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Lets talk about Infusion Archon Crystal


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  From the dev stream 175 they introduce the Archon Crystal infusion for got quick peak what it does just only the green one, but it feels like the orange one is going to be somewhat flame or some sort then the purple is going be lighting or sort then we got commonly was introduced its stats green one but remembering it does it all depends on selecting what ability, but there is big problem.  We can't keep up collecting much tau shards of these because it doesn't spray like money for the archon and sweet old Khal only give 2 tau shards and rare moment the dev hand out shards, so the question is really here "how are we going catch up that many tau shards?"

  Now, it may take extra year to do so if anyone thought about it because if you do every week with the tau shards that is 2 then time it in a month for you are going get 8 shards but if you did it for years you are posed to get 96 if you didn't miss any, but now it is divided by 2 because you're subtracting 1 shard but consider 2 to make whole new gem (fact 2 divided by 2 is just 1) for your real total is 48 special shards and warframes takes about 5 shards, and we are going have 51 frames just regular one but if you count the prime 42 for filling out all that much amount of frame you got in total 93 or might have 94 depending on the speed we are going with prime, but you have in total adding 5 time of those empty spots for the calculation you have 465 or 470 to fill out all the frames but mainly ppl are here fill out prime frames only so we are going with 42 for you got 210 prime frames with open slots waiting for the shards.  This won't fill out the requirement of the player's needs, this will become a bigger problem as there will be up and down and not everyone is going to have the same measuring length amount.  Would like the dev did half-and-half week get archon, but I hope they have great solution to figure out this huge problem they made, or otherwise I guess the community is going start praying to Pablo again like some sort dark worship group which kind of want me move into another group.  As again not going off-topic I hope you the dev have solutions for players to get Archon shards in the game more easily or quicker.

  So community of the ppl express what your thoughts are about how you feel about the Archon shards infusion or wonder can we able catch up the amount of Archon Shards.

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I'd say just use the regular shards. Use two excess regular shards on your "testing" frames to see what type of bonuses they provide. And then use five of the same buff or tau forged on your used frames. Been working for me so far.

You can use the shards gotten from the new system, assuming the gameplay is not walking simulator junk "run" like Kahl is, in the infusion system. Since you still new a resource in order to use the infusion system.

Yes I am running low and disagree with DE's logic of "we provided extra shards in the new content for you to put 'permanent' shards onto all your frames". However, I dislike the logic of trying to be all mathy with assuming each frame will get X number of shards and then trying to bend over backwards on top of that to try justifying equipping it onto both the prime and regular frame variants.

On top of this, I still want to see a revision to remove archon shards. I know they are adding some additional resources into the resource groups, but it needs something else. Make each shard cost a difference resource area and reduce amount needed to 20%. Not because of the concerns of making it more of a tradable resource but because it is just not a good long-term solution.

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I made a thread about this, but it got moved to dagath feedback because lol negative feedback consolidation.
Didn't realize the shards were already in the game as of Abyss of Dagath, very helpful.

Anyway, no, people rightly pointed out that there are no such thing as spare tau shards for most people to screw around with this system, and using existing mats punishes people for not no-lifing every hunt since the system launched.

But, they hinted at some new way to acquire shards and arcanes IIRC. So maybe there's that.

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We've only been given extremely vague details about what this system is and how it will work, so there's really no way to meaningfully judge it at this point.  I don't think there's much to be said until we at the very least have the patch notes or update in our hands.

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1 hour ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

It'll probably be the alchemy defense, because it's ALWAYS the damn defense modes with the good stuff... I just hope it's more bearable than Mirror Defense..

It's the Netracells, the mode that's sort of like Orokin Derelict vaults but souped up a bit. They said "A limited amount of cells per week" which if I had to guess might mean a regular mode giving a regular cell, and a Steel Path variant with a chance of a Tauforged.

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Even if DE wasn't adding new ways to get Shards I don't see any problem with the new ones. Since they're all far more niche and, afaik, Tauforged variants aren't even confirmed for them there's simply not going to be a huge need for a lot of them.

Also I'm fully expecting them to receive the general complaint of "Why would I ever use these when I can use Crimson Shards!!?!1!" as most of the community can't comprehend the value of niche effects. So most players won't engage with them in the first place anyways and just continue to complain about their made up drought of Tauforged Crimsons.

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Lets just not start the "shard war" again. We never needed a single shard, the whole idea was messed up from the start, and as a result we now have a co-op mission actually giving different awards to the team members due to all this idiocy. Which feels so immensely unfair and illogical that as soon as the new mission arrives none of my guys is ever going to do an Archon Hunt again. Unless DE changes it back to everyone on the team getting the same reward, which is how any true co-op mission should work. We all lift together, and we get the same reward for lifting together.

As for tau-forged shards, there was never ever any intention that we would get a lot of them, and even the idea of getting "enough" of them is mathematically impossible (unless you just play a few warframes out of the 50+ available). The whole shards system would have been immensely better if there would have been just normal shards and no tau-variants, since that would have put the focus on the "flavor" they offer. DE could have made the easier to get, and the new mixing system would have fit right in. Even the power-crazies would have been content, and the rather insane "tau-fever" outbreak would never have happened.

DE is for once doing a really smart thing: flooding the game with normal shards that can be mixed together in new and interesting ways and be collected with a new farm will pull the focus from the tau-forged variants back to simply "shards". Sure, tau-forged shards will still be "more powerful" (oooh, I'm shaking...) but who cares, since we'll have a LOT more normal ones and we don't actually need a single shard for any content in the game. All rivens can't be "god rolls" and all shards can't be tau, and this does not affect playing the game in ANY meaningful way, so...

