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How has owning Incarnon Genesis weapons affected your gameplay?


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Now that we've all had the chance to get our hands on a variety of Incarnon Genesis weapons, what place have they found in your gameplay?  Were they a fun distraction for awhile before you went back to your old favorite weapons?  Or have you settled on one or more of them for regular use when you're playing?  Have some become tools that you only use for certain niche circumstances?  Have some changed the way you play the game?  Have any been the solution to a problem you otherwise couldn't quite solve in Warframe?  Whatever your experience has been having these in your arsenal, I'm curious to hear it!

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9 minutes ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

Now that we've all had the chance to get our hands on a variety of Incarnon Genesis weapons, what place have they found in your gameplay?  Were they a fun distraction for awhile before you went back to your old favorite weapons?

They are the new AoE weapons for me. Melee sucks now, and AoE is falling behind in damage since a lot of stuff doesn't work on them - and since they are prone to run out of ammo. Enter Incarnon weapons, infinite ammo and more damage than ever.

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Incarnons are strong, insanely so. I love the power they bring, however it does not completely draw me away from old favorites (Strun Prime is my favorite gun now). Weapons like Tenet Arca Plasmor have a steadfast place in my favorites. Torid is king of beams, so easy to keep active and the numbers is hilarious. Definetly in my top 10.

Besides gameplay, I have gotten a notion where I start collecting weapons I would like to have incarnon and speculation around whats next is fun. Though I hope the next ones are much more impressive, since the most recent was kinda bad. 

Should note that this is probably the most balanced OP weapons that we will have, since charging weapons requires you to think a bit and aim more. Torid is a exception though.

Edited by (PSN)EntityPendragon
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I don't use them a lot since most content I've played since Duviri was Duviri.

As a long time player with almost everything unlocked it is nice to have some new toys. So far my feelings are pretty mixed, some incarnon genesis are great, some are a little underwhelming.

I would count them among the less broken, yet more versatile alternate versions compared to the previous sets we've had (Tenet and Kuva).

The one incarnon that truly got me so far was the miter incarnon, that one is just lovely. I have yet to experience most others, but I didn't like the zylok that much. Mostly because I do not like the zylok to begin with and getting its incarnon upgrade is pretty tedious. Some do have serious ammo economy issues, despite their incarnon evolution.

All in all, I think most of these succeeded at what they were aimed to achieve. Weapons that have been falling behind to far due to 10 years of power creep suddenly have gained some use again. I do think that most of these are for long-term players, for newer players it is hardly worth putting in the effort and weapon slots when there are more important things to farm/obtain.

TL;DR; mostly a success, especially for long-term players.

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It hasn't. I use the weapons I like, and the only weapon I like to get an Incarnon is the Gorgon. It's a nice base stat buff but it's just not very good.

Also "just make it AoE" is a pretty lame answer to single target weapons falling behind. I'm not using the Gorgon because I want to nuke the room, I'm using it for silly dakka rock gun.

Edited by PublikDomain
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Not sure how they would affect anyone's gameplay more than any other weapon release. It's all just more of the same.

Some will use the ones they like, others will go back to their usual choices, and both groups will eventually switch things up when a new weapon comes along that tickles their fancy.

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Incarnons are like getting a decent riven for your favourite older/less popular weapons. I'm a long time lover of the Prisma Gorgon, and the incarnon mode is really awful in practice compared to just mowing groups down with normal mode. But the evolution stats improve an already awesome weapon.
The Evolutions are the fun part in most cases with incarnons. I presume many players will start collecting extra genesis' specifically for different variant with different builds and evo path potential (Telos boltor vs Boltor prime)

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Probably the biggest change is I'm using Nami Solo a ton now, a weapon I always wanted to like but felt was so bad it wasn't worth investing in.  And I've got very low standards!

I'm back to using Miter a fair amount.  It was high in my usage already, but almost entirely using it before 2020.  Probably my favorite Incarnon mode.

Boltor Prime and Lex Prime are getting a lot of play.

Strun Prime was one of my favorites, and is getting played even more now.   Although I almost entirely keep it in regular mode.  I actually favor regular mode for a lot of the ranged weapons, but Strun is the most extreme by far, where I actively dislike its Incarnon mode.

That's about it so far, but there are a lot of weapons I've held off on evolving still. 


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43 minutes ago, Traumtulpe said:

They are the new AoE weapons for me. Melee sucks now, and AoE is falling behind in damage since a lot of stuff doesn't work on them - and since they are prone to run out of ammo. Enter Incarnon weapons, infinite ammo and more damage than ever.

Same here ^

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Fun distraction.

The fact that the incarnon effect ends and I have to recharge it turns me off. It's not difficult to do, but it must be done. I prefer consistency on the weapon I use so I went back to my favourites.

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I like the base stat improvements, I'll always appreciate the incarnons for weapons I already liked using, and I like the adapters that give melee weapons ranged options.

But I'm tired of the incarnon fuel gauges and don't feel like bothering to collect adapters for weapons I wouldn't use normally. I don't even like weapons that have long "swap" times, like the Fulmin or the Ambassador. It's just a hassle for the most part, I still strongly prefer a normal-cycled weapon like the Tiberon Prime or Kuva Hek that can be quickly swapped at any time

Even in terms of the overall incarnon power, it's not that impressive, I have regular weapons that can match or outperform them, and have had them for months if not years already

As for melee, I'll still be sticking to the melees I already used, all of which already had innate ranged attacks

Also worth mentioning... the fact that they made the new adapters purchaseable instead of fixing the method of earning them just gave me a terrible impression, and I"m no longer interested in getting them either way

Edited by Pakaku
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Not much really, but I often forget that I equipped non-incarnon weapon and try for headshot more than I should. But Brrrrston, Lex, Lato and Latron are my favourites and I equip them from time to time just for a bit fun, and Miter for SP fissures.

