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just want to let you guys know of 2 seemingly bugs i came across a while ago, didnt mention them till now as well... it seemed as the site might of been left to the void, so glad to know its not going anywhere anytime soon, keep up the good work, now for the 2 bugs (for reference i tested this on both my xbox one inbuilt browser and my phone just in case that was the issue but they both persist).

•1st bug, seems like any weapon that has a inbuilt single element(fire, cold, electricity, toxin) will have this bug where when you make a build for it, if you make a stat combo such as gas, magnetic, crossive ect that doesn't make use of the base element of the weapon(in this case i tested hellfire and infected clip on the flumin and the amprex quickly for gas damage) where it says damage it should mention gas and its base element electricity well, it will mention gas damage with a value that seems correct but electricty will be listed as 0 even though its not being used to make a element combo,

•2nd bug, as for the 2nd bug, it seems some weapons.... um, mode selection dropdown tab/box for a lack of better words are missing text in some selections (or seemingly has the wrong text in the slot), most notably for me is the larkspurs dropdown box that only mentions/has text for the "atmosphere charged" slot, every other slot is blank and i have to make a guess about which tab/slot/selection is the right one im after, i may edit this later (edit: i am currently done editing this for now) to include a list of all (edit: primary) weapons i can find affected by thease 2 bugs(edit: And more) under the assumption it may help.

Edit:more info and more bugs(was going to do one big edit/update but the site crashed and i lost it all(3hrs of work just cause i could) so im gonna do installments till its all up here(done).)

1st bug issue seems after more testing to be isolated to any weapon that does cold, toxin or electricity as a part of there dammage, will list the "weapons" i have tested to be affected by this as i go.

Primary Weapons:

•1st bug reference list: •All primary blank weapons, •Amprex, •Basmu, •Flumin, •Glaxion, •Glaxion Vandal,

•2nd bug reference list: •Basmu, •Battacor("chance to explode" instead of what i assume should be "explosion"), •Corinth Prime, •Ferrox, •Grattler("chance to explode" instead of what i assume should be "explosion"), •Javlok, •Kuva Bramma, •Larkspur, •Nagantaka, •Opticor and Opticor Vandal("chance to explode" instead of assumed "explosion"), •Panthera Prime, •Phantasma, •Scourge, •Shedu, •Stahlta,

•Blank shotgun, has no status/status per pellet/status probability tab in the info bar regardless of if a status chance is set.

•Some weapons have "status probility" listed instead of just "status" or "status/bullet/pellet/bomblet" and are thus also missing a true status probability where applicable, weapons include: •Arca Plasmor(single shot weapon it seems), •Exergis, •Corvas(Atmosphere and atmosphere charged modes, unless the corvas is just weird), •Kuva Bramma(what i can only assume is the bomlets dropdown tab as its a blank tab but mentions bomlets), •Kuva Drakgoon, 

•Basmu, reload time seems off, 105 is way to long, and throwing off the sustained dps, should be between approx .7 seconds to 2.5 or so seconds unless im missing something

•Some weapons have status probability listed but are missing the status per pellet/bullet stat(unless that is intended?), weapons include: •Boar, •Boar Prime, •Convectrix, •Corinth, •Corinth Prime, •Drakgoon, •Hek, •MK1-Strun, •Sancti Tigris, •Sobek, •Strun, •Strun Wraith, •Tigris, •Tigris Prine, •Vaykor Hek, •Zar(Barrage mode),

•Buzlok, just out of curiosity, shouldn't the Buzlok get a dropdown tab or check box for its alt fire's affect(tracking bullets and a flat 50% crit chance increase or something along those lines as im lead to belive) unless there's something im missing?

•Grakata, would be nice if you could do a small quality of life inprovement with the dropdown box for the wild frenzy augment just to elude to the fact you need to slot the mod in in order to select the mode from the dropdown list, almost thought it was bugged till i tryed the mod card in there 1st. Same goes for Penta's Napalm grenades.

•Kohm and Kuva Kohm, seems like there status probability is off or at least it feels that way, on top of that there is no status per pellet stat and the normal Kohm is missing a dropdown box for single pellet(non spooled up fire rate) compared to the Kuva Kohm.

•Komorex, seems like its missing any info/toggle for its 2nd zoom lvl's supposed viral explosion, oversight maybe?

•Lenz, its page is still in Wip stage, just out of curiosity will that change or is it likely stay that way implying the lenz is somehow unable to be damage calculated correctly?(never really used a lenz yet, so i have no idea if it is self explanatory)

•Phage, and Phantasma(main normal beam) seems to be compleately missing any status info like status per beam or status probability, less im missing something?

•Simulor and Synoid Simulor page is all over the shop with giblets that should be hidden

edit: thats all of the primary weapons segment, related things i came across, i might run through the other segments(secondary weapons and melee) at a later date to see if i spot anything wrong but ill make a fresh reply if i do, till then good luck and keep up the good work.

Edited by (XB1)Radiatedmilo
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On 2020-09-18 at 9:03 PM, (PS4)Laughing_Beta said:

sadly im monolingual :( 

The English side still needs to be updated and validated itself, It'd be ideal overall knowing either or having access to either language of warframe (and some sense to deduce at the very least the mods and their text) for validating purposes but regardless, English side still needs to be worked on. It would also give an opportunity if you want to learn to code some insight on how the project works on the database at the very least. Entirely up to you though.

On 2020-09-19 at 1:00 AM, (NSW)Gamer-Steve said:

Alrighty, as far as I can tell the Ayanga's riven issue is indeed resolved :)

I re-updated both builds with their hypothetical rivens' stats, and the website saved the information. Deadly Efficiency still didn't appear to change the damage on the atmospheric build, but that's alright for now. In theory, one way to figure out how much damage a particular weapon would do when D.E. activates is copy the damage you have currently, and multiply that by 2.2! I hope that helps in the meantime.

Deadly Efficiency is still on the list to sort out, the main thing with that is the riven bug for sure.

