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*UPDATED* DE Steve tweet: Melee incremental upgrade phase #1. Melee Rework. New Fx and Melee 2.9 Dev Workshop Friday.


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3 hours ago, BornWithTeeth said:

They might just also keep the alternate weapon switch controls, which by default on PC is the F key I think?

When I read the tweet I was under no impression that the F key was going anywhere, it's the "switch guns" button I mentioned. My question is, when you press E to switch to melee, then press F to go back to guns, which gun will it go back to?

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4 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

When I read the tweet I was under no impression that the F key was going anywhere, it's the "switch guns" button I mentioned. My question is, when you press E to switch to melee, then press F to go back to guns, which gun will it go back to?

Oh, Steve clarified that, the game will return you to whatever gun you most recently fired before switching to melee.


This part of the system actually sounds great.


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9 hours ago, BornWithTeeth said:



Oh Steve. 


You were doing so well.


Channeling is not useless, it’s tied irrevocably to some of the strongest melee sustain builds in the game, and what I smell now is that Life Strike is toast. I have the worrying feeling that if you said to Steve “Hey, what’s gonna happen to Life Strike?” his first response might just be “Life Strike? What’s Life Stri-oh! Right, yeah, Life Strike.”

I’ll reserve judgement but channeling is something Ive seen used OVER and OVER and those who use this method of Melee LOVE IT.  

In fact, I see teaching moments where mid-level players learn methods that outperform more advanced players.

My daughter, with her Nyx Prime and a non-Riven polearm is such a Player.

But removing channeling seems like a staple part of Melee is being removed because not every player uses it...I can’t see how it won’t diminish Melee choice.

Isn’t channeling about the continuous flow of super-charged Warframe energy into your Warframe to make a relentless combo-crit-status-stack multiplier monster?

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
The whole point of channeling...
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I definitely love the concept of being able to fluently switch in-and-out of Melee mode to Gun mode, could be really fun. It could also make certain weapons and stances that I'm not really a complete fan on (I'm looking at you Gaia's Tragedy), so I am pretty optimistic about it. 

My main worry is how the combo system will eventually change, since it will probably effect certain Warframes who rely on it. Not saying it would automatically make them useless, but I hope it doesn't make them less effective than before. 

Edited by Scruffel
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Eh. Not looking forward to this at all, really, but it's also not a big deal. Just going to have to get used to whatever the other channeling keybind is. this is probably more exciting news to people who actually like the melee in this game at all and actually want to use the combos.

but if this is really going to be "instant", swapping between primary and secondary not being as fast is going to feel pretty odd.

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Sounds like a potential nightmare with Glaives and Gunblades losing ADS after a throw/shot. I kind of need ADS to aim due to the mouse sensitivity difference so it would be a pretty harsh deal breaker for me if I have to throw away a shot or hit an extra button just to get back my ability to hit distant targets.

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9 minutes ago, RX-3DR said:

Sounds like a potential nightmare with Glaives and Gunblades losing ADS after a throw/shot. I kind of need ADS to aim due to the mouse sensitivity difference so it would be a pretty harsh deal breaker for me if I have to throw away a shot or hit an extra button just to get back my ability to hit distant targets.

Not sure about the gunblades, but I don't think it would be much problem with the Glaives, considering the dual-wield mode. Unless that part also change drastically.

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2 minutes ago, Gamma745 said:

Not sure about the gunblades, but I don't think it would be much problem with the Glaives, considering the dual-wield mode. Unless that part also change drastically.

With primaries and Akimbo, they function the same as Gunblades which is kind of the potential sore spot. The current system allows you to ADS with your gun and then hold melee to charge and throw/fire your melee. You lose the ADS for the brief moment while charging but you immediately go back to ADS after that animation. If this new concept is blanket applied to all instances of melee attacks, it potentially adds an extra step between aiming, charged attack and going back to aiming again.

