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What was actually good in Warframe in 2020?


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Much better year compared to 2019.

Deadlock Protocol was good. Probably one of my favorite updates. Corpus Ship Tilesets are absolutely perfect in my opinion for warframe. Music is an absolute banger.

Railjack and Warframe Revised to armor scaling were pretty good updates too.

Deimos was a bit... ehh...? I kind of expected a bit more like procedural generated caves but as it turned out, the caves are always locked out unless someone does a bounty. I really wished there was more exploration for us to do.

Mechs are pretty nice though. We also had some pretty good updates to the warframe arsenel. More weapons and such and so far, almost all of them were pretty good/strong

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As someone who took a break some time ago, I enjoyed most new content. Deimos is alright, I am personally not a fan of open worlds, but it looks cool, has some nice enemies, a bit of new lore + new characters. Helminth segment is an addition that I also liked, really helped me to make some of my builds more interesting + another part of orbiter that I can level up and develop.

At first I thought that necramechs are just a silly gimmick, but I ended up enjoying them too, and I can't wait for them to be usable in Railjack and regular missions. They are simple, but just the combination of sounds and design makes them feel ... hard to explain, meaty to use I guees. They are also not too weak. Orphix venom... was ok. Obviously got a bit too grindy to get all of the unique rewards, but it was a good way to forma my Necramechs + interesting to do solo, reaching last waves took a bit of effort.

Steel path was another addition that I thought I would hate, but ended up having fun with. I guess this is due to my gear level, but the enemies felt just right (with a few outliers) - not too easy, but also not too tedious. At my current level, regular start chart missions are too easy for me to be fun, so this a nice way to freshen up the starchart missions, + the acolytes are a nice small touch. I also really like the planet decorations for the orbiter.

Deadlock protocol was a nice little quest with a cool new character. Watching Nef Anyo getting roasted was good to see. I also enjoy using Protea.

The glassmaker Nightwave seemed weak to me, I don't really like this slow investigation minigame, I feel it needs some QoL to be acceptable to me, so I didn't really progress that storyline, just got the new rewards.

Lavos is... ok. Can't say I am too big on his concept, but I know there are quite a few people who like to constantly juggle buttons for abilities. Good on DE for making something more unique with Warframes.

Overall this was a cool year for me. I am also a big fan of Railjack and the concept of the Liches, so I am excited for new Railjack missions, corpus enemies, corpus liches and improvements to the lich sytstem in the future.

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I've enjoyed quite alot of 2020's updates and additions; Deimos being the pinnacle. They really tried to make it as different as possible from the other open worlds, and it shows. Love the lore behind it and its inhabitants too, and the necramechs are a new, powerful way of playing the game.

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12 hours ago, pook-pook said:

Focused farming through tokens is something that was really used a lot this year, and I really like it. You want a thing? You go earn the tokens. Fantastic! I still don't have my second Protea for Helminth because the farm RNG has just sucked.


Oh yeah, that's a very good thing.

I personally can put up with any crazy farm if I have some kind of set distance to my goal. That in the worst case it wouldn't take me longer than that. This is how it is for me in both cases, just to compare, the criteria is.. well.. my emotions or sort of:

Pure RNG: 
1. I don't get the item for too long - frustration
2. I get the item too soon - nothing really

RNG + tokens:
1. I don't get the item for too long - I know exactly how many more times i need to farm it and continue - I see the goal and it makes the game-play meaningful, and good if I can get something else useful for those tokens (even when I repeat the same thing) - overall it feels good and rewarding
2. I get the item too soon - I am happy as I know exactly how much time it saved me.

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14 hours ago, Scar.brother.help.me said:

status changes (more good than bad),

I love seeing your positivity on the forums but I can’t just let this slide. How in the world were the status changes more good than bad? Blast and Gas were massively nerfed and rendered useless, corrosive was also nerfed, and ultimately it destroyed player choice and build diversity as viral is now the best choice in 90% of situations. The status changes need changing again, and DE has admitted this themselves and said they would be changing them, but we are still waiting on that to happen.

Other than this I give your post 2 thumbs up. Carry on now.

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Heart of Deimos was a great surprise I really enjoy it. Deadlock Protocol was also great considering it was in the format of older warframe updates that I hope DE serioisly considers doing more of again. 

With 2020 going the way it did, DE put together a great year of updates even with the fact that they had to indefinitely delay Duvri and New War Quest. 

They did a great job.

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Overall 2020 had only good releases IMO. My two dislikes out of the whole year were Xaku and Lavos. Then on the otherhand Protea was a blast and a massive powerhouse. Kinda a contrast year with a frame such as Protea released near flawless and then Xaku and Lavos being uhm well Xaku and Lavos, the dynamic disappointment duo... or quartet to be more accurate.