On 2020-09-19 at 4:35 AM, (XB1)Radiatedmilo said:

just want to let you guys know of 2 seemingly bugs i came across a while ago, didnt mention them till now as well... it seemed as the site might of been left to the void, so glad to know its not going anywhere anytime soon, keep up the good work, now for the 2 bugs (for reference i tested this on both my xbox one inbuilt browser and my phone just in case that was the issue but they both persist).

•1st bug, seems like any weapon that has a inbuilt single element(fire, cold, electricity, toxin) will have this bug where when you make a build for it, if you make a stat combo such as gas, magnetic, crossive ect that doesn't make use of the base element of the weapon(in this case i tested hellfire and infected clip on the flumin and the amprex quickly for gas damage) where it says damage it should mention gas and its base element electricity well, it will mention gas damage with a value that seems correct but electricty will be listed as 0 even though its not being used to make a element combo,

•2nd bug, as for the 2nd bug, it seems some weapons.... um, mode selection dropdown tab/box for a lack of better words are missing text in some selections (or seemingly has the wrong text in the slot), most notably for me is the larkspurs dropdown box that only mentions/has text for the "atmosphere charged" slot, every other slot is blank and i have to make a guess about which tab/slot/selection is the right one im after, i may edit this later (edit: i am currently done editing this for now) to include a list of all (edit: primary) weapons i can find affected by thease 2 bugs(edit: And more) under the assumption it may help.


While I use the site quite a bit i dont touch every single weapon from day to day, a lot of these problems that are found and fixed have been typically reported. Other times its because an update needed to happen that happened to touch one of those things that an issue was discovered. Site bugs are best reported for us to know about and not assumed we know about them.


As for the first bug, it sounds like a bug that Stoi should have had fixed like a year ago... wonder what happened. I'll bring it up to him and see if he thinks its something he fixed already or what have ya. I'll take a look at though after he says something. As for the second issue that sounds like missing keys in our language files, if it ever shows up as blank or the word UNDEFINED then yeah its probably that. Without knowing where its at (you did provide this info) we would have a hard time tracking it down. As for the rest of the issues reported for weapons etc, that is very helpful and I appreciate your entire post. As for it showing Status Chance instead of status / bullet, pellet, etc. This is a known problem. We posted a while back for some help on the mathematics behind calculating it but never got a response from anyone. The site was designed to be 100% status max, and the update that allowed this to go over 100% (along with DEs changes at the time to making it / bullet, / pellet) no longer is able to conform with the math the site is using and attempts to correct it haven't worked. It's on the back-burner at this time but it is something known about.

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for some reason the mod Aero Periphery can be put on archguns when it’s a primary exclusives Exilus weapon mod. It also can be put on snipers and bows.
Aero Periphery

9 hours ago, Kalbintion said:


The English side still needs to be updated and validated itself, It'd be ideal overall knowing either or having access to either language of warframe (and some sense to deduce at the very least the mods and their text) for validating purposes but regardless, English side still needs to be worked on. It would also give an opportunity if you want to learn to code some insight on how the project works on the database at the very least. Entirely up to you though.

Also sure if I can help that way I’ll be glad to do so.

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On 2020-09-24 at 2:02 PM, Kalbintion said:


As for it showing Status Chance instead of status / bullet, pellet, etc. This is a known problem. We posted a while back for some help on the mathematics behind calculating it but never got a response from anyone. The site was designed to be 100% status max, and the update that allowed this to go over 100% (along with DEs changes at the time to making it / bullet, / pellet) no longer is able to conform with the math the site is using and attempts to correct it haven't worked. It's on the back-burner at this time but it is something known about.

hmmm, define "the mathematics behind calculating it", if you mean status probability then i have nothing there in terms of how to calculate that or test that it is right, but it seems like what ever you are using for status probability per trigger pull for the dex pixia is correct and would fit in here for what is needed on that front, as for status per pellet, those stats are in game (or the wiki seems fairly well informed), the chance per pellet just from the quick testing i was able to do in game seems to account most shotguns(all that i quickly had available to test was 4 shotguns, so 3 of the 4, 4th being the kohm, kohms inbuilt multishot seems to devide the status chance by its base max full spool multishot and then calculates status as normal per pellet) as, each pellet being a separate bullet, so, multishot makes no effect on each pellets chance(so if you have a boar, 8 pellets with 7.5% status chance each and you add a max 120% multishot hells charge now you have 17.6 pellets with 7.5% status chance each), so just make the site treat shotguns as rifles or pistols exept instead of one bullet they have (insert pellet count here), that seems like a dirty yet effective way around that mess, im not sure how far and accurate a measure like that is as i have not the time or all the resources(read: guns) needed to test this fully, but from preliminary tests, id say a copy of what ever status chance and status probability calculations the dex pixia uses(but redone to use shotgun mods and devoid of the aditional power strength calculations) would be a effective if not perfect solution unless i am overlooking something here.


i have a vague recollection that the 1st bug i mentioned poped up briefly(or i took notice of it only briefly) around the time that the shedu was added on account i think i noticed something like this then, back then i was testing builds for it but quickly forgot about it(trash gun to me damage wise but is a good gimmick) and the bug so it might of been around since then but i cant be certain if that is the case so call it a gut feeling, additionaly after testing again the shedu is effected by the 1st bug as well in its drop dow box that is also effected by the 2nd bug though i belived i mentioned it for the 2nd bug already. hope this helps in some way.

Edited by (XB1)Radiatedmilo
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Artemis bow with concentrated arrow has faulty dps due to the lack of its bonus crit chance. It shows up as the same crit chance as normal and charged shots.

Another issue s the fact that Charged shots for some reason have a negative sustained dps.

Finale issue is incorrect damage numbers according to the wiki. Artemis has 1680 damage on the wiki vs Warframe build which shows 2,100 damage.

just some errors with artemis bow here and there

Concentratd Arrow wiki

Artemis bow wiki

edit: i can see some confusion as artemis bow on WB has 1,680 puncture damage.

