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Warframe speculation: Joe mad's werewolf


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They should have just given an explanation of what each name meant or was inspired by. I get the impression they only "explained" that name to get around, well, a potential unfortunate interpretation of it (and the fact that it's winning means I have to live with said interpretation in my head)

On the other hand, I would have voted for it if they kept the Z in Zvoruna...

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30 minutes ago, damongautama said:

 And do you think it was intentional, a way to get their preferred name while making it seem like the community chose it?

That seems like quite a stretch, since if they really wanted Voruna they could have just announced that and skipped the poll entirely.


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2 hours ago, (PSN)FunyFlyBoy said:

I picked not because of the alternate spelling, I Google searched all the other names and their meaning along with the pronunciation. Voruna was the better of the bunch in both regards. I had a runner up in one of the names, forgot which.

I likely am an outlier in my method of choosing. 

You're not alone. I and many others did exactly the same thing when it came to choosing which to vote for (went with Voruna for the same reasons).

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2 hours ago, damongautama said:

Our brains are designed to notice novelty, so there would be an immediate focus on the one that is different. In this case, of course, it was Voruna, which had an alternate spelling in parentheses.

Our brains search for patterns as well. Lycanth from Lycanthropy is 3rd.

To be honest it's hard to assume such correlations. We are from different countries. We may find different things pleasing.

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3 hours ago, Pakaku said:

They should have just given an explanation of what each name meant or was inspired by. I get the impression they only "explained" that name to get around, well, a potential unfortunate interpretation of it (and the fact that it's winning means I have to live with said interpretation in my head)

On the other hand, I would have voted for it if they kept the Z in Zvoruna...

This. All my this.

I knew that, due to this being a "furry" frame, that certain things were going to happen no matter what, but I was hoping the name would not be actively contributing towards it.

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3 hours ago, Pakaku said:

They should have just given an explanation of what each name meant or was inspired by.

I agree completely with you on that.


And as for what think happened, I'd say it was youtuber influence I watched a bunch of videos around the first couple of days the voting was open and they picked Raksha n, Voruna and I kinda feel like their followers if they didn't know what to pick just when what they did.

That plus they both kinda mean demon wolf mommy.

As for lycanth I believe this one was winning out the gate in the beginning because 1, people didn't know what the others meant 2, lycanth sounds like lycan so it was the easy choice.

Added bit I really wish lycanth was lycanthra just roll off the tongue better imo. 

And finally this from the wiki 👇

 Medeina or Medeinė (from Lithuanian: medis – "tree" or medė – "forest"),[1] often treated as synonymous to Žvorūnė or Žvorūna (derived from žvėris – "beast") 

Then another bit reads - According to research by Algirdas Julius Greimas, Medeina is single.  And there you go boys n, girls when I read that, I was like YUP(POP!) that's the real reason isn't it Wolf mommy Voruna's single 😏 fff good jod Warframe community 😂👍.


So, there's my thoughts on how things went down, let me know wut y'all think I was close or far off?  In any case I'm just excited to see what our Wolf frame has to offer us gameplay wise 🐺💗.

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While i do not doubt psychology had a part to play in the voting patterns , i do not think it was intentional.

DE could very easily have just not done the poll and chosen any name of their choice.

But it does make me wonder why there was extra info for one option and not for others.

Maybe it was also am experiment of their own.

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Personally my vote was placed due to the name simply sounding appealing and familiar. I voted for Ylva, but I'll be fine with either Ulfra, Disa or Voruna aswell. They simply speak to me due to where I'm from and what those names are based on. I wouldnt have minded the native american name either. Some of the others just dont appeal to me, either they remind me too much of something already in game, or they resemble latin, which just isnt my cup of tea regarding names.

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16 hours ago, damongautama said:


Personally, I know some people who voted for Voruna not because they like it, but to try and avoid Lycath winning. So there's another psychology effect of voting for you: a lot of people turn voting into a binary "with X or against X" choice, even if there's a lot more options than X and Y

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8 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

Personally, I know some people who voted for Voruna not because they like it, but to try and avoid Lycath winning. So there's another psychology effect of voting for you: a lot of people turn voting into a binary "with X or against X" choice, even if there's a lot more options than X and Y

Which is why the result should be hidden until the end imo.

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8 hours ago, (PSN)Hopper_Orouk said:

hi Returning forumer here, does the Wolf frame Shapeshift into werewolf by any chance? 

Welcome back Hopper.

No, they specifically stated that this was not their intention when they revealed it. They have also ruled out making it have a melee ability as we already have Valkyr and Garuda with their claws.

We are expecting this to be more of a basic 'choose a specific bunch of ability effects, then visually theme them with wolves' kind of frame, in the same way that Nidus could have had literally any theme for his abilities to do the same thing (group, deal damage in a line, build up stacks, use stacks to cast an ability that can provide DR if on an enemy or Strength if on an ally, use stacks to cast an area that provides healing and dispenses small drones that seek and mark enemies...).

Also things like 'spirit' themes to make her fit in with other forms of mythology, rather than the classic 'werewolf' concept. We may see Native American myth, or maybe OP is right and the name 'Voruna' is their preferred one because the goddess the name comes from is synonymous with Medeina (a maiden goddess of nature that is said to be beautiful and voluptuous, a fierce protector of the forest, accompanied by multiple wolves, and was often confused with Diana from Roman myth). It would give her all of these 'summon wolf spirit' or 'area denial' concepts to work with, and would also explain the wolf tiddies.

There may be something along the lines of Nidus' evolving armour, or Protea's gear belt, where she causes some cosmetic change as she casts her abilities. Maybe the wolf heads open and start spreading 'spirit flames' like her concept art.

But no... no wolf transformation, according to DE.

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I do not think it was intentional, and whilst an interesting point to raise, there are so many different ways we can be manipulated, conform, deviate around choices, some of which have already been mentioned, plus other types of biases, that can be at force its... ehh. I am also not an expert in all forms of psychological priming/manipulation tactics and how effective each are, especially in competition with each other, but my general understanding is that this one particular variable wouldn't provide that significant a boost. Actually trying to determine the variables significance in influence, would be fun but require a bit, and you'd have to run a few different tests to account for other influences. Like account for actual preference in selection if not accurately displayed, account for how people selected, counter picking, linguistic expertise, cultural understandings, etc so on. 

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That's not true for me or the people who did their research when they voted for Voruna. I went over the entire list and went with the name that felt good. It is true that the name is seemingly more associated with a bear or rabbit than a wolf, but it is also a beastly type name for a beastly type warframe. So looking into the name further just cemented my support for it more.

I'd also suggest to refrain from making character-assassinating assumptions of people who chose differently from you. If you like any other choice, that doesn't mean your choice was an inferior one, or driven primarily by the x and y positioning of a name, or some other meta, not-for-real reason for picking a name I disagree with. People like what they like.

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28 minutes ago, MadxWorld said:

Just checked around why they nerfed her body already and added a bulge instead? Like WTF?


I bet Joe is mad at that choice, it's still decent chest size compared to every other frame but if it were a bit bigger it wouldn't hurt, don't let Saryn be the only one with it.

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