates skyrocketing if rng is bad for the user.


41 minutes ago, Vahenir said:

I only hope that the intrinsics can be farmed in the endless mode and that said mode lets us choose the frame we bring rather than having it be RNG. I also hope that we aren't stuck with the awful pea shooter amp that is the sirocco.

I'd like to think you can use the other amps like you can now.... but then this is DE and if it's designed for newbies as well I can see us being totally nerfed to 'rank 0' when we hit duviri...

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4 hours ago, Jarriaga said:

"This is not Warframe" comments will certainly take an interesting turn now that you can literally start the game without any standard WF gameplay or even Warframes at all.

I am very excited about trying the rogue-like elements and the incarnon system for old weapons. I'll farm them again.

I'm puzzled as to why there was no info on the 10th anniversary celebration though. 

It's still not. DE is trying to entice new players by introducing the game with gameplay that is irrelevant to the core experience and isn't normally unlocked for quite some time. It's an extremely odd choice that either will or will not work. The combat looked extremely clunky and slow too unlike frame combat. Nothing about this is exciting or interesting to me but it seems to be another content Island that won't negatively or positively affect me. Operator open world is hands down one of the worst ideas.

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3 hours ago, (XBOX)EternalDrk Mako said:

Sorry this is a bit rushed or unorganized ,i had an anemia incident so im trying to recover but wanted to push out for those who need it 

As always hope it helps, if youd like to get updates on these overviews , links below 

Thankyou for what you do, hope everything is well with your health.

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7 hours ago, cute_moth.npc said:

Wait, did you say Yareli helm?! 

There's only two on workshop and they're two variations of each other. They're SO CUTE.

IDC which one we are getting, getting one of them at all is magic.


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Huh. so my Braton Rivens are going to suddenly increase in value....


anyway, I like that Incarnon is getting added to a bunch of weapons.

it's a pretty good system vs Mods. Reminds me a lot of Destiny gun perks.


?Imagine if Mods were completely eliminated and perk trees were the Only weapon customization? might actually be feasible to Balance Stuff... -never gonna happen, but just saying.... Destiny

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Thank you for the overview! 

- Excited for the Incarnon expansion. Means more experimenting and playing with some arguably outdated weapons. Had heard rumours, but its nice to be able to talk about more openly. Hope the Tigris is one of the weapons covered, or eventually added. Also hope will still get some new weapons as well though too, returning to old stuff is great, but new shiny is well, new shiny. Especially since Phenmor, Laetum and Felarx are so much fun/so good. 

- Duviri setting, aesthetically, looks amazing, and visually gorgeous. There is a lot going on there, I don't have too much to say, am excited, but also want more hands on experience. Was also nice to get to see the Dev team talk about stuff they have been working on, the scope and size of the update does seem immense and with a lot of thought put in to it. 

- Am happy to see more Drifter/Operator fashion, some of the new outfits are a lot more interesting, visually unique than a lot of what we have had so far, its great. Likewise a lot of the cosmetics for other aspects seemed great too, for your horses, next "batch" of Tennogen etc Oh Baruuk and Wisp deluxe looks great. That Fulmin skin! 


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