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[PC Update 23.5] Revenant Feedback Megathread


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I've spent quite a few hours recently on this frame, ran into a lot of other people too that have been using him and talked with those people and here's what I generally hear from them and what I and many of them think should be tweaked.

Revenant's 1 - The reactions here have been more of the same. No one ever seems to use this and I think we can all see why. Enemies can't really do significant amounts of damage to each other. Now, I'm sure we all expected this from the history all frames that use minion abilities tend to have however, we remember the devsteams that showed this ability off with an enemy cap of 20 and it seemed to work pretty well at spreading itself with that cap. With a higher cap, it could have been a pretty good CC that had potential of spreading through a ship and 4 enemies are just not enough to be of use to anyone. Even if we were able to get 20 enemies, it just doesn't work well with team play as they're going to die anyways with the amount of damage most frames are able to push out so the way I'd fix this would be making the enemies drop the overshields even when killed by other players and not only Revenant's 4 this way we'd get the benefit of the light CC and the buffs to the team. A lot of people also seem to think making the enemies so they cannot be damaged by other players would be the way to go but I disagree because Nyx's 1 is quite annoying to a lot of players in that fashion and if they went this way, I'd think Revenant should at least be able to manually turn the mind control off when it comes time to execute the enemies and make it so when they're immune to being damaged by your team, only your 4 can kill those enemies so that the overshield buffs drop. This is to give you the benefit of these buffs but also make it so your team isn't going to have to wait an extra 20 to 30 seconds in for example, a Defense to kill the last enemy. No one likes that. I've also seen talk of making enemies that are mind controlled not count as enemies that still need to be killed for a defense round to end, that could be a good idea as well.

Revenant's 2 - This is actually pretty solid as it works well in preventing damage. The only thing I could see being done to make it slightly better is a bit more damage gating or more charges so that certain enemy types don't get rid of it almost immediately kind of like how Inaros and Negation Swarm works. Even if they don't do anything to this ability, it's still pretty useful and is the second most used skill I see players taking advantage of on Revenant.

Revenant's 3 - I feel like this is actually is his least favorite ability both in how useful it is and appearance. The only minor use it really has is slight movement since we can at least use it while also using his 4 however, the movement is still pretty clunky since you can only go in one set direction and the range you can go is really, really short on a build that makes his most useful ability all the more useful. The health and shields thing almost doesn't matter at all because we're usually immune from all damage since our 2 is almost always up. The gripe that I've seen time and time again with how this ability looks as I have not found one person that actually likes the 2D effect on the cloud and I have to agree with them, it feels kind of like a placeholder. I feel like to make this useful in a group environment and to Revenant himself it should give him and his team some energy every time he dashes through his thralls and the energy gain should be able to be modified by strength. That way, he can help out his group some more and keep himself full of energy for his 4.

Revenant's 4 - This is actually his best ability and while I was worried at first that this was going to do insignificant damage, I am glad I was very wrong. With the way Revenant adapts to the damage types that he's using to kill the enemies and how he turns incoming damage into more damage output and the procs that they give and the raw damage it's capable of putting out on it's own, it can scale pretty well in most scenarios until maybe when you get to the really high enemy levels which most players don't actually see since it requires going hours in endurance runs and not many people actually do that. Not to mention the insane range this ability seems to have as a base. This is the ability I've seen players use the most, myself included and for good reason. Lots of damage, you pretty much can't be stopped since your 2 makes you immune to everything and that makes pretty good synergy with those two abilities which his 1 and 3 seem to lack on both a solo and team play level. The only real two things that can hurt this ability are nullifiers and ancient healers both of which can be dealt with easily through a lot of different means.

For his passive, maybe make it so if his shields go down, he just kind of sends out an energy wave like an Eidolon does turning off enemy buffs and granting you and team members hit by this wave 50 energy. Kind of like an arcane energize wave.

This is generally the feedback that I've received while grouped up with other Revenant players while we were chatting about how he feels in his current state and also how I feel about his abilities. Please, throw your input in here as well since we know DE will undoubtedly tweak him in the coming weeks when they've received enough feedback on how the community would like him to work and hopefully takes their time on making all of his abilities worth using with either great synergy like all of Nidus' kit or even a specific build that would make his 1 and 3 useful by making them work better together and just making those two abilities better in general.