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1 minute ago, RX-3DR said:

With primaries and Akimbo, they function the same as Gunblades which is kind of the potential sore spot. The current system allows you to ADS with your gun and then hold melee to charge and throw/fire your melee. You lose the ADS for the brief moment while charging but you immediately go back to ADS after that animation. If this new concept is blanket applied to all instances of melee attacks, it potentially adds an extra step between aiming, charged attack and going back to aiming again.

Have to agree there. Unfortunately though, it sounds like it would go like that. Maybe Glaive and Gunblade users will need to practice aiming with the melee weapon instead?

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15 hours ago, LinXiaoWong said:

If the chanelling using a different " energy " which regenerate itself " you rest " is a much better option because you can use it without fear to deplete your normal energy.

Yes!!! I like this so much! Make an energy pool that is used ONLY for this and nothing else, that way we wont hesitate as much to use it.

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It sounds interesting and even decent on paper, but its hard for me to fully visualize it. I hope we get to see more demos of it soon.

I mostly just want a more seamless transition between melee and guns. I'd love if more weapons work like the Glaive where I can keep my secondary in one hand and my melee in the other, so I can cut things up with my melee weapon and immediately follow up with a few shots from my secondary without even having to swap. Otherwise, I often just stay in one mode and rarely swap. If I'm in melee and there is an enemy in the distance, it often feels like I can bulletjump over and whack them with my sword faster than simply swapping to my gun. I know there are weapon swap mods to make this transition feel faster, but I hope they just implement faster weapon swapping and smoother melee/gun combos into the game itself.

Edited by IntheCoconut
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I’m afraid that Melee rework will have opposite effect, like in most Frame’s reworks, not more but less players will use it. My issues:

1. No quick Melee, no profit from Syndicates primaries and secondaries or their Augments

2. No Channeling or without Energy cost, no more “Sacrifice Energy for more Survivablity” with Rage and/or HA

3. Combo: where should I build it? Except I play Solo or become Rambo in PuG, because everything dies quicker by Abilities or Arca Plasmors before I can build it and I will not speak about Fortuna or PoE. Should I run unmodded Melee to hit Combo faster or strong Melee and waiting for Combo for ages?

Edited by (PS4)Onder6099
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1 hour ago, (PS4)Onder6099 said:

2. No Channeling or without Energy cost, no more “Sacrifice Energy for more Survivablity” with Rage and/or HA

At this '2.5' level, channeling is currently still around. Might not stay that way, but let's take things one step at a time and not get mad at things that aren't finalised yet.

1 hour ago, (PS4)Onder6099 said:

3. Combo: where should I build it? Except I play Solo or become Rambo in PuG, because everything dies quicker by Abilities or Arca Plasmors before I can build it and I will not speak about Fortuna or PoE. Should I run unmodded Melee to hit Combo faster or strong Melee and waiting for Combo for ages?

That's pretty much still a problem right now, unless you count the super-long-range kill forcefields that aren't really in the spirit of melee to begin with. I'm not really sure if or how 3.0 will fix this, outside of the suggestion that blocking will count for combo and the faster rate of getting it - neither of which are coming in this version.

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26 minutes ago, MacKerris said:

We'll have to see, but it sounds more like a change for change's sake than an improvement. It also sounds rather clunky, something this game does not need.

Well, from what he called it and from what we know of 3.0, it seems that this is a prep update for the full 3.0. Hence why I've nicknamed it 'melee 2.5'

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Steve Sinclair:


Melee incremental upgrade phase #1: Attack-Is-Instant-Switching
-Tap quick melee, you melee attack yet remain in melee state (no more hold)
-Channeling moves off fire, because...
-Tap fire, you shoot gun, you're back to it
-Back and forth interplay joy with less "state"


When you tap melee we will remember which weapon you had equip, you won't have to cycle

Is it safe to assume a transition from Primary to a Secondary + Glaive/Single-handed Melee combo (via quick melee tap) resets the "remembered" weapon to the Secondary?




Edited by MasterBurik
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