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stradavar prime.


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Stradavar was one of my favorite weapons and they definitely tried to avoid the power creep with this one. I was disappointed as well, except for the aesthetics. I love the way it looks. I was hoping for a bit more of an upgrade tho

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I could have looked at the stats and told you it was going to be meh without even testing. Saying that those other full auto rifles are better is a bit of a stretch though as they're all pretty similar in stats. Stradavar Prime probably has slightly better paper stats than all of them at full-auto, with better CC and higher CD (less status though than Karak/Braton).

Also, semi-auto mode got buffed a lot more than full auto. Significantly higher increase in damage (60% vs. 7%), actual increases in crit and status (mostly status), and a slightly higher CD increase. Nerfed fire rate, but far higher accuracy and innate punch through.

Edited by corallein
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the problem is not the prime, it's the stradivar, the original

if I recall correctly the stradivar was one of the first weapons to have two firing modes, I seem to recall that being it's selling point

unfortunately, to keep it from being the most overpowered thing in the game, it could never excel at either mode, and was thus doomed to be mid tier at best

hype for the original stradivar and it's two firing modes came and went as the weapon failed to impress

the original has been out since may of 2016, I haven't seen anybody actually using it, for at least a year

the stradivar will always be an experimental weapon that failed to take off, it's prime just fills the joke prime slot the sicarius p left when it graduated into a real weapon

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It's an Assault Rifle so it's already at an inherent disadvantage.

It looks like they attempted to combat the macro semi-auto though. When Stradavar first came out you could get better DPS and status per second by using the Semi-auto on macro over using the Full-auto. Was kinda funny and almost decently effective. They buffed the weapon three times since then.

EDIT: lol, it's passive is literally free ammo to compensate why Assault Rifles aren't great weapons.

Edited by Xzorn
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I haven't gotten all the parts to make it yet, but I'm very much looking forward to making it for several reasons.

It has better ammo economy than Soma. The wiki says that you get three times the ammo you normally do from drops. This starts to bridge the gap between rifles and other weapons as you can sustain fire.

Soma Prime is great for sustained DPS that is magnified with bleed damage. It has crappy burst damage and has no precision mode at all. Ammo also has to be supplemented at higher levels.

Tiberon Prime has really solid burst DPS with a solid ammo economy if using only burst mode. If you use a corrosive build or viral with hunter munitions, it takes down heavy targets faster than Soma. Honestly, its semi auto and full auto are pretty useless unless you are fighting very low level enemies.

It looks like Stradavar is right in the middle and also has a useful semi auto. It won't out burst the Tiberon or out bleed the Soma, but it will apply good sustained full auto damage with less ammo issues. It's single fire also looks like it would actually be useful if ammo does run low, but it still can't compete with real semi auto rifles there. The idea is to never let up on high crit fire at mid range and do light sniping at long range.

However, none of this matters at all because Warframe is beyond broken. Tigris Prime has insanely higher sustained DPS than all of these weapons combined because it's burst DPS is so absurdly high they can't ever catch up.

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1 hour ago, Luciole77 said:

Soma prime/karak wraith/braton prime they are better than this new prime!

Is this a joke?

Stradavar Prime Full 30 damage, 24%/2.4 crit, 12% status,10 fire rate.

Stradavar prime Semi 80 damage, 30%/2.8 crit, 22% status 3.33 fire rate, 1m punch through, 2 ammo  cost

Soma Prime 12 damage, 30%/3.0 crit, 10% status, 15 fire rate.

Karak wraith 31.2 damage, 13%/2.0, 25% status, 11.87 fire rate

Braton prime 35 damage, 12%/2.0 crit, 26% status, 9.58 fire rate

Has 2.5* the damage of the soma prime and slightly better statsu but less crit stats and fire rate. Semi Auto is even higher damage per ammo and shot, innate punchthrough same chance, slightly less mult but is very slow.

Has damage comparable to the status rifles with double the crit, thus a focus on damage is here.


Oh and apparently all rifles pick up 60 ammo(I made that wiki edit before further testing), no clue how long that change has been there but even testing on my switch with a Prisma Gorgon.

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2 hours ago, z3us32610 said:

Stradavar was one of my favorite weapons and they definitely tried to avoid the power creep with this one. I was disappointed as well, except for the aesthetics. I love the way it looks. I was hoping for a bit more of an upgrade tho

Stradavar tried to avoid the powercreep, while tipedo prime being extremely ridiculously super duper buffed.

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Not sure why they nerfed the disposition while they were at it, 

It's looks an OK weapon for star chart biut nor is it popular nor does it fill any niche. 

I have yet to build my stradavar prime but from what I am hearing it's not really worth much. 

Could someone check and compare with the tenora? I like that one a lot. 

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3 hours ago, Luciole77 said:

Am I the only one who was disappointed? -.-


5 formas and tested a lot. Soma prime/karak wraith/braton prime they are better than this new prime!

I was disappointed in the regular Stradavar. I had low expectations for the Prime tbh...
The Tiberon series just beats the Stradavar series...hands down in every way.

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2 hours ago, Deadoon said:

Oh and apparently all rifles pick up 60 ammo(I made that wiki edit before further testing), no clue how long that change has been there but even testing on my switch with a Prisma Gorgon.

I can confirm this. I think after the profit-taker patch? All rifle ammo I pick up are 60 ammo now.

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1 hour ago, -NightmareMoon- said:

stradavar prime is meh at best, also I hate the way it looks, the barrel being curved make no sense, overall is and ugly and underperformed weapon.

what a wasted oportunity.

its still a pretty decent rifle, functionally reminds me of the zenith a bit too much tho.

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not sure how people expected something stronger than Tiberon Prime, a Rifle with 3 fire modes, insane stats on each of them, and a strong Riven Disposition (which was only recently slightly nerfed.). I love that thing but it basically renders all other Hitscan rifles obsolete. Snipers are only better because they have the combo system now, if it weren't for that, Snipers would be invisible outside of Eidolon Hunts. DE kind of screwed all future Prime rifles with Tiberon prime, because unless it gets nerfed, nothing will ever come close.

not everything has to be insanely meta. Stradavar Prime was already going to be "worse" than Tiberon Prime just for *only* having 2 fire modes, and statwise it still holds up pretty well considering. only way Tiberon Prime is getting beat though is if another rifle comes along with an added grenade Launcher and even more ludicrous stats (might as well give it 100% base crit chance and status at that point).

ditch the meta guys, and just try to enjoy a gun for what it is and how it shoots and feels. not like most people will be taking it above level 100 anyway.


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5 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

only way Tiberon Prime is getting beat though is if another rifle comes along with an added grenade Launcher and even more ludicrous stats (might as well give it 100% base crit chance and status at that point).

This is where Rivens are supposed to come in but they may have jumped the ball a little too quickly with dropping the disposition by quite a significant amount while the Tiberon got the opposite treatment until quite recently.

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Il y a 3 heures, RX-3DR a dit :

This is where Rivens are supposed to come in but they may have jumped the ball a little too quickly with dropping the disposition by quite a significant amount while the Tiberon got the opposite treatment until quite recently.

I believe this is because they are now also basing disposition on weapon power instead of solely relying on weapon popularity.  

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I do not think this weapon is bad. Strong mediocre weapon with some good points but I just judge it by stats. I do not own it but I do like to get it soon.

I do wish latron series will get some treatement because these are fodders sadly.

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