Edited by Sithers
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I have played with Revenant exclusively since release , here are my suggestions to improve him.

( New Passive ) Hardened Shields - Revenant's shields take 25% less damage.

#1 Swarm ( New ability ) - Revenant releases a swarm of seeking projectiles from his eldritch arm that deal damage to enemies and slows them by 30%.

Can be used while Danse of Macabre is active. 

#2 Mesmer Skin - 

Base charges are increased to 10.

Enthrall ( Old 1st ability ) , is part of Mesmer Skin. " Enemies will be automatically enthralled when they attack Revenant while Mesmer Skin active. "

Thrall cap is increased to 10.

Pillar radius is increased to 6 meters.

*** Thralls need better visuals to distinguish from other enemies.

Retaliation ( Old passive ), is part of Mesmer Skin. " When Mesmer charges deplete , Revenant emits a screech that stuns enemies in 15 meters radius. "

*** Needs better indicator for charges ( similar to Nidus's stacks ). Currently switching to operator mode makes charge numbers to disappear. Ability icon looks greyed out and how many charges remained becomes a mystery.

*** Also needs better visuals...Maybe more Eidolons tendrils on Revenant ?

#3 Reave - 

In addition to health and shield drain , Reave also has 25% chance to restore Mesmer charges when Revenant dashes through his Thralls.

Cost is reduced to 50 from 75.

*** Please love of God , get rid of that rectangular smoke visual. It's just ugly and makes ability look unfinished.

*** Needs faster casting animation. Natural Talent shouldn't be mandatory.

#4 Danse of Macabre -

*** Elevation is a problem. Ult can't damage enemies that are on small ledges , stairs and crates etc even tho lasers visually touch them. Needs improvements for Z axis.

*** " Channeling energy from sky ( when we hold L-click ) " vfx should be ult's default visual. Revenant looks weird while holding his hand in air without channeling visual.

Edited by Aeon94
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In my humble opinion the only thing The Revenant really needs to work, is an increased thrall cap to at least to 10 (and the more the better, maybe it scaling with power str ) and some fixes to his powers (cast times, Reave cost). I'm okay with the pillars range and damage as long as we can have a lot of thralls. He can't really profit from all of his synergy if there is no thralls around,  4 units feel like it is not enough at all... His ultimate is great tho, a well balanced damaging forth ability. People were complaining about it's verticality problems. But for me it fells like a simple limitation to his power, a price to pay for the damage.. and if you position yourself right, if you think carefully before using it, you will be rewarded..

Maybe some tweaks to the Mesmer skin aswell too make it more reliable and useful on high levels. He is a late game frame after all.

DE, please continue listening to the feedback concerning this frame. The Revenat has really good potential, and a couple minor changes will make the frame more useful, more fun, and really worth farming for.

This is a frame you acquire in late game, he must meet the expectations and he must have a well defined role.

(One YouTube partner said a really good thing: "The Revenant should be a tank-dps hybrid like how Inaros is a CC-tank hybrid". something among those lines) 

I'm sure you guys can make this frame meet the expectations. Keep up the good work!


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I have to agree with this, 1 enthrall, is pointless at 4.... 4 umm since when is 4 a "horde", its an after thought considering 4 can be just wiped out with a standard weapon in no time, forgetting abilities. It offers no benefit other then if you happen to instant murder a thrall for the overshield, otherwise its just something to press because your 2 proc and its free. In the end Revenant's only need duration not for 1, but the cost/s reduction in 4. so you can just spin-to-win while gathering energy the entire match, and use 3 if you dont feel like spinning over to another place. 

edit: on another point i suppose. it would give more reason to use 1, if 3 just drained all thralls. the dash is nice during 4, but at the end of the day its using energy that could go to 4 in the current design.

I feel sad and annoyed with myself for feeling the need to rag on a brand new frame like this, but its because his abilities are so lopesided in usefulness that literally building him to only use his 4 to varying degrees feels like you wasted your time in testing/last minute changes.


