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Hello, I've been playing Hildryn prime since today and I was wondering, compared to Saryn, Xaku, Wisp  or any other heavy damage dealer, is Hildryn worth to play? What is her best mechanic?

I've been using Blazing Pillage to strip armor but i feel like her playstile doesen't suit me, To me looks like hildryin, beside spamming pillage every second does not suit me.

Am I missing something?  Am i supposed to pair her with an Helminth ability that makes her more fun to play? 

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She is powerful and fine for effectiveness with her best mechanics being a powerful, wide area defense strip and some very exploitable shield as energy mechanics, but as far as gameplay is concerned she has:

1. A gun. We have those already.

2. The skill you spam over and over.

3. A skill that's basically passive.

4. You're probably not pressing this and it's not very exciting to use.

She's also designed so that you can't Helminth off the gun without reducing the functionality of the 4 even further, so you probably replace the 4 and you still have the gun. I kind of think the gun is dull, it's high damage but it feels hollow to use -_-

She might be worth playing if all you care about is being powerful? If you like active gameplay and having fun, Hildryn isn't very good to choose.

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Haven is a powerful support tool, but if you're playing solo, Pillage is basically her only ability, outside meme builds.

You can build for max range and play as a mobile Bastille with Aegis Storm. This is probably less effective after the Eximus rework. I did see it used to great effect back during Scarlet Spear, though.

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Hildryn is nothing close to a DPS she's just a tank off-support and that's it. 


  1.  It's a tremendous meh.
  2.  The best ability that she has, the lynchpin of her in combat and it's her helminth ability.
  3.  Decent as she annoys enemies and helps allies.
  4.  Meeeeeeeeh this makes you lift yourself in the air while you lift enemies into the air to (only enemies within area of effect)... but you can't use any weapon or abilities while it's active and the only way to defend yourself is with your 1 which is a super slow charged gun and with the damage more useless than you can imagine. 

A summary of the Hildryn gameplay is: Protect yourself while destroying the defenses of the enemies and that's all.
If you want other simple to use dps warframe, Hildryn it's nothing of that.


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It depends heavily on what you do with her.

Regular star chart mission, Sortie or Relic fissures: a 6-7, she functions as a low level nuke and tanks a lot and as long as no Eximus are around, even her 4 can be turned into a decent support. Thing is, I can think of at least 5 frames that can do these things better than her. But she does have a niche in Energy Drain Nightmare missions and Energy Reduction Sorties.

Steel Path, Arbitration, Archon hunt, Endurance runs or high level Zariman: Best I can do is a 3. She can stay alive if you spam Pillage enough and have the right Helminth ability, but your shield on high level content is drained so fast that her 1 and 3 can actually harm you rather than doing you good and her 4 is doo doo water. So yeah, you use her for pillage and that is unfortunately her Helminth ability and literally better on many other frames. 

Tl;Dr: Good for everyday content, has a few niches, but is unfortunately outclassed by other frames. Suboptimal if you prefer Steel Path or another mode that actually rewards you for your work. 

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You could transform Hildryn into a walking tesla coil by Injecting Chroma's Elemental Ward (electricity) into her.

By keeping her 3 toggled on at all times, and spamming her 2 to strip armor/shields and keep your shields and your allies up, she's destroying everything around her just by walking like a god of thunder among mere mortals.

By the way, this works wonders during Grendel's special no-mod missions.

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She's a "blood"-tank and debuffer, not an offense frame. So she's not going to play the same role as a nuker or something.

Her specialties are in armour/shield stripping, using them to "heal" herself, and using "health" points to cast instead of "magic" points. Her 4 also has CC, and some energy-orb generation. You can get decent damage from her 1, minor damage out of her 2+3 combo, more so with Blazing Pillage. But ultimately her role is focusing on debuffing enemies to kill them faster with your weapons.

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35 minutes ago, Uan91 said:

Boring playstyle then

Thank you all!


Ahem, allow me;

(Personal experience i have with her for many years now)

  1. thicc helicopter momma prime
  2. her 1, when modded right, is an absolute behemoth of a dps dealer, coupled with...
  3. her 2nd ability, defense strip, one or two casts (depending on your strength level) and bam, enemies are vulnerable as shiet
  4. her 3rd is... well, not my favorite, but her augment (blazing pillage) is pretty dope, and good against infested as well, as well as dealing damage, and CCing her enemies (heat status procs)
  5. and her 4 (subjective opinion incoming, imma brace myself) is my favorite, only for the *RULE OF COOL*Plus, great, hard CC, and after stripping enemy defenses, wreck them with your 1 (also energy orbs for your friends to pick up!).

As for Helminth abilities, i'd suggest the following; 

If you're gonna remove an ability though, 4 (or in my opinion, her 3 as well) is a good idea.