Edited by (PS4)Laughing_Beta
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On 2020-09-24 at 8:43 AM, (PS4)Laughing_Beta said:

for some reason the mod Aero Periphery can be put on archguns when it’s a primary exclusives Exilus weapon mod. It also can be put on snipers and bows.
Aero Periphery

Also sure if I can help that way I’ll be glad to do so.

I'll add it to the list. Add me to Discord for info about the db stuff, Kalbintion#8371

On 2020-09-26 at 8:09 AM, (XB1)Radiatedmilo said:

hmmm, define "the mathematics behind calculating it"

this is the math we're using to calculate status chance.

status = nStatusBase * (1 + nStatusBonus / 100);

statusParBalle = (1 - Math.pow(1 - status, 1 / nPelletBase))

Consequently, that 2nd line is what is causing a problem for >100% status chance calculations. There's more to it than just this, but small portion of the overall code to give an idea. This was code initially written by Stoi more or less when the site was first made and since DE has changed things quite a bit over time, its not as simple as stripping it out and re-doing it as it may break other things elsewhere etc. The entire weapon/frame calculations (all of it) are on my to-do list to remake so its a bit more friendly for updates and usage (and to cut down on duplicated code)

On 2020-09-28 at 1:38 AM, (PS4)Laughing_Beta said:

Artemis bow with concentrated arrow has faulty dps due to the lack of its bonus crit chance. It shows up as the same crit chance as normal and charged shots.

Another issue s the fact that Charged shots for some reason have a negative sustained dps.

Finale issue is incorrect damage numbers according to the wiki. Artemis has 1680 damage on the wiki vs Warframe build which shows 2,100 damage.

just some errors with artemis bow here and there

Concentratd Arrow wiki

Artemis bow wiki

edit: i can see some confusion as artemis bow on WB has 1,680 puncture damage.

Alright ill look into this and update the weapon. Thanks

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2 hours ago, Kalbintion said:

this is the math we're using to calculate status chance.

status = nStatusBase * (1 + nStatusBonus / 100);

statusParBalle = (1 - Math.pow(1 - status, 1 / nPelletBase))

Consequently, that 2nd line is what is causing a problem for >100% status chance calculations. There's more to it than just this, but small portion of the overall code to give an idea. This was code initially written by Stoi more or less when the site was first made and since DE has changed things quite a bit over time, its not as simple as stripping it out and re-doing it as it may break other things elsewhere etc. The entire weapon/frame calculations (all of it) are on my to-do list to remake so its a bit more friendly for updates and usage (and to cut down on duplicated code)

Just curious, i can see how this works but there are some situations where this calculation does not apply to shotguns/High pellet count weapons. For an example the shots for the redeemer prime has 30% status chance while having 10 pellets. its proper status per pellet is 9%, is the pellet status not includes or is there something else. This is not apparent in the corinth prime as it shows up as 9% on the builder and wiki. But if you were to go to Pyrana prime it shows up as 12% status in the builder but have a 3.6 status per pellet. I believe that the builder may have some slips in the status with multi pellet weapons.

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On 2020-09-29 at 9:35 AM, (PS4)Laughing_Beta said:

Just curious, i can see how this works but there are some situations where this calculation does not apply to shotguns/High pellet count weapons. For an example the shots for the redeemer prime has 30% status chance while having 10 pellets. its proper status per pellet is 9%, is the pellet status not includes or is there something else. This is not apparent in the corinth prime as it shows up as 9% on the builder and wiki. But if you were to go to Pyrana prime it shows up as 12% status in the builder but have a 3.6 status per pellet. I believe that the builder may have some slips in the status with multi pellet weapons.

Originally, the status % in-game referred to the overall shot status chance. Leaving per bullet calculations up to us. This is one of the reasons why it felt like shotguns were very under powered status chance wise. As each pellet was either really low %ages, or 100%, no real between. Since DE has changed it to display and use it as status / projectile, we technically don't need to calculate the percentage (as it's known now) based on weapon, but that doesn't solve the >100% problem issue the formula has. As the number (1 - status) for the base of an exponential isn't entirely defined for status > 1 (>1 being more than 100%)

For an example by the way, on the old system of the status % being overall, with a pellet count of 12 and overall status chance of 90% meant each pellet had about 17.4% status chance. Get to 100% overall though on that same pellet count? Each pellet was 100% status chance. Even being 0.5% below 100 gave a 35% chance per pellet.

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19 hours ago, Kalbintion said:

Originally, the status % in-game referred to the overall shot status chance. Leaving per bullet calculations up to us. This is one of the reasons why it felt like shotguns were very under powered status chance wise. As each pellet was either really low %ages, or 100%, no real between. Since DE has changed it to display and use it as status / projectile, we technically don't need to calculate the percentage (as it's known now) based on weapon, but that doesn't solve the >100% problem issue the formula has. As the number (1 - status) for the base of an exponential isn't entirely defined for status > 1 (>1 being more than 100%)

For an example by the way, on the old system of the status % being overall, with a pellet count of 12 and overall status chance of 90% meant each pellet had about 17.4% status chance. Get to 100% overall though on that same pellet count? Each pellet was 100% status chance. Even being 0.5% below 100 gave a 35% chance per pellet.

i can understand that, the status change in m opinion still leaves a poor taste in my mouth with how things were done. High pellet count weapons suffered alot more than other low pellet based shotguns due to the fact they just only multiplied status instead of giving more status based on weapons. Theres a massive dps difference from tigris prime and santi tigris. Hell tigris has a high status chance over the prime one. Thats because the tigris has one less pellet than the prime therefore making tigris a better status shotgun than tigris prime. See the issue. The status for weapons have changed vastly, in good and bad ways. meele weapons have better dps, but shotguns are iffy. So calculating dps and status must be a pain in the tail due to it. For an example Lets say you want to skip out on the cold 60-60 mod for corinth prime and replace it with the cold reload mod. Well that drops status more than you would think due to the fact that more pellets with less status hurts your status probability. It increases chance as you have more pellets but in reality its droping the status more while giving more pellets. So if you feel thats the probability of status procs be my guess mate.

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10 hours ago, flamingmelon said:

is this a build planner or a build editor?