As i started playing again because of all the new areas/missions/items and stuff i had missed. now im feeling a bit let down. Anyway thats my issue. hope you are listening

Edited by Steeldragonz
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I'm... confused.

1 hour ago, xXRAZIEL855Xx said:

the fact that his 4th ability just doesn't synergize with the other 3

Killing Thralls generates bonus effects, Mesmer Skin allows him to ignore the damage taken while still converting it into bonus output damage, Reeve can be cast while 4 is active to catch move faster and regenerate health/shields while using it. It literally has synergy with all three.

1 hour ago, xXRAZIEL855Xx said:

Enthralled victims should be immune to damage from allies.

Enthralled victims are supposed to die because the light pillar is the main damage source of the ability when they do.

This is also so that you can just kill them to end a Defense round.

1 hour ago, xXRAZIEL855Xx said:

His second ability should work more like Rhino's iron skin that's all there is to that point.

Why though? There is no reason for it to work like that, and would likely be too powerful like that because of it's actual design. Sure you could buff it by having it negate Status Damage over Time ticks, which also take away charges, but it's not supposed to be used for pure defense. Mesmer Skin is supposed to be for getting free casts of Enthrall.

1 hour ago, xXRAZIEL855Xx said:

His fourth ability should be changed dramatically.

Again, why? Nothing you've suggested is actually better, or more functional, or even really has a point to it (like the colour changing, it's bad enough on Chroma).

1 hour ago, xXRAZIEL855Xx said:

His passive should be changed to an energizing wave

And, once more, why? This has no use for anyone playing solo, which was why Vauban's passive was changed, because it gave him no benefit when playing solo, it would be too powerful if you allowed it to affect Revenent too (because every time your shields recharge, like from the Sentinel Precept, you could just grab another 50 Energy with self-damage) and on top of that you're literally removing one of his CC options that buys you time when your Mesmer Skin ends.

I just...

There isn't any reason for any of this. If you haven't played him enough to actually get the point of these abilities and how they're designed to work together, then fine, but that's no reason to go posting complete alternative takes on the frame.

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I've been playing Revenant for the entire weekend so far, and I've gotta say he's quite fun! But, he has some glaring issues. I just think his 1, 2 and 3 need some tweaks. His 4, however, is good besides elevation issues.

Visually, he looks fantastic - I love the wispy effects and he really reflects the Eidolon theme. His 3 is a bit rough though, because it looks like an unfinished placeholder effect - the big rectangle looks bad as a flat texture. I know the rectangle serves as a small indicator of your 3's range, but it doesn't look good visually and it really lets down the entire kit. I get what the artists wanted to go with, but it doesn't quite work.

Now, to his actual ability mechanics.

Enthrall: It's Nyx's 1 but better because Enthralled enemies can spread the effect and allow you to have more minions to fight for you. It's good, except for the fact that it caps out at 4 Enthralled enemies which is honestly the terrible part of this ability. What am I gonna do with 4 enemies? They don't do enough damage to justify keeping them to do damage to other enemies, and they also can't spread the ability further because it's capped. The little well of energy they drop upon death is good damage, but it honestly doesn't justify using this ability because unless they die in a doorway, enemies are unlikely to step anywhere near it. 

Suggestion for improvement: Increase cap, or make it scale with strength. We seriously need it to do more than it currently does if we're to take the CC aspect of Revenant seriously. This ability coincides with Nyx quite a bit, but that isn't a bad thing. Don't offer the mass mind-control that Nyx has, but don't give us the bare-minimum either, just somewhere in the middle.

Mesmer Skin: Unfortunately this ability seemed a lot better on devstream. My biggest problem is with this ability, I want it to be good and offer good protection like so many protection abilities do (Iron Skin, Shatter Shield, Splinter Storm, etc.) but right now with 200% strength, I only get 12 charges and it's also not recastable. This means I have a maximum of 12 enemies shoot at me before I'm caught with my pants down and have to recast. If you don't believe me, just go to any decently sized exterminate mission or ESO and see how quickly they eat through this armour. This makes it infuriating to play with because some random enemies from across the room can do a little bit of damage to you and they'll end up taking a significant amount of charges off of your Mesmer Skin, without you even realising before it's too late. It's also not recastable so if you have 1 charge you have to deplete the ability completely by finding an enemy to shoot at you.