Still 2021 has already beat 2020 since 2021 gave us options to change toggle/hold seperately per frame, so now it doesnt matter if 2021 goes to hell, it will still be the best year.

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i actually love deimos and i'd like to see it have even more content added, maybe some boss fights like the orb mothers and teralysts

lavos is amazzzzing, steel path is great cus my best gear gets truly tested

mechs are a lot of fun too, xaku was okay lol

railjack at its core IS really fun, it just needs more than shooting crewships and fighters

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Warframe Revisited, Helminth System, Deadlock Protocol Quest, Protea. 👍

New tileset that came with Deadlock Protocol is very nice in visual and audio design but its messy to play in, Defense tile is too big, there are enemy pathing issues as well.

Deimos is ok, another open world. I don't mind that stuff, enjoy fishing and mining from time to time actually. Now, weather Deimos was a good thing will take some time to assess. It added the Necramechs and I hope they can find a good place in the game at some point, but we will just have to see. The smaller world is nice, but it could use some work visually as many find it to be exhausting or straining. I personally think there is too much harassment from annoying mobs at great distances.

Narberus was fine to bad, moving the rewards from Plague Star to this event to me is a signal that Plague Star wont be coming back, that would be a shame, narberus is a poor replacement.

Orphix Venom is similar, fine I guess. But I'm glad I dont need to farm it for Arcanes and can play it minimally to mess with Necramechs in regular missions a bit.

Steel Path... is about 27000 MR. Umbral forma every 2 months.

SP is strange to me, I enjoyed farming SE while Eximus dropped it, great kuva farm, somewhat long missions requiring some advanced builds, but in its current state the Steel Path has no real use for me and SE farming is horrible right now. Its a convoluted mess, if it was supposed to be a "Lets us get into high level content faster" then why add the armor/health/shield scaling? at that point what does the enemy represent in cases like weapon/build testing besides its effectiveness against Steel Path enemies. Maybe that's a strange point to make and that's fair I think, I just dont understand what the Steel Path is for, at all.

Glassmaker.. no.

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I personally really enjoyed getting my Railjack. While the whole content around it was released halfway-done, I'm confident that the upcoming RJ-content will be good.

Deimos was fine, and I also enjoy the new toys we received with that.


All in all, there were a lot of QoL-changes throughout 2020 which were more or less okay. 


I really like Xaku and Lavos.

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Well, helminth system brought me back playing warframe from just collecting login rewards... at least for some time.

Was also farming some arcanes during scarlet spear. Orphix venom on the other hand made it easy for me to have a break again from this game.


I have small hopes for next railjack and lich update.

But I fear that we will just get a corpus murmur farming update (like the grineer murmur we already have) and railjack will remain on its island with just a second mission type then...

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Rather than narrow it down to 1 single update, I'll do a big old mass rating of each major update I can think of

Warframe Revised- Ok this was great. Aside from the usual dumb nerfs (bramma and others) it was pretty good.
Scarlet Spear- I got mixed feelings personally. For one, it was my first operation and was insane but on the other OMG THE GRIND. Seriously it was either sit and use mesa in space or find a relay that didn't kill all the murex at once. Still was fun, till they decided to nerf specific railjack avionics and warframe abilities just cause they forgot they added them. I mean seriously? No one was using void hole in SS! And for others, such as khora no longer being able to heal defense objectives, why not make it only the oplinks? 
Deadlock Protocol- I don't care what people say about it, the quest was awesome. Protea was incredibly good and the new tilesets? Hell to the yes! I really love space/spaceships, and the new corpus ones looked awesome. 
Steel Path- I mean I was sort of eh about it. I got through it after the changes, which was painful but we'll get back to it. Still eh to it. 
Heart of Deimos- Looked cool, turned out to be boring. I mean I got through it but still was boring. And Xaku is weird. I don't know what they are really good for, or how to build them simply because it's literally 12 different roles and ideas mashed into one. Just me tho.
Night's of Naberous- Ok that was trash, let's be fair. Enough said.
Arcana- I mean same as HoD, but the Khora+SP nerf? Really DE??? I hated that. I even made a post trying to open up a discussion about it, but some stupid mod merged it into another bug post to try and hide it. GG whoever that was, I officially don't trust you anymore. 
Orphix venom- Same as SS, but a bit more fun cause of the mechs. As for Lavos? "HaHa Status Procs + pressing 4 = Numbers go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr". I love Lavos. He has an insane kit, and while people say he's got a ton of issues he deserves a whole forum page dedicated to how insane he is. 


Overall if I had to give a good/bad update, I would say good goes to Deadlock protocol, and bad goes to Nights of Naberous. 