Planner would be a more appropriate term. Both could be argued for the site as being valid terminology. However with the way you have phrased the question, it implies "editor" as it directly modifies the game itself, which isn't true and no tool out there will do that as it is impossible to influence1 the game in that way.


1 I am ignoring reverse engineering the warframe data protocol to achieve these things as this is against the eula and would cause your account to be banned.

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11 hours ago, Kalbintion said:

Planner would be a more appropriate term. Both could be argued for the site as being valid terminology. However with the way you have phrased the question, it implies "editor" as it directly modifies the game itself, which isn't true and no tool out there will do that as it is impossible to influence1 the game in that way.


1 I am ignoring reverse engineering the warframe data protocol to achieve these things as this is against the eula and would cause your account to be banned.

ah ok i understand

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 I just realized I never made a post for the U29.x line of updates and where we're at with them like Ive done for the past few. Well, here it is!

Note: The spoiler formatting is literally copy/pasted from our update PR on the sites private code base, as such, it is intended for markdown via github compared to warframe forums. Attempting to replicate the display here without being a proper update post is needlessly time consuming of a process that could have been spent doing the update instead, as things may be added to this list for the update at a moments notice or rarely removed due to a complication.


# U29.0
- [x] Add Xaku

- [x] Add [Trumna](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Trumna)
- [x] Add [Sepulcrum](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Sepulcrum)
  - [x] Modified in U29.1
- [x] Add [Zymos](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Zymos)
- [x] Add [Keratinos](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Keratinos)
- [x] Add [Cortege](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Cortege)
- [x] Add [Mausolon](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Mausolon)
- [x] Add [Quassus](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Quassus)
- [x] Update [Quellor](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Quellor)

- [x] Add [Botanist](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Botanist)
- [x] Add Prime Exclusive Mods
  - [x] [Bhisaj-Bal (Paris Prime)](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Bhisaj-Bal)
  - [x] [Damzav-Vati (Akbronco Prime)](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Damzav-Vati)
  - [x] [Hata-Satya (Soma Prime)](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Hata-Satya)
  - [x] [Zazvat-Kar (Akstiletto Prime)](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Zazvat-Kar)
- [x] Add K-Drive Mods
  - [x] [Primo Flair](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Primo_Flair)
  - [x] [Bomb The Landin'](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Bomb_The_Landin%27)
  - [x] [Juice](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Juice)
  - [x] [Vapor Trail](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Vapor_Trail)
- [x] Add Mod Set: Saxum
  - [x] [Saxum Carapace](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Saxum_Carapace)
  - [x] [Saxum Spittle](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Saxum_Spittle)
  - [x] [Saxum Thorax](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Saxum_Thorax)
- [x] Add Mod Set: Jugulus
  - [x] [Jugulus Carapace](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Jugulus_Carapace)
  - [x] [Jugulus Spines](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Jugulus_Spines)
  - [x] [Jugulus Barbs](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Jugulus_Barbs)
- [x] Add Mod Set: Carnis
  - [x] [Carnis Carapace](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Carnis_Carapace)
  - [x] [Carnis Stinger](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Carnis_Stinger)
  - [x] [Carnis Mandible](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Carnis_Mandible)
- [x] Add Necramech Mods
  - Mods added, but not yet available or confirmed
  - [x] [Necramech Vitality](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Necramech_Vitality)
  - [x] [Necramech Refuel](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Necramech_Refuel)
  - [x] [Necramech Pressure Point](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Necramech_Pressure_Point)
  - [x] [Necramech Intensify](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Necramech_Intensify)
  - [x] [Necramech Stretch](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Necramech_Stretch)
  - [x] [Necramech Redirection](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Necramech_Redirection)
  - [x] [Necramech Steel Fiber](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Necramech_Steel_Fiber)
  - [x] [Necramech Thrusters](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Necramech_Thrusters)
  - [x] [Necramech Reach](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Necramech_Reach)
  - [x] [Necramech Blitz](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Necramech_Blitz)
  - [x] [Necramech Slipstream](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Necramech_Slipstream)
  - [x] [Necramech Continuity](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Necramech_Continuity)
  - [x] [Necramech Seismic Wave](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Necramech_Seismic_Wave)
  - [x] [Necramech Fury](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Necramech_Fury)
  - [x] [Necramech Hydraulics](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Necramech_Hydraulics)
  - [x] [Necramech Streamline](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Necramech_Streamline)

# U29.3
- [x] Add Nezha Prime
- [x] Add Guandao Prime
- [x] Add Zakti Prime
- [x] Add Vitrica

# U29.5
- [x] Update Chroma
  - Spectral Scream: Status chance stat removed (100% always)
  - Spectral Scream: Damage increased to 400, from 200, at max rank
- [x] Update Zephyr
  - Air Burst: 35% Additional damage / enemy hit
  - Air Burst: 50% chance to deal physical status effect

- [x] Add [Bubonico](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Bubonico)
- [x] Add [Catabolyst](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Catabolyst)
- [x] Add Proboscis Cernos
- [x] Add Pulmonars
- [x] Add Sporothrix
- [x] Add Arum Spinosa
- [x] Update Cerata
- [x] Update Falcor
- [x] Update Gliave
- [x] Update Glaive Prime
- [x] Update Halikar
- [x] Update Kestrel
- [x] Update Orvius

- [x] Add Necramech Flow
- [x] Add Necramech Efficiency
- [x] Add Necramech Drift
- [x] Add Necramech Friction
- [x] Update Power Throw
- [x] Add Volatile Rebound
- [x] Add Volatile Quick Return
- [x] Add Mach Crash (Mach Rush, Gauss Augment)
- [x] Add Blending Talons (Seeking Talons, Garuda Augment)
- [x] Add Thrall Pact (Enthrall, Revenant Augment)
- [x] Add Critical Surge (Breach Surge, Wisp Augment)

# U29.6
- [x] Add Lavos
- [x] Add Cedo
- [x] Add Necramech Deflection
- [x] Add Necramech Rebuke
- [x] Add Necramech Repair
- [x] Add Necramech Enemy Sense
- [x] Add Necramech Augur
- [x] Add Necramech Rage
- [x] Add Necramech Aviator

