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Should Mastery Rank end at mr30?


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I think yes it should. We should be able to just max it out like a warframe or weapon and at mr30 get somethings exclusive to mr30 only like a special warframe op companion, operator skill or something extraordinary. It too us 7yrs to reach mr30 well it will i should say. Giving us something special and ending it at mr30 would be great we will be able to rest easy for all those yrs of grinding and sufferings also the nerfs both good and bad but bad will always be remembered. 

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I'll be glad to finish, even with nothing unique. There's plenty of wonderful things they could add to the game, none of which have to be isolated to a marginal fraction of completionists.

An emote would be cool, an operator cosmetic, a cool story element. Something crazy like a cycle where the Tenno assume the role of the original Orokin. All cool stuff, but what's important is that they add good content to the game, not that they tie it to MR30.

The last thing I want is a gameplay advantage that further separate new players from veteran players. The positive feedback loop is already extremely strong. 

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26 minutes ago, BahamutKaiser said:

I'll be glad to finish, even with nothing unique. There's plenty of wonderful things they could add to the game, none of which have to be isolated to a marginal fraction of completionists.

An emote would be cool, an operator cosmetic, a cool story element. Something crazy like a cycle where the Tenno assume the role of the original Orokin. All cool stuff, but what's important is that they add good content to the game, not that they tie it to MR30.

The last thing I want is a gameplay advantage that further separate new players from veteran players. The positive feedback loop is already extremely strong. 

The game deserves more good content. Yes. 


But so does mr 30. Imo. To each their own. 


Kitframes when.

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I've always been in the opinion that it should cap at 30, so that there is at least 1 single thing in the game where you can say: "I finished this"

Don't even care much for any rewards to be honest, just want the feeling of finishing something.

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9 hours ago, (PS4)Hikuro-93 said:

Yes. Absolutely. And I hope a good progression rework comes not long after.

This. Mastery itself is really boring, honestly, especially once you've hit high ranks. Mindlessly farming and grinding weapons up to max and then tossing them out the proverbial airlock is not exactly exciting gameplay. I'd love to see the Mastery system actually reflect things like completing bounties, sorties, Arbitrations, invasions, Syndicate missions, etc.


More actual skill and content based rewards than simply watching the numbers after endlessly running ESOs.

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MR doesn't matter after a certain point and is just something to do with excess time and resources: well, I have everything I need after playing for a year, I guess I'll chase after a few weapons and make a pet I don't have for mastery, it's something to do.

There are "completionists" that feel they should acquire every mod and every codex scan and piece of lore and feel anything that adds mastery is an obligation even though it isn't. This is why you had people saying on the release of Steel Path "Well I wasn't gonna do sponge Path it sucks, but since they added mastery now I have to do it great job DE wtf". They created a problem in their own head. 


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15 hours ago, kingowenslim said:

I think yes it should.

Me too. MR rank is pretty meaningless. All it is level frame, weapon patience simulator. Now that I think of it, the MR tests are pointless too and should be an optional teaching mechanism on how to play the game. MR shouldn’t be part of the game at all. Weapons, frames, riven locks should be based on story and level completion. DE should get rid of Master Rank in PvE all together. 

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15 hours ago, kingowenslim said:

I think yes it should. We should be able to just max it out like a warframe or weapon and at mr30 get somethings exclusive to mr30 only like a special warframe op companion, operator skill or something extraordinary. It too us 7yrs to reach mr30 well it will i should say. Giving us something special and ending it at mr30 would be great we will be able to rest easy for all those yrs of grinding and sufferings also the nerfs both good and bad but bad will always be remembered. 

Even if it doesn't, it kinda effectively will, due to the way the mastery point values keeps getting larger and larger each rank. 🤷‍♂️

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On 2020-09-23 at 8:47 PM, Invoky said:

There is another 9 pages thread talking about MR30 and you are making another one.

Can you present a link? I'd like to read that. 

To OP: No, I don't think the Mastery System should end at 30. Or rather I think there should be another system put in place once you reach that point. 

The easiest thing to do would simply be that MR should stop @ 30, but then that means that any new items that come out will be wasted affinity for Gold Masters.

The Mastery system could be extended conceivably to 40, as there are a select few weapons that can reach that level. So MR 31 could act as a booster for all gear of adding in mod capacity. i.e. 31 mod capacity on a Braton Mk-1. 

New systems could be put in place to add to the game post MR 30, like for example they could add in a way as someone sarcastically suggested adding +% stats to items as you progress past MR 30, even though that's going to be a giant power creep. 

What I wouldn't be surprised to see happen, a system post Mastery that is tied with an adult Operator Form and the Duvari Paradox. 

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