Suggestion for improvement: My suggestion would be to firstly make this recastable as bare minimum, and then maybe add a way to gain charges through combat or through using your abilities. As I experienced, 12 charges is too little and we need to have a lot more to make this ability worthwhile. A great suggestion that I very much agree with would be Brozime's suggestion to make it work like Inaros' Negation Swarm Augment, where it uses a charge and you have x amount of seconds of invulnerability to damage before the next charge can be used. This would not only give you a rough estimate of how long your ability is going to last, but it wouldn't allow enemies to simply just eat your entire Mesmer Skin away within seconds. I highly suggest watching Brozime's Revenant Feedback video if you haven't, he provides a lot of good points that could make Revenant a lot better.

Reave: I like this ability, but as I said the visuals need some updating. The ability also costs way too much, definitely needs to be toned down a little bit in terms of energy cost. This is my only actual complaint about the ability. Other good suggestions would be allowing us to move horizontally during dash phase, but otherwise it's OK as I see it - it does its job, it just needs to cost a little less.

Danse Macabre: This is his best ability and also my favourite, it just sells the character for me. I would hate to see this nerfed, as some people were complaining it should be, because it isn't as broken as it seems - if I wanted to nuke the entire map this isn't the ability I would go for, but rather Mesa's Peacemaker and Equinox's Maim or even Saryn's spores, but definitely not this. It's a good ability, does what it needs to well and at higher levels the fact that the damage of the beams scales with incoming damage is great, but sadly can't be utilised much because your Masmer Skin doesn't protect you during your Danse that much and once Masmer Skin runs out, you're toast. Sure, you can get out, recast, then get back in, but it's an inconvenient delay and quite annoying to have to repeat ever few seconds.

Suggestion for improvement: Not many, it's a good ability. At least if possible allow us to hit enemies that are slightly above us to help fix elevation issues. Otherwise, the ability is good and would only get even better if Mesmer Skin was better and would protect properly.

Overall: Revenant is a fun and potentially powerful frame, just needs a bit more work to get there, mainly his Mesmer Skin if not anything else. He seriously needs some better protection during combat.

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For me, after playing it all week end long, the only issue is that he is supposed to be a Support-Tank, that create drops of overshield, but the mechanic is way too hard to achieve, because :

- Cannot kill Thralls with Danse Macabre (for overshield) as the Thralls will die before, by friendly fire

- Cannot Enthrall anything while using Danse Macabre


So i'd suggest :

We should be able to Cast Enthrall while using Danse Macabre


Another enthralling ability (either Mesmer Skin, either Reave, or maybe a well placed Reave on stunned target by Mesmer Skin, which could be a combo playable in Danse Macabre)


Thralls always drop overshield. <> Killing Thrall by Danse macabre drop a pillar of light.



Pick one. Balanced.

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Cast times are pretty clunky.  invulnerability strong, but very vulnerable when charges run out. huge, but inconsistent damage on 4; although no interaction = boring)
MACRO solutions:

- add synergy loop with ways to add counters to mesmer skin
- QOL decrease cast times ( eliminate/minimize on Reave)
- aim radius mechanic on danse macabre


feedback and solutions

1. Passive
- range is too small, only way to reproc is to enthrall>danse.  but the setup time is too long for the payoff.
- overshields are really weak

- decrease cast time on mesmer stunned enemies

1. Enthrall
- overshield pickup super weak. 
- long cast time

- decrease cast time on mesmer stunned enemies


2. Mesmer Skin
- low charge count + slow recast time.  same problem as rhino skin

- increase charge count
- create synergy with other abilities in order to add to charge count. ( ie: slain enthralled grant 3 charges, 


3. Reave
- huge cast time makes it too slow to use this reactively to enemy attacks. 
- can still be hit while in cloudform

-  make cast time instant ( room for skill play >> satisfaction at dodging huge damage)
- large damage reduction in cloudform 
-  hits on enthralled add to mesmer skin charge count


4. Danse Macabre
- Almost no interaction = boring
- hitboxes are odd; aiming with a slow rotation rate = basically RNG
- Shields are super weak.  PLUS overshield amount is too low.  only useful to reproc passive.  IF passive range is greatly increased, this mechanic would work fine as a survivability thing.