**Other Changes/Bug Fixes**
- [x] Add [Athodai](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Athodai)
- [x] Fix Inaros Prime polarities
  - **MADE LIVE**
- [x] Add Helstrum weapon image
- [x] Add Panthera Prime weapon image
- [x] Directed Convergence not marked as Exilus
  - **MADE LIVE**
  - Reported by [FuzzyPat](https://forums.warframe.com/topic/163393-warframe-builder/?do=findComment&comment=11820080)
- [x] Inspect Kuva Ayanga Riven saving failure
  - Reported by [(NSW)Gamer-Steve](https://forums.warframe.com/topic/163393-warframe-builder/page/169/?tab=comments#comment-11846760)
    - [Post 2](https://forums.warframe.com/topic/163393-warframe-builder/page/169/?tab=comments#comment-11850773)
- [x] Update Calculated Redirection to be used on other companions
  - Cannot be used together with Link Shields
- [x] Update Metal Fiber to be used on other companions
  - Cannot be used together with Link Armor
- [x] Update Link Health + Enhanced vitality to be exclusive
- [x] Add [Endless Lullaby](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Endless_Lullaby)
  - Reported by [Pyrotechnist](https://forums.warframe.com/topic/163393-warframe-builder/?do=findComment&comment=11895142)
- [x] Update [Controlled Slide]() for correct Cost
  - Reported by [kyori](https://forums.warframe.com/topic/163393-warframe-builder/?do=findComment&comment=11911596)

- U29.0 Updated Mag's Magnetize ability to allow for a 'Hold' cast, stats seem identical to the non-hold cast, not updating unless there appears to be new information/stats
- U29.5 Added new Mods Martyr Symbiosis (Vulpaphyla) and Volatile Parasite (Predaiste) precept mods

**Pushed To Future Update**
The following has been pushed to a later update due to time and effort required to get these systems in place that would otherwise delay this newest site update.
- Add Voidrig (Necramech)
- Update all frames for Helminth System
- Add Predasites
  - Medjay Predasite
  - Pharaoh Predasite
  - Vizier Predasite
- Add Vulpaphyla
  - Crescent Vulpaphyla
  - Sly Vulpaphyla
  - Panzer Vulpaphyla
- Add Bonewidow (Necramech)
- Velocitus reported missing Multishot on charged, atmosphere, atmosphere charged
  - Issue happens on **all** other weaponry when fire mode is changed
  - Reported by [GaussDeath](https://forums.warframe.com/topic/163393-warframe-builder/?do=findComment&comment=11805574)

U29: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1216407-heart-of-deimos-update-29/
H29.0.1: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1216573-heart-of-deimos-hotfix-2901/
H29.0.2: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1217239-heart-of-deimos-hotfix-2902/
H29.0.3: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1217375-heart-of-deimos-hotfix-2903/
H29.0.4: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1218017-heart-of-deimos-hotfix-2904/
H29.0.5: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1218594-heart-of-deimos-hotfix-2905/
H29.0.6: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1220813-heart-of-deimos-hotfix-2906/
H29.0.7: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1221646-heart-of-deimos-hotfix-2907/
H29.0.8 + H29.0.8.1: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1224002-heart-of-deimos-hotfix-2908-29081/
U29.1: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1225874-heart-of-deimos-update-2910/
H29.1.1: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1226276-heart-of-deimos-hotfix-2911/
H29.1.2 + H29.1.2.1: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1227236-heart-of-deimos-hotfix-2912-hotfix-29121/
U29.2: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1228676-heart-of-deimos-prime-vault-2920/
H29.2.1: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1229060-heart-of-deimos-tennogen-2921/
H29.2.2: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1229890-heart-of-deimos-hotfix-2922/
H29.2.3: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1230227-heart-of-deimos-hotfix-2923/
H29.2.4: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1231382-heart-of-deimos-hotfix-2924-nights-of-naberus/
U29.3 + H29.3.1: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1232841-heart-of-deimos-nezha-prime-2930-29301/
H29.3.1: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1234193-heart-of-deimos-tennogen-2931/
H29.3.2: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1234372-heart-of-deimos-tennogen-2932/
U29.5: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1236257-update-295-deimos-arcana/
H29.5.1: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1236297-deimos-arcana-hotfix-2951/
H29.5.2: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1236646-deimos-arcana-hotfix-2952/
H29.5.3: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1237408-deimos-arcana-hotfix-2953/
H29.5.4: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1237744-deimos-arcana-hotfix-2954/
H29.5.5 + H29.5.5.1: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1238119-deimos-arcana-hotfix-2955-29551/
H29.5.6: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1238756-deimos-arcana-hotfix-2956/
H29.5.7: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1239954-deimos-arcana-hotfix-2957/
H29.5.8: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1240154-hotfix-2958/
H29.5.9: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1240704-deimos-arcana-prime-vault-2959/
U29.6: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1241202-update-2960-orphix-venom/
H29.6.1: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1241287-orphix-venom-hotfix-2961/
H29.6.2: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1242046-orphix-venom-hotfix-2962/
H29.6.3: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1242116-orphix-venom-hotfix-2963/



Important Note: We are still looking for site developer assistance, please read the spoiler contents below for more information. This is copy/pasted from a previous post.



For the adventure to continue in the best conditions, Warframe Builder is looking for a web developer to help with the updates and the development of new features.


First of all, this is not a paid job. You'll get nothing but the fun to work on the project in return, the necessary costs are barely covered, there's no money involved. If you expect something else than just be part of the team and/or expand your skills, then you should pass your way. If you are fine with this, you can continue reading.


We are looking for a web developer, primarily front-end (JS++/HTML/CSS) but also with some back-end knowledge (SQL and PHP) to help us with the updates and new features. Knowledge of node.js and Github will help too. There are tools that exists to help get the job done, but a lot of things still require manual input. As we need someone that can be quickly operational, we prefer someone that can justify some experience in web development, able to quickly get used to the current code and to the way we work (though there's nothing special to be afraid of besides the state of the code). We also have very few ways to judge your motivation, so being a long time player and/or active in the community (forums) will count too. We're looking for a long-term partner to ensure the future of the app, not someone coming for 2 weeks. You should be able to speak English good enough to be understood and be able to join our Discord server.


