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What did you think Railjack was gonna be before it came out?


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I remember Steve saying they wanted the Railjack to feel a part of the game not a totally different game mode. I thought that we would be flying from planet to planet and as you are flying to the next planet there might be a possible enemy ship encountering. I know there are many who love the RJ mission, I do think they are fun also but I am still doing other things in the game that don't give me any time to play RJ. It's not integrated at the moment, but I hope the next phase it will be just part of the game not a different game mode. But with the New War already at the possible next main update, I don't think we will be getting a merge of RJ and Warframe.

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They will tie RJ to rest of the game with Squad Link but merging both will take more time.

I'd love to go from planet to planet with my RJ or call it for Airstrike on Vallis / Plains. :D

Edited by Aeon94
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I expected it to be much worse to be honest. I thought that the ship hijacking and ground combat objectives would be scrapped (at least for the beginning), since it could be too difficult for them to manage a situation when one player is in a completely different instance while another is piloting RJ. I also expected worse (yep) bugs even for solo play - doors not opening, ship getting stuck in asteroids forever, stations (like turrets, crafting) not working, enemy boarders spawning in unreachable locations, enemy AI being all wonky, not attacking the player, crashing into each other, flying away, not spawning etc (not ocassionally, but on a regular basis).

Basically I thought that what they showed during the Tennocon is too ambitious, and had doubts that they could make it work. It seems like they can.

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2 minutes ago, Mr.Fluffins said:

I expected it to be much worse to be honest. I thought that the ship hijacking and ground combat objectives would be scrapped (at least for the beginning), since it could be too difficult for them to manage a situation when one player is in a completely different instance while another is piloting RJ. I also expected worse (yep) bugs even for solo play - doors not opening, ship getting stuck in asteroids forever, stations (like turrets, crafting) not working, enemy boarders spawning in unreachable locations, enemy AI being all wonky, not attacking the player, crashing into each other, flying away, not spawning etc (not ocassionally, but on a regular basis).

Basically I thought that what they showed during the Tennocon is too ambitious, and had doubts that they could make it work. It seems like they can.

I still don't like the fact that we can't change ship specs during mission , like boosting shields / speed / weapon damage / etc when needed like shown in Tennocon.

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1 minute ago, Aeon94 said:

I still don't like the fact that we can't change ship specs during mission , like boosting shields / speed / weapon damage / etc when needed like shown in Tennocon.

I mean we can't know without trying it first hand, but I personally agree with the reasoning Steve gave for removing this feature - it sounds cool on paper but in practice would be just an annoyance during the fast paced Warframe combat.

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As soon as they explained they were going to split Empyrean in 3 phases, I expected this 2nd phase to be just an introduction to Railjack missions & operations so we could get used to it.

I didn't expect it to be so damn buggy, but other than that got a lot more than what I would expect at this point, and was positively surprised with how much fun I got out of it so far.

I now expect phase 3 to expand on mission types, better connection to "traditional" Warframe, squad link, and the start of New War.

Finger crossed, really excited about the future :-)

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6 minutes ago, Mr.Fluffins said:

I mean we can't know without trying it first hand, but I personally agree with the reasoning Steve gave for removing this feature - it sounds cool on paper but in practice would be just an annoyance during the fast paced Warframe combat.

RJ Loadout ( only for avionics ) would work if implemented. Like being able swap your presets during mission with a cooldown instead of keep changing stats.

Edited by Aeon94
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Pretty much what eventually came out at this stage, except for the solo-friendly stuff, which ended up delayed. Bare-bones skeleton of a system, with massive room for expansion.

Question was always whether they're going to leave it like this or double down and add more meat. All indications are they will do the latter.

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I expected that they would have more than one mission with different numbers really. I also didn't really expect the rng hell of the reactor farm and thought the power of the railjack would be more akin to frames where you level it to get capacity and slot in mods.