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I was looking forward to a lot of the Incarnon adapters hoping they would improve the weapons I like, which they did. Namely Gammacor, Furis, and Braton. Braton especially is very satisfying and fun to use now.

At the same time, they made me use and appreciate weapons I sold ages ago because they didn't perform well in today's meta, such as Latron, Boar, and Paris.


Incarnon Genesis made me redo my loadouts from scratch. I removed AoE weapons like Bramma and Zarr and replaced them with Latron and Boar. They're more fun and more rewarding to use while also being significantly stronger but don't feel cheap to use like spamming AoE does. I've replaced Merciless with Deadhead or Frostbite as well.

Even though I really like Furis, it didn't replace Ocucor as my most used secondary. None of the weapons gets even close to Ocucor when it comes to DPS and TTK, except for Laetum, but Ocucor still excels at crowd control and room clearing which Laetum lacks.

The only disappointing part are the melee weapons. All of them. I was expecting more originality. For example, have the weapon change it's type when transformed, just like Dark Split-Sword can be a heavy blade as well as dual swords. Not only none of them does this, they also require 6 combo to be reached and then work on a timer. That's so boring. As such, I'm still usually using Innodem for the passive 30% Sprint Speed boost and heavy attacks.


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I go through different weapons all the time, for me it's just nice to see how interesting the genesis modes are and how, in some cases, they are totally different from their base weapon (my eyebrows nearly hit the ceiling when the Torid fired a laser beam!). it's also given me excuse to go back to weapons that I ditched in the past, like the Miter and Furis.

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2 hours ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

Now that we've all had the chance to get our hands on a variety of Incarnon Genesis weapons, what place have they found in your gameplay?  Were they a fun distraction for awhile before you went back to your old favorite weapons?  Or have you settled on one or more of them for regular use when you're playing?  Have some become tools that you only use for certain niche circumstances?  Have some changed the way you play the game?  Have any been the solution to a problem you otherwise couldn't quite solve in Warframe?  Whatever your experience has been having these in your arsenal, I'm curious to hear it!

It's broadened my pool of viable weapons for higher level content. Allowed me to go back and start using some old favorites again. Stuff I was able to use fine before the eximus got their huge buff last year, like Lex/Prime. This is also making what were once "bad rolls" in duviri SP become "good rolls" when these weapons show up. Thank goodness I'm a packrat, and invested in plenty of weapons slots... I'm seeing some people in my clan lamenting the fact that they've got to farm up certain weapons again. Yeah, sometimes they need a little bit of fixing, but overall, I think this is something DE hit a real home run with.

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The process of getting them is long-winded until the new ones can be bought with plat. With that in mind, I don't think all deserve the work behind their activation. Some stood out like Burston, Strun, and Atomos but I admit that I use them barely and gravitate back to my usual non-incarnon weapon favourites.

Even with the old Incarnons, I was not really a fan and found the whole headshot thing tiresome and fiddly. When they do get activated, most just run out quickly. Then you are tasked to repeat the whole sequence again just to have their barely advantageous Incarnon form (mostly AoE) effects. It is amusing at first, but definitely not crucial in most situations we are accustomed to in WF. I still do collect them for the purpose of finding out a diamond in the rough, but that's about it.

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6 hours ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

what place have they found in your gameplay

I get to use the lato and burston again, which are two of my favorite guns. The incarn buston turns it into a turbo soma, which is also one of my favorite guns.
I don't like explosive weapons or shotguns or aoe spam abilities. 

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They have completed many of my "fun" loadouts.

And when I say completed I mean they are actually powerful than just thematic.

I use them just as much as I use any other powerful or effective weapon loadout.


frost + p lenz+ sibear ,

Oberon + sancti magistar ,

Kullervo + hate + zylok,

Umbra + braton p + lato v + p skana

Atlas + p Gorgon + furax w

Nidus + dual toxocyst + torid + dual ichor (when i get it) 

And a few others I can't remember right now. 

This makes me happy , having a thematically on point setup that doesn't suck.

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A few ways, which generally reflects how I generally play anyway. Some of these weapons, such as the Boltor, Strun, Atomos, Paris etc, that I already liked and used, I now continue to use, but also know that I can use them to more effect in more extreme situations than prior. So thats great. 

I also like to test and experiment with weapons, usually solo, and that often means using some weapons that may struggle, so I tend to like having at least one proven and effective weapon in my loadout. So when things get tough, I can fall back on that weapon. Like some weapons aren't that good against Acolytes or KPM to stay in a Survival. For myself, often this back up weapon was the Stropha or Glaive Prime. There are a few more Incarnon weapons that qualify as well now too, so thats good for testing out other weapons. 

Also were a few weapons I liked, but didn't use too often, but now will, since they are more capable/effective. Either their normal version is buffed enough (Boar Incarnon for example), or the Incarnon form is. Also a few weapons that I didn't really care for too much, where the Incarnon form, transforms it into a sort of weapon I do like, for example Torid, AOE into a beam weapon. Some examples in the middle. Like I didn't dislike the Hate, but I do now, and will probably use it more. 

That being said, I still have other favs, I will still also continue to use, and I still like to test and experiment with weapons in general. 

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