We don't expect you to work 5 hours a day on Warframe Builder. We are looking for someone who wants to dedicate a few hours a week to keep the app online and updated. Something like 3 or 4 hours a week on average should be more than enough as Kalbintion is already working on this, so the work will be split. Might need a few more hours for the first days to get used to everything, but over time, that's what we expect, on average. We also expect you to be communicative enough, be it for problems, suggestions or random talk. Communication will help transform problems into solutions, and distance into friendship.


If you are interested and think your profile is what we need, please contact Kalbintion#8371 on Discord. We'll be glad to talk with you and see if we can work together.


Edited by Kalbintion
Progress List Update - Almost There!
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U29.0 to U29.6.3 Site Update!

It has been a long time coming but the update for U29.0 all the way through 29.6.3 has been finished! There are some things that are still missing (Necramechs for example) and have been pushed to another update to make sure this update can be released on New Year's Eve. I have spent quite a few hours these past few days making sure this update was done in time and determining what I could get done in the time available.

If there are any issues with this update please let us know! It's entirely possible something got overlooked as it has been months in the making.


  • Added Xaku
  • Added Nezha Prime
  • Added Lavos
  • Updated Chroma
  • Updated Zephyr
  • Updated Inaros Prime Polarities


  • Added Trumna
  • Added Sepulcrum
  • Added Zymos
  • Added Keratinos
  • Added Cortege
  • Added Mausolon
  • Added Quassus
  • Added Guandao Prime
  • Added Zakti Prime
  • Added Vitrica
  • Added Bubonico
  • Added Catabolyst
  • Added Proboscis Cernos
  • Added Pulmonars
  • Added Sporothrix
  • Added Arum Spinosa
  • Added Cedo
  • Added Athodai
  • Updated Quellor
  • Updated all Glaive weaponry (Cerata, Falcor, Glaive, Glaive Prime, Halikar, Kestrel, Orvius)
  • Added Missing Helstrum weapon image
  • Added Panthera Prime weapon image


  • Added Botanist
  • Added Bhisaj-Bal
  • Added Damzav-Vati
  • Added Hata-Satya
  • Added Zazvat-Kar
  • Added Saxum Set Mods
    • Saxum Carapace
    • Saxum Spittle
    • Saxum Thorax
  • Added Jugulus Mod Set
    • Jugulus Carapace
    • Jugulus Spines
    • Jugulus Barbs
  • Added Carnis Mod Set
    • Carnis Carapace
    • Carnis Stinger
    • Carnis Mandible
  • Added Volatile Rebound
  • Added Volatile Quick Return
  • Added Mach Crash
  • Added Blending Talons
  • Added Thrall Pact
  • Added Critical Surge
  • Added Endless Lullaby
    • Thanks to Pyrotechnist for the report!
  • Updated Power Throw
  • Updated Directed Convergence to be an Exilus mod
    • Thanks to FuzzyPat for reporting!
  • Updated Calculated Redirection to be used on other companions
  • Updated Metal Fiber to be used on other companions
  • Updated Link Health + Enhanced Vitality to be mutually exclusive
  • Updated Controlled Slide for correct Cost
    • Thanks to kyori for the report!


  • Fixed a saving bug reported by (NSW)Gamer-Steve not keeping riven mod values


  • All Nechramech mods have been added to the site, however these are unavailable. Necramechs have additional slots than other frames, companions, etc and as thus requires additional work to be done on the site to make sure the new slots function and work as expected, are saved and loaded properly, etc. I was unfortunately not able to have the time to complete this like I wanted to in time for this update. It is of high priority to get it done within the next month but no guarantees. This also includes needing to add the two mechs (Voidrig, Bonewidow) once the layout solution has been done.
  • A report by GaussDeath of Multishot hiding itself on changing firing modes on the Velocitus actually occurs on all weaponry, this appears to be a design choice or flaw - of which I am awaiting a response from Stoi on - regardless of what it is, I spent a few hours looking into the cause and how to fix, it will need to be pushed or decided as a 'Will Not Fix' scenario. We will see. Thanks to GaussDeath for the report regardless. In the meantime it's going to be only shown on the base firing mode of the weapon.
  • The new companions (predasites and vulpaphylas) are still a WIP due to their modular nature. They can be certainly added without the modular stat information as it is, however this will only be done early without modular stuff if it is deemed something the community wants.
  • The Helminth system, where abilities can be interchanged, will require some different systems on the site. This is not something that Warframe has really ever seen before since the abilities-as-mods system they had very very early on. There is no ETA for this but it is on the long-term to-do list. If you need to know what mods will do to that ability once interchanged in, please just port the build to the other frame using the "Transfer To" drop-down under toggling forma/potato to see stats in the meantime.
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Hi @Kalbintion, I noticed that the Mausolon doesn't have text on most of it's firing modes, when you look at the drop-down table. It does list the Atmospheric charge though, and from what I can tell, the various sets of stats do change based on which firing type you select; They just aren't fully identifiable at the moment. I wouldn't say it's a huge priority, but I wanted to let you know.


I nearly forgot, the Mausolon build I've got:


I'm not sure if any other drop-down tables are affected for other weapons, but it's not impossible.

Edited by (NSW)Gamer-Steve
I wanted to include the build I'm using, in case the issue happens when transferring it to other weapons (Unless they already are / aren't affected). Edit #2: Found a typo
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2 hours ago, (NSW)Gamer-Steve said:

Hi @Kalbintion, I noticed that the Mausolon doesn't have text on most of it's firing modes, when you look at the drop-down table. It does list the Atmospheric charge though, and from what I can tell, the various sets of stats do chance based on which firing type you select; They just aren't fully identifiable at the moment. I wouldn't say it's a huge priority, but I wanted to let you know.


