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Fusion Simplified: Part 1


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Uhhh....am I the only one concerned that DE's essentially doing exactly what they did with Specters of the Rail again, i.e. reworking a major system while also working on a major (also two-part) update?  We're getting Titania this month, and now we're also getting part on of a fusion system rework?  It's nice that the system will be simplified now, but I'd rather DE just focus purely on Titania and The War Within first, iron out whatever issues may come of that, and then bang this out later on in U19.

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1 minute ago, JMP3 said:

Uhhh....am I the only one concerned that DE's essentially doing exactly what they did with Specters of the Rail again, i.e. reworking a major system while also working on a major (also two-part) update?  We're getting Titania this month, and now we're also getting part on of a fusion system rework?  It's nice that the system will be simplified now, but I'd rather DE just focus purely on Titania and The War Within first, iron out whatever issues may come of that, and then bang this out later on in U19.

Both parts were designed as part of the major update. Its not a matter of adding in more stuff, as it is this stuff has been worked on for the deployment. Granted Specters of the rail was extremely rushed, even the devs weren't happy with the launch. Hence why this thing is taking its time instead of being released right after tennocon when it was originally estimated to launch.

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Hmmm.... I wonder how the conversion will go on existing fusion cores and how the actual rates will work out, this could potentially increase the grind again...

I better grab a screenshot of my cores just in case it screws up again like with relics

Edited by LSG501
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As much as I like the idea behind this concept, so far DE has both nerfed so much of the farming over the past few updates, and had a bad track record for 'on-login conversion', so please excuse my lack of great enthusiasm. I can just see them accidentally giving us endo equivalent to R0 fusion cores instead of our R5's.

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Great news Rebecca! There's something that "worries" me though. Actually two things:

1) If I understood the post right, there's only Endo. No Common, Rare, legendary Endo. So anything that was a Core becomes an equivalent number of Endo? Thus missions that give currently 5xR5 mods will be just 5xR5-equivalent-Endo? (same for Sorties and Legendary Cores)

2) What about the credits? We pay credits to get Mods up, so if you refund the Endo, would we need to pay more credits to be where we were again?

Thanks in advance! :) Also, can't wait for those Lore driven stuff. Oh boy.

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1 minute ago, NightmareT12 said:

Great news Rebecca! There's something that "worries" me though. Actually two things:

1) If I understood the post right, there's only Endo. No Common, Rare, legendary Endo. So anything that was a Core becomes an equivalent number of Endo? Thus missions that give currently 5xR5 mods will be just 5xR5-equivalent-Endo? (same for Sorties and Legendary Cores)

2) What about the credits? We pay credits to get Mods up, so if you refund the Endo, would we need to pay more credits to be where we were again?

Thanks in advance! :) Also, can't wait for those Lore driven stuff. Oh boy.

  • From what I recall from past info and inferring from this post, It'll have something to do with the second part. Something about collecting things (I think they were compared to statues or something?). I myself am a bit confused with what will happen in the gap between.the first and second sections, so some more info would be appreciated.
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question, what happens to legendary cores? do they still remain cores or will they also be converted to Endo? and if so how would you calculate their worth? seeing as how they can upgrade a 0 rank primed mod to max in 1 go.

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10 minutes ago, gaaraplayer said:

that orokin pokeball only means one thing... im catching everything

"i choose you, grineer lancer!"

this is going to be fun XD

If only we can have Orokin ball to catch those enemies, and then turn them into noggles or spectres XD

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1 hour ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

The coming Fusion simplification will be released in 2 phases:

1) The first phase (coming in August)  maintains the core loop we all know (find Fusion energy and use to rank up Mods), but it's much simpler at the Fusion level.
2) The second (coming later) will be written about in detail once we have assets to share, but essentially it is a more lore-amplifying and collection building version of Fusion.

But will these two coexist or will phase 2 partially replace parts of phase 1 (like having phase 2 give endo through it's own method instead of any enemy dropping it)?

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