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Nightwave Changes: Wolf Spawns & Feedback


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About the Wolf of Saturn Six:

Keep the wolf as he is...

Please remove the captives from the Wolf-encounters...orat least make them killable from the start...

The wolf himself is tanky AF (for most ppl)..

And he 'teleports' arond the map...

But have his companions totally immortal, until he's killed....well, that's just pure evil.


And when on the subject: Pls remove the 'crap-mods' from his droptable....

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Thats wonderful news. I skipped few first weeks cause I was a bit too busy so it's awesome that rank30 can still be achieved without completing every single challenge. I really love the new system, especially after some challenges were toned down. The nightwave is a great fun, as it makes me run various content I never really bothered with. I finally don't miss any random alerts that happen when I'm sleeping/at work too. 

The only one more thing I would like to see is wolf and fugitives dropping a few wolf credits after capturing, so there would be a guaranteed reward for wasting time on that bullet sponge. Well, I wouldn't mind having his drops (hammer, mask) available through nightwave shop either. :smile:

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16 hours ago, [DE]Marcus said:

Note that the end of Nightwave Series I does not mean the end of the Wolf of Saturn Six appearances - he'll still be around! 

We also have much-requested clarity for everyone: The earliest date we will end Nightwave Series I is May 15th

Why these important info were not made clear at the start of the nightwave? You wanted to see players freak out and run 500 stupid-level mission a day to farm him? Was this a kind of social experiment on fear-of-missing-out? If so, can we have the reference on the University involved in the study and see the results, once peer-reviewed?

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16 hours ago, [DE]Marcus said:

The Wolf's spawn rate will be increased across all four platforms to 4%, and for missions that are level 20+ it will be increased to 6%.

Quick Question:
Does the spawn rate work like other assassins?  As in the more people in the squad the higher the spawn rate?  Or is it just a static 4-6% regardless if you have 1 person in the squad or 4?

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20 minutes ago, DebrisFlow said:

Why these important info were not made clear at the start of the nightwave? You wanted to see players freak out and run 500 stupid-level mission a day to farm him? Was this a kind of social experiment on fear-of-missing-out? If so, can we have the reference on the University involved in the study and see the results, once peer-reviewed?

Probably because its likely they didn't know what player participation would be. And while some players freak out and run 500 stupid-level missions, many either player more casually or more intelligently.  Thankfully, DE doesn't (always) cater to the people that freak out for no reason.

Now that it has been running for a bit, DE could crunch the numbers, see AVERAGE progress, and decide from there where they want to go with it.

Its like the people who reach rank 30 and complain the season doesn't restart fast enough

  • They don't have to keep doing it
  • they likely didn't do the alerts NW replaces anyway
  • and if they do, its still more efficient to get forma/potatoes than the old alert system

but no, they are all to stuck in the waahmbulance crying about how few credits they are accumulating.


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8 hours ago, (XB1)COA Altair said:

Alerts were generally terrible.  You could play for a year without ever seeing a corrosive projection alert for example or that custom helmet for khora for example.  Nitain was the biggest pain in the ass resource to farm in the game and you need over a hundred of it to build everything requiring it in game without counting research.  You want a kubrow egg so bad go run earth captures and blow up kubrow dens, they even changed it so you can have as many eggs as you want in your inventory.  Void traces can be obtained in fissure missions, not sure why you'd prefer an alert where you get traces but no prime part unless you're starved for relics at which point you can run without relic but most people who put any amount of effort into this game have an overabundance of relics that they can't possibly run out of.  

Only problem with this system is prestige mode granting just wolf creds.  Should be more rewards, but I'm not going to complain when umbra forma got introduced this way and is better then anything you could get in old alerts.  They even gave out an arcane energize, also better then anything in the old alerts.  Most alert missions were garbage dark sector missions/get credits and nothing else, which if you need creds run index, run 5 waves/minutes then extract from akkad or some survival and get over 20,000 of them.  Or run sortie every day and you're likely set on credits unless you want to get everything maxed out prime mod wise as fast as possible.  

I agree

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vor 17 Stunden schrieb [DE]Marcus:

The Wolf's spawn rate will be increased across all four platforms to 4%, and for missions that are level 20+ it will be increased to 6%

considering that it can take you around 10 radshares to get a raredrop with a statistically chance of 34% getting (thos statistically you should get a rare after 3 runs in the middle which I can say its not the case for me. I need more like 5 to 6 runs in middle) 6% chance sounds like well like it already was? Even if its still going on for roughtly a month it should already a spawnrate of around 20% cause with this rate he never will spawn this often that you dont want to see hin anymore 😄
But well at least we now know how bad the spawnchances are.