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I liked all of the major updates this year. I felt like they did an awesome job and stayed pretty consistent as far as WF goes. 

i did hate the enemy nerf at first, but with Steel path, they made up for it. Steel Path started shaky, but the latest changes made it into a pretty good side attraction when you just want to mess around in some endgame-ish gameplay. It was a slog before, but now i can reliably get rewarded in Steel Path and the addition of the rotating shop made every steel essence i pick up feel worthwhile. 

I liked Glassed enemies and i hope they stay. I dont know why they get so much hate. i love the satisfaction i get from busting those glass weakpoints and they switch up gameplay a bit, but not too much at higher levels. NW has been well tuned for me. Easy to max standing, easy to skip what i dont want to do. 

I wasnt into Nechramechs, but i had tons of fun with them during the operation. 

Helminth wasnt a huge game-changer, but it fits into the WF ecosystem perfectly. I can switch out powers i dislike for something useful (ballistic battery and well of life were the first things i got rid of). It gave me a reason to farm and craft frames i wasnt interested in playing too. i also appreciate it being a resource sink. I'm glad its a system that isnt so OP that i feel like i HAVE to use it, but useful enough to come in handy with a few frames. 

Glaives rework has been a favorite of mine this year. Could use a litlle bit of tweaking between performing combos and throwing, but its still become one of my favorite weapon types now. 

i appreciate being able to finish all of my old arcane sets. It was practically a player buff. Not only did we all get full arcane sets, we are able to use two of them instead of doubling up on one. 

Heart of Deimos grew on me. I appreciate that it felt mostly optional (until recent event). i took my time with it. It was a cool open world with a new gimmick, and new enemies. I liked the token system too. It seemed daunting at first, but then you realize that you can max out the syndicate without ever really having to focus farm any area (because and its become the most laid back of the 3 open worlds IMO. I think DE is mastering the balance between just playing and advancing and focus farming to make things go quicker. I never HAD to fish to advance through syndicate, but of i chose to, i could progress faster. 

All in all, i though 2020 was an excellent year for Warframe with DE learning from previous years and implementing what they learned in new updates. 

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Yeah, I liked all of the updates (eventually). 

Warframe & Railjack Revised is the type of sorely needed revisiting we need more of, and for me at least all the new additions, after they stabilized, were all winners. Especially the focus on token systems to mitigate RNG outliers and help in rep farming, definitely a development I appreciate and hope we will see more of.

However, it is this 'after they stabilized'-part which needs a critical look as it detracts so much from the experience. You only get one first impression! I understand the pressure to release, but leave the pie in the oven just a bit longer, please. On the test cluster for example, which would build anticipation in the player base anyway, and do the first pass of fixes and integrating of feedback there instead of on the life servers. 

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Actually, unreservedly good?

-The music for the new corpus ship.

-A token system as a means to get rewards instead of pure gambling (mech event).

-Mechs? Maybe? Not sure on that one. Sure, they're neat to play with but balance for them is going to be horrible.

Everything else was either a resounding "meh" (steel path, the tiles for the new corpus ship tileset, new prime gear, helminth) or actively made the game worse (forced autoexposure, legions of old bugs being completely ignored, Deimos in its entirety, complete BS enemies on the new corpus ship, the reduction of status effects to viral + heat and nothing else, HOL UP GLASS INCOMING, the mech event being a buggy mess, scarlet spear being an even worse mess and hundreds of other things that I don't care to remember).

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Warframe was pretty decent during 2020. With the pandemic still raging, it was difficult for everyone, including DE, but they came through just fine. I admire that they put their own health and safety as a top priority.

Yet unfortunately, with the clearly slower pace of work due to the pandemic, most if not all of the positives of 2020, were completely overlooked by the growing toxic negativity that surfaced from the content creators. 

As tac potato said, we had already enough dealing with the pandemic, and those living in usa, with growing violence and riots, etc, to come back home and deal with more negativity, ON A VIDEOGAME. Is literally nothing more than angry and ranting content creators when you type warframe on YouTube or Google. And that is the unfortunate trend right now: be a toxic negative lord, and you become part of the cool kids club. Say anything positive, and you become their target and get put the label of white knight on top of you.

It is sad, but 2020 really showed the gaming community, how toxic the face of the warframe community is.

I would be a fool if I overlooked the clear mishaps and mistakes of DE during 2020, but in my humble opinion, it wasn't even enough to warrant this level of toxicity and negativity, shielded as "negative feedback is best feedback"

Here's hoping 2021 to be a better year, and tbh, I hope that the monthly devstreams can stay off script like they were always. A scripted devstream would be too boring to watch. The crew at DE somehow feel more lively like that, it shows that they can be all fun and memes too, while doing their job.

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