- allow aiming of the radius of lasers ( prob a sizable amount of work, but would be more satisfying to be able to have some control over the hitboxes through aim)
- increase dat ovashield #


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Welp I haven't played him yet but I already see a HUGE amount of similar complaints, SO.., like everyone, I suggest...

1. Enthrall: See as everyone tunnel visions on enemies and allies alike... Why not have enemies affected by enthrall get stunned, opening them to finishers(kinda op? Ask inaros) and when killed they become ethereal specters. And those ENTRALLED Specters (Ehh? Ehh?? See what I did there? No.. Okay...) do what they do, upon death leaves pillars of energy; either death by timer or Reave or Danse Macabre, and whatever else they do.

2. Mesmer skin: why not recast-able? why not let it have a synergy with Reave or laser death spin? killing thralls replenish charges.

3. Reave: Why is there a 2d wall of cloud? why can't we dash like the vomvalyst? becoming a being of ether and dash into all! AHAHAHAHA!!

4. Danse Macabre: As fun as it is to try and say it... I just hate ballerina mode. 

Overall... Can't wait to play it! Still farming the neuroptics... 50th run here we go!

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1 hour ago, Thaylien said:

Killing Thralls generates bonus effects, Mesmer Skin allows him to ignore the damage taken while still converting it into bonus output damage, Reeve can be cast while 4 is active to catch move faster and regenerate health/shields while using it. It literally has synergy with all three.

Killing thralls generates little bonus damage and there aren't enough thralls at one time to even do any noticeable damage. His 4th ability drains so much energy casting reeve is kneecapping yourself especially when that buggy ability only work 10 percent of the time. That's not synergy Nidus is synergy revenant is a mess. 

1 hour ago, Thaylien said:

Enthralled victims are supposed to die because the light pillar is the main damage source of the ability when they do.

This is also so that you can just kill them to end a Defense round.

Again you may have only scanned through my post thralls die TOO fast to make any noticeable use for any of them not only this but if there's a nidus or nuke frame then you might as well not use your first ability. 

1 hour ago, Thaylien said:

Why though? There is no reason for it to work like that, and would likely be too powerful like that because of it's actual design. Sure you could buff it by having it negate Status Damage over Time ticks, which also take away charges, but it's not supposed to be used for pure defense. Mesmer Skin is supposed to be for getting free casts of Enthrall.

Again you didn't read the post correctly I said it should worth MORE like iron skin not just be iron skin. In other words it should have a damage percentage and not a hit counter.

Also what do you mean actually better out more functional? You think summoning the ability of an eidolon is not better than a twirling light show with a borrowed animation? Plus color changing damage works excellent on Chroma. 

1 hour ago, Thaylien said:

And, once more, why? This has no use for anyone playing solo, which was why Vauban's passive was changed, because it gave him no benefit when playing solo, it would be too powerful if you allowed it to affect Revenent too (because every time your shields recharge, like from the Sentinel Precept, you could just grab another 50 Energy with self-damage) and on top of that you're literally removing one of his CC options that buys you time when your Mesmer Skin ends.

I just...

There isn't any reason for any of this. If you haven't played him enough to actually get the point of these abilities and how they're designed to work together, then fine, but that's no reason to go posting complete alternative takes on the frame.

I've played him enough and put 3 forma into him so far just because someone posts alternatives to his ability sets that YOU don't agree with doesn't give you the right to call then inexperienced as far as his passive goes it's such short range it doesn't even matter when you're being shot at my a horde of enemies. Although I will admit my alternative for this isn't that well thought out anything is better than the one we have now. 