  • pull (cc and grouping up enemies) (one of my faves)
  • condemn (shields and CC)
  • Elemental Ward (extra buffs and CC)
  • Sentient Wrath (CC, damage, and extra debuffing your enemies)
  • Parasitic Armor (How much armor do you want? Yes.)
  • Voracious Metastasis (heal and give energy to others using your stronk shields!)
  • Rebuild Shields (if you're in a pinch)
  • Fire Blast (CC, damage, AOE, and a possible replacement for Blazing PIllage)
  • Reave (if you want to regain shields and damage health as well)
  • Thermal Sunder (for extra CC, damage, AOE, debuff ect) (Also the one i use atm)

Fellow Tenno feel free to add to this list if need be ^^

Sooo yea, thicc helicopter momma prime, she great



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Worth using, having fun, and playstyle aren't quite the same. For example, some people have fun just by variety and change of pace. They could have a favourite Warframe, that they find very fun, and it could be meta, but they can't use them too much, otherwise they get bored. Using different Warframes with different mechanics, aesthetics, gameplay loops, etc is more fun. Subjectively. Its why you may meet people with Profiles that have 60% or more play time to a single Warframe, and people with Profiles, where their most used is in single digit percentages. 

So if you are asking if there is a secret technique that makes Hildryn the games top DPS, then no, or at least not to my knowledge. Not in higher difficulty gameplay at least. She can have some niche builds for certain parts of the game. I personally don't find her too much fun, but now and then she is a little fun to take out to have fun with. I usually tend to have a bit more fun with guns, and tank frames that have debuffs can work decently with that. 

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6 hours ago, Uan91 said:

is Hildryn worth to play?

depends, do you like being gigachad-buff and being Tankier than any Inaros main could ever hope to be? because if the answer is yes to both which it should be - then she's the frame for you!

while she's not really gonna be much of a DPS no matter how well you build her, she excels and tanking and supporting the team;  a well built Hildryn is nigh unkillable and can laugh in the face of attacks that would wreck any other frame, and makes the rest of the team a lot harder to kill as well with Haven Active. her 4 admittedly still kinda sucks, but that means it's the optimal choice for subsuming over. personally I run either rebuild shields for instant Arcane Barrier on demand, or Parasitic Armor, because it's just hilarious to have like 400 health and no shields and yet still be almost impossible to kill due to the sheer amoutn of armor you get. 

it's also just a lot of fun knowing full well that you can take even the strongest Steel Path Heavy Eximus units head on like it's nothing: no jumping around dodging their attacks like with other frames, you can just run up to them, grab their shields and armor and then blast them point blank in the face. Hildryn is an unstoppable dreadnought, a slowly encroaching apocalypse of a frame! the only thing she's missing for me is the ability to Backbreaker or German Suplex enemies into a fine mist. then I might actually consider ditching Rhino Prime to main her, and that's saying something for me lol.

the funny thing is, I didn't actually like her at first, but now she's one of my favourite frames, and her prime looks amazing!

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Hildryn is one of the best frames. A Solid 10/10. She’s versatile and very easy to play. In terms of  enjoyable and calm gameplay her only opponent is Garuda. So let’s look at Hildryn:

-One of the best facetanker frames (Competition with Nidus and Revenant, but those are unfair, they’re just immortal), in bad situations when you lose shields, you have few seconds to escape in operator mode, wait while frame revovers some shield, jump in and just press 2, and continuing to spam 2 all the time. Adaptation+Blazing Pillage+Minimal Duration give a solid shield regeneration, allowing chilly facetanking against 1hour+ SP survival enemies.

-Her 1 isn’t great, it has no crit and no status, only big raw damage numbers, but can pop nulifier bubbles with augment. Also very great nuke to lvl up Hildryn after forming. As it kills a lot of things. 

-Since ahe has no energy, gives her more space and options of arcane and arcon shards choice.

-Her 2 and 3 great, 1 and 4 (4 is good for ESO, when you want rank up some guns, just press 4 and fly around, spawning energy orbs for your nukers) are fine but optional, so either is good option Helminth. And oh boy I won’t even list all the possible helminth options..

-She’s very versatile. Can do Profit-Taker chill runs and 90% of other game content, greatest option for Railjack (The only better option would be Garuda with minimum health and regenerative ability/blue archon shards), Good for Hijack, different defenses (because of her 3), can armor strip so she can use different weapons and build it for gas instead of viral/heat.

-Blazing pillage give little CC and additional element for CO. If you run like lvl 60 mission with over 300 strength, you can just slap Archon vitality and just running around spamming 2 and killing enemies without shooting.

-Overall her only issue is toxin damage, which makes her hard to play against infested or specific sorties.