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While I can see how him popping up at random during this 1st season of Nightwave is a good idea, I think that after he should work like a special alert.


Basically he shows up for a limited time on a particular Saturn node (lets say an hour), gets beaten then moves to another for the duration of the event or until a set amount of damage is dealt to him.

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8 hours ago, (XB1)COA Altair said:

Alerts were generally terrible.  You could play for a year without ever seeing a corrosive projection alert for example or that custom helmet for khora for example.  Nitain was the biggest pain in the ass resource to farm in the game and you need over a hundred of it to build everything requiring it in game without counting research.  You want a kubrow egg so bad go run earth captures and blow up kubrow dens, they even changed it so you can have as many eggs as you want in your inventory.  Void traces can be obtained in fissure missions, not sure why you'd prefer an alert where you get traces but no prime part unless you're starved for relics at which point you can run without relic but most people who put any amount of effort into this game have an overabundance of relics that they can't possibly run out of.  

Only problem with this system is prestige mode granting just wolf creds.  Should be more rewards, but I'm not going to complain when umbra forma got introduced this way and is better then anything you could get in old alerts.  They even gave out an arcane energize, also better then anything in the old alerts.  Most alert missions were garbage dark sector missions/get credits and nothing else, which if you need creds run index, run 5 waves/minutes then extract from akkad or some survival and get over 20,000 of them.  Or run sortie every day and you're likely set on credits unless you want to get everything maxed out prime mod wise as fast as possible.  

That's bullS#&$ and you know it! I got all alert mods in the first 3 months of playing, and by the time Nightwave hit, having played for a total of less than a year, the only helmets i needed (and bought just to spend creds) were the really ugly ones i didn't want to use, like the Zephyr Tengu.

And Nitain STILL IS the biggest pain in the ass resource to get in the game, except instead of 1-4 per day you'll be able to buy 15 per week, and to do that you have to sacrifice getting everything else! (if you know maths you'll realize you get less now, even if you sacrifice other rewards)

What i said is, those are still useful for me, unlike anything else in the cred store, basically everything in the cred store has finite usability. You only need so much Nitain, you only need one helmet of each, you only need one mod of each, you only need vauban once, and that's for MR, you only need 1 Catalyst per weapon (and no one uses all weapons), and you only need one reactor per frame/pet/archwing. Basically i have 20+ reactors and catalysts in stock, i already have all the mods and helmets, i've maxed Vauban in 2016 (through alerts, in a week!!) when i first started playing.  It doesn't mean i don't know where to find them, or don't have a decent stock.
Also as for the void traces, the alerts rewarded 10 traces consistently, in a mission that could be done as fast as the fastest fissure mission, in which you can sometimes get less than 10 traces. So yeah, they were a nice thing to do when you have nothing else to do really.

What you did here, was in your haste to defend this poor iteration was consider if this was an upgrade, a downgrade or a sidegrade... In it's best days you can consider Nightwave a sidegrade of Alerts, but it's actually a downgrade... Speaking only in terms of rewards, not even the other aspects of Alerts, You have to sacrifice having some stuff to get other stuff, which you didn't need to do with Alerts, sure they were more random, and less available, but that could be easily fixed by making them less random, more available, and longer lasting.
What they did is put stuff on a shelf for everyone to see it at all times, and simple minded people will think that because they can see it, they can have it, but the truth is, you can't, because to have something you'll have to let go of having something else... And even worse, you can't even save up on creds for later, because in 3 weeks they'll be gone...

Your dislike towards Alerts, which is misguided, is blinding you to the fact that this is worse. Alerts didn't have Umbral Forma? Yeah, nothing had it! But it could have been just as easily been added to Gifts of the Lotus (which would make it much faster to obtain), or even random Alerts, which could have a 48h duration, they could even have added it to the Arbitration shop, give us a reason to do Arbitrations consistently! Either option would have been better than having it after a month of Nightwave, and then having to wait another 2 months to get the next one... YAY 3 months per Umbral Forma!! Only takes as long as a human baby to be born to get one slot per Umbral mod on a Warframe!!

