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Empyrean - a winner or failure...?


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3 minutes ago, Aadi880 said:

Crewships have a less aggro range than Fighters. Fighters will be attracted to you more than any other enemy. To deal with fighters, stay in your railjack, and reverse fly. Let them come to you as you reverse (they are faster, and more agile that you.) They will be coming at you in a straight line, so you don't need to worry about leading shots. take out all of them. reversing gives a bigger window of attack as they will be spending more time trying to reach you than doing evasive manuvers or attacking. 2 fighters would have reached you and the other 3 will be taken out before hand. You can deal with those 2 easily.

Interesting, I had some success with a different strategy. Jump out of the railjack as soon as possible and defend in archwing. If there's a nearby asteroid to park the railjack behind to give it some cover, that's a nice bonus. Backpedaling to kite enemies is very old-school, I don't think I've seen a game where that worked in ten, fifteen years.

4 minutes ago, Aadi880 said:

Crewships are different. If you leave them alone, they'll leave you alone (ie by going far away.). They are also very slow, so not hard to get out of their aggro range. Once you get far enough, take out archwing and the rush to it, get inside it, and destroy the reactor, and then immediately leave for your railjack. Personally, I use Odonata because of the shield.

Repeat for each crewship spawn. A crewships is always accompanied by fighters, so you need to take out the fighters first, then the crewship.

NEVER GO FOR THE CREWSHIP BEFORE THE FIGHTERS. The fighters will swarm your railjack until nothing remains. Remain far away from the crew ship and draw the fighters away from it. Further you are, the better.

This method works because the removes the possibilities of boarding parties, keeping you in the pilot seat and control, (no idle time). Crewship cannot deploy parties to board until its close enough.

I have a somewhat different experience. In my missions the crewships would slowly make their way over to me rather than staying far away. Which is a problem, because the game keeps spawning more and more fighters that I need to take care of, so I don't have time to go over and get the crewship before it's in danger range. In the time it took me to jump into the crewship, blow up the reactor, and get out again, the game spawned a bunch of fighters and took my railjack down to half health. And I'm talking like fifteen seconds, no opening boxes, no scanning the new enemies, in and out as quickly as possible.

Thanks for the tips, though. I'l try them out, see how well they work.

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24 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

Steam charts mean nothing, no everyone plays WF on steam, besides, it can tank all it wants, only to back down, where it belongs.

If you pay attention to Twitch as well, you'll see D2 is much higher then WF, IIRC

Well we have to use something to measure the "success" of the content.

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Its just utter failure!

i did 2 missions, i spent more time looting than doing anything else. You have no clue what you have to do in missions, as a spacial "simulation" (if you can call it like that) its a bad joke. I only see it as a mean to revive archwing,but so far the missions are not beeter than the archwing ones. And at last you upgrade a ship which has not point as you can use the one of someone else.

TO resume you have a complete crap spacial simuation and archwing missions, which were what the poeple wanted obviously (look at the archwing mission who existed, its obvious they were very poppular 😛 )

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16 minutes ago, SordidDreams said:

Interesting, I had some success with a different strategy. Jump out of the railjack as soon as possible and defend in archwing. If there's a nearby asteroid to park the railjack behind to give it some cover, that's a nice bonus. Backpedaling to kite enemies is very old-school, I don't think I've seen a game where that worked in ten, fifteen years.

That is also a valid strategy, assuming you can defend it in the vicinity of a crewship (that sh!t tanks like hell). AW can work as it certainly better as a dog fighter, but I had instances in public matches where the host would die in archwing and bug the game (there is a bug regarding that.), so I did not want to risk it on solo play.

Back-peddling worked for me in No Man's Sky, because I did not like how slowly the ship turned in that game. I'd tank a few hits in Warframe's railjack, but from my testing, 1000 shields is more than enough to handle that.

20 minutes ago, SordidDreams said:

I have a somewhat different experience. In my missions the crewships would slowly make their way over to me rather than staying far away. Which is a problem, because the game keeps spawning more and more fighters that I need to take care of, so I don't have time to go over and get the crewship before it's in danger range. In the time it took me to jump into the crewship, blow up the reactor, and get out again, the game spawned a bunch of fighters and took my railjack down to half health. And I'm talking like fifteen seconds, no opening boxes, no scanning the new enemies, in and out as quickly as possible.