I nearly forgot, the Mausolon build I've got:


I'm not sure if any other drop-down tables are affected for other weapons, but it's not impossible.

Thanks for the report, this weapon along with the cortege were affected, it has been fixed on the live version of the site. Will prolly have effected future archgun weaponry too. I will have to double check the names being proper but theyre good enough for the moment so its not a blank line considering its 7am and i havent gone to sleep lol. Also, I have responded to your message to me.

Edited by Kalbintion
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44 minutes ago, Kalbintion said:

Thanks for the report, this weapon along with the cortege were affected, it has been fixed on the live version of the site. Will prolly have effected future archgun weaponry too. I will have to double check the names being proper but theyre good enough for the moment so its not a blank line considering its 7am and i havent gone to sleep lol. Also, I have responded to your message to me.

Ah, nice, anytime.


Sleep is important too, heh! But in any case, I'll be sure to mention any other things that could need fixing if / when they show up.

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U29.6.3a is the name of this next update for the site, at least as it stands right now. It may include future warframe updates if any release before this is completed and as such may go beyond the H29.6.3 update. It is to primarily cover some of the things not gotten to before the new year on the sites previous update as well as touch upon any reported bugs and a missing feature or two. Feel free to use this post as a reference to see where the next site update is currently at.

Note: The spoiler formatting is literally copy/pasted from our update PR on the sites private code base, as such, it is intended for markdown via github compared to warframe forums. Attempting to replicate the display here without being a proper update post is needlessly time consuming of a process that could have been spent doing the update instead, as things may be added to this list for the update at a moments notice or rarely removed due to a complication.


This branch is a continuing of PR #70 with a primary goal of finishing off some features not finished in that PR to get the bulk of the update out.

# U29.0 to U29.6.3
- [x] Add [Voidrig](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Voidrig) (Necramech)
  - Added as a 'frame' due to their inherit similarity to them having abilities 
- [x] Add [Bonewidow](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Bonewidow) (Necramech)
  - Added as a 'frame' due to their inherit similarity to them having abilities
- [x] Add [Ironbride](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Ironbride)
  - Bonewidows exalted weapon, ability 4 
- Add [Predasites](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Predasite)
  - [x] [Medjay Predasite](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Medjay_Predasite)
  - [x] [Pharaoh Predasite](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Pharaoh_Predasite)
  - [x] [Vizier Predasite](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Vizier_Predasite)
- Add [Vulpaphyla](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Vulpaphyla)
  - [x] [Crescent Vulpaphyla](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Crescent_Vulpaphyla)
  - [x] [Sly Vulpaphyla](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Sly_Vulpaphyla)
  - [x] [Panzer Vulpaphyla](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Panzer_Vulpaphyla)
 - [x] Add Antigen Modular Companion Drop-down
   - Modifies first mod slots default polarity
 - [x] Add Mutagen Modular Companion Drop-down
   - While this will be saved with a build, it is uncertain if mutagens properly modify the resistances of companions, as such it is there as a visual thing only until it has been determined they work, and what true effect it may have
 - Add Predasite Mods
   - [x] Acidic Spittle
   - [x] Iatric Mycelium
   - [x] Endoparasitic Vector
   - [x] Anabolic Polination
   - [x] Infectious Bite
   - [x] Paralytic Spores
   - [x] Volatile Parasite
 - Add Vulpaphyla Mods
   - [x] Survival Instinct
   - [x] Sly Devolution
   - [x] Crescent Charge
   - [x] Crescent Devolution
   - [x] Viral Quills
   - [x] Panzer Devolution
   - [x] Martyr Symbiosis
- [x] Velocitus reported missing Multishot on charged, atmosphere, atmosphere charged
  - Issue happens on all other weaponry when fire mode is changed
  - Reported by [GaussDeath](https://forums.warframe.com/topic/163393-warframe-builder/?do=findComment&comment=11805574)
  - RELATED: Fixed Missing Stats on Firing Mode Swap
  - Reported by [(NSW)Gamer-Steve](https://forums.warframe.com/topic/163393-warframe-builder/?do=findComment&comment=11995848)
  - Continuation of Issue #74 regarding other stats
- [x] Update [Xoris](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Xoris) (U29.5)

# Other Changes
- [x] Fix Missing Lang Keys for Archguns (Seen for Mausolon & Cortege)
  - **MADE LIVE**
  - Reported by [(NSW)Gamer-Steve](https://forums.warframe.com/profile/4990509-nswgamer-steve/)
- [x] Add [Parazon](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Parazon)
  - Will be added as a 'melee' option based on the mercy kill animation being melee orientated
  - Will **not** have slots for Requiem mods as these do not modify the build except for Kuva Liches specifically, and contain dedicated slots to them that the below mods cannot be slotted into.
- Add Parazon Mods
  - [x] [Auto Breach](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Auto_Breach)
  - [x] [Failsafe](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Failsafe)
  - [x] [Intruder](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Intruder) (Requires Mod Update)
  - [x] [Live Wire](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Live_Wire)
  - [x] [Master Key](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Master_Key)
  - [x] [Runtime](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Runtime)
  - [x] [Untraceable](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Untraceable)
  - [x] [Blood For Ammo](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Blood_For_Ammo)
  - [x] [Blood For Energy](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Blood_For_Energy)
  - [x] [Blood For Life](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Blood_For_Life)
  - [x] [Hit And Run](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Hit_And_Run)
  - [x] [Out Of Sight](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Out_Of_Sight)
- [x] Fix a random bug related to logging into the site while on a builder page and attempting to save failing to show dialog
- [x] Fixed "missing" trumna image (moved to right location)
  - **MADE LIVE** 
- [x] Fixed Helstrum "missing" image (bad file name in db)
  - **MADE LIVE** 
- [x] Add [Desiccation's Curse](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Desiccation%27s_Curse) (Inaros Augment)
  - Reported by [(NSW)Gamer-Steve](https://forums.warframe.com/topic/163393-warframe-builder/?do=findComment&comment=11995848)
- [x] Update Mausolon firing mode texts to better match damage purpose
- [x] Update Cortege firing mode texts to better match damage purpose
- [x] Fix Xoris' missing attack type language keys
  - Reported by [(NSW)Gamer-Steve](https://forums.warframe.com/topic/163393-warframe-builder/?do=findComment&comment=11995848)
- [x] Fixed short url code usage not loading in riven information if present
  - Reported by [(NSW)Gamer-Steve](https://forums.warframe.com/topic/163393-warframe-builder/?do=findComment&comment=11995848)
- [x] Fixed internal short url system from possible exploitation
- [x] Fixed bug related to enhanced vitality, metal fiber and redirection breaking on companions like predasites
  - Required updating the Link* mods to be usable as expected 

