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Too much, too fast...


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Does anyone else think that DE tried to cram too much stuff into one update? I checked the page on all the status updates and people aren't realizing that much of what they are seeing may or may not be due to the scaling changes. I checked the page talking about the scaling and people are unsure abut the effects of the shield gating on what they are looking at. I looked at the stuff talking about the survivability of warframes due to shield gating and people are not even considering that the increase in base armor for different warframes is also partly responsible for the greater survivability.

And there are DOZENS of other changes beyond Quality of Life updates and bug fixes.

I think it just makes it hard to tell what change is effecting what and how each individual thing is actually working out. I for one think that nobody would have had a problem with lots of little updates (along with some dedicated focus on fine tuning those things after), even if a 40-some page update thread is impressive.

Am I the only one who thinks this?

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I don't see the problem here, the changes aren't exactly complicated or anything. Shields getting a 25% damage reduction makes a big difference too, not just the gating. Most of the armor boosts were fairly minor except on frames that had almost nothing. Just saying "people are unsure" about everything doesn't really say much.

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4 hours ago, xcrimsonlegendx said:

Isn't a mainline just where they cram all the stuff they've been working on into one update and push it out the door? Seems par for the course to me.

They also usually lay the foundation for another big update soon after, in this case Scarlet Spear. 

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If they would have made more drastic changes, more nerfs would have been involved and people would have rioted real hard. The community is usually against any kind of change of habits and it's already a miracle we don't see more complaints about the few nerfs dished out.

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Honestly I feel like people are really overreacting to the changes. It's clear (to me anyways) that DE has put lots of thought into this update. Nobody needs to change their build (as in, a corrosive Kohm kills just as fast as before, if not faster) but the update nevertheless is sparking more build diversity and I can't really see that as a bad thing. I ran into a Mag the other day, in a ARBITRATION of all things! Imagine that! One of the weakest Warframes durability-wise before the update is now quickly re-finding her place in the game devoid of surprise BS oneshots.


The ability to stack multiple status effects in a single shot/hit has been a boon, especially for melee weapons - my chromatic blade Excal is now proccing 5-10 stacks of viral and heat per swing. PER SWING! I'm seeing numbers as high as 300k with just exalted blade and a decent combo counter. Was nowhere near close to that before the update.


Arcane changes I feel like are a harder pill to swallow, but if you can get the bigger picture of it - really not so bad. Ultimately, most/all arcanes recieved a 1.5x buff (that is to say, unless you frequently doublestacked arcanes to which end DE made a great point - nothing else in the game can be double-stacked, not rivens, not mods, and now arcanes are consistent with that.) For those that didn't doublestack, the arcane changes are essentially a straight buff, you now can squeeze a lot more power out of your arcanes than previously before. We essentially get the strength of a hybridized 3rd arcane now, some arcanes like Arcane Strike being a straight up upgrade to their mod equivalent - in this case primed fury.

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they constantly make eidolon hunting less fun as they progress, i swear this is one of the only games i play that they make more steps backwards than forwards. hoping for a hotfix for the amps.

and my favorite shotgun corinth, i used airburst more often than the primary.. now they ruined it.

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Imagine not knowing all the mechanics, synergies etc between frames, damage types, status effects and so on.. Imagine reading patch notes about all the changes to things you didn't understand in the first place.. Imo they should have released these changes slowly so it would be easier to understand and figure out what to change in a build to fix it. Now there were so many changes at once that I have no clue where to start.

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AFAIK Brain Cells will need some times to adapt to new patterns when learning new things.
It takes time.
Same way as when viruses enter your body and your cells need few days to figure out the antivirus production formula. (If your Cells fail, You die).
I think we have plenty of time to figure out these new mechanics. (A lot of guides on Youtube now).
Should be months or years before next major changes.

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to people saying they should have taken longer, you're forgetting that if DE took much longer, they'd have to put up with even more incessant whining about "how long it's taking to fix simple problems". if they have the fixes ready, they need to launch them, sitting on them makes no sense whatsoever.

people are gonna complain regardless: too much change, not enough change, too much grind, not enough grind, too much difficulty, not enough difficulty.. I can't imagine how much Zen-like patience it must take for the devs to not rant at people on twitter sometimes..

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1 minute ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

to people saying they should have taken longer, you're forgetting that if DE took much longer, they'd have to put up with even more incessant whining about "how long it's taking to fix simple problems". if they have the fixes ready, they need to launch them, sitting on them makes no sense whatsoever.

people are gonna complain regardless: too much change, not enough change, too much grind, not enough grind, too much difficulty, not enough difficulty.. I can't imagine how much Zen-like patience it must take for the devs to not rant at people on twitter sometimes..

Granted if de was to focus on this way before now there would be much less need for a mainline filled with mainly tweaks bug fixes etc. I'm not against the idea of such however longstanding issues and community gripes are different de has had ample time to fix alot and or change alot. Doing so just to get players to come back or to shift something towards the new content your going to push for a few updates then forget about adds on to the problem. A bandaid over an open wound. 

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I think there is not a unique, valid answer to this; it depends on what the update is about. I this particular case, almost all of the 'controversial' changes added in the last update are related to the same topic: balancing. So, no, in this case i think throwing them all together was a good call. If you ask me, implementing those changes separately could have brought more problems.

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These changes were part of one package. I don't really see them nerfing arcanes one week, reworking status the next and a month later adjusting armor scaling. If anything I apreciate the scale of the changes that DE can push out. I really hope they continue the balancing for the betterement of the game even if it causes some short term discomfort to some people who relly too much on the meta.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

to people saying they should have taken longer, you're forgetting that if DE took much longer, they'd have to put up with even more incessant whining about "how long it's taking to fix simple problems". if they have the fixes ready, they need to launch them, sitting on them makes no sense whatsoever.

people are gonna complain regardless: too much change, not enough change, too much grind, not enough grind, too much difficulty, not enough difficulty.. I can't imagine how much Zen-like patience it must take for the devs to not rant at people on twitter sometimes..

What's the point of a feedback thread? Not every post is meta complaining and has its place somewhere in all this. Say like this OP, it's generating a discussion around the shift......Who said it should have taken longer, there isn't a single post in here stating that (Maybe a post saying too much was delivered in a single update?)? If anything most your posts are bloated responses meta complaining about other people.  I get tired of people bashing someone else or claiming dev bashing with feedback in a FEEDBACK forum. 

Yes, there's weighted responses that can lean to the extreme, but the amount of ridicule or security to pillow resistance to feedback gets old and can be just as unhinged and extreme. Especially the example of this thread where nothing has gone particularly hard in that direction so far.

Same with the guys earlier post in here assuming DE will be 'flooded' with this hypothetical bashing. Can people not see the irony of how this bends feedback forums just as sour?

The reason this bothers me is because there's a type of vacuum created on these forums. If anything that gets really old. I could say even more, but I won't.

TLDR sometimes feedback is simply feedback and not a complaint.

Edited by ikkabotz
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