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Primed Chamber's Return


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il y a 1 minute, (XB1)The Neko Otaku a dit :

So for the few people who are mad that primed chamber isn't exclusive anymore please try to provide proof that it was intended to be exclusive cause if there's no proff of that it falls under the same category of event rewards, it will come back on way or another. So far the only exclusive things in warframe are platform cosmetics, event sigils and emblems and founders pack.

event sigil and emblems are not exclusif 

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I do so love how history continues to repeat itself even when DE themselves tell people things like this will happen or at least the possibility isn't out of the question.

IIRC they made it clear since it's release that it would be available again in some form and since the initial release it's been used repeatedly as a competition reward and devstream/primetime raffle reward. Never did they confirm it being solely a reward from these means.

But also we've seen this exact thing happen repeatedly with rare items and especially with Rivens.

With farming everything has become easier with time either from powercreep, new mechanics that (in)directly make things easier, or things just being streamlined. Just look at the arcane trade from pre and post Trials. While Rivens were designed from the start to have their stats change dynamically and even if they took their sweet time implementing that system by the time they did start doing it regularly people still got upset and surprised that they did exactly what they said they would do.


Seriously if anyone ever dumps an insane amount of cash into the game on something so trivial as a single mod it should be expected for the value to tank eventually. Anyone who ever thinks otherwise is delusional.

Edited by trst
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7 hours ago, DrytheSA said:

Can Warframe 'veterans' stop trying to gatekeep pointless things in a video game from others?? Like, I'm sure you have something more important in your life you can focus on rather than this.

This. One thing that worries me a lot in this game is that mentality. I believe games with such hostile attitude regarding new players find their end sooner than later.


Well it can be paired with a riven with neg mag capacity and Depleted Reload for best results on certain Sniping Rifles, but I don't think there's content for so much damage yet.

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3 minutes ago, NigglesAU said:

How many have the ducats?

Interesting question. I had about 1,500 ducats already, and enough prime parts to get past 3,000 ducats without trouble. I bought the Quanta and Veritux, since I didn't have 'em yet, and decided to save the rest and see what he brings next time. 

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36 minutes ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

So what you're saying is that DE always does what they say they will do.

no but the founders packs actually said "exclusive to the founders program" on all the stuff in them... so rereleasing them would actually be illigal... so im pretty sure they will stay exclusive...

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I don't get why people are freaking out about this. This was some event/contest reward, and these days a pretty niche mod which was never meant to be some thousand dollar rare economy item. 

If you lost money off this thing being reintroduced, then you failed to understand the market and probably earned those losses.

Edited by GeneralKaiga
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With the sole exception of Founder's gear (and potentially some minor cosmetics for competitive events), the days of exclusivity in Warframe are dead in the water.

It was clear the second Snipetron Vandal returned, and certainly more recently with the return of the Braton and Lato Vandals.

Primed Chamber was always slated to be coming back, but it was never promised that it would return in the same, nor even in a similar manner to the way that it was introduced. It's not DE's fault that players decided to ridiculously inflate its value over the years, with some really impatient folk deciding to throw thousands of dollars in plat at the silly thing. I never really cared about Primed Chamber one way or the other, and now that I have it it's already gathered a thin layer of dust in my inventory. Kudos to the players who obtained the mod back in the day, and a prompt lmao to any outraged players who purchased it for whatever ludicrous sum it wound up going for in more recent years despite being told it would eventually return.

Bottom Line:
- DE does not give one ****ing iota about the value of gear in the player-driven market and will likely not tailor gear re-introductions to meet those standards. Learn this.
- Anything that even remotely resembles potentially being exclusive (which it won't be, guaranteed) has about a 99.9% chance of lazily returning with an attached ducat value in the near future. Learn this.
- Unrelated, but worth mentioning so long as we're discussing essential lessons from DE. Rivens are going to be changing periodically. It's time for everyone to stop getting mad, because at this stage you've been slapped in the face multiple times with the hard evidence that it is going to continue. The fact that many players still appear to be flustered every time this occurs would suggest that a significant portion of the player demographic may have issues with short term memory retention. Learn this.

Edited by Kiryuin-Satsuki
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8 hours ago, Voltage said:

 I cannot help but give objective feedback that this does not respect the former rarity and aquisition for years.


I'm positive by now someone else has stated this, but DE has said many, many, many times that event items were never going to be exclusive, and that includes Primed Chamber. I was here when the mod was first released and even THEN, they stated that at some point it would come back. The absolute, only things that will forever be exclusive is Excal Prime and Lato Prime (And anything else that came in that pack, can't remember off the top of my head).

They even posted this on Twitter just to remind you all. Note the date: July 19, 2013



All that said (And again, I'm sure someone else stated this part already too), Primed Chamber's usefulness is negligible at best, especially currently. Its best suited for Vectis, which is nowhere near the best sniper rifle even with primed chamber equipped. You're much, much better off using a riven anyway (or a better sniper rifle).


3 minutes ago, xcrimsonlegendx said:

I was going to grind to get it, simply for the fact I may never get another chance at it but honestly I'd rather buy other things with my ducats and enjoy my weekend instead of slogging though a hundred relics to get a mod I'll never use.

I bought it and instantly sold it. That's really all it's useful for at this point in time unless you're a collector or you for some reason REALLY love Vectis (In which case, you're better off looking for a riven).

Edited by SoulEchelon
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Well, I had 1500 ducats from spare parts and this afternoon I farmed the other 1500. I had to do this, as this was the first Baro in months that didn't bring primed disappointment (at least not for me).

As for those that bought it for absurd values, it's open market capitalism at its finest: you bet it would be valuable but was wrong. Converting ducats-> prime junk -> platinum, it would be rated at 500~800p (considering average junk value of ~20ducats for 4p each). Prices are going to drop because now we have a platinum value base for it, it is not limited to a few units available in the whole game, and we can expect it to return soon (tennocon relay and other rotations).

The only thing I'm glad it's that they released it in consoles together, so they wouldn't get some weeks of free farming for the ducats. Fair game to everyone.

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10 minutes ago, xcrimsonlegendx said:

I was going to grind to get it, simply for the fact I may never get another chance at it but honestly I'd rather buy other things with my ducats and enjoy my weekend instead of slogging though a hundred relics to get a mod I'll never use.

Three thousand ducats would probably get you your choice buys from the next three baro visits. This mod has been fairly replaced by rivens at this point.

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well.. there I was thinking i'd be bored this valentines' day.. I couldn't have been more wrong!

when I saw the mod at Baro's I thought I was seeing things, then when I realized what it was, i think I laughed manically for a good 5 minutes straight, knowing the consequences of what DE just did. I then went to the Ducat kiosk to see how much of my entire prime stock I'd have to sell, turns out I had more ducats on me than I thought and it took less than a quarter of my prime inventory to afford the mod. 

I bought it for the memes mainly, and just to say I own one now. My Vectis Prime is covered in dust, but I tweaked the build to use Depleted Reload and Primed Chamber. yet to try it to see if it's worthwhile, and it's most likely not but that's fine. not like I paid thousands in real money for this... but some poor shmucks did, and now they must feel like someone took a sledgehammer to their genitals.

I'm curious who it was specifically that gave this the green light. my money's on Steve or Sheldon personally. either way this whole thing is hilarious IMO.




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