# Notes
- Helminth system is going to be pushed off for an unknown amount of time due to the requirements of this change.
- H29.6.4 does not contain anything new to the game

# References
U29 - H29.6.3: See PR #70 
H29.6.4: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1244110-orphix-venom-hotfix-2964/


Edit Jan 4, 2021: Two images were "missing" from the site, the Helstrum, whose image was added in the previous sites update, has been properly shown due to an error in the weapons data entry. Trumna also has its image shown now, due to an error on where it was saved to. 

Edited by Kalbintion
Updated Progress
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I found some more things to report, mostly for the Xoris.

Here's the build I have for it, as a reference:


  1. Regardless of whether I'm logged into the site, when I check on the exported link (Which I put on the Discord server with my friends from Job Corps) it seems that the Xoris build then suffers from a similar Riven issue like what the Kuva Ayanga once had. The Xoris build's riven is a blank slate, and it's polarity is set to the left-most one by default.
    • (Thankfully I checked the Ayanga's General-Purpose & Atmospheric links, and the riven works just fine for that weapon still!)
    • From what I can tell on my end, there's only two ways to actually get to the build with the riven's data included;
      • When I access the Xoris' build via my own list of builds by logging into the site.
      • Checking the Xoris' build via a list of the public builds I've made, and here's the link for that too:
        • I don't think it matters if you're logged into the site while checking that public list, as far as I can tell. The Xoris' build does include the riven's info when you access it through those methods. Otherwise, the Riven has no alterations from a new one.
    • If it helps, this is the info I have for the riven (Taken from what the site says):

      +50% critical multiplier
      +50% attack range
      +80% electric
      -80 sec combo duration
      • A bit of a seperate matter regarding what the site says with categories of two riven stat things:


        • As far as I know, (& I would imagine it's on the to-do list in the future) attack range isn't listed / calculated as a percentage boost anymore, but instead simply adding meters of attack range. So aside from listing a melee weapon's attack range stat, it might be a good idea to see how the site's rivens can handle using meters of range rather than percentages of attack range. Of course fixing any riven info things for any weapon is a more important task; I just was wondering about this too.
          • That said, I recall one bug a long time ago where if you use something like "m" after selecting (possibly any stat category actually) something like attack range on the riven editor, it causes every other stat below it to list their numbers with an "m" afterwards too. Such as 3.2m, or things like that. I haven't tested that bug since then, so it could be non-existent by now however.

            But just in case I thought I should mention it too.
        • Same type of question regarding combo duration; I'll have to check to make sure, but is combo duration calculated as a percentage currently in-game with Rivens, or was that changed to a certain + or - of seconds? The wiki mentions it as 8s base value ( https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Riven_Mods#Attributes ), so I'm guessing that's the case.

          If it isn't then it should be working alright on the site, since using the numbers in the riven editor lists it as "seconds" afterwards. But if it's using the opposite method of calculation than in-game (Flat seconds & / or decimals vs a percentage of duration), then it would need a bit of thought, possibly.


  2. On the Xoris' build page (regardless of being logged in or not), when you select anything other than "Normal" in the weapon's drop-down table, the smaller drop-down table (Under "Other Attacks") where you select your target's number of status effects vanishes!
    • All amounts of damage seem to change accordingly based on what is selected, and if you select an amount of procced status effects beforehand, the damage values will still count that at least. You just aren't able to change the number of statuses again unless you reload the webpage.
    • Edit (01-05-2021 @ 3:05am): I tested that again as I wrote the above point. Apparently it's not just the drop-down box that vanishes, but anything other than the slide attack's damage goes away. In this build's case, that "+50% attack range" is also gotten rid of until the page is reloaded. It actually makes me wonder if any other melee weapons are affected by this issue (Might depend on if they have the first drop-down table or not though!).
      • I also noticed that changing the attack type back to normal does not bring back the extra things listed in "Other Attacks".
  3. Also regarding the Xoris' first drop-down table, the second and third options have nothing to identify what they are, similar to what recently happened with the Mausolon and Cortege.
    • That said, the listed attack type also claims to be "normal" while you have one of the blank attack types selected.

I went into a bit more detail than I originally thought, but I hope it helps!


Not to get too off-topic from that, but there are a couple smaller things I remembered to ask about;

  • One is just that for Inaros / Inaros Prime (Since I finished planning an Umbral build for the latter), the mod "Desiccation's Curse" ( https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Desiccation's_Curse ) is currently not added on their pages.
    • It may have been mentioned some time ago on the forum thread here, but I'm not sure. I think it can wait until after more significant changes are implemented of course, since it's just one augment mod.


  • The last thing I thought about was regarding the Mausolon's newly listed attack types. It might not need asking, but what exactly do the "Secondary" and "Atmosphere Secondary" attack types represent? Is that a different mode of firing, or the AOE of each individual pellet from the gun?
    • Going off of the damage vaules, I gathered pretty fast that "Charged" was talking about the weapon's full-power blast from killing 5 enemies, and "Area" was the resulting damage within the blast's explosion, but I wasn't sure about the Secondary modes. Any insight would help :)


Sorry for the overall wall of text! I just thought including all of it here would be more proper than making separate posts for the Xoris' page issues and brief questions.

Edited by (NSW)Gamer-Steve
I noticed I forgot to erase an unfinished sentence in point #2 (My mind was getting tired last night before I laid down!), so I took care of that.
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