1 hour ago, Thaylien said:

Again, why? Nothing you've suggested is actually better, or more functional, or even really has a point to it (like the colour changing, it's bad enough on Chroma).

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il y a 24 minutes, DaMasque a dit :

...and when killed they become ethereal specters. And those ENTRALLED Specters (Ehh? Ehh?? See what I did there? No.. Okay...) do what they do, upon death leaves pillars of energy...

4-10 thralls maximum and an unlimited army of duration based specters (concidered as thralls for the ability synergy to work), fits the theme, solves his cap problem.

Maybe the pillar will appear upon the thrall's death not the specter's to make it more reliable

Awesome idea DaMasque!

Edited by Zedzee_true
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5 hours ago, kyori said:

Danse Macabre in the Abilities tab read ‘radius 0.1m’... so that means it reached less than 1m? lol

that sure was a mistake in the description since the beams actually reach 55 meter - funny enough, range increasing mods seem to not increasing it any further (not that it would need no go more than that).

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I feel that his Mesmer Skin is incredibly weak. He dies from a single bombard shot at lv 80+ or so. It should be way closer to Iron Skin than wet tissue paper IMO. Its sentient energy for God's sake.

His 4th I feel is lacking in terms of power output AND range for the massive energy consumption it costs. I got it to 6.12 Energy per Second WITHOUT firing or forma and it just doesn't scale to endgame levels hardly at all. Past level 80 in a sortie and your SOL in terms of damage considering Mesmer Skin stops protecting you quickly.

Thralls feel really dumb. They sometimes take FOREVER to engage your enemies. One time a few just... kinda sat there looking stupid for well over 30 seconds. While being surrounded by enemies firing at them.

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I'm throwing in my hat into the "boost minion cap" thing. Maybe a larger number will help actually lug some damage into the fray. Right now I'm just using it to defer being the target while I do the killing. Which, in and of itself, isn't necessarily bad... but it makes for a feel bad kind of stun. With no finisher.


I'm more bothered by the new passive idea. I was looking forward to a the semi vampiric lord thing. Now... I'm kinda built to knock things off their feet? Just before I die? 


And last I have stronger feelings on is his 3. The idea is solid, but a charged up directional dash or a toggled ethereal mist(think Wukong, but less fly-y) that deals added damage the faster you are moving. Minuscule damage for crouch, mild damage for walk, average damage for regular sprint, bonus hurt for modding for sprint speed or piggy backing off of Volt.

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Functionally Revenant's 3 & 4 are amazing together - when you have the energy. Aside from redoing the vfx on reave I wouldn't change anything, enthrall isn't to my taste though and mesmer skin isn't too good as a defensive ability unfortunately. Overall I'd say its an enjoyable frame.

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My take:

His passive is ok-ish.  It doesn't make sense though when his reap is supposed to give you overshields and you skin is supposed to stop basically everything.  Why would you want to let you shields drop?  If you're in a crowd, it can give you a small window to recast your skin, but it seems an unreliable crutch.

1st skill is worthless given how slow it is to apply and how limited it is.  Long cast, expensive (without the skin synergy that is), and a max thrall cap that's way too low.  The cc effect is negligible compared to an aoe radiation gun such as the new phantasma or maybe the arca plasmor.  If you rely on only a single cast to reach max thralls (a whopping 4), you could be waiting 10 or more seconds assuming the thrall survives that long.  The damage from the effect is also garbage, including the lights they leave behind on death.  Having enemies attack each other has never been worthwhile damage given the disparity between armor and damage scaling.  The ground effect is functionally exactly like oberon's hallowed reckoning - a universally shunned augment.  If anything is to change, there needs to be a much higher cap on thralls, they need to do boosted damage, and the little light effects need to stick around longer, deal scaling damage based on enemy ehp, and be larger.  Building around his 1 needs to be a valid alternative to his 4.

The mesmer skin is alright.  There are times when damage penetrates the shield, times when it doesn't, and nothing to indicate why.  The visual for the skin is a little too subtle.  There's no visual indicator of the charges remaining, and it's possible to run out without even noticing the smoke effect fading away.  It also has an absurdly long cast time.