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She's a tank with armour strip.

Compared to the mentioned frames she's a 3.

Compared to the larger pool, a solid 7.

1 and 4 may as well not exist, her 3 is...nice and the 2 is the majority of her bread and butter.

If you're not a fan of the 3-2-2-2-2.... style of play, I'd suggest looking elsewhere.

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I don't think OP cares anymore lmao. But I'll chuck in my thoughts on Hildyrn. 

As mentioned by others, she's a pretty solid tank. Most of her abilities complement your guns and she provides a pretty solid support in the form of fairly chunky shields to your team/pets.

She won't nuke, but she can provide some nasty debuffs in the form of armor strip and with the augment, fire procs. Adding in a Helminth ability just makes her a lot more flexible to your needs. 

She's possibly one of the easiest frames to build into as well. She only really need Range/Strength/Shields. With Archon Shards it's even easier. 

Also she can make MOAs pretty meaty. Link Shield + Blast Shield = About 9000+ Shields on a MOA. I usually have a lot of trouble with MOAs on other builds but with Hildyrn, the damn thing doesn't die! Just a shame weapons on MOAs aren't great. 

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She's too spammy since you need to keep shields up and use them on abilities at the same time. She used to be fun/good when we didnt have the levels of content we do now, because her shields didnt get as much punishment as they do now. I just dont see a reason to play her when I can instead just pick Protea if I want a shield based frame, where I'm not bound by things costing me shields to cast in order to maintain shields.

I love the idea behind Hildryn, but in practice it turns out extremely clunky these days. I used to play her like crazy just as I did with Rev, but both have just fallen of my rotation of played frames since they no longer bring anything special.

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19 hours ago, Uan91 said:

Am I missing something?  Am i supposed to pair her with an Helminth ability that makes her more fun to play? 

First of all, imo Mommy prime is fun to play!

If you feel she doesn't fit your play style yet, I recommend to try mine:

  1. exchange her 1 with Chromas "Elemental ward"
  2. Choose the energy color that matches electric proc
  3. build her max shield AND max strength (~320 afair)
  4. Use Molt Augmented with +60str after 250kills
  5. use armor reduction aura (18%) OR
    use STR Archont shards to get full strip with her 2 (400 STR without reduction)
    10STR = +2.5% total, so you might need 3-5 shards (or less tauforged, if you got any)
  6. Start mission > cast 3 & 1 and keep both running
  7. use her 2 for 100% armor strip with 1 cast
  8. use her 4 just for the light show occasionally :)

It works for me, I have fun with her



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22 minutes ago, _COY_ said:

First of all, imo Mommy prime is fun to play!

If you feel she doesn't fit your play style yet, I recommend to try mine:

  1. exchange her 1 with Chromas "Elemental ward"
  2. Choose the energy color that matches electric proc
  3. build her max shield AND max strength (~320 afair)
  4. Use Molt Augmented with +60str after 250kills
  5. use armor reduction aura (18%) OR
    use STR Archont shards to get full strip with her 2 (400 STR without reduction)
    10STR = +2.5% total, so you might need 3-5 shards (or less tauforged, if you got any)
  6. Start mission > cast 3 & 1 and keep both running
  7. use her 2 for 100% armor strip with 1 cast
  8. use her 4 just for the light show occasionally :)

It works for me, I have fun with her



I must say because I use Mag quite ofter, hildrin's 2+3 are basically mag's 3 but also mag has a very powerful second and 4the ability that deals a massive damage.

But now trying your build using for now onlly CP and everything else I changed my mind and makes me feel like that could be even more useful than mag for her spam of 2, giving a massive support to allies.

Thank you, I'll spend the next weeks to hope to get more red shards.

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On 2023-03-30 at 11:01 AM, cute_moth.npc said:

She is powerful and fine for effectiveness with her best mechanics being a powerful, wide area defense strip and some very exploitable shield as energy mechanics, but as far as gameplay is concerned she has:

1. A gun. We have those already.

2. The skill you spam over and over.

3. A skill that's basically passive.

4. You're probably not pressing this and it's not very exciting to use.

She's also designed so that you can't Helminth off the gun without reducing the functionality of the 4 even further, so you probably replace the 4 and you still have the gun. I kind of think the gun is dull, it's high damage but it feels hollow to use -_-

She might be worth playing if all you care about is being powerful? If you like active gameplay and having fun, Hildryn isn't very good to choose.

If you dislike her gun you may as well replace that. Her 4th ability actually has situational uses where the restriction on weapon isn't relevant, where as her gun will see zero use if you don't like it. Her gun is the ability I always replace; I had hoped for her prime release they would have adjusted the restriction on weapon usage though, but oh well...

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