Arcane Energize, is pretty much the same, you got the base tier form of it, you'll still need to get the other 9 arcanes to get it going as you want it, that means you'll still need to run Tridolons to finish it...

Yeah Alerts had flaws, but Nightwave has MORE flaws, while at the same time it does a bad job of introducing repeatable content to the game, which is basically what Alerts were, an incentive to repeat content.
Basically with Alerts, i would log in when i saw an alert that i found useful, like a Nitain, or a Kubrow Egg, Tellurium or even Argon. Now with Nightwaves, after rank 30, i have no reason to login, and that's the whole problem with this, Nightwaves didn't fill that niche that Alerts had, which was giving people a reason to log in. After Rank 30, and for a lot of people, even before Rank 30, that reason doesn't exist, and you're done.

That's the whole thing, you can be done with Nightwaves, and not have any reasons to play, while Alerts were consistently a reason to do something in the game, which would then probably chain into another, and that's what they need, stuff that gives players reasons to play the game, Nightwave, doesn't, it does the opposite.

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9 minutes ago, ReaverKane said:

That's the whole thing, you can be done with Nightwaves, and not have any reasons to play, while Alerts were consistently a reason to do something in the game, which would then probably chain into another, and that's what they need, stuff that gives players reasons to play the game, Nightwave, doesn't, it does the opposite.

Pretty much where I'm sitting at, rank 33 with Nightwave and nothing in there I really need, might get a couple more ranks more or less accidentally but I'm no longer farming it.


Alerts where always something to do (I might not have needed that particular helmet or horrible MR fodder, but for 5 minutes of playing? Why not!) and unlike what many try to sell, you didn't need to sacrifice your 1st born under a full moon to get the Aura mods or helmet you wanted... But then again getting potatoes is a heck of a lot more consistent now.


Call me wishy washy but I would really have loved having both coexist at the same time, Alerts and Nightwaves.

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17 часов назад, Eirshy сказал:

Considering I'm hitting r30 this week, you guys might wanna do away with a pure RNG spawn chance for him. I've not seen him once this entire time, and I'm fully expecting to hit r30 before I've seen him even once.

well, u are unlucky. Thats ok, thats how random works. Like in Hearthstone where chances on some actions are 1/1500000 and they still happens. If u dislike random - dont play games. 

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2 hours ago, (XB1)Tucker D Dawg said:

Probably because its likely they didn't know what player participation would be. And while some players freak out and run 500 stupid-level missions, many either player more casually or more intelligently.  Thankfully, DE doesn't (always) cater to the people that freak out for no reason.

Now that it has been running for a bit, DE could crunch the numbers, see AVERAGE progress, and decide from there where they want to go with it.

Its like the people who reach rank 30 and complain the season doesn't restart fast enough

  • They don't have to keep doing it
  • they likely didn't do the alerts NW replaces anyway
  • and if they do, its still more efficient to get forma/potatoes than the old alert system

but no, they are all to stuck in the waahmbulance crying about how few credits they are accumulating.


This is true ragarding nightwave rewards/standings/completion and i totally agree with you, but not for the wolf. They clearly stated that nightwave standings will be erased at its end, and that they would had adjusted the duration to take into account player participation, enough for people to plan their journey. The wolf, on the other hand, was a complete mistery. They introduced him with an abysmally low spawn chance and polluted drop chance, and no words at all about other possibilities to farm its drops.

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20 hours ago, [DE]Marcus said:

The Wolf's spawn rate will be increased across all four platforms to 4%, and for missions that are level 20+ it will be increased to 6%. One of the major exceptions is that he doesn't spawn in Open Worlds, so keep that in mind. Note that the end of Nightwave Series I does not mean the end of the Wolf of Saturn Six appearances - he'll still be around! 


Still not high enough imo, especially considering he seems to have lower spawn priority than the syndicates and likely even the stalker.   Those spawn rates would be fine if he always dropped a part but the parts have rng.

Also doesn't help that there is a bias towards him turning up when we are levelling gear etc meaning at best it takes us an age to kill him assuming we don't die from the napalm (which ironically does more damage than wolf does in my experience).

For reference I've completed rank 30 on the nightwave missions and I can literally count on both hands how many times I've seen the wolf of saturn...I have however been fairly lucky in my drops, 2 parts and the wolf mask (which I'll NEVER use)

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