Edited by Graavarg
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55 minutes ago, Graavarg said:

DE is for once doing a really smart thing: flooding the game with normal shards that can be mixed together in new and interesting ways and be collected with a new farm will pull the focus from the tau-forged variants back to simply "shards". Sure, tau-forged shards will still be "more powerful" (oooh, I'm shaking...) but who cares, since we'll have a LOT more normal ones and we don't actually need a single shard for any content in the game. All rivens can't be "god rolls" and all shards can't be tau, and this does not affect playing the game in ANY meaningful way, so...

I'm pretty sure they talked about fusing Tauforged into Tauforged versions of the combined Shards on the devstream. I agree with the rest of your post though. Tauforged is a mistake, and just having normal Shards would still provide plenty of content. The way Archon Shards have been handled has been a mess from the start. The issue is DE is very good at making their general players happy with half-baked solutions. There were plenty of threads since day one of Veilbreaker with the solutions you've reiterated here to actually make the Shard system feel alright. These were simply ignored for a very easy "pity system" that fails to address any of the real concerns with how they work.

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Whilst I do enjoy hypothesising and making predictions, about Warframe, and discussing generalisations, here in General Discussion.. Personally I am also a bit lazy and lacking in energy a lot. So in many ways, I would rather just wait until the update next week, to see what new ways we can get Archons, what they actually do, before I commit more time, energy to it, whether that be appreciation, criticism offering suggestions etc. 

IIRC from Dev Stream, there would be new ways to earn them, something about the new mode, but also a limit. So hypothetically could mean we could do one of the new missions 5 times and get 5 shards, which could be great... thats enough to get an overall net amount, even if we are combining one or two a week... but what I just did there was pure and total speculation. We could also only get 1 new shard a week... or 2 billion. 

Also from Dev Stream we learned the effects were PH. Which means, I think the purple one, will make our Warframes slightly thiccer. Factually, you can't prove me wrong, yet. It'll be interesting either way. I do hope that we can potentially get more ways to get more, but its not a huge deal breaker for me either. 

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Looking at what the stats will potentially do there really wont be an issue fusing by using what we have and with the addition of new methods to gain shards. These stats are mostly of the type that you dont want to stack.

Just looking at the green we saw a single Tau forged will suffice if you are interested in getting old Corrosive back to play with. If your frame doesnt need shard slots for anything else really you can also just make use of 2 normal greens. Sure healing from toxin through green shards can be stacked, but I dont think there is really any point to it considering our access to AoE and insane stacking potential on toxin. So if you want to use that healing you likely already have things that can stack toxin and cover multiple enemies at a time, meaning even just a single normal shard will very likely be more than enough to sustain you. The damage we saw for toxin looks utterly pointless except in maybe a few specific frame cases and even in those cases there are likely better options to improve your damage output in the build.

So if the other shards follow a similar pattern for other damage types I dont expect a wide use of the new shards.

What I wouldnt mind is the healing on X stat available to heat and electric aswell. I also wouldnt mind increased heat and electric damage shards, and maybe allow further stacking on puncture and cold for higher crit chance/damage. Or something added to blast or radiation to make them better candidates as elements. Which reminds me, Qorvex passive might be a dealbreaker for me when it comes to playing him. I really hate having that status forced.

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For now i'm just waiting to see what the new shards actually offer once the update drops before i judge whether fusing our current shards to get them is worthwhile or not? Unless the new Violet, Emerald and Topaz shards are really good on their official release, i feel like it'll be hard to give up the added power the crimson shards give us, the extra survivability the azure shards give and the bonus utility the amber shards provide.

So far we've only seen the stats of the Emerald shards (even though they'll likely be different compared to it's official release) and while it does allow for corrosive to full strip and would make saryn in particular a lot stronger, so far i find it hard to justify using it over a crimson shard for added ability strength for ability damage, buffing and armor stripping on any frame that isn't Saryn. Hydroid doesn't even need to touch the emerald shards since he can already full strip with corrosive and outside of Plunder for the bonus corrosive damage, you likely aren't using his abilities to kill enemies anyway but to instead rid them off their armor and keep them in place to kill with your weapons.

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14 hours ago, Jorak_Falconstar said:

The infusion will be fine if it works in the following in way

2 normal shard = 0% chance of Tauforged of the new colour

1 normal + 1 Tau shard = 25% chance of Tauforged of the new colour

2Tauforged = 50% chance of New Tauforged.

This has to be the worst idea I have ever read in any Archon Shard thread on the forums. This isn't a gacha game.

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2 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

I don't really understand the mentality of not wanting the devs to add more content because you might desire said content. 

Well when Steve was here, he thought of necramech, and it became the biggest hurrah, and it worked, when Rebecca took over it was fine, but the boat stays steady of a float.

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On 2023-12-08 at 12:26 PM, (PSN)FirmBizkit said:

Especially as a new ish player I need pretty much ALL of them

Actually, no one NEEDS them, especially a new or new-ish player. These shards only make measurable sense when playing the most late game SP elements of Warframe, namely SP long runs and SP Circuit. Getting them early would be extreme extreme extreme overkill. 

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I genuinely still don't understand why people don't get this whole Archon Shard progression system in general.

You're supposed to take it slow. You're supposed to not have enough to use on every frame. You're supposed to feel the limitation of two per week.

They will streamline the system over time, as the Shards become more and more commonplace, but not yet. Not quickly.

The entire point of this system is that it's slow and keeps you coming back every week.

Yes, that's frustrating.

Yes, that's still the point.

We aren't going to change this by complaining. Only by actually engaging with the system and proving that there's not enough.

The same way that we basically forced DE to update Chroma's 1 when they introduced Helminth and 100% of people using Helminth on Chroma got rid of his 1 for literally anything better.

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