On top of that i expected more bugs, but then again I've been playing a lot of elder scrolls online and they tend to have game breaking bugs for weeks after a big patch. At least in my experience this hasn't been the case with railjack. Sure its buggy but bugs that completely nuke missions are fairly rare as far as I've seen. The most annoying one i keep having is where i start a mission and don't get anyone joining my group until the end of said mission, if at all. Probably is caused by most people trying to bring their own ship rather than hop on  the crapshoot of joining an existing one.

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I was expecting a few bugs, and some not-so-great RNG and poor systems. I was NOT expecting the mess that we got (and still have here on console BTW.).

Railjack was obviously going to start out very basic as it's a new game mode, it's not how the mode starts but how it becomes over time that matters, and as railjack gets expanded, it should only get better. Squad link will hopefully get added and connect Warframe's regular gameplay with the Railjack System. IMO they promised a lot when they first showed railjack off, and we got only a slither of that, but it's not too late. more is coming, Railjack is still capable of becoming a great part of the Warframe Experience.

DE just need to listen to their community's concerns and take their time rather than rushing out half-baked content.

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I expected less than what we got with the current phase. For phase 3 I expect more than what we have so far but less than what they've imagined we will get... if any of that makes any sense.

For the phase 2 releases I did not expect 3 different "zones" nor did I expect 3 tiers of gear drops. I expected maybe 1 proxima and 1 tier of droppable gear and 1 tier of dojo gear. For phase 3 I expect squadlink, possibly npc crew + next intrinsic, a proxima with corpus (Venus) that also maybe includes grineer, liches tied to RJ, more mission types and not just skirmish plus maybe some other things.

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4 hours ago, Aeon94 said:

I still don't like the fact that we can't change ship specs during mission , like boosting shields / speed / weapon damage / etc when needed like shown in Tennocon.

*Ship is being bombarded from all side*

Gunner: Too many flying around, make them fly to us in a line!

Engineer: Out of Goo!

Pilot: Ok, getting out, we need a breather.

Cy: Engines Offline.

Gunner, Engineer, Pilot: ...

4th Squadmate:



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Similar to what we got in some ways.

I was pretty much expecting it to be similar to regular missions, but with more factors. And in that respect I was right. I held no expectations for the progression systems, or anything like that, because predictions for those are impossible.


I will admit, I was expecting there to be more mission types, but that at least is relatively easy to fix - at least compared to regular gameplay, which already has most of the bases covered, and thus not only needs to create all the new assets, voices and what have you, but also figure out how to make something actually novel. Railjack hasn't got a Point defense, a multiple-point defense, a more dedicated Sabotage-style mission (being the main objective rather than a side objective) and there's obviously the fact that DE has more wiggle room to add variants due simply to the fact that there's three gameplay types all interacting instead of one, letting DE make numerous, significantly different versions of the same basic structure.

For example, with Sabotage, one variant could be amission that's more like a chain of side-objectivse with fewer overall fighters, instead needing to juggle numerous points of interest and their various threats. Another could emphasise Archwing, with the sabotage objective being at the end of a trench run that's too small for the Railjack to get through. Another still could de-emphasise the Railjack with a force-field or AA cover that renders it useless, forcing a combined-arms operation taking out numerous ground sections using Archwing as the main vehicle against huge swarms of Archwing-scale enemies like Dargyns and Ogmas, before opening a path for your 'jack and plowing through the now-outmatched enemy forces to the final core. Same basic mission structure 'go to points A, B, and C and blow them up. Enemies will try to stop you' but the actual moment-to-moment gameplay can be vastly different.

Basically, the reason why Halo has Vehicle sections.

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A promising tech demo.


Expectations were pretty well met, of course I would have preferred it to be better though. I also believe that with the feedback of the community DE will be able to make Railjack great faster than they could have if they kept it internal.

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I honestly had no idea because the last time I saw it was that Tennocon a hundred years ago, and I don't watch the Devstreams, Prime Times, or any of that stuff with any regularity. I had a vague memory of being able to shoot over to a ship and blow up a reactor and I'd seen a Twitter post about Steve messing with how the ship could "dodge" boost.

To be honest, I genuinely thought it was going to be abandoned pre-launch as inappropriate for Warframe / better for maybe a future IP. 


Edited by Ham_Grenabe
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