The reap or whatever it's called is really bad.  The effects look awful.  The energy cost is really high.  The cast time is really long.  The movement is totally uncontrollable.  It's a total copy pasta of Hydroid's tidal surge, including all of its problems (like running into a wall for a full second).  I would prefer a duration-based, fast-moving cloud walker (from wukong) that remains stuck on the ground (no jumping, but castable in the air, able to be cancelled early with weapon attacks).  The healing and damage it does seems totally negligible given that there are only a max of 4 thralls, and they're likely already dead.

Danse macabre is a really boring ability.  It's really strong.  But it's really boring.  It's world on fire, without the mobility or the synergy with accelerant or certain melee weapons.  It's the old bladestorm, except you get light-induced seizures instead of motion sickness.  The effect looks absolutely ridiculous.  I kinda thought you guys were joking when you first demo'd it.  I was expecting the laser show to come from the floating ball that the eidolons launch into the air, not from his arm while he does who knows what with his whole body.  If he launched a laser light ball that followed him (like mirage's prism, but following like a sentinel), then he could do other things while the damage is going out (such as make new thralls to kill to create more light spots and thus do more damage).  Instead, we got "this is my life now."

Overall he's really boring.  3/4th of his kit doesn't work like it's supposed to.  1/4th is overpowered but boring.  All of his abilities have casting times that are far too long.  Most of his kit doesn't work at all when murderous allies are around (basically always).

Edited by Guest
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To start, I think Revenant is quite fun so far. Maybe making his 1 an AOE at a much larger energy cost would make it better as only 4 enemies under his control does next to nothing, although I do like the little damage spot in generates. His second has too long of a cast time, even adding a natural talent to reduce that time doesn't help too much and it eats up a very needed mod slot. On that note, the ability is great, but its not enough in higher level missions. I find myself recasting it much more often than I should. Because of its cast time, and how little it actually seems to do, I never use his third ability. No complaints on the fourth though! Love that one. His passive is kind of lackluster though. Since if his second ability is working well enough, in theory, his shields should never go down in the first place.
As for the quest... Can that be made replayable? From what I hear, I suppose mine broke completely? I still finished it and got the blueprint, but from what I heard from others there was supposed to be more dialogue and it wasn't supposed to be done all in one run into the plains. And adding his parts to the drop tables for bounties is... Not fun at all. Too much RNG and almost never getting one. I'd suggest the idea of also putting them up for purchase from the Quills once at max rank and Gara with Konzu or that the bare minimum making them drop more often as a bronze drop rather than the silvers that are almost never gotten. 

Edited by MaledictusNix
Forgot to mention his passive ability.
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Revenant is not horrendously OP, his ultimate is fun, dish a nice amount of damage on low to mid level ennemies, but that's not "OP" as people say.

At the same level, take a dps frame like Saryn, Volt, Equinox and not only they deal more damages (or even, on a single target) but on a larger zone while staying mobile. I spent the whole weekend playing with Revenant, and even with builds with max strength/efficiency to spin forever I get easily outdps by specialised frames, and the terrain layout make it more usefull to use as a turn on/off when needed.

Add to that his 1 is really wonky due to the limit of 4 thralls (and yeah, 4 isn't a horde 😕 ), his 2 is ok, but seeing how the game work can be depleted in a second, and while his 3 could be really nice, I find the cast time making it less usefull when you're in a pinch and need a quick dash to get back on tracks. The energy use is ok tho, as we're not here to spam as crazy.

That leave us with the Danse Macabre (and thanks for the french name by the way, it's really fun to listen to people trying to pronounce it), a nice damage ability, fun to use at start especially with some background music (Dead or Alive "you spin me round" is wonderfull with him), doing the job while not being broken. I did not had time to test it fully yet, but his 4 can also synergise nicely with other frames, and so far I find him great as a tanky frame jumping in the frontline (if we could make more thralls he would even more fit that role).


People should stop listening to youtubers nonsens spitting on every new frames because they are bad/op... Revenant needs some tiny tweaks to proudly join the lineup.

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