Which is why I suggested back-peddling, it draws the fighters away, leaving the sluggish Crewship behind. You get a lot of distance by backpeddling (+7.5km from my experience)

Ofc, if you can handle the fighters by archwing,  be my guest, because I sure can't (it gives me a headache while looking everywhere while looking after railjack), specially given Archguns are now projectile and not hitscan

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Been having a Blast, after the first Hotfix haven't come across any gamebreaking bugs once I was in a misison.
Played with friends right after Launch Took a few tries but once everyone knew what to do went smoothly and got half of Earth done.
After they went to bed, tried Public and did just as good? You just kinda pick up a job that no one else is doing. It was a lot of fun.
Can't wait until tonight when i can really dive in.

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Buggy but fun :-P.


Has a lot of potential if they follow through on integrating it with and connecting it to the rest of the game. However, it'll fail if it remains it's own little dead end island of content.

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6 hours ago, Dr.Pepper23 said:

That said, why would it be released in such a state that feels halfbaked.. Just bc of game awards pressure and the promise before Xmas release?

They're already known for their [DE]lays , why not just delay it untill after their vacation? Sure it will still have bugs and ppl will get mad of delays but man this is terrible.

Only so much data they can get from internal testing, maybe these are bugs that only would show up when it's released on a large scale. Idk I'm just playing devil's advocate.

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The mode is so beta state and buggy you’d think Bethesda made it, but the potential is there.   Is it going to be grindy?  Of course.  It is warframe after all.  But the mode is such a frantic change of pace over watching Saryns and Mesas hit their 4 in a big room I’m enjoying it.  
I found it good that there isn’t a mad dash to pilot and doing the other roles, including engineer, feels as fun and rewarding.  
That being said, some things need to be ironed out, and spending resources to repair is in my opinion a questionable decision, but this is the base of railjack, so I’ll give them time to decorate the cake, so to speak.  I mean you can koolaid man a grineer ship!  What’s not to like?  

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As for the bugs. I'm reasonably certain that most bugs and most of DE's headaches are due to DE's net code being less than robust, because they're the kinds of bugs that are hard to reproduce, won't show up in testing in a nice environment, and are down to the interaction of their software with stuff happenining in real time, on real hardware, on multiple devices across a network, not just a couple of lines of code.

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I am on PS4. Devs said it is buggy. It is free. It does not compromise anything already existing in the game (as far as I know). This is more like beta testing. I think stand alone components, in a F2P are okay to be released with issues. Alternatively, it might take 2-3 month to be released, and will still have issues, due to lack of player testing. And if you think it is buggy/broken you do not have to play.

Edited by (PS4)thegarada
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Pretty much no one expected it to drop last night and not everyone bothers to watch a game awards ceremony. Wait for the weekend before you make judgments. By Saturday word will have gotten around and people will have figured out how to not die horribly while playing Railjack.

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On 2019-12-13 at 3:35 AM, lennieplop60 said:

Pretty sure it's normal for DE to release buggy, broken updates first and then fix them in hotfixes in the weeks after. If you'd rather not have railjack than have it be this broken, just wait for a bit until it's fixed.



Honestly this is the way the business is set up to control costs and do a legitimate stress test and involve the community.

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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1 hour ago, XaoGarrent said:

300+ open squads on the first node to 50-70~ in less than a day.


On the first node.

Y'know the one most people aren't going to go back to because it's invariably going to have the fewest rewards. Those who do are probably in solo.

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100% winner.

It is actually the most fun thing I've done in WF in the recent years. It is probably the only thing in WF that actually requires to play as a squad in different roles. Something WF lacked for too long.

I can't believe this but DE seems to have nailed everything right with Railjack, sure it needs more polish(mostly in the technical side) but the gameplay experience is unique and fun, which I think is very important. And it has a potential to expand. Which is like icing on the cake.

At first I thought the resource thing would be problematic but you can gather enough resources through out the mission if you play as a team. But again, it comes down to teamwork. Which is pretty unique in this game. 

What can I say it has been pretty fun so far.

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Just now, Loza03 said:

That I don't know. Although 50+ squads is already a great deal more than practically anywhere else in the game to my knowledge.

Also, as @MacKerris pointed out, a large chunk of people will be working.

That's terrible for a new mode.

And I guess the both of you are flat earthers, that's cool. The rest of us understand how time zones work, and that it's primetime somewhere in the world at all times.

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